The Perfect Destiny
Chapter 66 Table of contents

Translator: StormFrost

Editors: Misogi, TempestDemon

Mysophobic Doctor’s Detective Drama [3]

Before coming, Xu Xiaotu had thought that Chen Liguo only had a cold.

However, when she saw Chen Liguo looking as wan and sallow as he did, she doubted that he only had a cold.

Chen Liguo was wearing pajamas and held a cup of hot water in his hand. Even though he was unwell, he didn’t invite Xu Xiaotu to sit on the sofa, but accompanied her and sat on hard wooden stools.

After Xu Xiaotu took a seat, she pulled a plastic bag out of her bag. The plastic bag was the sort that was specially designed to collect evidence. At this moment, there was a black sock in it.

Seeing this familiar sock, Chen Liguo’s expression wasn’t very good. After swallowing his saliva, he asked lightly, "How did you know that this sock was mine?"

Xu Xiaotu had a slightly embarrassed expression, then took a picture out of her pocket.

Chen Liguo accepted the photo and looked at it, his lips immediately pursed into a straight line.

Evidently, the figure in the picture was Chen Liguo. Moreover, he was in the middle of wearing his shoes. The Chen Liguo in the picture was sitting by his bed with his head bowed to put his socks on. His bare feet that were photographed could be taken with just a glance. His feet were as beautiful as his hands, smooth and round toes, nails as even as shells with a faint touch of pink. They were curled up slightly, making people indescribably want to reach out to touch them.

Chen Liguo: "....."

Xu Xiaotu saw Chen Liguo’s expression becoming more and more unsightly, and all the more embarrassed. She could imagine it, if a picture of her, which was taken unknowingly, showed up at the scene of a murder case, she would feel like laying in the trough, let alone Su Yunzhi who had mysophobia.

Xu Xiaotu gave a dry laugh and said, "This picture...... might have been taken before."

Chen Liguo said, "Before?"

Xu Xiaotu said, "Possibly...... Do you remember when you lost your socks?"

In fact, when Chen Liguo found out, nearly all of his socks and underwear had been lost. The most pitiful thing was that the system did not warn him when his things disappeared and only came out when he found out himself.

Without any other choice, Chen Liguo said, "Can you help me see if there are anymore cameras in my home."

When Xu Xiaotu heard Chen Liguo’s words, she immediately took out a device from her bag—evidently she had already prepared.

Although Chen Liguo didn’t like other people wandering around his home, he didn’t have a choice right now. He watched Xu Xiaotu walk around his home several times but in the end she couldn’t find anything.

Xu Xiaotu showed a puzzled appearance. According to her conjecture, she should have found seven or eight cameras in Chen Liguo’s house no matter how she did it. She hadn’t expected that she wouldn’t find a single one....... It seemed like the sock really had been lost from beforehand.

Xu Xiaotu couldn’t discover any cameras so she went back to the table side.

Chen Liguo took another sip of the water from his cup.

Xu Xiaotu stared at him for a short period of time and suddenly asked, "Doctor Su, did something happen to you?"

Chen Liguo knit his brows, "I’m alright."

Su Yunzhi was lying. Xu Xiaotu immediately made a conjecture. Su Yunzhi’s pajamas were comparatively loose, when he raised his hand, he revealed his white arms. Xu Xiaotu clearly saw many red marks, both large and small. Some were line shaped, others were from excessive rubbing.

Xu Xiaotu was a policewoman, she understood these things very well. Thus, when she saw these marks and linked them to Su Yunzhi’s mysophobia, a terrible scene appeared in her mind.

Could this be the reason for Su Yunzhi’s fever? Xu Xiaotu gripped her cup tightly. According to reason, she should proceed with questioning and see if there were any clues now that she found an inconsistency.

However, faced with the fragile man before her, she felt that it would be somewhat cruel to continue to ask more.

Chen Liguo saw Xu Xiaotu fall silent for such a long time, and after some hesitation, he called out with some uncertainty on his face, "Officer Xu?"

Xu Xiaotu grit her teeth and seemed to have made up her mind. She murmured, "Doctor Su, actually...... those people who died, all have something in common."

Chen Liguo didn’t think that Xu Xiaotu would suddenly bring up the case and asked, "What?"

Xu Xiaotu said, "This is insider information within the police, I hope that you can keep this a secret...... Those who died, were all gay."

Chen Liguo was dumbfounded.

Xu Xiaotu continued and said with difficulty, "And they all...... had HIV."

Chen Liguo’s entire body trembled. He exclaimed, "What?!"

As Xu Xiaotu disclosed the case, she carefully observed Chen Liguo’s expression. She said, "It has been confirmed that it is a group committing the crimes. In just this month’s murder cases, we found many murderers, but are unable to imprison any of them."

Chen Liguo had already guessed the reason why they couldn’t be imprisoned, "They also......."

Xu Xiaotu let out a sigh, "Correct."

Chen Liguo pursed his lips so tightly they turned white. He looked at Xu Xiaotu and managed to force out a smile. Then he said, "Excuse me for a moment."

Xu Xiaotu saw Chen Liguo stagger to the washroom. Then a moment later, the sound of vomiting came from the washroom.

Xu Xiaotu saw Chen Liguo’s reaction and her conjecture was practically completely affirmed. Thinking about what Su Yunzhi had encountered, her heart felt somewhat sad.

The sound of running water came from the washroom. It seemed that Chen Liguo wanted to take a shower. Xu Xiaotu swallowed her saliva and waited patiently.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Liguo came out of the shower.

His revealed hands showed skin that had been rubbed raw, from this one could already make a conjecture about the state of his entire body.

Xu Xiaotu stopped beating around the bush and said, "Doctor Su, may I take the liberty to ask you about your sexual orientation?"

Chen Liguo had a fever, now he had taken a twenty-minute bath and looked like he was about to collapse. He sat across from Xu Xiaotu, his hair still dripping, his pale face made her feel pity when she looked at it.

Some people were born to be loved.

He had just confirmed the issue pertaining to Su Yunzhi’s identity in the washroom with the system. Although Su Yunzhi had a serious case of mysophobia, he still had girlfriends in the past. Though, he broke up with them very soon. Even so, he had absolutely no interest in men.

Xu Xiaotu said, "Then...... You......"

Chen Liguo knew what Xu Xiaotu wanted to ask. He grit his teeth and said, "Do you think that I can still stand at the operating table if I had HIV?"

Xu Xiaotu had forgotten about this matter and was dumbfounded for a period of time.

Chen Liguo said, "I don’t know why they’re targeting me. That group of people...... are simply, are simply perverts."

Xu Xiaotu said keenly, "What did you encounter?"

Chen Liguo lowered his head. He looked down at the glass of water in his hand and said nothing.

Xu Xiaotu said, "Doctor Su, three to four people are dying every month right now, causing panic throughout the entire city. If you can, I hope that you can give me some clues......"

She didn’t know if it was her own misconception, but after she said that, she saw a glimmer of water in Chen Liguo’s eyes, like a wronged child who did nothing wrong, but was still blamed by their parents. When Xu Xiaotu saw this her heart softened. She almost thought that she should drop it and stop pushing him.

How could she know that as soon as she thought this, she heard Chen Liguo say, "En, I met them again."

Xu Xiaotu’s eyes widened.

In a few words, Chen Liguo explained what had happened. His pale face was flushed because of shame. When he finished, he said, "That’s it, there’s nothing else."

Xu Xiaotu gulped. Although Chen Liguo explanation was extremely simple, she could completely imagine what he had gone through. Xu Xiaotu said, "I’m sorry...... I didn’t mean to make you remember that, when did this happen?"

Chen Liguo said wearily, "The day before yesterday."

Xu Xiaotu said, "Th-then do you remember any other particulars? For example, the direction the car went in......"

Indeed, Chen Liguo had made the system remember the route taken, but this spicy chicken system said to him later that the route was too complicated and it hadn’t memorized it——How come it knew what clothes he usually had in his wardrobe then!

Thus Chen Liguo could only shake his head, "I was in the blanket in that time and don’t remember anything." action

Xu Xiaotu felt that it was cruel for her to make Chen Liguo recall these memories, but she had to do it. She said, "Then....... Do you remember the characteristics of the criminal?"

Chen Liguo said, "I didn’t see him. From his voice....... He seems to be a young man."

This could be said to be practically nothing. Xu Xiaotu was disappointed, but she didn’t show it and began to comfort Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo said, "Do you have any clues for your case yet?"

Xu Xiaotu grinned bitterly and shook her head, "This...... I’m not afraid to tell you this upfront, I’m afraid that this case has something to do with people from the top."

No wonder the person who was following Chen Liguo would disappear as soon as she dispatched people.

Chen Liguo said, "Then are you safe?"

Xu Xiaotu said, "I’m a female, they are targeting men. I should be safe."——If she didn’t find core information about them.

Chen Liguo said, "You’ve worked hard."

Xu Xiaotu was used to all kinds and sorts of difficult criminals as well as crafty and rude witnesses and family members. Meeting someone so polite and cooperative like Chen Liguo, she was flattered. She said, "It’s nothing, it’s nothing, it’s the duty of the police to protect the safety of the citizens. Let’s end it here today, have a good rest. I won’t disturb you for any longer."

Chen Liguo said, "En, take care and be safe."

Xu Xiaotu sounded an ’okay’ and went off in a hurry.

Chen Liguo looked at her retreating figure and sighed softly.

It took a week for Chen Liguo to recover completely. During this week, someone would bring a food box to his door every time it was time to eat.

Chen Liguo hung around to observe for a while but only found out that the food box was being delivered by a restaurant that said that someone had placed an order.

Chen Liguo asked the person who that someone was. The man was baffled, "Isn’t it you? Is this phone number not yours?"

Chen Liguo knew that he wouldn’t be able to get anything from him so he told Xu Xiaotu.

After Xu Xiaotu investigated, she said somewhat helplessly, "Their system displays bills from you."

Chen Liguo asked, "Are you unable to check the bank statement?"

Xu Xiaotu sighed, "The bank statement is also from you."

Chen Liguo: "......" He quickly went to check his bank balance and found that there was an additional six figures in it.

Chen Liguo said, "Are you able to check who sent this to me?"

Xu Xiaotu shook her head.

It was a foreign account that sent Chen Liguo the money and currently, the account had already been canceled. There was no thread to follow at all.

Chen Liguo had only eaten the food in the food box once. Later on he didn’t even take them.

The other side didn’t seem to mind if Chen Liguo ate it or not. In any case, if no one took it, a courier would take it away an hour later.

After recovering, Chen Liguo resumed his work in the hospital.

It was just in time for vacation and there were many young nurses who came from universities to do their internships. Chen Liguo was subjected to the fervent gazes of the young girls when he came back.

He got goosebumps from their stares. When he returned to his office, he asked the head nurse, "How come there are so many interns this year?"

The head nurse said, "How would I know, because it’s difficult to get a job?"

Chen Liguo couldn’t do anything else but stay in the office obediently.

However, even if he pretended to be dead in his office, the girls apparently didn’t want to let him slip away and always asked about him. After finding out that he was unmarried and had no girlfriend they became even more enthusiastic.

Chen Liguo was harassed by the young nurses to the point he had a slight headache.

The head nurse instead said with a laugh, "They’re all such beautiful flowers, you really won’t consider it?"

Chen Liguo said, "Flowers are too delicate, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to care of them."

The head nurse said, "All right." She was thirty eight this year and had a seven-year-old daughter. She usually took care of Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo seemed to remember something and asked, "How come I haven’t seen your husband pick you up recently?"

The head nurse was just in the middle of putting the files in order. When she heard this, her actions paused. She laughed, "He’s been busy recently and doesn’t have the time to pick me up every day."

Chen Liguo issued an ’oh’ and didn’t think much about it.

On the second day of his return to the hospital, Chen Liguo stood at the operation table. There was a major operation today and if there were no accidents he would need to work the entire day.

Chen Liguo had his system, this golden-finger, and didn’t have to worry about making mistakes at all, so he began to put on things in his mind again.

However, this time Chen Liguo didn’t choose SpongeBob, but a detective drama instead.

The first thing he watched was the Kindaichi Case Files. Chen Liguo watched and watched and couldn’t stand it anymore. He said, "So frightening ah, I have goosebumps."

The system was expressionless, "The murderer is that red-haired woman."

Chen Liguo: "....."

The system said, "It was because of love."

Chen Liguo fell into a trance and once again returned to that moment when the system had spoiled him. But at that time, it had spoiled his soap opera and the show it was spoiling right now was a detective drama——the destructive power from the two different types of spoilers were obviously different.

Chen Liguo was angry. He said, "If you can do that then why can’t you spoil the murderer for this world huh?"

System: "......"

Chen Liguo said, "And spoil how I fall dead at the operation table."

System: "......"

Without the system’s harassment, Chen Liguo satisfactorily watched an entire day’s worth of dramas.

When Chen Liguo stepped away from the operation table in the afternoon his legs had turned completely soft. He removed his mask, his face was covered with sweat and his inner clothes were completely soaked.

When the assistant near him saw this they asked in astonishment, "Doctor Su are you alright?"

Chen Liguo nodded and said, "I’m fine."

He quickly changed his clothes before going out to ask for a bottle of glucose to replenish his strength.

While he drank his glucose, he looked at the medical records carelessly. Chen Liguo said, "What do you think that murderer is plotting in the end ah."

The system said how would it know.

Chen Liguo connected the dots with what Xu Xiaotu had said and suddenly thought of a terrible connection. His entire body trembled, "It can’t be that the murderer was infected with HIV and wants to retaliate against society can it?"

The system was stunned, "Ah?"

Chen Liguo said, "I was f*cking touched by them like that, could it be that I’m also in danger?!" There was cold sweat on the tip of Chen Liguo’s nose at the thought of this.

The system said with hesitation, "It can’t be right......"

Chen Liguo grit his teeth and said, "I have to go and check it." And shouldn’t take on any operations for now.

However, what was troubling was that the medical circle wasn’t very big and if Chen Liguo checked for anything related to HIV in this city, then it was estimated that the people around him would know about it in less than a day.

So he could only think about taking leave and go to the next city to check it.

HIV had a three-month window period. Even if he had gotten infected during this period of time it wouldn’t be able to be verified. The more Chen Liguo thought the more panicked he became. He said, "Tong-er, I’m so panicked."

The system said angrily, "’Panicked’ my ass, haven’t I given you a golden finger!"

Chen Liguo said, "What golden finger?"

The system said, "Aren’t you able to see bacteria?"

Chen Liguo wittily pointed out the system’s error. He said, "Bacteria and viruses are different."

The system said coldly, "They’re the same now."

Chen Liguo: "......" Okay, the system is becoming more and more like an overbearing president.

In any case the system was a high-tech product. If it said that he could see it then he could see it. Chen Liguo first went to several patients to test it and found that he really could see the viruses.

For example, when a patient infected with a virus spoke, a virus of the same color would overflow from their mouth. Moreover, the virus looked exactly the same as the model of it——merely it was tenfold larger.

Chen Liguo’s scalp turned numb when he saw it, his body extremely uncomfortable all over.

Then Chen Liguo checked himself in comparison and found that he was not infected with anything that he shouldn’t be and could finally let out a sigh of relief.

Chen Liguo really hated that criminal now. His identity was clearly an innocent passerby who should watch the entire terrible case from the side but now he had inexplicably become a participant. Not only that, it also seemed like he could become cannon fodder at any moment.

At the start of this month, there was another homicide. The panic of the people and the pressure on the police had both reached its peak.

At this moment, a lot of information about the deceased began to pop up on the internet.

For an entire half a year, there were an average of three deaths every month and information about more than a dozen of victims were posted on the internet.

It could be seen that the person who sent out this information was very well prepared and everything about the deceased before they died was exposed to the public.

At first, the people who saw this information were angry and thought that it was humiliating the dead. But after they saw what the dead had done during their lifetimes the people began to applaud the murderers.

The things that Xu Xiaotu had told Chen Liguo previously was now confirmed. All the deceased were homosexuals. After they found out that they were infected with HIV they continued to have s*x with other people.

One of them even infected their wife and children.

Chen Liguo felt his blood run cold when he saw this information.

The emotions of the netizens were prone to stir up and in but a few hours, the voices of sympathy on the internet were completely drowned out as the sound of scolding hid the sky and covered the earth.

Chen Liguo looked at the webpage for a while then shut it off. He gave a hollow laugh and said, "Tong-er ah, I have a very terrible thought."

The system asked, "Hrm?"

Chen Liguo tilted his keyboard and said, "Say, if that group of people wanted to kill someone, do you think that it would be that person whose mouth wasn’t clear when he spoke?"

The system said, "...... You have a lot of ideas. It seems like you can live to the fifteenth episode."

However, Chen Liguo couldn’t really laugh.

Chen Liguo’s conjecture was soon confirmed. The day after the information was exposed, a young man died at the hands of the murderer.

After he was killed, he not only didn’t get any sympathy but instead aroused the people’s frigid irony and scorching satire.

"Ah, they must have lived a life of misconduct that they were killed."

"They definitely got HIV and still had promiscuous intercourse, they deserved to die."

"This kind of person is a pest of society. If the law can’t reach them, then let others punish them."

Chen Liguo decided to not go online for the next few days.

Society was abuzz about this matter and it was being discussed everywhere in the hospital.

When the head nurse saw the news she laughed, "These people really deserve it."

Chen Liguo was stunned. He said with hesitation, "You think like this too?" He had always thought that the head nurse would be in the moderate faction.

The head nurse said, "Yeah, does this not yet count as getting what one deserves? If everyone was self-respecting like doctor Su then there wouldn’t have been so many tragedies."

Chen Liguo forced a smile, "It’s not necessarily a good thing for everyone to be like me."

However, the head nurse shook her head and said very seriously. "Not so, Doctor Su is the cleanest, cleanest person I have ever seen."

Chen Liguo unexpectedly got a chill down his spine from her praise.

He said, "Well...... Is that so."

The head nurse nodded and said, "Yes."

Chen Liguo pursed his lips and didn’t utter a word.

The matter of the victim’s information being exposed online brought a great pressure upon the police. In particular, the calls of question from the victim’s family members made Xu Xiaotu’s days more and more difficult.

Subjectively, Chen Liguo was very wiling to help Xu Xiaotu.

However, he was powerless to defend himself in his world and it wasn’t easy even with the system’s golden finger.

The third day after the information exposure, that masked pervert came to find Chen Liguo again. When Chen Liguo opened his door and saw the pervert sitting on the living room sofa, his first reaction was to turn around and run.

Of course, that pervert did not let Chen Liguo get far. Two men who stood beside the door directly dragged Chen Liguo back. One man restrained his actions and the other covered his mouth with a handkerchief, preventing him from calling out for help.

"Long time no see." The pervert was wearing a black suit and his dark eyes were exposed from the other side of the mask.

Chen Liguo let out muffled cries and constantly struggled.

The pervert said, "If you continue to twist and turn I’ll f*ck you here."

Chen Liguo: "......." He froze instantly, not dare to move a single inch.

The pervert was satisfied with Chen Liguo’s cleverness. He reached out and caressed Chen Liguo’s cheek. He laughed, "I came here to apologize to you."

Chen Liguo avoided the pervert’s hand. His mouth was released and gasped with difficulty, "Go away, don’t hurt me."

The pervert said, "En, I hope you will forgive me."

Chen Liguo gnashed his teeth in anger, "Forgive you for what?! Forgive you for kidnapping me?"

The pervert’s tone was innocent, "I didn’t do anything wrong about this matter, why do I need you to forgive me?"

Chen Liguo: "......"

The pervert said, "It’s just that a few people under me weren’t obedient and stole your pictures and things."

Chen Liguo immediately remembered the evidence that had appeared at the scene of the murder and said, "What on earth do you want to do?"

The pervert said lightly, "I’ve never wanted to do anything."

Chen Liguo didn’t believe this at all. He grit his teeth and said, "Then can you scram?"

The pervert said, "You haven’t seen me for so long, surely it can’t be that you didn’t miss me?" His fingers lightly touched Chen Liguo’s lips, reminding him about what had happened that night.

His complexion instantly turned pale. Then he forced himself to calm down, "Stop!"

However, the pervert said, "I’m just like you and like white things. En, to be exact, the cleaner and more beautiful the more I like it."

Chen Liguo gasped for breath lowly.

The pervert continued, "You’re very clean, I like you a lot."

Chen Liguo said, "Were all those people killed by you?"

He had thought that the pervert would admit it frankly, but he shook his head and said, "I wouldn’t kill them, it’s too dirty."

Chen Liguo said, "Then who’s the one pulling the strings behind the scenes?" There must be a sponsor for that organization.

The pervert laughed, "You want to know?"

Chen Liguo really wanted to nod and said, ’yeah yeah, please tell me quickly. Tell me so I can take advantage of the fact that I haven’t been killed yet and hurry away’. But he still had to say uprightly, "No."

The pervert said, "Oh, alright then."

Chen Liguo: "......" So you’re just not going to say it? Big brother why won’t you play the card according to the routine?

It might be that Chen Liguo’s small eyes were too eager and made even the pervert amused. He said, "It’s fine if you want to know, but you have to trade something for it."

With tears in his heard, Chen Liguo thought, ’Daye, I can only give you this pure body and flesh to pay you.’

How could he have known that the pervert would say, "I want your white and black underwear."

Chen Liguo: "......" That was his second favorite pair!! Extremely comfortable!! And also 100% cotton!!! Damned pervert!!!

The pervert said, "Deal or no deal?"

Chen Liguo: "......." Alas, unexpectedly a little reluctant.

The pervert looked on satisfactorily as Chen Liguo’s entire face turned red from shame. He patiently asked again and then finally, saw Chen Liguo nod his head with difficulty.

The pervert said, "Bring it over yourself."

The two men who had been restraining Chen Liguo let him go. He had humiliation and anger written across his face but he was powerless to resist and could only go to the wardrobe in his bedroom and pull open his cabinet unwillingly.

The cabinet was lined with neatly arranged underwear.

Chen Liguo grit his teeth and stood in front of it but did not move.

The pervert stood behind him and urged, "Hurry up ah."

Chen Liguo’s ears were completely red. He reached out with his trembling hand and then took his underwear out.

The pervert said, "Give it to me." Even Chen Liguo could hear the implicit excitement in his voice.

Chen Liguo turned around, his head facing down. He said with clenched teeth, "You will tell me who the murderer is right?"

The pervert said, "Of course."

Chen Liguo’s hand shook as he handed the thing to the pervert.

The pervert didn’t take it immediately, but appreciated Chen Liguo’s embarrassment for a moment. Only when Chen Liguo was unable to bear it and was about to blow up, did he reach out and pick up the underwear then kiss it.

Although there was a mask, Chen Liguo still felt humiliated. He gnashed his teeth in anger and cursed ’pervert’.

The pervert shrugged his shoulders and didn’t seem like he cared about this label. He said, "I’ll tell you, one of them is Liu Mingtai."

"Who?" Chen Liguo looked confused.

The pervert was delighted by Chen Liguo’s blank expression and said, "You don’t need to know who it is, just tell that policewoman who you made friends with."

Chen Liguo said, "Then what about the others?" He didn’t ignore the fact that the pervert had said that this was one of them.

The pervert said, "The other people? I don’t want to tell you today."

Chen Liguo pursed his lips.

The pervert said, "When I have something else I want, I’ll trade with you again."

Chen Liguo said, "You....." His entire face turned red.

The pervert laughed lowly, "So cute."

Chen Liguo seemed very furious, but even if he was angry, he was unable to shake up the person before him the least bit.

Without waiting for Chen Liguo to react, the bodyguard-like people standing next to Chen Liguo retained him again and blindfolded him.

A pair of hands clutched Chen Liguo’s chin, then tepid lips pressed onto his.

This kiss was very gentle, but when his tongue reached into his mouth, Chen Liguo couldn’t help but want to retch. He gave muffled protests but that man remained unmoving. It wasn’t until Chen Liguo’s struggles gradually weakened that he finally stopped.

Chen Liguo’s body went soft and was unable to utter a word. The man brought him into his embrace and wantonly rubbed and kneaded his waist.

"En, really hard to restrain myself." The man said, "But it’ll be worth the wait."

Chen Liguo said, "Just what on earth do you want from me?!" Kill him? It should be a very simple thing for the person before him, but he seemed like he was teasing a house pet, looking at Chen Liguo’s panic and helplessness.

The man said, "I want to obtain your everything."

The pit of Chen Liguo’s stomach trembled and he almost blurted out: ’That’s the reason why you installed a camera in my toilet?’

"Enough, that’ll be all for today." The man saw that the stimulation Chen Liguo received wasn’t light and knew that there were some things that he shouldn’t press Chen Liguo too hard for. He said, "Baby, have a good rest."

Then the two men who were restraining Chen Liguo released him and left with the masked man.

After Chen Liguo saw them leave, the first thing he did was take a bath. Then he very contentiously and very meticulously cleaned the house, cursing abuses as he mopped the floor, "Are villains these days unable to have any basic qualities? Not even taking off their shoes when they come into the house ah? My home’s floor is so white, just what has it been stepped into by them!"

System: "..... The main point is this?"

Chen Liguo said, "If not then what is it?"

System: "Shouldn’t you go tell Xu Xiaotu that name first?"

Chen Liguo: "......" His mopping action froze and he said somewhat guiltily, "What was he called...... Liu, Liu.....??

System: "....." Chen Liguo, a person like you wanting to live past two episodes is too much.

Although Chen Liguo didn’t remember, the system remembered thankfully and gnashed its teeth in anger as it told Chen Liguo it was Liu Mingtai.

Chen Liguo sounded an ’oh’ and hurried to make a phone call, afraid that he would forget again later.

Xu Xiaotu didn’t think that she would receive a call form Chen Liguo . She was somewhat overwhelmed by the unexpected favor and shocked. She asked, "Doctor Su, is there something wrong?"

Chen Liguo said, "Someone came to my home just now."

As soon as Xu Xiaotu heard this she asked vigilantly, "What’s the situation? Doctor Su you’re not injured are you?"

Chen Liguo said, "No, they...... He told me a name."

Xu XIaotu said, "En?"

Chen Liguo said, "He said that Liu Mingtai is the murderer."

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment and not even the sound of breathing could be heard. Chen Liguo called ’wei wei’ a lot of times and just when he thought that Xu Xiaotu had hung up he heard her say with difficulty, "You, can you repeat it? What’s the name of the murderer?"

Chen Liguo said, "Liu Mingtai."

Xu Xiaotu: "......"

Chen Liguo asked with uncertainty, "What? Who is this person?"

Xu Xiaotu said, "This matter, only tell me. Please, you absolutely must not tell anyone else about it."

Chen Liguo asked, "Are they very strong?"

Xu Xiaotu murmured in frustration, "Police officer at the top."

Chen Liguo issued an ’oh’ not quite surprised.

Xu Xiaotu said, "I will watch closely........ Doctor Su, you must pay attention to your own safety. Call me if something happens."

Chen Liguo nodded his head and agreed. He remembered that in the original world, soon after Xu Xiaotu found out that the case was related to the upper echelons of the police station she died unexpectedly.

This time he had warned her earlier, would the results change?

Chen Liguo pondered over it and then heard Xu Xiaotu say, "This matter isn’t simple. Doctor Su, don’t join in."

Chen Liguo agreed.

Xu Xiaotu said again with hesitation, "Might I venture to ask, why did that person inform Doctor Su?"

Chen Liguo: "......" How could I have the nerve to tell you that I exchanged my underwear for it.

Xu Xiaotu saw that Chen Liguo wasn’t talking and knew that he wouldn’t answer. She laughed bitterly and asked, "Then does Doctor Su know that man’s identity?"

Chen Liguo said, "I don’t know."

Xu Xiaotu said, "En, since it’s like this I won’t continue making things difficult for Doctor Su. You must pay attention to your safety during this time!"

Chen Liguo said, "Okay." Xu Xiaotao repeatedly reiterated that he needed to pay attention to his safety. Could it be that she had obtained some information and that the organization was going to move out again? But...... according to that group’s criteria for choosing targets, it shouldn’t be him next ah.

However, being a bit more careful can’t go wrong.

The Author Has Something To Say:

This world shouldn’t be very long (Rubs chin, who said it’s over, I still have a million words to write (No, writing quick transmigration makes me so happy ah, so many different ways to take flight~

Thanking the following darlings for the mines, grenades, and rockets. =3= Love you all lalalala

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