The Perfect Destiny
Chapter 74 Table of contents

Translator: StormFrost

Editor: Misogi

I won’t be an elder brother for many years [3]

In the world’s original trajectory, perhaps the matter of Shen Yucheng beating Yi Huai up was insignificant in his view. After all, according to Shen Yucheng’s temperament, not killing Yi Huai was already showing mercy on behalf of Shen Youling’s face.

However, Shen Yucheng did not anticipate that because of this one beating, Yi Huai’s life changed completely. Chen Liguo only knew a bit of the specific situation from Shen Youling’s point of view, but after Yi Huai was beaten up his mother was very anxious and wanted to visit him in the hospital. However, as she left the house in a panic, she had a car accident and was unable to be rescued.

This debt was then placed on Shen Yucheng’s head.

After the accident where Yi Huai broke his leg, Chen Liguo arranged for people to send and pick him up from school. At first, Yi Huai wasn’t used to it but Chen Liguo said, "In the future, you will do big things with me. These petty favored can be returned to me slowly when the time comes."

After hearing this, Yi Huai no longer resisted.

Shen Youling didn’t know about the deal between Chen Liguo and Yi Huai. She only knew that Yi Huai’s injury was her fault and was therefore too embarrassed to continue bothering him while his leg was still broken.

Contrary to what one might have expected, Chen Liguo said to her, "When did our family’s little princess have such a thin face?"

Shen Youling pouted and harrumphed, "Hate Daddy."

Chen Liguo rubbed her head, "Be a bit bolder. If you want something, then chase it."

In fact, according to the data, Yi Huai’s character could be counted as fairly good. Walking upon that path was purely due to life. Chen Liguo didn’t plan on having another child but also couldn’t bear to let the pampered since young Shen Youling suffer hardship and walk upon the same path as he did. Thus he wanted to cultivate the person Shen Youling liked so he didn’t need to worry about the rest of Shen Youling’s life after he left.

Shen Youling didn’t know what Chen Liguo was thinking and asked, "Would he hate me?"

Chen Liguo said, "If you do something wrong but don’t apologize properly, then you will bound to be hated."

Shen Youling asked, "Then what should I do?"

Chen Liguo said, "Then you should treat him better, I suppose."

She couldn’t fully understand what he meant.

After summer vacation, Shen Youling and Yi Huai became third years.

Chen Liguo asked the two of them which high school they wanted to go to.

Yi Huai’s response was school A, the best one in the city. The only fly in the ointment was that it had closed management and students could only return home once a week.

Shen Youling was even more straightforward, saying whichever one Yi Huai was going to was the one she was going to.

How could Chen Liguo be willing to let his family’s little princess go to a closed school? However, he didn’t plan on telling Shen Youling that he didn’t agree. Everything would be easy to deal with once the exam results came out.

This year had been calm and tranquil for Chen Liguo and there were hardly any big twists and turns within the Shen family.

However, after Chen Liguo and Yi Huai reached an agreement, he would take out a day once a month to meet Yi Huai and ask him about his thoughts.

When Yi Huai said that he didn’t want to go to university, Chen Liguo was very surprised. He asked, "Why?"

"I want to work at your side earlier." Yi Huai’s answer was very frank. He said, "It seems a little too long to finish university."

Chen Liguo laughed, "You can study and work by my side at the same time, it doesn’t matter."

Yi Huai was still somewhat hesitant.

"Right now, I don’t need people that will fight and kill for me anymore." Chen Liguo said, "What I need are smarter people who are more suitable for managing others."

Yi Huai finally agreed to Chen Liguo’s idea.

Although Shen Youling was usually capricious, she still had a clear distinction on major events. She studied very seriously during her third year of junior high and had very little time to stick to Yi Huai.

Thus Chen Liguo loved his little princess more.

After the third year exams were finished, Chen Liguo had planned to take the two children out for a trip. Unexpectedly, a very bad thing happened in Yi Huai’s family——His mother had passed away. The cause of her death was still a car accident.

Chen Liguo had been in the middle of talking to people about matters when he learned of this. He listened to the recount over the phone and his expression turned grave instantly. He said to the person opposite to him, "Excuse me, something has happened in my family, let us end things here for today."

That person was tactful and said with a smile, "Alright, let’s talk again another day."

Then Chen Liguo directly went to the hospital.

When he arrived there, he found Yi Huai crying on the ground in the mortuary.

It seemed like it was only at this time that Yi Huai showed the softness and fragility of a child. He cried, "Mom, Mom, wake up...... look at me again, Mom....."

Chen Liguo walked over, took him into his arms and patted him on the shoulder to soothe him, "Good boy, it’s all right."

Yi Huai clutched Chen Liguo as if he was grabbing at his last straw. His tears soaked Chen Liguo’s shoulder, unable to say a single word.

"It’s all right, be good." Chen Liguo said, "If you feel bad then cry, uncle is here."

Yi Huai cried loudly, falling apart. The only family member in his life left him in such an abrupt way.

The driver who had hit Yi Huai’s mother had been driving under the influence of alcohol. The circumstances were very bad and he had already been arrested by the police. However, even if he was sentenced heavily, Yi Huai’s mother would not come back.

The air in the mortuary was very cold. Chen Liguo didn’t know how long Yi Huai had cried for. In any case, Yi Huai’s voice only softened when his entire body became stiff.

Chen Liguo saw his eyes close slowly, seeming like he had exhausted all his strength and then fell asleep.

With a light sigh in his heart, Chen Liguo carried Yi Huai out. After exiting the mortuary, he found out that they had been inside for more than ten hours.

"Notify the little miss." Chen Liguo kneaded the corners of his eyes, "Tell her to come quickly."

"Yes." The subordinate answered.

When Shen Youling arrived, Yi Huai had already fallen asleep on the hospital bed.

Chen Liguo sat on a chair in the corridor. Seeing the covered in sweat Shen Youling, he passed over a paper towel.

Shen Youling randomly wiped a few times, asking impatiently, "Daddy, how is Yi Huai?"

"All right." Chen Liguo said, "Stay here and accompany him."

"Okay." Shen Youling nodded, her expression a little uneasy. "Why did something like this happen so suddenly?"

"Youling." Chen Liguo said, "Calm down a bit. Accidents like this, no one can expect them."

Shen Youling hugged Chen Liguo’s arm.

"Just like me." Chen Liguo rubbed her head. "If I am unable to protect you anymore one day, you need to be a bit stronger. Do you understand?" Their line of work was simply licking blood off the edge of the knife. A single careless mistake would lead to falling off the cliff.

Shen Youling shook her head and said, "Nothing will happen to Daddy, don’t talk like this!"

Chen Liguo said, "En, Yi Huai seems to have woken up, you go in and take a look."

Shen Youling nodded and said okay.

This summer vacation, although the two of them did very well on their high school entrance exams, they were doomed to pass it very depressingly.

The funeral was handled by Chen Liguo. In a short ten days, Yi Huai had thinned down significantly and carried his mother’s urn as he walked in the front.

After the burial, Chen Liguo did not disturb him and gave him some time to be alone with his mother.

After the funeral, Chen Liguo asked him, "Yi Huai, do you want to be my foster son?"

The identity of Shen Yucheng’s foster son, if placed in the underworld, then perhaps countless people would rush like ducks.

But in the end, Yi Huai refused Chen Liguo’s proposal. He said, "Master Shen, I just want to follow you to work." But I don’t want to be your child.

Chen Liguo saw this and did not insist. However, he still brought him back to the Shen residence. The place that Yi Huai and his mother lived in was only a rental house. Since his mother had passed, letting Yi Huai live there alone was too sad.

Moreover, Chen Liguo wanted to raise up Yi Huai at his side——he was afraid that this child would grow askew when he wasn’t watching.

After that, Shen Youling and Yi Huai both filled in their desired High School.

Shen Youling still insisted on her choice and went to the closed school, A School, with Yi Huai. Chen Liguo considered how Yi Huai had just lost his mother, so he didn’t force Shen Youling and let her have her way.

However, Chen Liguo made it clear that Shen Youling had to go home once every week and not skip classes. If he found that she skipped classes, then she could not go to this school anymore.

Although Shen Youling was unwilling to be managed so closely, she could see that Chen Liguo was not joking when saying these things and could only unhappily agree.

In contrast, Yi Huai was expressionless the entire time——ever since his mother passed away, the number of expressions this child made had decreased so much it was frightening.

"Yi Huai." Chen Liguo said to him, "Watch over Youling a bit more at school. She’s been spoiled by me too much and I fear that something will happen if I’m not there."

Yi Huai said yes.

There were only about ten days left of summer vacation. Chen Liguo asked them how they planned on spending it.

Shen Youling said she wanted to go abroad to play.

But Yi Huai said, "I want to learn by Mister Shen’s side."

Thus things were settled like this. Chen Liguo arranged for people to bring Shen Youling to Country V. The day before she left, Shen Youling was still telling Yi Huai to go with her.

Yi Huai said, "Go on and have a good time. Don’t think about me."

Shen Youling saw that she couldn’t persuade him and could only say, "Okay then, Yi Huai, I’ll bring a gift back for you."

"En." Yi Huai nodded, "Go ahead."

Chen Liguo didn’t waste time either and began to take Yi Huai to make contact with the most basic things. For example guns, fighting skills, and some necessary survival training."

Yi Huai studied very earnestly like he was trying to forget those bad memories by learning. He often got up before 5 o’clock and went to bed at 12 o’clock in the evening.

Chen Liguo didn’t advise him either but told the cook at home to make some tonic soup to prevent the nourishment of Yi Huai’s body from being unable to keep up.

Some people were born to do work in this like of work. Yi Huai was evidently such a person.

The things that Chen Liguo taught him, as long as he learned it, he would very quickly master it. His shooting performance was also improving rapidly and Chen Liguo couldn’t help but clap his hands to applaud him.

At the end of training one day, Chen Liguo asked him, "If you hadn’t met me, what would you have done when you grew up?"

Yi Huai was somewhat confused. He looked at Chen Liguo and thought about it. He showed a somewhat bashful smile and said, "I...... I probably would have been a painter."

It was a very surprising answer. The Yi Huai before his eyes couldn’t be related to a painter at all.

"But things are pretty good now." Yi Huai slowly wiped his gun, his action extremely gentle. He said, "Meeting mister Shen really was a good thing."

Chen Liguo’s heart was comforted. When he went back at night, he said to the system, "It turns out that raising children is such a happy thing."

The system said, "It’s not as though you’ve never raised any." action

Chen Liguo said grudgingly, "That Chen Xi ate hormones quickly and grew up before I even got a taste." Chen Xi became an adult in just one year and didn’t go through puberty and the rebellious stage at all.

At the mention of Chen Xi, the system remembered that nightmarish month where it was completely covered by mosaics and couldn’t help but sigh——fortunately it was a lot more resourceful in this world.

Shen Youling returned from abroad and brought many gifts for Chen Liguo and Yi Huai.

Chen Liguo laughed, "Did you have fun?"

"Had fun." Shen Youling sat on the sofa and swung her legs, "Where’s Yi Huai?"

Chen Liguo said, "He seems to be upstairs."

"Yi Huai, Yi Huai!" She called Yi Huai’s name from downstairs and after a while, saw him come down.

She looked at Yi Huai and cocked her head, "Ai? How come it seems like Yi Huai grew taller?"

"Is that so?" Chen Liguo saw him every day and didn’t feel so.

"Yeah." Shen Youling ran to Yi Huai and stretched out her hand to her head, comparing the difference between their heights. "He really has gotten taller! And stronger!" It had only been a dozen days, how come he changed so much?

Yi Huai smiled, "Ate more."

Shen Youling said, "How come you grew so quick, you won’t surpass Dad will you?"

Yi Huai smiled bashfully, not speaking.

Facts proved that Shen Youling’s worries were necessary.

For once high school began, Yi Huai began to grow crazily. In his junior high, he was only one or two centimeters taller than Shen Youling. As a result, by the end of his first year of high school, he was almost as tall as Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo stared. "This child also ate hormones ah."

System: "Is that not good?"

Chen Liguo said, "How did he grow so fast?" Shen Yucheng was a meter and eighty-one centimeters tall. Presently, Yi Huai could look at him without any hindrances when he stood in front of him.

The system said how would it know.

Chen Liguo trembled and felt like he was a wave that had died upon the sandy beach.

For their entire first year of high school, Shen Youling and Yi Huai returned home on time every week.

Shen Youling was somewhat unaccustomed to a closed school but after grumbling for a month before school began, she got used to it in the end. Yi Huai was still rather silent, his body developed very quickly. His Adam’s apple and beard changed as puberty began to reflect itself in his body one by one.

However, what Chen Liguo hadn’t expected at all was that after the first year of high school, there was a serious conflict of opinions between the two children.

In fact, rather than calling it a conflict, it was more a one-sided issue with Shen Youling——She found another boyfriend.

Chen Liguo wasn’t sure if he should use the word ’another’ either because even though Shen Youling had always liked Yi Huai, he never responded and had a cold attitude towards her. It was evident that he hadn’t refused her because of her identity.

However, even though things were like this, Chen Liguo had still believed that the two children would be together. Thus, when the teacher called him and said that Shen Youling had fallen into a puppy love, he hadn’t thought much about it——Until he found out that the target of this puppy love wasn’t Yi Huai.

When Chen Liguo saw Shen Youling’s boyfriend, his brain almost exploded. When he looked at the picture of the rogue with a head full of colors, his first reaction was: Daughter, how come your aesthetic became so bad?

Chen Liguo had a headache again.

The little brother who had brought the picture suggested with fear and trepidation, "Boss Shen, this person seems to be a part of Dongziguan. If not...... give them a warning?"

Chen Liguo did not speak and used his hand to support his chin. After a moment, he said, "Send a few people over."

The little brother said, "Yes yes."

Chen Liguo said, "Rob Shen Youling’s bag in front of him."

The little brother was dumbfounded, "Ah?"

Chen Liguo said, "Don’t hurt the miss."

Little brother: "Y-yes boss." He had thought that the boss was sending people to beat him up. Who would have thought that the person he was going to teach a lesson was the little miss?

Chen Liguo tore up the picture and threw it into the trash with a cold expression.

Thus, this weekend, Shen Youling came home with swollen eyes.

Chen Liguo hurriedly went to console his little princess, asking what’s wrong, what’s wrong, darling, how come you cried?

Shen Youling gnashed her teeth and said that she was fine.

Chen Liguo said, "Youling, if there’s anything making you unhappy you must tell Dad." Let Dad be happy-happy.

Shen Youling said, "Humph, I hate people who lie to me the most." When she had been robbed, that so-called boyfriend didn’t dare do a damn thing and didn’t even have as much guts as her!

Chen Liguo asked, "Who lied to you?"

Obviously Shen Youling didn’t dare say it directly so she randomly found a vague excuse.

Chen Liguo didn’t continue to inquire closely and gave Shen Youling some face.

After the second year of high school began, Shen Youling and Yi Huai actually always returned home separately. Chen Liguo asked them if something had happened, but the two persisted in saying that nothing was wrong and it was just that the timing was bad.

Chen Liguo had no choice but to leave the two alone.

Just as Shen Youling went upstairs, Yi Huai returned home.

Chen Liguo was smoking on the balcony when he came home. When he caught sight of him, he called out, "Xiao Huai."

"Mister." At this time, Yi Huai was taller than Chen Liguo and the unripe youthfulness of his face was gradually fading and changing into the mature man.

"Next Wednesday is your eighteenth birthday. How do you want to spend it?" Chen Liguo put out his cigarette and asked softly.

"It’s nothing to celebrate." Yi Huai hung his eyes.

Chen Liguo sighed and asked, "What’s wrong? Why are you unhappy?"

Yi Huai said, "It’s nothing."

Chen Liguo walked over. He originally intended on patting Yi Huai’s head, but found that Yi Huai was taller than him. Without a better choice, he could only pat his shoulder and say, "Yi Huai, consider this place as your own home, alright?"

Yi Huai looked at Chen Liguo, his look profound as he nodded slowly.

Chen Liguo asked Yi Huai a few questions about Shen Youling again. He didn’t know what in the world had happened between these two. Their relationship had been very good before but after starting year two, they became so rigid.

However, in the end, Yi Huai was smarter than Shen Youling. Whatever thing Chen Liguo asked was whatever thing he would answer.

At night, Chen Liguo and Yi Huai ate dinner together. Who knew where Shen Youling went wild at again.

After dinner, Chen Liguo asked Yi Huai if he wanted to play at the shooting range and said person readily complied.

Yi Huai’s shooting skills were taught by Chen Liguo hand by hand. At first, he would stand behind him and support Yi Huai’s hand as he helped him correct his posture.

Yi Huai’s talent in this field was astonishing. Only, his shooting posture was never quite up to standard. Chen Liguo tried correcting it for two years but was never able to fully succeed.

Today was no exception. Chen Liguo patted Yi Huai’s hand, saying, "How come it’s crooked again."

Yi Huai asked, "Is it crooked?"

Chen Liguo held his arms and patted him on the back, saying, "It’s like this. Remember it."

Yi Huai hummed in response. In the end, not two shots later his posture returned to how it originally was.

Chen Liguo had no alternative but to correct him once more.

However, what made him feel astonished was that even though his shooting posture was incorrect, Yi Huai’s accuracy was terrifying and the number of misses he made could be counted with one hand.

After training for a while, he removed his earplugs and walked over to Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo asked him, "Not shooting anymore?"

Yi Huai shook his head and said, "I want to practice with mister."

Chen Liguo said, "Okay."

Yi Huai had always been learning how to fight and took at least half a day’s of class every week. Usually, he trained according to the fitness plan tailor-made for him but even though Yi Huai’s physical fitness was good, his experience was rather lacking. Thus, he almost never won when he practiced with Chen Liguo in the past two years.

Seeing that Yi Huai’s mood wasn’t good, Chen Liguo purposefully threw the game but to his surprise, he just showed a slight opening and was grabbed by Yi Huai. Then, he was firmly pressed down onto the floor.

The clothes that Chen Liguo wore were somewhat messy because of their fight and their skin came into contact, almost as if it was flesh on flesh. Yi Huai twisted Chen Liguo’s hands, forcing Chen Liguo’s upper body to press onto the ground firmly. His eyes swept over Chen Liguo’s thin white waist that was exposed outside of his clothes and his Adam’s apple bobbed slightly.

The two were too close. Chen Liguo wasn’t too accustomed to it and breathed, "Xiao Huai is getting more and more powerful."

Yi Huai slowly bent his legs and pressed it against Chen Liguo’s tailbone.

"En....." Chen Liguo sensed Yi Huai’s heavy breaths beat again his neck. He was gay and would get a reaction from having such contact with men, so he wanted to tell Yi Huai to get up quickly. He said, "Xiao Huai, let me go okay."

Who would have imagined that Yi Huai would simply not relinquish his hold and instead, rested his forehead against Chen Liguo’s back. He said, "Mister, I feel bad."

Chen Liguo’s heart softened and he immediately overlooked his own awkward situation, asking, "What’s wrong?"

Yi Huai pursed his lips and watched Chen Liguo’s sweat form into drops on his both fair and soft neck, and actually wanted to stretch out his tongue and softly lick it.

But in the end, he restrained himself and slowly let go of Chen Liguo.

"Yi Huai?" Chen Liguo gasped for air lowly and turned over his body to look at Yi Huai who sat to the side. He asked, "Do you like Youling?"

Yi Huai’s action of tidying his clothes froze for a moment, then he shook his head with hesitation.

Chen Liguo sighed, "......All right."

Yi Huai could tell that Chen Liguo wanted him to be with Shen Youling. However, he had never thought that he and Shen Youling were people of the same world. The longer he stayed at Chen Liguo’s side, the more apparent this feeling became.

Shen Youling had been protected so well. Her father begrudged to let her see a single bit of the world’s sordid side. Those bad things had all been blocked away by Shen Yucheng.

Yi Huai envied Shen Youling, but also didn’t at the same time. He envied how Shen Yucheng protected Shen Youling. However, the fact that the one who stood on the same side as Shen Yucheng and fought with him was himself and not Shen Youling, brought him joy.

"Let’s go and return." Chen Liguo said.

Yi Huai sounded an ’en’.

After returning home, Chen Liguo washed up and put on a bathrobe, intending on opening up his computer to handle some work. However, he remembered that he had forgotten to say something to Yi Huai.

"Dong dong." Knocking on Yi Huai’s door, Chen Liguo asked, "Xiao Huai?"

After an interval, a muffled voice asked from inside, "Is something the matter?

"May I come in?" Chen Liguo asked.

There was a moment of silence. Just when Chen Liguo thought that Yi Huai would refuse, he heard the two words ’come in’.

Chen Liguo pushed open the door and went in. After entering, a strange smell met his nose——all men thoroughly understood this smell. Yi Huai sat on his chair, his expression somewhat unnatural, and his ears red.

Chen Liguo laughed in spite of himself, this really proved that Yi Huai had fully grown up. He said, "In the summer, country N has a training camp, do you want to go?"

Yi Huai asked when he heard this, "Survival training camp?"

Chen Liguo nodded, "That’s right. The invited military instructors are all special forces soldiers and the training plan that was drawn up is also special."

Yi Huai said, "I will go." He was in a hurry to get stronger.

Chen Liguo said, "However, this training camp has a mortality rate......" He didn’t tell Yi Huai that the mortality rate of this training camp was very low. After all, it was all the children of rich families going, if anything happened, who’s face wouldn’t be bad. Generally, the accidents were caused by unexpected events. One cause of death that Chen Liguo knew about was because of a respiratory convulsion from an allergy and they died before help could arrive.

He said, "I will go." He confirmed, not cowering at all.

Seeing his unwavering appearance, Chen Liguo’s heart actually felt a bit of distress. He said, "If you don’t want to go, tell me. Do not force yourself, okay?"

Yi Huai shook his head and said, "Mister, I want to be able to help you earlier."

Chen Liguo said, "Good boy."

And so this matter was settled. Chen Liguo turned and went out.

Yi Huai looked at Chen Liguo retreating figure, a certain place covered by a bath towel was so hard that it hurt. He didn’t know when it was that he started thinking of Shen Yucheng in this way. In any case, the first time he saw this man, he seemed to have a sort of, ’if not him, no one else was suitable’ feeling.

Chen Liguo lived his retired-like life quite happily.

Shen Yucheng had been in power for a long time already. Those who dared provoke him were generally tossed into cement then sunk into the sea. Although other powers didn’t place him in their eyes, they didn’t want to gnaw at this hard bone either. Moreover, the system had spoiled the general direction of this world for him so he pretty much knew which direction he should invest in most of the times and it was unlikely for him to bankrupt himself.

The only fly in the ointment was just his daughter, Shen Youling.

After Shen Youling’s non-mainstream boyfriend got scared away, she found another one. This time he was a bookworm, got good grades, and looked handsome. The problem was his moral character.

On a certain day, Chen Liguo received a call saying that Shen Youling went to a hotel with him. Angered, he rushed over that very night and pulled these two out of the hotel.

The man’s pants had just been half taken off when Chen Liguo directly rushed in from the hall. He gnashed his teeth and said, "What do you want to do to my daughter?"

That boy was so frightened he directly wet his pants. He cried, "Uncle, it had nothing to do with me. It was her who seduced me, it was her who said she wanted to go to bed with me!"

With the palm of his hand, Chen Liguo slapped him on the face, hitting his entire person stupid.

In fact, Chen Liguo didn’t completely disapprove of premarital s*x, but this boy had gotten a girl’s belly large before, yet didn’t plan on taking responsibility. That sort of situation was one that Chen Liguo couldn’t tolerate at all.

He said, "Okay, what you want to do to my daughter, I will have people do to you." He waved his hand and directly had people come in and pull him away.

Shen Youling was still crying in the room.

Chen Liguo stood at the doorway smoking and told her to first put on her clothes.

Shen Youling came out crying after a while. The first thing she said almost made Chen Liguo’s stomach burst in anger. She said, "Why did you do this daddy, we really are in true love!"

Chen Liguo had a splitting headache. He said, "Shen Youling, do you know what sort of man he is?"

Shen Youling said, "I know, he’s a wonderful person!"

Chen Liguo wondered for the first time if he had spoiled his daughter too much. He said, "How many girlfriends he’s had, how many stomachs he’s made large, you know it all?"

Shen Youling showed a confused expression.

"Shen Youling." Chen Liguo said, "You disappoint me so much."

Shen Youling began to cry again. This time she wasn’t angry, but afraid. It was her first time seeing her father with this expression. She said, "Dad, I was wrong, I’m sorry——"

"Shen Youling." Chen Liguo shook his head and said, "I shouldn’t have raised you up like this." The more afraid he was that she would be hurt, the more she ran into the knife’s blade. If Chen Liguo hadn’t arrived in time, Shen Youling definitely would have been taken advantage of.

Chen Liguo said, "Don’t go out to play this summer. Stay at home and learn a bit more."

Shen Youling looked at Chen Liguo, her face full of confusion and grievance.

Chen Liguo puffed out a cloud of smoke, "Send the miss back to school."

On the way home, Chen Liguo discussed the issue of education with the system. He said, "Say, what way is there to make Youling not be so naive ah?"

The system said, "Let her follow a debt collection firm for a summer and it should probably be fine."

Chen Liguo was a bit doubtful and said, "It’s this easy?"

The system said faintly, "If you don’t manage the household how will you know how expensive rice, oil, and salt are."

Chen Liguo nodded, "This is reasonable."

For the first time since Chen Liguo’s sleeping around was put to an end by the system in this world, he returned to a honeymoon period with his family’s system once more.

Although this honeymoon period was so honeymoon that it made Chen Liguo unwell, for good or bad, his family’s system didn’t treat him with frigid irony and scorching satire and would instead suggest some relatively feasible ideas once in a while.

Chen Liguo said, "How come you didn’t treat me like this before."

The system said, "A system that sees mosaic day in and day out, how healthy are you expecting its heart to be?"

Chen Liguo: "....." Very reasonable, unable to refute.

Adopting the system’s suggestion, Chen Liguo ignored Shen Youling’s protests and threw her to a debt collection firm once summer vacation started. Moreover, he told her, "If you dare skip class, then you don’t need to return home."

Shen Youling cried miserably, but knew that her father was being serious, so she could only resign to her fate, feeling aggrieved.

Yi Huai then went to country N. Before leaving, Chen Liguo gave him some instructions and Yi Huai listened obediently.

Finally, Chen Liguo said, "If only Youling were as obedient as you, how great would it be."

But Yi Huai laughed, "Then she wouldn’t be Youling."

Chen Liguo nodded and told him to take care of himself.

Without the two children, the house was rather lonely. Chen Liguo was unexpectedly a little unaccustomed to it.

Chen Liguo lay on his chair as he drank ice water while watching soap operas. He felt that the more he spent his days as a salted fish the more comfortable they were. "Except for not having a s*x life, everything is perfect."

System: "No, everything is perfect, there is no exception."

The daughter of fate in this world, Shen Youling’s completion degree had a very even progression in her progress bar. On the whole, every year it would gain one or two small squares. Chen Liguo guessed that he really had to spend a lifetime in this world and watch Shen Youling marry and have children, and grandchildren......

Chen Liguo: "But as soon as I think how I won’t have a s*x life until I die, I feel a little sad beyond words."

The system said, "Are you that kind of trash host that gives up their task for a s*x life?"

Chen Liguo drank up his iced water with one gulp then said profoundly, "That depends on the kind of s*x life." If it was the 10,000-ways s*x life that he had with Chen Xi, then he really would consider it.

The system profoundly felt Chen Liguo’s wavering and said, "Chen Liguo, do not disappoint me."

Chen Liguo was shocked by the system’s remark and trembled all over. He said, "What happened to you, wake up. Are you sleep talking?"

The system thought, ’It really wasn’t easy picking this sort of world for you. If you really kill yourself to go sleep around with a man then in the next world I’ll just let you transmigrate into a single celled organism and let you reproduce by division.’

Although the system didn’t say what it was thinking, Chen Liguo still felt a slight thread of coldness. He trembled and said, "System, what bad things are you thinking about?"

The system responded gently and said, "Baby, I’m thinking about how happy the next world will make you."

Chen Liguo: "......."

The system said, "Could it be that you don’t like it?"

Chen Liguo emptied away the expression in his eyes and said, "Love it to death."

System: "Humph."

Chen Liguo sat on the sofa, paralyzed, feeling like he was already a waste fruit.

At the end of summer vacation, Yi Huai and Shen Youling returned.

However, there were dramatic changes with the both of them——Yi Huai’s height finally surpassed Chen Liguo’s. His sinew and flesh became more rugged and a cold air emitted from his entire body. Shen Youling had changed from a little princess into a small migrant worker, both dark and thin. Upon seeing Chen Liguo, the first thing she said was: Dad, I want to study for the rise of China!

Chen Liguo: "......" Okay, this result was very good.

The Author Has Something To Say:

Itching to let Yi Huai grow up hahahahaha. Shen Youling had been spoiled too well. She’ll be smart in the future.

Thanking the following darlings for the mines, grenades, and rocket launchers. Thank you all. Especially darling Guguka’s 71 mines. Thank you!!

StormFrost: Arc 2 is done being edited. While going over, I realized there was one ‘meat’ scene that hadn’t been added in. It’s been translated, edited, and added in now \(^▽^@)ノ. Chapter 29 – 2.16.

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