I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 13 Table of contents


I thought it was similar to winter.

A quiet, empty… such winter.

As always, when another winter had passed,

I met a girl.

Somehow, she was a strange girl.

Her voice chirping endlessly like a lark. Her restless gestures scattering like dandelion seeds in the wind.

Unlike my cold and empty self, a warm and playful girl.

Suddenly appearing at the end of the silent winter, shaking people’s hearts with her noisy colors.

I thought she was somehow like a cherry blossom blooming on a spring day.

-My name is Clara! The girl who will someday beat you―☆


What meaning was there in determining victory or defeat?

The result was always the same.

-Ahaha―☆ Today’s fight was fun too!


Just the process of disappearing was longer than others.

It will be the same this time too.

Because all that’s left for me in the end is only duty.

-Yes! You look like you’re having fun too―☆ I’m glad!


Looking like I’m having fun?

‘You’re just unilaterally sticking to me.’

-Next time, let’s definitely compete―☆ Of course I’ll win someday! Because I’m a girl who never gives up―☆ I’ll challenge you, who’s always the strongest, forever―!!


If, really… really that’s the case.

I thought that wouldn’t be so bad.

“Then, I’ll wait here forever.”

As the strongest for you to challenge.

As the unbreakable strongest.

“I’ll wait… forever.”



As long as the wait of the long winter.

The spring that came suddenly was warm and beautiful.

-‘Hilde’, my mother called me that when I was young. You too… call me that.

-Nickname exchange time~? Then I’ll shorten mine to ‘Lara’ too―☆


-Hilde! See you again―☆


Tomorrow too.

The day after tomorrow too.

Next year too.





‘I wish this spring would continue forever.’

Memories always cherished in my heart.


A noise heard beyond the memories.

The sound from beneath my feet brought my mind back to reality. I turn my head to look at the source of the noise.

It was a monstrous person spewing curses while bleeding green blood on the ruins.

“You…! D-Dare to touch the ‘disciple’ of <Ratatosk> and think you’ll be safe… Kuhak…! Our master…! Will…!”

“Where is he now.”

“Kuhehe… Do you think… I would… tell…!”

“Then die.”



The culprit behind the kidnapping incident that had stirred up the western part of the academy city for a while since the new semester started. The one who called himself the ‘disciple’ of <Ratatosk> let out his final scream, pierced by the spear.

The monstrous person who looked no different from a human except for dragon horns.

When <Gjallarhorn>’s students’ investigation network found his base, he suddenly transformed his upper body into a dragon and summoned dozens of chaos beasts with an unknown power.

Just before the monstrous person who appeared in the ruins and dozens of chaos beasts were about to annihilate <Gjallarhorn>’s students, they were suppressed by just one student. And now the ‘disciple’ was writhing while skewered on a spear flowing with azure lightning.

A female student with silver-white hair and black coat tails of the <United Student Council> fluttering. She was just quietly watching that.

Silver-white eyes.

What was reflected deep in them was not the opponent before her.


The strongest fight in the academy city.

And the overwhelming result shown.

Everyone gathered here was trembling at the result of the scene they had watched with bated breath.

“Th-That monstrous person alone… We couldn’t catch him even if we all rushed in…”

“Who’s the real monster…”

“On top of that, defeating dozens of chaos beast sub-adults alone, which could be seen as mid-level dungeon gate bosses…!”

“As expected of Brunhilde, the strongest in the academy city…!”


Under the dim sky.

Gentle thunder rumbled and light flashed in the clouds.

Lightning shining piercingly in a pale color.


That light flashed and illuminated the dozens of chaos beast corpses scattered around. Hundreds of craters in the surroundings. In them lay monstrous beasts burned black by lightning.

Dozens of monstrous beasts.

A fallen monstrous person.

A single victor.

It could truly be called the appearance of an absolute being.


“Curse… the World Tree…”

The monstrous person with his tenacious life finally cut off muttered a final curse looking at the sky, and completely crumbled and disappeared by the lightning energy.




When everyone was trembling at the overwhelming fight that unfolded on the ruins, there was one student approaching there.



A student approaching with two wolf ears standing upright and black mane-like hair fluttering. She too wore the emblem of the <United Student Council> on her black coat.



Brunhilde was still standing indifferently with her gaze fixed, and the wolf-eared student continued speaking as if used to that attitude.

“What’s the matter?”

“We received intelligence that the movements of Skadi, the student council president of <Mimir Technical High School>, are not normal. The analysis is that she’s preparing a large-scale resolution ceremony towards surrounding schools… and further towards <Academy City Yord> through this new student welcome event.”


The culprit of the suddenly appeared kidnapping incident. His attack of dozens of summoned chaos beasts and ever-changing abilities were tricky. But Brunhilde was able to quickly respond to abilities with patterns that somehow felt familiar.


-My [Red Flower Dazzling] is an ultra-ultimate technique that pressures the opponent in ever-changing ways☆

-Even Hilde would make a cute voice like this☆ when my hearts pressure from all directions―♡



Again you…

Perhaps finding it strange that Brunhilde was standing silently, the wolf-eared student approached Brunhilde. But she stopped again at Brunhilde’s gaze looking at her.



“Yes, so as a result of investigating by deploying <United Student Council> agents. It seems there have been many within <Mimir Technical High School> claiming independence from the union for some time now.”

“The Eastern Union… and further, the mining rights for the eastern ether conductor mines?”

“Yes, that’s right.”


There was a rumor going around the student councils of large schools in <Academy City Yord> recently.

The formation of the Eastern Alliance.

It was news meaning the combination of <Public Bana Boarding School> and <Svart Technical High School>.

An alliance of two large schools located in the eastern part of <Academy City Yord>.

That combination was tantamount to a gesture of rebellion against <Aesir Girls’ High School>, which holds the central social circle and regime in Golden Street, including the <United Student Council>.

The black wolf-eared girl continued her report.

“It seems <Public Bana Boarding School> promised <Svart Technical High School> exclusive mining rights for the eastern ether conductor mines in exchange for the Eastern Alliance.”

“The fact that we know about this means it’s already in a fully progressed state.”

“I apologize for the late grasp of the situation.”


For a long time, the students of <Aesir Girls’ High School> have served as the de facto leader of <Academy City Yord> while holding consecutive terms as president of the <United Student Council>.

A solid tower of power that has continued for a long time.

Movements seeking to oppose that solid power have appeared.

This was a movement disrupting the balance of <Academy City Yord>.

<Mimir Technical High School> foresaw chaos occurring in their area. So they chose to abandon their affiliation with the union and prepare for an all-out war with <Svart Technical High School>.


If they simply claimed independence, it was a fate destined to wither away pressed by the Eastern Alliance of two large schools.

They must have something they believe in to prepare for independence.

<Holy Alvenheim High School> and <Aesir Girls’ High School>, which can’t exert meaningful influence in terms of distance.

Excluding the two large schools, there was only one best option <Mimir Technical High School> could reach out to.

The northern slums.

“<Scarlet Academy>.”


Problem children.

Crazy guys who sincerely shout that they’ll burn down the union someday despite being affiliated with it.

A large school that went to the slums because they absolutely couldn’t mix with students of normal temperament. If those guys start rampaging recklessly in the central area, the chaos of the academy city will become uncontrollable.

“To think they’d try to join hands with the slum guys.”

The black wolf-eared girl answered Brunhilde’s muttering.

“Yes. It’s reported that slum students have been spotted in the area between <Mimir Technical High School> and the central area since this semester started.”

“I should go to <Mimir Technical High School>.”

The collapse of the union and suspicious movements of large academies.

As the hegemon of the academy city, all of this had to be stopped by personally stepping in.

“I’ve already arranged a direct ether train to <Mimir Technical High School>. Secretary Bell will accompany you.”

“Understood. You clean up the remaining scene. Sieglinde.”



Sieglinde, the black wolf-eared girl, saluted with full respect towards Brunhilde who was leaving immediately.

Because she had abandoned her school pride for <Public Bana Boarding School>, her original school, there was no hesitation.


Brunhilde advancing with her black coat fluttering.

The name of a school located near <Mimir Technical High School> passed through her mind like scattered cherry blossom petals.

“Central… Prism… Academy.”


What’s waiting there is.


Let’s not imagine impossible things.

The oath shared between the two is not that.

‘I am here.’

She has become even stronger than then, truly becoming the strongest and waiting. So, she will come to challenge anytime.

The day of defeat.

One phrase heard in vague consciousness.

-…It was really a great match at the end… Hilde… I… you too…

She who left disappointed in her weak self.

If she knows that she has become stronger than then, she will come to challenge again.

Spring will surely come again.

It will… come.

So let’s wait.






Brunhilde stopped for a moment.

But she starts leaving the ruins again.

Walking towards the ether train station where her subordinates are waiting.

* * *

“Go back, I’m busy. How long are you going to keep coming like this, [Spiral]. Do you know how many festival prizes have been ruined because of you? Are you still experiencing your stormy period even though you’re in 3rd year?”

“Wah―☆ Don’t say that alias out loud―☆”

“I don’t understand why you’re hiding your strength at all.”


“Well, Skadi would have a fit if she knew you sneaked in here. That might be worth seeing.”

Maya, who had seen me hiding in the cabinet until just now, sighed.

“Haah… Let’s stop talking. Even though you were a crazy kid, you didn’t do things that hurt others or without reason.”

Somehow it seemed the only things that had increased for Maya since the old days were the scars on her face and sighs.

A personal office that had become much dirtier and older than I remembered, which I found after breaking through the much stricter security of the main building than I remembered. There, Maya and I were having a joyful reunion.



Maya, wearing work clothes that had become more worn than I remembered, sat with both legs up on the metal table and drank an energy drink from a metal flask she opened.

She casually offered the flask to me, but I refused because high-caffeine drinks don’t suit ‘Clara’s’ body well.

“…So why did you come?”

“You see―☆ Can we borrow a vehicle to ride after the event is over―☆”

“You know the atmosphere at our school isn’t good these days, right?”

“Don’t know―☆ Give us a ride!”

“Tsk. Fine.”



“And we’re going to bring one new student from there to our school, so help with the procedures―☆”

“Puhweep!!! Kuhak!! Are you completely crazy?!”

Maya sprayed orange energy drink from her nose.

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