The Perfect Destiny
Chapter 124 Table of contents

Translator: StormFrost

Editor: Misogi

Pandora’s Box [5]

Chen Liguo was sick for three full days.

In the last two days the doctor saw that the situation wasn’t good and came over to give him an infusion.

As Chen Liguo’s student, Qin Sheng kept watch over him from beginning to end while he was sick. He would bring him food every day, seemingly afraid that this teacher of his who didn’t care for his own body would starve to death.

A few days later his slight fever finally subsided and Chen Liguo returned to the laboratory to continue doing his experiments.

Others were long since used to it. He Chenyou was that kind of freak who, if they were to die, would die in the laboratory. Even if he insisted on doing experiments with a fever perhaps no one would find it strange.

The new drug was developed with the help of Bai Yanlou.

Chen Liguo injected the finished drug into an animal’s body and had the researchers pay close attention to the data.

As a result, the researchers came to Chen Liguo the next day and said that the animal went crazy and died. However, before that happened it’s physical fitness was greatly enhanced and the time of its death was several hours later than the animal who took the previous drug. Chen Liguo checked the data and said, "Halve the dose and mix in 10 milliliters of k07."

The researchers nodded and said yes.

The results of the second experiment came out very quickly. Compared to the previous drug, the effect with this ratio was much better and its side effects were less, proving that Chen Liguo’s research direction was correct.

Everyone was very satisfied with this result and Chen Liguo could also justify himself to the people above.

When Bai Yanlou and Chen Liguo met at night, his first sentence was, "You’re very happy?"

In truth, there was no expression on Chen Liguo’s face. Even so, there was a touch of light joy between his browns. This kind of delight made Bai Yanlou unhappy when he looked at it——As a matter of fact, any emotion that appeared on Chen Liguo that didn’t have anything to do with him made him feel dissatisfied.

Chen Liguo did not reply to him. He clearly remembered how Bai Yanlou tossed him about last time. They were still in a cold war.

Bai Yanlou saw that Chen Liguo did not answer and was not angry. Instead, he laughed and said, "The mill has not yet been unloaded but you’re in a rush to kill the donkey. I’m afraid that this isn’t good."

Chen Liguo reached out his hand to push up his glasses. His expression was light as he said, "Isn’t this not killing already?"

Bai Yanlou looked at Chen Liguo and was suddenly curious about what the person in front of him would look like when they were broken hearted, ecstatic, sorrowful, and angry. Bai Yanlou had chains on his hands and was wearing special isolation clothes. Even though he was looking at Chen Liguo from a distance his gaze brought great pressure upon Chen Liguo.

Bai Yanlou licked his lips and no longer spoke.

The relationship between the two really couldn’t be counted as good. So long as Chen Liguo tormented Bai Yanlou during the day, at night he would be the misfortunate one. Even so, Chen Liguo refused to be the slightest bit soft-hearted with his experiments.

Because of the improvement of the drug, someone from the top once again found Chen Liguo for a chat and asked him if this medicine could be put to use.

Chen Liguo said, "But there are side effects. This drug still has room for improvement."

The person who came to ask Chen Liguo nodded and exchanged some information with him. When they were about to leave, they suddenly asked, "Professor He is dating someone?"

Chen Liguo was stunned when he heard this. "What?"

The man thought that Chen Liguo didn’t hear it clearly and repeated his words.

Chen Liguo was dumbfounded and asked, "Why do you ask?"

The man smiled and pointed to the place under his own ears. Chen Liguo did not know what it meant. It wasn’t until he went to the washroom and saw an obvious bite mark under his ear that he realized that this was something that Bai Yanlou did.

Chen Liguo was extremely angry and could not figure out how to cover it even after a long time.

Back in the lab, Chen Liguo said to Bai Yanlou, "Can you not leave marks on me?"

Bai Yanlou looked at Chen Liguo and nonchalantly said, "Give a cigarette?"

Chen Liguo furrowed his brows.

Bai Yanlou said, "No smoke, no chat."

Chen Liguo stifled the anger in his heart. He turned around, went out to get a cigarette and then came back and threw it at Bai Yanlou.

Bai Yanlou took a drawl and narrowed his eyes. He said, "Played too hard and forgot."

Chen Liguo pursed his lips and glared at Bai Yanlou. action

Bai Yanlou was glared into laughter by Chen Liguo. He said, "Don’t look at me like that, you’re making me hard."

Chen Liguo coldly said, "Bai Yanlou, don’t go too far."

Bai Yanlou’s gaze was extremely frank. He looked Chen Liguo up and down, as though he were stripping Chen Liguo with his eyes. He said, "Professor He, if I’m being too much, wouldn’t you already know? If I really go too far you would already be crying and saying no more."

Exchanges between them were destined to be unpleasant as neither was willing to compromise. The final result of this incident was Chen Liguo checking whether or not there were any traces left by Bai Yanlou before going out.

However, Chen Liguo didn’t know that because of Bai Yanlou’s arrival some changes were quietly underway in places he did not know of.

Wang Yangzi the daughter of fate felt her ability become stronger but she didn’t expect it to grow that quickly.

When her lightning could break through the air, her first reaction was that the mad scientists in the institute had given her some special drug but she didn’t feel any discomfort..... As if she had been influenced by something, her abilities gradually grew stronger.

Wang Yangzi hid the changes in her body. As the intensity of the recent experiments decreased, the times that her limits were tested were much less. Thus, she was not exposed and Chen Liguo and the others did not know that their experimental subjects were slowly changing.

One night, Wang Yangzi’s doubts about her body were finally resolved.

The man who gave her the answer magically appeared in her dream.

"Hello." The man was very handsome. Only the word ’perfection’ could describe him.

Wang Yangzi looked around and felt that everything before her eyes was inconceivable. What dream could be so realistic? She asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?!"

The man said, "Wang Yangzi, do you want to get out of here?"

Wang Yangzi laughed coldly. This question was nonsense. What experimental subject wouldn’t like to leave here?

The man said, "I’ll give you a chance."

Wang Yangzi’s eyes lit up but she did not directly agree. Pies did not just fall out of the sky in the world. This man was giving her something and definitely wanted her to pay for it.

Sure enough the man said, "The prerequisite for leaving here is that your ability can become grade A."

A? As soon as Wang Yangzi heard this she thought that this person was joking. Using the terms of the researchers here, she was the kind of E-grade ability user that would need several times to even charge a cell phone. To have her reach grade A, it was like an idiot’s daydream.

With the snap of the man’s fingers an ice blue flower floated in the faint darkness. The flower seemed to be made of electricity and slowly floated towards Wang Yangzi.

The man said, "Eat it."

Wang Yangzi’s reason told her that she should refuse but her instinct made her unable to resist the temptation of this blue flower.

So Wang Yangzi slowly opened her mouth and with a bite, ate the blue flower.

After it entered her mouth Wang Yangzi issued a shrill screech. She felt as though a violent current was running through her, directly stunning her entire body.

The man looked at Wang Yangzi who fell unconscious on the ground, revealing an interested smile as he ended the dream. He couldn’t wait to see the results.

Chen Liguo felt that the atmosphere in the research institute was a little strange recently.

Almost everyone, except his students, looked at him with evasive eyes. What was more, as soon as he approached they would stop talking.

Although the attitude of the people at the institute towards him wasn’t enthusiastic before, the difference from their current attitude was too big.

With his heart and soul absorbed in research, Chen Liguo usually did not pay much attention to his surrounding. By the time he noticed the abnormality, he realized that the situation was already very serious.

Chen Liguo found it a little strange and asked the system what caused their attitudes to become so strange.

The system said, "Who told you to watch soap operas everyday. Something happened but you didn’t even notice."

Chen Liguo was a little helpless. When doing experiments he had the system open golden fingers for him. If he really needed to do it himself, he feared that the laboratory would have exploded thousands of times by now.

The experiments were all done by the system. Chen Liguo was too bored and could only watch soap operas——He finally stopped watching horror movies.

Chen Liguo really wanted to find someone to ask what was going on but this kind of questioning seemed out of line with He Chenyou’s character of being oblivious to the world, so under his hesitation, he did not say anything.

This situation went on for a week.

One afternoon, some people suddenly came to find Chen Liguo.

Those people wore protective chemical suits and held guns. Their attitudes towards Chen Liguo were very unfriendly. Their opening sentence was, "Professor He, come with us."

Chen Liguo put down the reagent in his hands and frowned, "What’s the matter?"

The leader coldly said, "Someone has reported that you have a relationship with the experimental subject." Having a relationship with a subject was a serious violation of the regulations.

Chen Liguo coldly countered, "Is there evidence?"

The leader said, "Without evidence we would not be here."

They had spoken to this point and resisting anymore was only asking for trouble. Thus Chen Liguo calmly took off his gloves and after doing a simple clean up, followed the group of people out.

Afterwards Chen Liguo was taken to a special room.

The lights in the room were particularly light. When Chen Liguo walked in there were already a man and woman inside.

The woman looked at Chen Liguo and made a gesture of invitation, saying, "Professor He, please sit."

Chen Liguo sat down before the two. His expression was very calm and no panic could be seen.

"My every second is precious." Chen Liguo said. "Speak, what is going on."

The woman said, "Of course. We won’t randomly waste Professor He’s time." Upon saying this, she clicked a remote control on the table.

A screen of light rose in front of the three and then sounds and images came from it.

Seeing the contents of the light screen, Chen Liguo’s brows instantly tightened up.

In the screen of light he and an experimental subject were tumbling in bed. The two were covered with quilts and although it couldn’t be seen clearly what they were doing, it was clear to an adult.

Chen Liguo was shocked by this scene and immediately confirmed with the system whether He Chenyou had done unspoken rules with a test subject before.

The system said no. He Chenyou never had a relationship with someone even until he died. This mad scientist’s lover was the laboratory.

Chen Liguo asked, "Then what’s going on with this video?"

The system said, "Fake."

Chen Liguo: "...... I think it’s pretty realistic, what should I do?"

The system thought about it then said, "En, I think it’s pretty realistic too."

Chen Liguo: "......"

If even Chen Liguo, the party concerned, felt that it was real, then this thing was pretty much a done deal.

The woman asked, "Professor He, is the person in the video you?"

Chen Liguo furrowed his brows and said, "No."

The woman directly zoomed into the video, so that the faces of the two people were clear. She asked, "Really not?"

Chen Liguo’s attitude was cold. He said, "If they look the same they are the same?"

The woman smiled and said, "It’s okay, we still have witnesses."

As she said this she rung the bell on the table. A moment later, someone whom Chen Liguo was familiar with entered the room——His student Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng’s face was a little haggard and his gaze was somewhat evasive when he looked at Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo asked, "Qin Sheng?"

"Teacher." Qin Sheng smiled bitterly.

The woman asked, "Qin Sheng, have you ever seen strange marks on Professor He?"

In the face of Chen Liguo’s stare, Qin Sheng grit his teeth and said with a hoarse voice, "Yes."

The woman turned to Chen Liguo and said, "Professor He, look."

Chen Liguo heard this and remembered the traces Bai Yanlou left on him——Could it be that this bastard had been planning this for a long time?! According to his previous understanding of Bai Yanlou, he could tamper with the surveillance monitor like this.

Chen Liguo said, "This is not me. I don’t recognize this experimental subject at all." Above all, the face of the woman in the video was unfamiliar. Chen Liguo was certain that he had never seen her.

However, the person questioning Chen Liguo smiled and said, "Professor He, are you sure you don’t know her? She’s pregnant."

Chen Liguo: "......" In the end who is it, am I the one dreaming, or are you all the ones dreaming?

Qin Sheng quietly said, "Teacher, sorry."

Chen Liguo was practically stupefied.

The man interrogating Chen Liguo finally spoke. However, as soon as he opened his mouth he announced Chen Liguo’s death sentence. He said, "Professor He, both the evidence and witness is here, what else do you want to say?"

Chen Liguo felt that he really didn’t have anything to say——As if. He asserted, "This video is fake! That experimental subject is fake too! What about Bai Yanlou? I want to see him!"

The interrogator coldly said, "Someone else has already taken over Bai Yanlou. Professor He, I’m afraid that you can’t continue with this experiment anymore."

Chen Liguo almost smashed the table. He said, "You all know that this video is fake..... Could it be......" He suddenly seemed to understand something and turned to Qin Sheng, saying, "Qin Sheng, you sold me out?"

Qin Sheng pursed his lips and did not speak.

Chen Liguo said, "You knew that my final drug was already completed?"

Qin Sheng lowered his eyes and said, "Teacher, I’m sorry. I can’t help you conceal it."

Only then did Chen Liguo wake up. This probably had nothing to do with Bai Yanlou. They all knew that this video was fake and that the people in the video were fake. Someone needed him to disappear to take over the drug that was about to be completed, so they forged something like this.

Chen Liguo grit his teeth and said, "Qin Sheng——How have I let you down?"

Qin Sheng did not speak.

"Professor He." The interrogator said in a neither salty nor light tone, "If you continue to speak in this way can I take it as you threatening our witness?"

Chen Liguo was so angered his entire body trembled. He said, "You are seizing by force."

However, there was already no one who would listen to him. Several people in protective clothing suddenly came in from outside and handcuffed Chen Liguo before directly taking him away.

When Chen Liguo left Qin Sheng’s expression was a little ugly. He seemed to blame himself somewhat. Yet, Chen Liguo didn’t know if it was his own misconception, but he actually saw a sliver of excitement on Qin Sheng’s face.

With a ’wahhhhh’ Chen Liguo cried to the system. He said, "They are all bullying me wuwuwuwu, they all want to rob this one’s things wuwuwu."

System: "......"

Chen Liguo said, "Dad, your son doesn’t have the strength to live on!"

The system said, "Son, be strong."

Chen Liguo said, "They’re all a crowd of assholes. I hate them, I hate them! I worked so hard for so long......"

The system lightly asked, "Worked hard for so long?"

Chen Liguo choked from the system’s words and then angrily said, "Standing to watch soap operas is very hard too ah!"

The system apathetically sounded an ’oh’.

Chen Liguo’s tears fell down as he saw that his father and those assholes, no, liars, were all in the same team......

He was stuffed into a cell and those people brought Chen Liguo a prison uniform to change into.

The biggest difference of these compared to his research clothes was that the prison uniform required a special key to open it. It also recorded where he went every day, the things he did, how many times he went to the washroom......

With a gloomy expression Chen Liguo changed his clothes. He knew that it was useless to resist at this time. At the very least, he didn’t want someone to force him to strip.

It seemed that those people were not too much. At the very least, the conditions of then place where he was imprisoned wasn’t too bad. One room, one living room, kitchen and washroom, besides being unable to go out and do experiments and wearing a prison uniform, there was nothing to be picky about.

Chen Liguo: I can finally sit down and peacefully watch my soap operas.

The system had nothing to say to Chen Liguo.

This operation should have been planned long ago and the orchestrators must be more than one force. It was no wonder that they could do such things. With a slight improvement, Chen Liguo’s drug could change the structure of the world.

Chen Liguo thought that this could indeed chance the structure of the world. One little accident could also change the structure of the world——Destroy half of it or so.

Bai Yanlou only learned about his family’s cute researcher being imprisoned when another researcher came to take over on the next day.

The researcher looked to be in his 40s and could only be described as a slovenly man. When he saw Bai Yanlou he was very excited.

Bai Yanlou looked the man up and down then showed a look of disgust. He asked, "Where’s He Chenyou?"

That researcher said, "Him? He got an experimental subject pregnant and was caught."

Bai Yanlou was silent for two seconds and thought, shouldn’t the one who got pregnant be He Chenyou himself? Then he asked, "Where is he being held at?"

The researcher didn’t expect that Bai Yanlou, as an experimental subject, would be so concerned about a researcher’s private life but even so, he needed to get along with him in the future, so he answered Bai Yanlou’s question.

He said, "I don’t know where exactly. He should still be in the research institute but he can’t do research anymore."

With a cold attitude Bai Yanlou sounded an ’oh’.

At night, Bai Yanlou met with Chen Liguo.

Bai Yanlou hugged his little cutie. His little cutie’s mood was very bad and after being hugged by him his opening remark was, "Scram."

Bai Yanlou licked Chen Liguo’s ear and vaguely said, "Pull out and mercilessly hang?"

Chen Liguo laughed grimly, "You’ve ought to let me pull out once ah."

Bai Yanlou rubbed Chen Liguo’s red chest and listened as he breathing became a little heavier. He said, "Don’t be angry, I’ll help get revenge for you."

Chen Liguo sneered, "Help get revenge for me? Just based on you?"

Bai Yanlou wondered why he was still so excited when mocked by his family’s little cutie. He really wanted to block up his mouth, the top and bottom all together.

Bai Yanlou thought so, and thus did.

Chen Liguo was held in Bai Yanlou’s arms. He bit a mark on his shoulder and vaguely said, "You did it on purpose didn’t you?" The traces Bai Yanlou left on his body were definitely intentional.

Bai Yanlou said, "Isn’t it just because I want to leave a mark on you?"

Chen Liguo’s entire body tensed up then he relaxed again.

Bai Yanlou said, "How can they bear to treat you like this.

Chen Liguo’s eyes were half-lidded. Bai Yanlou pulled him into dreamland more often and made him a little confused about what was a dream and what was reality.

He looked at the thin layer of sweat on Bai Yanlou’s forehead and asked, "Why are you able to enter people’s dreams? What is the principle behind it?"

Bai Yanlou didn’t expect that He Chenyou could ask such an academic question at this time, so he thought for a while and then seriously answered, "Maybe I am able to create a magnetic field?"

Chen Liguo did not say anything and thought that as long as it was related to the supernatural it was necessary to use magnetic fields as an explanation......

Bai Yanlou said, "Shouldn’t this be the content of your research?"

Chen Liguo shook his wrists in front of Bai Yanlou. There were striking shackles on them. He said, "Unfortunately they won’t allow it."

Bai Yanlou laughed lowly and said, "I really want to fuck you broken. Best your brain as well."

Chen Liguo: "......" He once again remembered a certain someone’s appearance when they used all their firepower one certain evening.

Bai Yanlou asked, "What, scared?"

Chen Liguo sneered, "Afraid of what? Since I’m not researching you anymore why should I be fucked by you?"

Bai Yanlou: "......"

Chen Liguo said, word by word, with an expression full of disgust, "Scram. Further. Away."

Bai Yanlou: "......"

The Author Has Something To Say:

Gong: Chen Liguo, pulling out and hanging ruthlessly.

Chen Liguo: _(:з」∠)_ This one didn’t ne. Yingyingyingying

We still don’t know the name of this ’s gong ♥. Now nutrient fluids will be cleared out once every two months! Can I beg for more on the first tomorrow? prprpr

Thank you darlings for the mines, grenades, and rockets.

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