Tomb Raider King
Chapter 367 Table of contents

Translator: miraclerifle

The aura of predation that swallowed the Great Prison was extremely dangerous. It was both strong and violent.

It was so strong that regular people who couldn't see artifact auras were able to see it.

“W, what the hell is that?!”

Black aura shot up from every entrance of the Great Prison throughout the world.


The black aura shot up into the air looking like pillars. The pillar that viciously shot up then scattered out like typhoons.

They looked like black flames that were alive. It looked even weirder because it intertwined with the bright light that shot out the moment Ju-Heon became the Majesty.

However, the aura they thought would soon disappear flailed violently.

[Consuming all artifacts inside the Great Prison.]

The Great Prison then started to break.


“Hurry up!”

They might have been crushed if they were inside the Great Prison any longer. Seol-A and Irene were trying to catch their breaths after quickly rushing out because of Julian’s shout.

“What is going on...?!”

The two looked toward the entrance with concern.


Julian stopped the two of them from getting closer to the tomb again.

“It's fine. That bastard is responsible for this chaos.”

“Excuse me?!”

Julian looked disgusted but the two of them looked at him with shock.

“Wait...this overwhelming aura belongs to the Captain-nim? It’s not the guards?”

“Really? This monstrous aura?”

Julian nodded his head. He realized at first glance that this chaotic aura belonged to the Crow.

He also noticed that the artifacts inside the tomb were being consumed by the Crow's aura.

Seol-A seemed anxious.

“This is not normal...!”

It was so strong that she thought it wasn’t Ju-Heon. It was difficult to see anybody with this kind of aura being human.

Julian nodded his head.

“He must have contracted the Crow's real body.”

‘He must have contracted with that Treasure called the Majesty’s Crown. This power must be the Majesty's power.’

It was even giving Julian the chills. It was this scary even when Ju-Heon wasn’t in front of them.

All Monarchs and high-grade artifact users throughout the world could feel this power right now.

There was an explosion inside the Great Prison before they could even be shocked by the aura for long.


The aura of gluttony gobbled up the entire prison. The shadow-like black aura that stretched out grabbed the artifacts trying to run away.

[Aaaaaaaaaak! Save me!]

Crack! Crack!

It then ruthlessly chomped and swallowed them.

The funny thing was that the guards were chopped into pieces while the prisoners were gently swallowed.

Of course, it didn't change the fact that they were swallowed by the Crow and Ju-Heon.

The viciously stretching aura aimed for some familiar artifacts as well. First was Odin, who tried to get in Ju-Heon's way inside the prison.

[Damn it! That human bastard...!]

He was one of the artifacts that had rioted saying that Ju-Heon could not become the Majesty no matter what. Someone like him couldn’t help but be anxious about this situation.

[Did he end up contracting with the Crow?!]

Odin was grinding his teeth as he cast a spell to get out of the prison, however...


The shadow-like aura turned into the shape of a wolf and swallowed Odin.



That wasn’t all.

The aura burst forward like a flood and swept up the rest of the Norse artifacts as well.


With that, the artifacts inside the prison, both prisoners and guards, became Ju-Heon’s food.

It was the case even for Prometheus who had ended up as a prisoner here.

[Ugh, that Crow...! Seo Ju-Heon!]

Would this be the birth of another human king? Was this how their ambitions would be smashed?

[No! I can’t let that...ahhhh!]

Prometheus let out a terrible scream as he became consumed.

It was at that moment.

“It's dangerous! Move back!”

The Crow's aura became even stronger after consuming most of the artifacts inside the prison.

The last thing it consumed was the Great Prison itself!

The Great Prison was a location-type artifact that had extremely strong sealing powers that could hold all these artifacts in. It was another delicious dish for the Crow.


The prison lost its powers and became a regular building once the Crow consumed its powers. Then it started to crack and crumble to the ground.


This loathsome prison that had been imprisoning artifacts for so long was finally destroyed.

A shocked Irene tried to head toward the crumbling building.

“Mr. Ju-Heon!”

Julian held her back.

“It’s okay, the Captain is fine! That son of a bitch won't die even if you shove his face underwater!”

A relieved Irene looked toward Julian.

“Are you okay, Mr. Julian? The Un-knowns...!”

Julian smiled at her. No matter how strong the Un-knowns were, they were all created with the people here as the base. Although it had been a bit difficult, they knew very well about each other.

“Something like that is no prob......”

"Damn it! What the hell are these things?!”

No problem my ass... They heard Ilya swearing nearby.

“Hey! Take care of this Captain bastard!”


Was one of the Un-knowns difficult to handle?

‘I guess the Captain’s Un-known could be difficult...!’

However, Julian turned around to see something unexpected.

“Shit! What is up with this black aura?!”

The Crow's aura was slowly approaching the team.

It seemed to be saying things like, ‘you guys look delicious. You guys look tasty.’ as it slowly crawled toward them.

“Holy shit. This aura is aiming for us too!”

‘Seo Ju-Heon, you little punk.’

Julian started grinding his teeth while thinking that you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks.

“Okay, I’ll be right...”

But at that moment...

"That Crow is MINE!”

‘I thought he got crushed to death in there.’

Chairman Kwon’s eyes were bloodshot, as if he barely made it out alive.

He was covered in blood as he ground his teeth in anger.

“There’s no way that Seo Ju-Heon would have gotten the Crow! That Crow is mine!”

As Julian was about to say something...

“Then come and take it if you can.”


They were all shocked after hearing a familiar voice. They soon heard a loud explosion.


The Great Prison that Ju-Heon had consumed completely crumbled and a familiar face popped out.

He appeared in the shape of a black fog.

It was Ju-Heon. Chairman Kwon glared as soon as he saw Ju-Heon.

"That bastard...!”

Ju-Heon didn't care and took off his helmet as he walked toward him.

The city was a mess because of the terrorist acts caused by the mercenaries.

Ju-Heon truly looked different from before as he walked toward them.

‘This feeling is...?!’

The pressure Ju-Heon was giving off was different now that he had ascended to the Majesty position. The pressure was so strong that even Chairman Kwon became anxious.

But it made him desire the Crow even more...


Did his attempt to steal the Crow with his artifact of conquest get found out? The Crow's violent aura shot up around Chairman Kwon’s body.

And then!


It ruthlessly started chomping away at Chairman Kwon.

His artifact started to break as well.


The pain he felt was intense as his artifact broke because it was a parasitic artifact.


Chairman Kwon glared at Ju-Heon while in pain. This guy was different from the idiot who had groveled at his feet for so long.

An artifact user’s Dominance, otherwise known as charisma, was something that people could easily feel as well. He was much stronger than in the past.

The way he was struggling in pain was gone to the point that he looked almost relaxed as he moved.

It made Chairman Kwon lose his thoughts and feel envious.

‘He’s still the same bastard who cried and lowered his head in front of me...!’

Ju-Heon was his damn slave. He was a bit special compared to the other slaves, but he was still a lowly tool that should not show its face like this.

But Chairman Kwon was unable to say anything.


He felt a strong pressure at his head.

Ju-Heon was pushing Chairman Kwon's down.

“I remember lowering my head like this to ask you for something.”


“I asked you to at least save my team members. I said that their only sin was following my orders to go into the tombs.”

Ju-Heon was smiling with a vicious glare in his eyes.

“I was being serious at that time. I really treated you and followed you as if you were my father.”

Looking back, Chairman Kwon and Ju-Heon did not have a bad relationship. Actually, they had a good relationship.

Before Chairman Kwon scouted Ju-Heon...

They had started off as drinking buddies.

Ju-Heon had naturally trusted Chairman Kwon.

‘If you don’t go independent and come join TKBM, I will definitely give you the medicine.’

Although Chairman Kwon slowly started changing, Ju-Heon believed it was something temporary that came with the company getting bigger and Chairman Kwon rising to higher positions.

The promise in their contract was still there.

He still remembered the Chairman Kwon from when they had been close.

But he had been betrayed by someone he trusted.

This old bastard had been considering them as trash from the beginning.

Chairman Kwon bit down on his lips after hearing what Ju-Heon had said.

“Is that why you went back in time to change the future...?! You created a future where you could be the Majesty...?!”

“Actually, you were the one who gave me that chance. Old man.”


Chairman Kwon laughed as he was at a loss for words.

"The race is not over yet. Do you really think things will go as you want?! I will never admit defeat...!”

“Really? What can you really do at this point?”

“Don’t look down on us. There are still ways for us to make a comeback......”

It was at that moment.

“Is this what you are talking about?”

Ju-Heon dropped a bunch of files in front of Chairman Kwon. Chairman Kwon started shaking while looking at it.

This was proof that Ju-Heon had taken control of all of TKBM's shares as well as some other things that Chairman Kwon had secretly stashed away as insurance.

The money he had stashed away was taken as well. All of the talks about corruption almost made it impossible to rise back up.

Chairman Kwon knew it was over once he realized that Kwon Hyuk Soo was involved in this.

‘That bastard jumped to Seo Ju-Heon’s side and...he is the one who pulled this crap!’

He was sure of it.

Ju-Heon had used Kwon Hyuk Soo to destroy all of Chairman Kwon’s exit routes.

How would he not feel wronged after that?!

“You you know how much I put in to create these.......ugh!”

Chairman Kwon coughed up blood.

But Ju-Heon was viciously smiling.

The Crow’s aura was about to rip Chairman Kwon to shreds.

“This is the end for you. I will send you off as painless as possible.”

As Chairman Kwon started shaking in fear of death... At that moment...

“No, no. Stoooooooooop!”

Animals started charging over as Chairman Kwon shouted with desperation.

They were flying over from the Druid’s Clocktower. It was the place with the Majesty’s Throne and his corpse.

Something shocking happened.

Were they reacting to Chairman Kwon’s desperate plea? These artifacts had flown over to help Chairman Kwon.

Chairman Kwon started smiling.

‘It’s Merlin.’

That was right. He still had a chance! The corners of Chairman Kwon's lips were twitching after realizing that fact.

“Haha, Seo Ju-Heon, I will not have it taken by you, you bastard. Never! If you think you can do as you wish...!”

But at that moment...


The Crow roared and released the light of the sun. The artifacts started exploding, as if they were melting from the heat of the sun!


A pair of glaring red eyes appeared right in front of him.

And then...


Chairman Kwon was ruthlessly sliced by Ju-Heon's falling sword. He then screamed.

He died without being able to keep even the smallest amount of pride as a person.

While that was going on...

“Huff...! Unbelievable!”

The cat poop Merlin shook in fear as she watched Chairman Kwon die.

She had used what was left of the Supreme Leader’s faction for Chairman Kwon. She had chosen the core members of it and sent them out to help, but...!

She must have expected them to buy her some time.

She needed time to control the corpse of the former Majesty!

But this...!

“Fuck, Seo Ju-Heon is heading this way...!”

Ju-Heon was walking toward her.

He was coming for his remaining Treasure.

‘There are only two of the Majesty's Treasures remaining.’

One was the Majesty's Cradle, the ultimate Treasure that even she couldn't find. The other was this throne with the corpse which could be called the Majesty’s Authority itself!

‘I need to protect the throne and somehow find the cradle.’

A comeback was not just a dream as long as she had the cradle.

That was probably the reason.

“Hurry up and seal all doors!”

The corpse reacted to Merlin's shout and started to bind the tower. The golden vines were covering the tower without any openings.

Merlin calmed herself down.

“It’s okay, I still have one ace up my sleeve.”

It was at that moment.

“Really? What is it? I want to know about this great ace you have.”

Merlin gasped.

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