Tomb Raider King
Chapter 382 Table of contents

Translator: miraclerifle


People were shocked at Ju-Heon’s unexpected action.

“Captain-nim! What are you doing?!”

Even Kwon Hyuk Soo was shocked.

"Ju-Heon! Do you know how precious that artifact is?!”

The Crow was shocked as well. Its urgent messages were proof of its anxious state.

[You must contract with the throne.]

[You need to conquer the throne to take control of this palace.]

Ju-Heon ignored the messages and destroyed the throne. But he was not destroying it as he normally destroyed artifacts.

He was decimating it into pieces as if he had no desires for this throne.

It felt as if he was trying to completely get rid of its existence from the world.

Because of that...

Jaeha seemed the most anxious.

His gaze seemed to be asking what was wrong with this artifactphile.

"Captain-nim, are you crazy?! That artifact...!”

The artifact Ju-Heon was destroying was one of the Majesty's Treasures.

He of all people should know that it could not be restored when destroyed like this.

"Stop...! Even I won’t be able to restore that...ahh!”

An intense spark crackled and Ju-Heon's aura exploded out, as if telling Jaeha to shut up.


The throne being attacked caused rifts through the entire palace.


The ghosts of the past that had knelt down for Ju-Heon opened their eyes wide.

[He is an intruder.]

[He is not our king!]

The ghosts immediately picked up their weapons.

The palace that had regressed to the past and returned to its glory days had accepted Ju-Heon as its enemy.

[This intruder is trying to destroy the king’s resting area!]

[Kill him!]

They rushed toward Ju-Heon who was destroying the throne. Ju-Heon just smirked and continued to destroy it.


Hlidskjalf was finally destroyed.

The palace of the gods that had its radiant glory in the past started shaking.


[You have destroyed the palace’s core.]

[The palace has lost its power and is about to crumble.]

The large earthquake was causing golden debris to fall from the palace. The ghosts trying to protect the Majesty's palace screamed in pain.

Ju-Heon's team members truly found this to be odd.

“Captain-nim! Didn't you really want that throne?”


Ju-Heon nonchalantly turned away from the throne. He didn't even tell Jaeha to restore it as he usually would say.

In its place...

“Get lost if you don't want to be squished to death, you damn ghosts!”

Ju-Heon used his Tomb Destruction skill to pulverize what was left of Valhalla.


[Warning. You really will not be able to restore the core.]

[Warning. The castle will really crumble.]

[Warning. Everything the former Majesty has accomplished may disappear.]

But he just looked up to the sky. He was staring at the apocalypse artifacts being dragged away by Chaos.

The apocalypse artifacts cursed Ju-Heon who was destroying the throne and the palace.

[That bastard dared to destroy the palace we took over!]

Maybe that was to be expected. The Majesty's palace was the artifacts’ supreme headquarters.

It was a holy and symbolic place similar to Olympus in Greek mythology.

Humans saw it as a place where god’s powers were activated while the artifacts saw it as a place of envy.

Of course, only artifacts with proper family trees were able to enter this palace with the Majesty until now.

The apocalypse artifacts were planning on pushing those ‘established’ artifacts out to conquer this headquarters for themselves.

But he did this!

[This thieving bastard only knows how to destroy things!]

[Not only did he barge in uninvited, he's destroying the whole place!]

They then sneered at Ju-Heon.

[No! That bastard actually did something stupid!]

[That’s right! He destroyed a Treasure with his own hands! He threw away his chance to get the artifact!]

They started laughing out loud. The apocalypse artifacts started to flail around, as if they became energized by this joy.

[We will not be defeated like this by a stupid idiot like that!]

[Seo Ju-Heeeeeeeeon!]

Boom, boom boom!

The apocalypse artifacts that had been sucked in by Chaos were making their final stand. They tried to squirm back out through Chaos's gate that had not closed yet.

[Do you really think this would be the end?!]

[Do not look down on the strongest artifacts!]

Both heaven and earth were shaking from the amount of raging aura.

[We will at least praise you for being a mere human but managing to summon Chaos!]

[The majesties of the past could not do it and nobody in this world could do it but you managed to do it, you bastard!]

[But it will not be easy to completely swallow us up with Chaos!]

[You don't have the power to shut the gate of Chaos with your powers!]


[Danger. The apocalypse artifacts are trying to escape from Chaos.]

They flailed around and continued to try to escape from the gate.

“The gate!”

The apocalypse artifacts were very strong. They really did seem too strong for any humans to handle.

These artifacts were created for the end of the world after all. But Ju-Heon didn't give a shit about these artifacts at all.

[Make Seo Ju-Heon lose focus!]

[He should be using most of his Dominance to keep Chaos out!]

[It should be so painful that he wants to die! That bastard will end up sucked up by Chaos instead if he loses focus!]

Chaos was strong enough to swallow the apocalypse artifacts but it also came with a serious risk. Chaos would swallow Ju-Heon and the entire world if he lost focus while it was out.

He pretty much summoned space, this large black hole called Chaos.

It was at that moment.


“...What is that?!”

Terrible things shot up from the ground. These bastards looked like white zombies.

They were no normal zombies either.

Merlin, Henry, John, Pandora’s knights, and Executive Board members... There were also numerous excavation team members.

“They're all enemies the Captain-nim got rid of in the past...!”

“Those bastards!”

“They’re artifacts! They’ve all been turned into Un-knowns!”

Was this the terrible fate awaiting all artifact users?

Merlin had learned about creating Un-knowns from the apocalypse artifacts after all.

The enemies Ju-Heon had taken down in the past had all been turned into Un-knowns by the apocalypse artifacts.

They must have been in a rush as they all looked the same as they had looked while alive.

The team members gasped and quickly activated their artifacts.

"Fuck, Un-knowns can't be destroyed with normal methods!”

They had realized something while fighting against Un-knowns. Most artifacts could be destroyed by breaking their core.

But Un-knowns did not have cores in their bodies.

An Un-known’s core was different based on the person it was created from. It was the location that the person had the most attachment to in the past.

For example, Jaeha’s Un-known Louie's core would be TKBM's tomb raiding team office.

They were able to easily destroy their Un-knowns since they knew where those places were, but...!

“How the hell would we know where these bastards were attached to?!”

“Just stop them for now!”

The activated artifacts all rushed toward the enemies. The team members’ artifacts were working harder than ever.

[Protect Seo Ju-Heon!]

[We can't let those apocalypse bastards take our place!]

But the apocalypse artifacts only had one target.

[Dodge the other bastards! We don't have time!]

[Seo Ju-Heon, only aim for Seo Ju-Heon!]

[He can’t use other artifacts since he is using Chaos!]

They swiftly dodged left and right and only aimed for Ju-Heon. Fenrir, which was near Ju-Heon, wanted to swallow him again as well.

‘Fuck, all of this would end if I could just swallow that bastard in one bite!’

It didn't even need to swallow him.

An arm, no, just cutting off a single finger would cut Ju-Heon’s Dominance off and make him unable to control Chaos.

‘Then Seo Ju-Heon and this world would be gone at once.’

But forget an arm... Fenrir could only be smacked by the excited rope while being dragged away.

Slap, slap, slap!


I said hand! Hand!

[Ow, this damn shitty rope bastard! What the fuck are you?!]

It was at that moment.

“You stupid motherfuckers really have to stop looking down on humans so much.”

Ju-Heon smiled and everybody saw black fog appearing.


The apocalypse artifacts were shocked.

Ju-Heon had activated Chi You's artifact while maintaining Chaos.

He also called up Anubis’s Army of the Dead!

[That bastard...! He can use a Treasure-Grade artifact while maintaining Chaos...!]

The goblin army and spirits of famous individuals from history burst out. The goblin army and the spirits worked together as they charged toward the battlefield.


It was the moment that a black wave and a white wave mixed together. Ju-Heon's army and the team members’ attacks mixed together and made the Un-knowns scream.

The apocalypse artifacts gasped.

But that was not the end.

Ju-Heon smiled as if he had been waiting for this moment.

“I guess you didn’t know this. I didn't close the gate of Chaos because I was just waiting for the right moment.”


“I needed your numbers to increase!”

He then threw the remaining two of the 7 Great artifacts.


They were the artifacts of avarice and gluttony, Mammon and the Supreme Leader.

He had been unable to awaken them until now because he did not have useful sacrifices, but their conditions seemed to be almost fulfilled as he took down apocalypse artifacts.

[You have satisfied the requirement.]

[All seven have gathered and the Majesty's Key has completely awakened.]

The two artifacts that he had been unable to awaken until now had awakened.

He had taken down thousands of apocalypse artifacts already on his way over! They were all extremely high-grade sacrifices so it was enough to awaken the key.

The ring on Ju-Heon's finger flashed.


The overbearing Majesty’s aura burst out of him. Chaos powered up as if it was reacting to Ju-Heon’s power.


[Sucking in all apocalypse artifacts in the world.]

All apocalypse artifacts were sucked without exception.

Ju-Heon soon gave the final order.


[Ahhhhhhhhhh! Noooooooooooo!]


The apocalypse artifacts screamed but the gate of Chaos closed shut.

Peace had returned to the world.

The apocalypse artifacts were completely gone from the world.

People looked at how the artifacts had disappeared without a trace as their jaws dropped.


“They’re gone, right?”

People realized that this was not a dream and started crying and cheering.

“Hooray! All of those monsters are gone!”

“It’s finally over!”

“We're alive! We’re all alive!”

People all over the world were crying tears of joy and screaming in excitement. They all came out of the shelters and hugged each other in delight.

But Ju-Heon's team members couldn't help but be anxious.


“I, I don’t see the Captain-nim?”


They heard a voice at that moment.

“What are you all doing over there? You're going to get crushed if you blank out in a crumbling building.”


They had no idea when he moved, but Ju-Heon was heading toward the exit alone.

And then...



The cracked Valhalla started to completely crumble, probably because Ju-Heon destroyed the throne. Well, it could also be because Ju-Heon continued to destroy the palace after that as well.

The team members foamed at the mouth and quickly followed Ju-Heon.

“Captain-nim, stop breaking it!”

"Why would you throw away such a precious palace?!”

“That’s right! Why did you destroy the throne......?!”

They had to stop talking at that moment.

“Watch out!”


The majestic palace of the gods crumbled. The palace that was shining radiantly turned into ashes.

The ghosts in the palace blanked out and dropped their weapons.

[Ah, my king......!]

They seemed as if they had resigned themselves to accept their fates.

The tomb turned into sand as if it was returning to nothing and charged forward like a flood as if it wanted to swallow the team members.


The heinous pile of sand aimed for the team members’ feet. But as that sand was about to swallow them up!



They heard an odd explosion and the team members all made it out safely.

They were all breathing heavily and felt as if they barely kept their lives.

Ju-Heon, who had walked out before all of them, just snorted.

“Aigoo, you idiots, you’re as slow as turtles.”

The team members were spitting sand out of their mouths as they huffed in anger.

"What?! You shitty captain! You used Chi You to slip right out!”

“That’s right! It’s unfair! The conditions are so different......huh?”

They all opened their eyes wide.


Ju-Heon was nowhere to be seen.

It was as if he had disappeared from this world.

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