Tomb Raider King
Chapter 397 Table of contents

Translator: miraclerifle

Ju-Heon's eyebrows twitched as he looked at the thing in front of him.

The electronic board that floated up like a hologram showed a world map with a disgustingly large number of dots. It was showing him the location of the ring.

However, those dots were so numerous that they resembled cockroaches.

Ju-Heon looked at the map and asked to confirm.

“Say that again. What are all of these dots?”

[These are the rings you are looking for.]

“And how many are there?”

[34,126,311,486,756,744 in total.]

“How many?”

[40,376,112,678,876,489 in total.]

"Damn it, why the hell did the number just increase?!”

Ju-Heon threw his phone at the Heaven’s Eye.

Over fourty quadrillion was too much.

“How the hell did it multiply so much in less than a day?! How many fucking babies is it having?!”

Ju-Heon glared in anger.

“You’re not scamming me, are you?”

The Heaven’s Eye shook in fear at Ju-Heon's accusation.

[How would I dare to lie to you, my Majesty?]


[I, I promise!]

It should be true.

The Heaven’s Eye was an artifact as well and could have a rebellious side, however...

This bastard was something he created by grinding up other artifacts.

He had put a safety mechanism in this bastard following the Three Laws of Robotics. But even without that, this bastard probably wouldn’t want to be ground up again.

That was why the Heaven’s Eye shouldn’t be lying to him. The Heaven’s Eye was actually not lying.

Julian sighed as he knew that was the case. He had shown Ju-Heon some rings when he got here, saying that he found some on his way over. He thought that Ju-Heon should at least feel lucky that they didn’t multiply like the grains of sand in a desert.

"Anyway, how are you going to find the real one like this? Actually, aren’t all of these rings real?”

There was a simple reason Julian was saying that.

“This is Draupnir.”

Draupnir, the gold ring (bracelet) possessed by the god, Odin. It was Odin's bracelet and the symbol of a king and his wealth. It was called a ring at times and a bracelet at times, but either way, this artifact’s ability was multiplication.

These were not just copies; they truly were multiplying.

It wasn’t much of an ability for a Major God-Grade artifact, but it was still an important one.

All warriors in Norse mythology were only loyal to the kings who gave them gold, and the kings were not able to be stingy with giving gold to their warriors.

This gold bracelet with the ability to multiply itself without limit made Odin the omnipotent king among all kings.

It was a symbol of omnipotent power and a perfect ring for the majesty, but......

“Why the hell did you choose this as the engagement ring? I'm sure there is something more normal and pretty...”

Julian shut up as he was about to say that there were prettier rings.

It was obvious that this son of a bitch would go get the cursed Hope Diamond just because it was pretty.

‘I should be happy that he didn’t bring a cursed ring.’

"Anyway, it might be better to look for a different ring...”

Ju-Heon clicked his tongue at Julian’s comment.

"Why do you think I got that ring?”


“I wanted to put the same ring on all of my people. My wife and my kids would have the same ring.”

“Ah, you wanted it to be like a family ring?”

“Something like that.”

This might be the perfect ring if Ju-Heon was aiming for something like that.

That wasn't all.

“That ring also symbolizes the authority of a king. They will be able to order my vassals around while I am not around if they have that ring.”

“Ho, you know how to use your brain like that?”

“What the hell did you just say?”

Ju-Heon was the current leader of the artifacts.

He meant that the artifacts could protect the person wearing that ring if they were in danger.

If the user could use the ring properly, they could also boss the artifacts around as they pleased.

“I have nothing to say in regards to it being a good ring, but hasn’t it multiplied too much? How many was it again... 40,376,112,678......”

[It has just turned into 51,873,033,873,000,089.]


He was sure of it.

‘This is too abnormal even for a ring of multiplication.’

His hypothesis would be correct.

Half a day ago...

Jaeha was getting anxious after seeing the guest who had come to see him.

"W, what did you just say?”

It was nice that he was back at his workroom in the US.

This was the same place where he had been hiding as if he was Rapunzel when he first met with Ju-Heon after Ju-Heon’s regression.

There was a person at the workroom.

"What the hell? You're still here?”

“Oh my goodness, Jaeha sunbae!”

It was the female employee, Yoon Min Hee, who used to work there. She was shocked at Jaeha’s sudden visit.

"What are you doing here, sunbae?”

“Why is it weird for me to come to my house?”

“But haven’t been here even once since you became that gangster thug...n, no, no, the Majesty’s restorer...”

“Ah, I came to pack up some stuff. But why are you still here? I recommended you for another job after telling you that I was closing this down.”

“T, that......”

Yoon Min Hee was Jaeha’s hoobae at college. She had worked as his assistant while he was scamming people as a copycat.

“I was waiting for you.”

“Huh? Why?”

Yoon Min Hee became flustered before she quickly responded.

“T, that...sunbae, you still owe me some money! It's a lot of money so I was going to sell this place if I had to do so to get my money!”

A shocked Jaeha took out his phone.

“Damn, okay! I'll give it to you...! I think it was 2 million could have just texted me to send it to you...hey, what's your account number?”

Yoon Min Hee anxiously jumped up.

“N, no! Later! Umm, there’s a guest waiting for you!”

“Huh? A guest? Who?”

“ see, a sleek body with S-line curves...”

Sleek and S-line curves? A woman?!”

“No, I didn't say it was a wom...”

Jaeha walked in without hearing what she was saying.

“Haha, which pretty lady came to see me~”

He made sure he looked okay and even pulled a flower out of a vase.



Copy this! Copy it!

Like hell it was an S-lined beauty.

All he saw was the S-shape of the rope that must have put some kind of cream on as it was glowing.

He couldn’t help but be flustered!

“Hey! What the hell?! Why are you here?!”

Jaeha chucked the flowers at it.

The rope must have been practicing how it would seduce Ju-Heon, as it maintained its S-shape and handed Jaeha the ring.

Yoo Jaeha was shocked.

“What the?! Why the hell is this here?!”

This was definitely the ring the Captain-nim said was lost.

“You had this?!”

The rope nodded its head.


Copy this! Copy it! I'm going to hide it!

I'm going to hide it!

Jaeha scoffed after reading the note the rope handed him. It was because he knew what the rope wanted to do.

‘It’s trying to hide a leaf in a forest.’

“Hey, no. I understand how you feel, but the Captain-nim will pummel me again if I did that.”

The rope opened something once Jaeha rejected it.


It was a bundle of money!

“W, what the? W, what is this?!”

That wasn’t all.

Click! Click!

Precious items started pouring out into the room.

“Ahhh! This is the extremely limited item appearance package coupon for Game X! There’s also a VIP ticket for the Brooks concert! Holy shit, this is extremely difficult to get! Wooooooooooooah!”

Jaeha became excited and tried to pick it up, but the rope quickly took it back.


Copy it! Copy it!

“Y, you little punk!”

Jaeha didn't know what to do.

The rope just continued to throw bait as if it was fishing.

What it threw this time was an out of print game CD that Jaeha had been searching for for a long time.

“What the?!” Why is that rare game here?! Aaah! That’s Big bro John's signature!”


Don’t you want these things? Don't you want them?

“D, damn it.”


Copy it! Copy it!

Jaeha almost fell for it but he soon sneered.


“What do you take me for? Those are all fake!”

That made da Vinci's artifact that was hiding somewhere sweat bullets.

‘H, he found out?’

Jaeha shook his head at his artifact that was peeking its head out.

“You dumbass, did you really think I wouldn't notice something you made? 100% perfect replicas only come out when you are used with human hands. Anyway, give me the ring, I will return it to the Captain-nim...”

The rope anxiously moved back as Jaeha walked toward it while da Vinci's notebook urgently reported out.

[F, failed to seduce the Pushover bastard! Send reinforcements!]

It was at that moment.


[Get him! Get him!]

“W, what?!”

A window was broken and Jaeha lost consciousness after being smacked in the back.

“So, y, you want me to make copies of the ring?”

Jaeha had no idea where he was abducted to, but he woke up in a luxurious hotel.

And then...

“That’s right. Jaeha hyung... This is your chance to make a shit ton of money.”

The little punk June was in front of him. It wasn’t just June.

Numerous artifacts were gathered in front of Jaeha.

[#$$#&!] [##&$*!]

Those artifacts were saying that they should tie the Monarch of Pushoverness up and force him to make the copies, but...

“There are Ring Expedition Teams being created right now. Your talented fakes could make you a ton of money.”

June suppressed the violent artifacts and was slowly seducing Jaeha.

“Hyung, this is a total jackpot of an opportunity!”

“......Hey, hey! I know what you are thinking, but no. The Captain-nim will get angry!”

“No, he will praise you for creating a creative economy. Furthermore, the Captain-nim will easily see through the fakes.”

Jaeha’s ears perked up and he slowly looked toward June.

"B, but still...”

June made a motion with his hand and the artifacts lifted up some covers.

What appeared was a ton of dollar bills along with games and clothes, etc.. that Jaeha had wanted!

“T, these are...?!!!”

These were the real things unlike what the rope had used to try to seduce him earlier.

“The games you've been wanting to play. There are enough games here to last you for about ten years. You really can play until you get tired of them.”

“H, how did you get these precious things...?!”

How did they indeed get them?

‘Mr. Jaeha. Good luck.’

The princesses that were partnering with the artifacts shamelessly charged their credit cards.

Jaeha’s eyes flashed.

Returning back to the present...

[The person you are trying to reach is unav...]

“Monarch of Fraud, you son of a bitch.”

Ju-Heon was grinding his teeth while looking at the rings that had exponentially multiplied.

This situation had been created by the artifact’s multiplications and the copies creating synergy.


It was extremely different in speed having one ring having babies compared to having 100 million rings having babies.

‘Those damn copies are having babies as well.’

Furthermore, Jaeha had made such perfect copies.

Ju-Heon was boiling inside as he sent a text message after realizing the culprit.

[Where is the original?]

He just got a single response back.

[Please don’t look for me.]

Ju-Heon angrily threw Gungnir.

He then called Jaeha once more.

“Hey you son of a bitch, I won’t ask again after this. Which one is the real one?”

Jaeha, who picked up this time, was crying. He must have been stopped by Gungnir as he was trying to escape.

He was shaking while looking at Gungnir that had stabbed into the ground just underneath his crotch.

[Waaaaah, I'm sorry! But even I don't know which one is real!]

“What? How is that possible? How the hell do you not know which one is real?!”

[You see, the artifacts kept praising me so I subconsciously put in more effort...]


Basically, this was a replica of when he had copied Mammon's tomb in the Grand Canyon.

[The ring suddenly went berserk...! I thought that you would be able to find it quickly, Captain-nim! You also have Kongming with you...!]

Kongming, who was next to Ju-Heon, grabbed the back of his neck.

“Damn it, you should have at least limited how many copies you made!”

‘51,873,033,873,000,089... Shit, these multiplied again! How the hell are we going to go through each and every one of them?!’

Ju-Heon did not want to do such tiring manual labor.

This probably happened because Jaeha made copies without knowing that this ring could multiply.

‘Finding the original is a problem but the copies are a problem as well.’

They may be copies, but they were still Major God-Grade artifacts. How would he get rid of these extremely persistent cockroaches......

Of course, the artifacts were cheering with joy and said the following to Ju-Heon.

[My king! You can now marry 52,342,103,793,031,009 women!]

[Wow! Hooray! Hooray!]


‘I should just kill them all.’

“I have no choice anymore.”

Julian flinched after hearing Ju-Heon sigh.

“What?! Are you really planning on marrying that many people?!”

"Are you fucking crazy?!”

Ju-Heon jumped up and explained his plan.

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