Tomb Raider King
Chapter 403 Table of contents

Translator: miraclerifle

Secretary Choi became anxious and tried to convince Ju-Heon.

“Umm, Mr. Seo Ju-Heon. It won’t be a waste of time. Please reconsider...”

“Whatever, Secretary Kim or whatever, please go back.”

The anxious secretary had no choice but to contact the aunt. The aunt was about to go crazy after receiving the call.

[Don’t just leave! Do whatever you need to do to convince him! Why are you thinking about coming back with no results! Are you crazy? Do you know what kind of person that is...!]

“But madam...!”

It was at that moment.


Ju-Heon swiped Secretary Choi's phone. But the aunt, who would have no way of knowing, was still yapping away.

[You understand? Don’t even think about coming back until you convince that guy! You’ll be fired!]

"What the hell is this old lady saying?”


"Why the hell are you trying to apologize to me? The subject of your apology is completely wrong.”

[Seo, Seo Ju-Heon?]

“And who the hell are you guys to tell me to come to you? Why the hell should I go there to eat? You guys walk your asses here and eat with each other if you really want to eat so badly.”

[Wait, hey!]

"Ah whatever, I'm busy. I need to take photos.”


Ju-Heon ended the call without any regard for the fact that the aunt was still talking, then took his DSLR camera out like an obsessed fan. Their pretty and cute little Soo-A was on the stage now.

[Camera of the photographer who took Marilyn Monroe’s most memorable photo - A-Grade]

“Take photos of every single expression. You're dead if you miss any. Take 10 million photos and make sure they can all be the most memorable photo.”

The artifact couldn't believe it.

[Wait, even the Majesty can’t give such an order......!]

"Shut up. A damn artifact can't even do that? Why the hell would I use you instead of a photographer if you can't even do that? You understand? See what happens if any of them come out average or ugly. Your artifact life is done for at that moment.”


The camera artifact could only sniffle and work hard to take photos of Soo-A.

It was at that moment.

“You truly look like an obsessed fan.”

Julian, who was dragged out while working in the legal team, sneered as soon as he arrived.

“How much chaos did you cause today?”

Ju-Heon growled back at him.

“Who told them to make our Soo-A cry? This uncle will go anywhere in the world to take care of people bothering our Soo-A.”

‘This is why this bastard can't ever have a daughter.’

Julian put his hand on his temple as if he was tired.

Basically, this crazy uncle would evolve into a crazy dad if he ever got a daughter.

‘We need to make sure he only has sons to maintain world peace.’

He wondered if he would really have to go find a male heir providing artifact.

‘I do remember seeing a B-Grade one among the Confucian artifacts.’

As Kongming was seriously thinking about something so useless...

“Ju-Heon oppa!”

Soo-A jumped into Ju-Heon’s arms and rubbed her cheeks against him.

“I got the reward thanks to you, oppa! Thank you very much!”

Ju-Heon laughed while hugging Soo-A.

“No, oppa just helped you guys. It was all of you and your friends’ hard work that got good evaluations.”

The products made by Soo-A and her friends were quite popular, probably because of how peculiar they looked.

Jaeha seemed envious of Soo-A hugging Ju-Heon and chimed in as well.

“Hey Soo-A, this oppa helped as well. This oppa wants...”

“Of course! Thank you very much. Mister Jaeha!”


‘Did she just say mister?’

"Wait! Why is the Captain-nim oppa when I am a mister?!”

“Excuse me?”

“Even though I am three years older than the Captain-nim, I look much younger! I still have that boyish charm! Why am I a mister?”

Soo-A rubbed her cheeks against Ju-Heon as if the reason was obvious.

"Because I'm going to be Ju-Heon oppa’s bride in the future!”


Even the mighty Dan seemed to flinch after that one. But he was trying so hard to pretend that he had not heard anything.

Soo-A didn't care as she shouted brightly.

“Please just wait ten years, oppa!”

Her daddy couldn’t help but sweat.

“W, wait, umm, Soo-A...? The, Ju-Heon oppa is going to get married soon...!”

“It’s fine! I'm okay being the third wife!”

Dan started having a mental breakdown.

His expression seemed to be asking why she would pick a shitty(?) person like Ju-Heon of all people.

Ju-Heon glared at him.

"What’s up with your face? You don’t like me being your son-in-law?”

“O, of course I do. I, you see, umm....”

Dan was sweating profusely.

‘Fuck, did the thoughts in my mind show up on my face?’

But Soo-A didn't seem to care as she held up the reward she received for Ju-Heon.

"And this is your wedding gift, Ju-Heon oppa!”


Ju-Heon’s eyes opened wide at the unexpected artifact Soo-A offered him.

“I never expected this to come out as a reward at a school festival.”

Chloe was looking at Soo-A's gift as if she was amazed.

It couldn't be helped because...

[Silk from heaven used to create a fairy’s winged clothes (A-Grade:Treasure-Grade)]

What kind of artifact was this? Clothes created from this silk was almost guaranteed to be a S-Grade artifact.

The school’s board seemed to have put this as the reward as they thought it was a normal C-Grade artifact.

“Anyway, Soo-A said that you should use this to create your tuxedo and the dresses.”

Ju-Heon and the team members all became excited. Using the fairy's silk to create the dresses would make them the most beautiful dresses in the world.

‘This is perfect. I’ve been wondering what to create the dresses with.’

It was okay to get a regular dress, but he wanted to do something special for his bride.

But the fairy's winged clothes? It was even more meaningful as it was a rare artifact.

‘There’s also the fact that Soo-A noticed this was an A-Grade artifact when nobody else noticed.’

“Anyway, I should go find a gift for Soo-A to thank her.”

Ju-Heon said that as he looked toward the people in front of him.

Those shitheads who had messed with Soo-A's festival were in front of him. The Vice Principal was here as well.

The people who had been begging for Soo-A to forgive them started shaking once Ju-Heon's vicious gaze fell on them.

“U, umm......”

They peeked toward Ju-Heon who picked Soo-A up as he asked.

“Does our Soo-A feel better now?”

“I'm okay now. I was able to spend a lot more time with Ju-Heon oppa because of it.”

Ju-Heon let things go, as if he had never stared at them with murderous intent.

“Okay, I'll let things go because Soo-A is willing to let you off.”

He had no intentions on making a big deal from the beginning.

On the other hand, Sara’s aunt sighed in relief, as if her life got extended by 50 years.

‘Why did I have to annoy the Majesty of all people...?!’

They really almost lost their company.

“T, then can we pretend that today’s incidents never happened...”

“Ah, but the sign board and painting are still destruction of property. The 500 million dollar compensation is a separate issue, so take care of it through our lawyer.”

The aunt cried.

The festival came to an end and Ju-Heon put the fairy’s silk inside Sleipnir.

“Give this silk to a designer by the end of the day.”

Everybody turned toward him with shock.

"Wait, whose dress are you turning it into?”

The bride candidates were currently struggling to handle the Treasure.

Ju-Heon thought for a bit and as he opened his mouth to speak...

“Can you turn that into my dress?”


An unexpected person appeared!

“Holy shit, why did that woman show up here?!”

The team members were now hiding at a shop on the other side while having mental breakdowns. Zhen Cai Yuan had appeared in front of Ju-Heon!

“Did she really come here after gathering enough points?”

“Man, this woman sure is vicious.”

They were debating whether they should tell Irene and Seol-A about this.

As for Ju-Heon...he didn't seem to care at all while meeting with her.

“Like hell this dress would be for you. You only have enough points to share a cup of vending machine coffee.”


Zhen Cai Yuan despaired.

That was right.

It didn’t matter that she was acting as a guard in his prison to gain points.

[Hey Ju-Heon, what are you doing?]

[Are you busy?]

She kept bothering him at all hours of the day that Ju-Heon started taking points away for each text.

That wasn't all.

[Ju-Heon, this is a gift straight from my heart.]

She lost so many points for bothering Ju-Heon. She also lost points if she caused any accidents, so, in short, she was gathering points but losing them based on her actions.

So how was she expecting to get a wedding dress?

"Well, you’re right. It might be possible in about 300 years.”

Zhen Cai Yuan almost lost her mind at this sudden attack of the truth.

Of course, Ju-Heon only had Irene and Seol-A in mind as his brides.

Ju-Heon looked at the time before getting up.

“Okay, it’s been 10 minutes. It was nice chatting with you. I'm heading out now.”


Zhen Cai Yuan cried(?) while the team members, who were peeking at them through a mirror artifact, sighed in relief.

They did not want to take this crazy woman as their sister-in-law.

"Anyway, this bastard of a Captain of ours was seducing the nuns of the Vatican when I first met him. How the hell does he have so many women around him?”

“I know, right? The Captain-nim was probably only able to keep his chastity thanks to Mammon.”

“Ah, right. That Mona Lisa incident! Ah, he's the real eunuch! Hahaha!”

They seemed to have forgotten the fact that Ju-Heon would walk over to them, as they were having fun gossiping about him.

June, the Supreme Leader of the artifacts who was currently drinking beer, had a fire in her(?) eyes as well.

"Although I would listen to whatever his Majesty tells us to do, please anyone but Zhen Cai Yuan. I would rather make a move on him myself than to have her as his bride.”

“What? June, you’ve never had any run-ins with Zhen Cai Yuan, have you?”

“I was a bit before I joined the team...”

It quickly turned from gossiping about Ju-Heon to a story of the past.

“Wait, Chaos! Why are you doing this?!”


In some kingdom in Persia. June was about to leave a former Majesty at this time.

A Majesty had been born at this time. June, as one of the Majesty's Treasure, was serving the king, however...

“It ends today.”

“Chaos, what the hell did I do wrong?!”

“Do you really not know? You are not qualified to be the king.”

This former Majesty seemed to be shocked to hear such cold words.

June was a necessary artifact for the Majesty. The Cradle was required to create artifacts and destroy bad artifacts.

But June just turned away with a cold gaze.


“You broke your promise with me.”


June had asked the king to keep just one promise. Although an arm only bends inward, please take care of the outside as well.

The king should have known what he meant by that.

However, this former Majesty cast out the people and artifacts that were not right in front of his eyes in order to protect his surroundings during a large war.

He had a way to protect all people and artifacts, but he had given up way too easily.

The reason was simple.

‘I can recreate them since I have the Cradle. I can create whatever I want.’

He could create humans and artifacts.

“You are not qualified to use my twin. Perish along with this kingdom you cherish so much.”

June had then left that Majesty. Birth, June’s twin who was now a core, naturally went as well. June then hid in a different timeline so that nobody could find them.

All Majesties would make the same decision if they were here. They would all give up without even trying.

June now had this distrust for humans.

Thousands of years later... June came into modern time to find another Majesty candidate.

This candidate was TKBM’s captain of the tomb raiding team, Seo Ju-Heon.

June would probably not choose another human king, but as the Supreme Leader of the past...

‘It shouldn’t hurt to see what this guy looks like.’

The tomb raiding team happened to be looking for new team members at the time, so June aimed for that.

Well, there were definitely thoughts of seducing and using Ju-Heon as well.

June at this time had the appearance of a woman. That was her original appearance.

It was because the Cradle changed gender based on the Majesty’s gender.

‘All humans are the same anyway. I will be by his side and cut down his talents so that he cannot become the Majesty.’

June’s eyes flashed. She was confident about joining the tomb raiding team.


"W, what did you say? My hiring is canceled?!”

She had gone through the difficult application phase, written, practical, and aptitude tests, followed by the first, second, and third interviews.

She had barely passed through all of those things that took up half a year and was offered a job but what?

“My hiring is canceled?! Why?!”

[Umm, I'm sorry. You did pass but the captain of the tomb raiding team said women can get lost. So, it looks like you won’t be getting hired at TKBM.]


‘What did he just say?!’

She, as a great artifact, worked her butt off to meet the humans at their level to get hired, but what?!

‘How dare a human bastard do this to me?!’

This great and mighty former Supreme Leader of the artifacts had a mental breakdown.

[I'm sorry, but I can introduce you to a different excavation team...]

“N, no, I will try again.”

June's eyes were burning up with fighting spirit.

She only found out the reason she was cut a little later.

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