The Perfect Destiny
Chapter 151 Table of contents


Chapter 151: Zhou Yi's Memories [2]

Translator: StormFrost


Zhou Yi fought with Chen Liguo for several months on account of the matter of Chen Liguo moving out. In the end, he broke all contact with Chen Liguo.

As Chen Liguo held a guilty conscious he didn't dare contact Zhou Yi first, so their relationship fell into a deadlock.

Finally, it was Zhou Yi who couldn't sit still any longer. One night he directly went to the door of Chen Liguo's home and blocked him. The first words out of his mouth were, "Chen Liguo, if I don't contact you, you really don't plan on contacting me?"

Chen Liguo still held the ingredients he planned on cooking with in his hands. Seeing Zhou Yi again he was naturally very happy but he did not dare show this joy. Instead he whispered slowly, "N-no."

"No?" Zhou Yi questioned. "If I did not come find you today, would you have called me?"

Chen Liguo lowered his head and said nothing.

Zhou Yi was a little upset. He said, "Open the door."

Chen Liguo could only obediently open the door and let Zhou Yi enter the place he rented.

Zhou Yi's brows furrowed the moment he stepped inside. This rental home was too dilapidated. It was just one room and one living room. Although he had guessed that the environment would be bad from looking at the surrounding conditions outside, he didn't expect it to be this bad. He asked, "Where's the washroom? There's no washroom in this place?"

Chen Liguo stuttered out, "The washroom is at the end of the corridor……"

The entire apartment was like this. The place was already extremely small, where would there be space to add washrooms?

Zhou Yi looked at Chen Liguo.

It was now August and the weather was incomparably sweltering. There was no air conditioning in the home, just an electric fan. Chen Liguo had just come back from outside and was wearing a T-shirt. He was sweating all over, his hair dripping wet.

Zhou Yi asked, "Where do you bathe?"

Chen Liguo said, "Bathe ah, I always heat water and carry it downstairs……"

Zhou Yi: "……." Forget about this summer, what would one do in winter?

Seemingly guessing what Zhou Yi was thinking, Chen Liguo slowly said, "I asked, they have a public bathhouse in the winter here……"

Zhou Yi really couldn't understand. Just what had made Chen Liguo move out of their place so resolutely?

The air Zhou Yi emitted was already low but when he saw the dinner ingredients in Chen Liguo's hand he almost blew up. He asked, "Chen Liguo, you're just eating this tonight?"

Chen Liguo was carrying some vegetables and noodles. There wasn't even a refrigerator in the house, so it was impossible for there to be eggs or something else to be added in.

Chen Liguo said, "I've just been a bit busy today……" His words were so lackluster, even he did not believe himself.

Zhou Yi said, "Oh? Then what did you eat yesterday?"

Chen Liguo repeated, "Yesterday? I fried two small dishes."

Zhou Yi asked, "Ate it all?"

Chen Liguo answered, "Ate it all."

Zhou Yi looked at Chen Liguo and smiled angrily. He commented, "Very good ah. Chen Liguo, I haven't seen you for two months and you've learned to lie to me?"

The roots of Chen Liguo's ears turned a little red. He said, "I really did make two dishes. I made tofu and bean sprouts."

Zhou Yi's expression was cold and he stayed silent after that. The more he looked at Chen Liguo the thinner he felt he had become. He painstakingly stewed soup every week and managed to keep Chen Liguo white and tender, but in just these few weeks he had managed to thin down an entire circle.

Chen Liguo felt that he really couldn't continue to sit in a room with Zhou Yi, so he said that he wanted to go wash up.

Zhou Yi was expressionless. He said, "Go on, I'll wait for you here."

Chen Liguo voiced, "Ah……"

Zhou Yi asked, "If not then what? You still want to drive me away?"

How could Chen Liguo dare think so? He knew that Zhou Yi was angry, very angry, so he did not dare say anything. In the end, he picked up a bucket containing his clothes and shampoo then hurried away.

However, when he reached the washroom and slathered on the shampoo he finally realized that he forgot to bring a change of pants.

Chen Liguo was a little helpless and thought to himself that he couldn't do anything right as soon as he saw Zhou Yi. For better or worse he had put his phone into the bucket, so while being bare bottomed he gave Zhou Yi a call.

Zhou Yi asked, "What's wrong? Fell into the toilet hole?"

With a bitter face, Chen Liguo thought that even male gods were merciless too when angry. However, it really was him being unreasonable here, so he could only say, "Zhou Yi, can you help me bring a pair of pants? I forgot to bring them……"

Zhou Yi asked, "Where do you put them?"

Chen Liguo told him where he put his things.

Zhou Yi said, "Wait."

Zhou Yi hung up the phone. Just as he was about to search for Chen Liguo's pants, said person called again saying that there was no need and that he had found his pants.

Zhou Yi asked, "Found it?"

Chen Liguo said, "Yesyesyes, no need to get it, I found my pants."

Chen Liguo's tone was a little flustered. Zhou Yi was well familiar with this tone. Chen Liguo would often sound like this when he wanted to hide something from him.

Just as Zhou Yi was about to ask what had happened his expression suddenly changed. He said, "Alright, then you wash up and come back quickly."

Chen Liguo seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He said, "En en, wait for me in the living room ah, I'll finish washing up soon."

As soon as the call ended Zhou Yi immediately went into Chen Liguo's bedroom and rummaged through his clothes drawer.

The drawer in the home was very small and was practically unable to hide anything. Zhou Yi removed the neatly folded clothes and in a few minutes found a delicate wooden box at the bottom of the drawer.

Zhou Yi stared at it. After a moment of hesitation he couldn't resist his curiosity and slowly opened the box.

Then Zhou YP saw hPs own underwear.

Zhou YP: "……"

The underwear had been folded Pnto a small square and was carefully placed Pn the box.

The scene of Chen LPguo washPng hPs underwear appeared Pn hPs mPnd and the burnPng anger Pn hPs heart extPnguPshed completely. He put the box back Pn place then sat back Pn the lPvPng room pretendPng as Pf nothPng happened.

Chen Liguo washed himself as fast as possible. In fact, he regretted it the second he had asked Zhou Yi to help him get his clothes--He remembered what he had hid in his wardrobe.

If that thing was discovered by Zhou Yi he would probably he treated as a pervert. Chen Liguo anxiously hoped for Zhou Yi to please not go through his wardrobe.

Fortunately, after Chen Liguo entered the room he saw Zhou Yi still sitting on the shabby cloth sofa looking down at his phone.

Generally, you would cool down after taking a bath but Chen Liguo's brow was beaded with sweat. He inquired, "Ah, Zhou Yi aren't you hot?"

Hearing this Zhou Yi looked up. Chen Liguo did not know if it was his own misconception but he felt as if Zhou Yi's gaze was much softer than before and his mouth did not continue to poke at him. He only said, "Not hot."

Chen Liguo commented, "Oh……"

Just like this the two fell silent, each thinking their own thoughts.

Finally, Zhou Yi asked softly, "Chen Liguo, you really don't plan on moving back?"

Chen Liguo pursed his lips. He apologized, "Sorry."

Zhou Yi felt that if he did not know about the thing in Chen Liguo's cabinet he probably would have gotten angry again. However, now that he had seen it the stubborn Chen Liguo before him inexplicably seemed rather lovely to his eyes.

Zhou Yi said, "If you don't come back, I'll go find someone else."

Chen Liguo heard this and felt a little pain in his heart. However, he still put a tolerant and magnanimous expression on his face and as though he did not care, said, "A new roommate? You have to pick well ah."

Zhou Yi had been observing Chen Liguo's expression. He found that there really were no cracks in Chen Liguo's acting. Perhaps his childhood had taught Chen Liguo how to mask himself. All in all, if Chen Liguo did not want to let others find out that he was sad then he really could prevent anything from being revealed.

Zhou Yi sighed.

Chen Liguo felt that Zhou Yi's sigh made him feel even worse.

Zhou Yi said, "Chen Liguo, I'll ask you one last time. Will you come back?"

Chen Liguo said, "No, I won't go back."

The present Chen Liguo was just like a rebellious child who ran away from home and Zhou Yi was that parent who was incomparably distressed because of this. On one hand they were distressed about the child suffering outside and on the other hand they wanted to teach the child a lesson.

Zhou Yi said, "Suit yourself." His tone was full of disappointment.

Chen Liguo forced a smile.

Zhou Yi left after these words were said. That night Chen Liguo ate noodles alone.

The noodles were rather unpalatable, he had just casually put on some salt. After eating Chen Liguo felt like his stomach was blocked up, making him feel unbearable, so he went to sit in the hallway for a while.

There were many people in the apartment resting in the hallway at the moment. Chen Liguo saw that most of them were in pairs, some were even a family of three. Only he was alone.

Chen Liguo thought about how he came into this world alone and he feared that he would leave alone as well.

After Zhou Yi went back he consulted with a friend who was well versed in emotions about his problematic situation with Chen Liguo.

That friend was very surprised that Zhou Yi would also be puzzled by his feelings and voiced, "I didn't expect it ah, you can actually have such a day too Zhou Yi."

Zhou Yi said, "Cut the nonsense."

"Are you sure that person likes you?" The friend had talked about love many times and said, "Oh, that's wrong, I shouldn't ask you this question…… The number of people who don't like you can be counted on one hand."

Zhou Yi asked, "Can it be you like me too?"

That friend frankly admitted it and said, "Yes, I liked you once."

Zhou Yi: "…… How did I not realize?"

That friend said, "Because you're slow."

Zhou Yi: "……"

He was silent for two seconds and after pondering over it felt that it definitely wasn't his own problem. After all, even that cheap sister of Chen Liguo's couldn't see through his mind.

Skipping over this topic that friend gave Zhou Yi some advice, saying that if his loved one was too timid he should just take the initiative to attack. This thing called love, if it was missed, it would be gone. Once something changed it would be too late to regret.

Zhou Yi asked, "How do you all usually confess?"

That friend said, "You've come to the right person……. Come come come, let me make a foolproof plan for you!"

If Zhou Yi were asked about his regrets, then the thing he regretted the most was trusting in this friend of his.

This friend said that it had to be a nice surprise when he confessed, especially if you were sure that the other also liked you.

Zhou Yi asked what nice surprise.

This friend said, "Nice surprise nice surprise, first surprise then nice. I guarantee your friend would cry from happiness if you do what I say."

And so just like that Zhou Yi was pitted by his friend. He went and actually bought a ring and then told Chen Liguo that he was going to get married.

When Chen Liguo heard this through the phone his tears fell with a wipe. No matter what they wouldn't stop.

Zhou Yi said, "So can you come and help me pick out the ceremonial clothes?"

Chen Liguo said, "I can, of course I can."

Zhou Yi said, "Chen Liguo, you will always be my good brother."

Chen Liguo: "……"

After the call ended Chen Liguo's entire body wracked with sobs. He thought about that woman who came to find him and thought that she really hadn't lied to him.

This misunderstanding should have been unraveled in an incomparably sweet way.

However, just as Zhou Yi said the first few words with the rest still stifled in his mouth, a truck rushed over at the two of them.

Zhou Yi was pushed away by Chen Liguo before he could react. Then, Chen Liguo's body was tossed high up in the air and fell heavily, blooming into a bloody flower on the ground.

Time froze at this moment.

Zhou Yi's frightened expression, Chen Liguo's blood covered face.

A cold mechanical voice rang out and said, "Hello, I am the secret love helper system."

Zhou Yi: "……"

The mechanical voice asked, "Hello?"

Zhou Yi asked, "What? What are you?"

Again, the mechanical voice repeated, "I am the secret love helper system, helping love find its way under the heavens."

Zhou Yi was still stunned.

The mechanical voice said, "If you continue to be in a daze your loved one will leave oh."

Zhou Yi asked, "You can save him?!"

The mechanical voice said, "No, it's him who can save himself."

This was the beginning of the story. This mechanical voice belonged to Zhou Yi's system 1012.

1012 told Zhou Yi that the perfect destiny system had already entered Chen Liguo's body and Chen Liguo had become a host. Only, their mission was different from Zhou Yi's. As long as Chen Liguo completed them, he could regain his life.

"What about my mission? What is my mission?" Zhou Yi asked.

"You mission ah." The system said, "Making your loved one happy is enough. However--You cannot get in the way of your loved one's task."

Afterwards, Zhou Yi was pulled into the same worlds as Chen Liguo. Before entering each world he would get its plot and the role he needed to play. Only, according to his system's requirements, the only one whom he could go out of character for was Chen Liguo but he could not let Chen Liguo discover his identity.

Of course, most of these plots were destroyed into complete shambles by him but his system said that it was fine. So long as Chen Liguo was happy, he could do whatever he wanted.

When he transmigrated into the first world Zhou Yi was not sure if Chen Liguo was happy or not, so he did his best to be good to Chen Liguo, wanting to make things up to his Silly Guo.

However, his good intentions destroyed everything.

Chen Liguo could not bear the temptation of a lover who resembled Zhou Yi so much and in the end went out of character. His progress bar was immediately reduced to 0.

When Zhou Yi was drawn out of the world 1012 was somewhat helpless. It told him, "You can't be like this ah."

Zhou Yi asked, "What's going on?"

1012 said, "He can't give you a response--To be exact, the role he plays cannot give you a response."

Zhou Yi furrowed his brows.

1012 said, "You can't let him go out of character again. It's too time consuming and too taxing on the host's state of mind." It did not tell Zhou Yi that not every host was able to return. Some would sink into these worlds because they lost the ability to distinguish between true and false. They could only hope that Zhou Yi's loved one would be able to keep his heart.

Zhou Yi was worried too, so in the second world he kept a distance from Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo successfully completed his mission and entered the third world.

This world could be said to be the turning point.

Zhou Yi became Ran Qingkong and Chen Liguo became Xu Wenyou.

Zhou Yi watched as Chen Liguo earnestly completed the task and then left the country alone.

Zhou Yi finally couldn't endure it.

Every world was too long, practically a lifetime.

Playing a role for decades was practically a kind of torture. Zhou Yi went a little out of control and imprisoned Chen Liguo.

However, something happened that was beyond Zhou Yi's expectations. Chen Liguo who was imprisoned by him was not sad, but instead very happy.

"Ahhhhh, feels so good ahhhhh." Such a comment appeared above his Silly Guo's head.

Zhou Yi: "……"

On Silly Guo's face was an, 'I'd rather die than surrender. You may have my body, but you cannot have my soul' expression yet the soul very honestly jumped out with such a comment.

Zhou Yi: "……" How come he never realized that Chen Liguo was such a tsundere before?

Then he did Chen Liguo. No, to be precise, it was Ran Qingkong who did Xu Wenyou.

Chen Liguo was rather happy but Zhou Yi was not happy again.

"What if it was someone else?" Zhou Yi said. "Would he still be willing?"

1012 said, "But there is no one else."

Zhou Yi countered, "But what if there was?"

1012 lightly said, "If he did not push you away, the one who would have been hit would have been you, then wouldn't he have no need to do these things?"

Zhou Yi suddenly woke up.

1012 said, "So do you still need to talk about 'what if's with me?"

There are no 'what if's in the world. These thoughts would only make Zhou Yi himself suffer. Chen Liguo trying so hard, was it not precisely because he wanted to go back to him? Chen Liguo being other people was ultimately the way to become himself.

The notion of persevering to return lasted until the final world.

Zhou Yi did not know how he managed to endure the last world.

Zhou Yi who had transmigrated into Lin Zhaorong watched as Chen Liguo and this world's Zhou Yi loved each other devotedly.

In this world Chen Liguo was not an orphan. He had parents who loved him dearly, a good family background, and a Zhou Yi who loved him. In 1012's words, this was a world that had already been altered.

Zhou Yi looked at Chen Liguo's happy expression and felt some despair. He asked 1012, if Chen Liguo decided to stay, would this world continue.

1012 answered, "It will."

Zhou Yi asked, "Then what about Chen Liguo's body?"

1012 said, "It will die."

Zhou Yi felt suffocated. Learning the answer he kidnapped Chen Liguo. However, he was reluctant to do anything and only kissed him.

Chen Liguo lay before him with his eyes closed, just like a prince who ate a poison apple and he, he was the evil dragon who wanted to snatch the prince.

In the end, Zhou Yi chose to let go.

On the day of his birthday, he saw a Chen Liguo full of joy.

Chen Liguo wore a watch on his hand. He had seen that watch before--He used to wear it too.

"Happy birthday." Putting out the final cigarette, Zhou Yi left.

Naturally, Chen Liguo did not ask him to stay.

Zhou Yi was like a terminally ill patient waiting for the final diagnosis. He thought, he could not deprive Chen Liguo of the right to choose.

So he watched Chen Liguo go from high school to college and then finally had a perfect birthday.

The Zhou Yi of this world asked Chen Liguo if he wanted to be with him.

Zhou Yi looked at Chen Liguo's ecstatic expression. His heart sank.

"Will he choose to stay?" Zhou Yi asked his system. His tone was so helpless.

"You should be happy for him." 1012 said. "What part of this world isn't good."

This world was perfect, without a single blemish. Anyone would indulge in it.

Zhou Yi thought about it and put himself in the other's shoes. If he were Chen Liguo, then it wouldn't be surprising at all if he chose to stay.

"I'm going to lose him." Zhou Yi said in despair. "I'm going to lose him forever."

1012 sighed lowly.

Even in this desperation Zhou Yi still did not give Chen Liguo any hints. He wanted Chen Liguo to choose what his heart most desired, even if it would hurt him to the point he would wish he were dead.

Finally, Chen Liguo made a choice.

Zhou Yi watched the time freeze and the beautiful scene before his eyes gradually shattered.

Time turned back to ten minutes before the accident. He was still on the side of the road telling Chen Liguo about his nonexistent wedding.

Looking at his lively loved one before him Zhou Yi could no longer suppress himself. He pulled Chen Liguo over and ran home.

When Chen Liguo was pushed onto the bed by him he was still in a daze.

Zhou Yi thought, he really wasn't willing to wait another minute.

The two did it until the sky and earth turned upside down.

When every deed was done Chen Liguo almost couldn't move anymore.

Zhou Yi caressed Chen Liguo's face and gently asked him which country he wanted to get married in.

Chen Liguo could only move his eyes, completely unable to speak.

Zhou Yi said, "The immigration process to Country B is a bit easier, let's go to Country B. If you don't talk, I'm going to take it as acquiescence."

Chen Liguo: "……" You speak as if I can talk.

Zhou Yi said, "Since we've transmigrated back, I have something I want to ask you."

Chen Liguo blinked.

Zhou Yi asked, "Chen Liguo, when you stole my underwear, had it been washed?"

Chen Liguo: "….." Ahhhhhhh got found out!!!

Then Zhou Yi, who had no sense of shame, continued to say, "If one is not enough I can give you more, all worn by me."

Chen Liguo's face turned red.

Zhou Yi looked at him and kissed his mouth while smiling, saying, "So cute."

Chen Liguo thought, 'Where did my family's pure, lovely, noble but aloof Zhou Yi go? Just what happened to Zhou Yi……'

The story that left the greatest impression on me was from Garfield. Garfield had gotten lost and then his owner, Jon, found him at the pet store. Then Garfield said, "I'll never ask Jon, why he went to the pet store that day."

Thank you to every darling who threw me mines, grenades, and rockets. Special thanks to sister (Idiot Xizi) for the deepwater torpedo. Muah. XiaoZhuZi and dear CatMountainColdCold's deepwater bomb. Thank you all very much.

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