The Villainess is Tired of Everything
Chapter 8 Table of contents

All actors who have produced several limited impression, transfigured, It's like they're wearing masks. In an instant They've become different people.

"Even On a stage where it's just me, they douse themselves Then," – thought Marceau, looking at the faces of the actors, that they shouted at the top of their voices.

"To have an opportunity to pour out your passion in Something is beautiful.

Eat many ways to live life, but not Are we focusing too much on human relationships?

Canvas for drawing with the title 'Life' Does not have to be filled in just one thing.

The more if you have the money.

Wealth makes a lot of things possible. Whether overcoming the wound and moving forward, or A new life in self-isolation at home," The girl clenched her chin with her fingers and, enjoying the feeling of freedom, I focused on acting.

"In order to The actors knew how well they played the the time of the performance, I gotta be perfect audience."

–Bravo! – and when the performance came to an end, Marceau shouted praise. On her face Very slight traces of tears were visible.

"It's and really perfect acting and scenario. I'm even a little upset that the play has already been recorded.

When Should I check it out?"

So long Marceau was thinking with a tape recorder in her hands, Ridro He spoke to her.

– ... Listen to me Lady Marceau. If it's not rude, nothing if we check the magic tool with you?

His Unexpected words led the girl to confusion:


"It's Not a problem, but why? Their doubts about Haven't I shrunk?"

–I I just think it's a good opportunity See what facial expressions and actions We did.

To Their conversation was joined by the actors, Standing next to Ridro:

–So It's easier to control your game than look in the mirror and it seems great to appreciate what they see audience... If that doesn't cause a problem, then please!

Actors bowed politely.

"Well, There really are no tools here that allow for monitoring. I understand that it's hard enough to play, every time I look in the mirror."

–Ok Let's take a look – readily Marceau nodded.

Actors immediately took their seats with crowded faces Expectation.

Space Except for the stage, it was again plunged into darkness. It wasn't the perfect darkness of the cinema, but sitting next to people, Marceau felt that she was in the right place Over there.

Sound was clean and the picture is for immersion Clear.

"Oh, My name...

Performance started with the protagonist's first line - Ridro. Marceau immersed herself in the spectacle, as if she had seen him for the first time.

All The actors similarly immersed themselves in the without taking your eyes off the screen. After watching the play again, Wick He felt and threw up his hands.

–It's cool It's cool!

Recorded The scene had a different charm than that It was during a personal viewing. It didn't have sense of reality, but you could see the entire scene and later play back Parts I liked.

"Initially, I loved watching the movies again and again so will be fun to rewatch and plays."

–Remember... Remember! – in the heat of inspiration Wick exclaimed something to himself and began Write it down on a piece of paper.

"It looks like He's inspired by watching this play."

Actors exchanged impressions with bewildered faces:

–I thought I was showing the same face the same as during the practice, but I put it where Less emotion.

–I see it... I stood there with that look on my face.

–I I didn't quite understand when you said that need to work better with your hands, but for now I got it.

–Looked It's like I'm laughing when I'm supposed to be crying. I need to work on the Face.

Marceau Everything seemed perfect, but not to the actors Troupe.

–This is And it's really convenient...

Views Those who have seen the magic tool, changed right now. They started to be in awe of the one who came up with it.

Marceau She shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"Actors – people whose work is important.

Change Perception of Magical Tools happened completely by accident.

It's possible if people are going to use this kind of magic tools it's the best a way to change their perception of magic.

That they could take advantage of the magic tools and realized that There are no curses on them.

It's possible I'll be able to use it better than in original."

Wick rushed to Marceau with his hands covered Ink:

–Lady Marceau!

Movement Wick, who was shorter than her and had a chubby body, looked like a run Hamster.

–If do you mind if we can take a look recording and the next time we need it you? It gave me a lot of inspiration for my script... Even if you say No, I'll understand. Just wanted to tell you hereof! Wick continued to mumble something.

No one I didn't object to what he said.

Rather everyone looked at Marceau.

Them Liked the magic tool, but they couldn't casually ask for a loan his.

Dictaphone was so expensive that the actors didn't could buy it even using the accumulation of your entire life.

Those who used to play passionately and run around scene, now seemed insignificant.

"They're Impeccable pros at their game.

People who have achieved much in this area more than me and the people who will achieve even more.

World Unfair. Those who live so hard gotta worry about money and I'm living another life just because I got the body of a rich heiress. Efforts and The results are not proportional.

... but I can do it. Make For Them proportional to the results of their lives, money and fame.

Why I want to try to help them?" The answer came quickly.

"Because that I see my form overlay on them. It's because I gave up sinking into despair when she saw results that were disproportionate my efforts.

If The world doesn't let it, I want to take it away. If it's the future, I can change it.

Independently from what others think.

I I'll do it if I want to."

Marceau She nodded eagerly.

–Of course.

–Yes I do?

–I I don't mind showing you the recording again. In In any case, this is a theater created by especially for me so I don't mind use it as much as Want.

"Simple Take care of what you need to enjoy. 'Cause you're the people, who work hard enough, To earn the opportunity to receive the pleasure of life."

–Yes? But how can we...

–You just gotta give me your best a game," Marceau handed them the recorder. – After the play, I'll let you stay here until 10 p.m. All you have to do is it's to practice here, and the next times when you'll show me new play, show me the best versions themselves.

"I I don't expect it to change my mind about To me.

This is People who came for money. Faith built on money, easy to change. If I think of them as human beings who can turn their backs on me in any moment, I won't feel it disappointment when that happens."

Actors who had confused expressions with shaking hands received the recorder, which Marceau held out to them.

–You are welcome Let us pay some money.

–Or to repay with something else...

–At Do you have any favorite plays?

All They were delighted. They seemed to think that just adopting this tool could have caused problems for Marceau.

But She just laughed and shook her head.

–With I'm looking forward to the plays.

This is was Marceau's only condition.

However She didn't want to talk about it, so I just wrote a contract.

This is There was a contract that said that She is the one who ordered the production of this magic tool and that she the only one who can sell or use it.

Likewise There was a stipulation that if there were rumors about a dictaphone will be distributed somewhere else, then their contract will be terminated and the recorder returned.

"It's An era when such a thing doesn't exist yet "patent". I don't know how it is will be accepted. Let the people in the troupe take it It's good, but it doesn't know if it will continue In the case of the United States of America, the United States of America and the United States of

Marceau gave the troupe time to discuss the matter.

–We are Let's sign the contract.

They accepted her condition.

Ridro knelt in appreciation. He had an excited expression on his face Face.

–How to repay us for this service...

All The actors in the troupe were great, but The owner of the leading role was definitely Best. The fascination that swept the stage was huge.

Along As his abilities increased, Ridro began to become handsome again, even in the eyes of Marceau, whose bar raised up because of Darcy.

"It's A clear example of how important abilities for man."

–If You're grateful, please repay I'm the best job," Marceau said, patting Ridro on the shoulder and emerging From reflections. - Today's performance was really good.

– ... No Ridro shook his head sadly.

But Marceau even praised the impressive Moments in his game:

–Really. I was amazed that the subtle emotionality The games and body movements were the same as natural as flowing water. I think I understand why you're so popular.

"When see a really good job, to put it into words."

–Many thanks Ridro blinked at her words and bowed his head. It even seemed that His ears were red.


Bad the glory of Marceau, heiress of the Marquis of Etvar, was widespread even among the troupes.

Talked that in order to comply with a vicious personality and a demanding aesthetics of Marceau Etvar, they should have to be perfect actors.

Marceau I was well aware of this. That's why she I used the money I had to attract the troupe. Sum of 10 times more than a simple fee.

Gathered People who were so strong need the money that they were ready to overcome humiliation. Wick and Ridro were among them.

At Fitul had no money because he spent a lot of investments on various experiments to write a new Play.

At Ridro had no money because his kicked out of the troupe after he Several times he refused to become a lover aristocratic women, fascinated by his face.

For those who tried to make it their own lover, his game didn't matter.

That how handsome Ridro was was for are more important than the fact that he devoted the entire his life as an actor.

Ridro disappointed in them. But most of all, he hated himself, who went on need money.

In in the end, Fitul and Ridrot accepted participation in a play in the mansion of Marceau. They thought about making a big A dash forward.

So long didn't meet Marceau that day until The recorder was turned on and they did not hear Her non-standard offer. Naturally This proposal was kept secret according to the contract.

People They were afraid that they might perish from the troupe. Marceau Etvar was reputed to be savage and capricious a villain.

But even after a few days in the newspapers There was silence.

After work in the mansion of the Marquis of Etvar troupe even more began to demonstrate her skills. Their expressions became richer, but the scenes where they exchanged emotions with each other, much more naturally.

First It was the fellow actors, not the audience, who noticed it.

This is was the only thing that differentiated them from others.

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