The Villainess is Tired of Everything
Chapter 16 Table of contents

Base Korean dramas are a convoluted genealogy.

People those who considered themselves strangers find themselves of the same blood, and people who considered themselves to be relatives, turn out to be strangers.

Extremes The wicks were the same.

–What for You gave birth to me! – Ridro shouted.

This is there was a scene of agony, after Parents used hidden a child born out of wedlock. Mysteries Began births that could not be bred out of the dead end. It was a preparation for numerous bloody battles.

"This The theme is not used here."

Realizing that it might look weird and be misunderstood, Marceau with an uneven With a heartbeat she spoke.

–Darcy Everything is fine? If you're not comfortable, You can include something else.

–All It's all right," the man replied suddenly, looking at the screen.

–Yes I do? Glory to God.

–See It's something new," he muttered calmly Darcy, looking at Ridro in agony.

Marceau I didn't know the meaning of his last words but I thought those words were better than silence.

Then She didn't know.

A what these words are Darcy's words.


After watching a long three-hour It was before dawn It's time.

Without Light Sources Room Completely plunged into darkness.

"It's time my favorite pre-dawn time," lying on the bed, Marceau was basking in the darkness and inhaled the air.

Her The heart was not frightened by the pitch darkness, but calmed down by it.

–This is your favorite time," he whispered softly Darcy. His voice seemed closer than Marceau's Thought.

"Where?" blinking, she realized that Darcy was sitting there on her bed.

She is Gradually, I began to feel the man's gaze.

–Correct my favorite time," Marceau nodded, not Rising. "Although, to be precise, I should and music," she added, and heard rustle.

Seemed Darcy rose from his seat.

Marco I heard the sound of footsteps following hereby. Even though it was dark, she thought it was a response to her intemperate supplement.

Later a few moments from the phonograph His favorite piano part flowed Marceau. It was a nocturnal melody that She always listened around this time.

Melody The piano swayed softly in the room.

She is hugged Marceau like a long-awaited A friend. The music soothed her.

"To me Love the moments when I don't do anything Do.

I I'm just happy to be able to enjoy these moments.

Want to to make Darcy know that feeling."

–Darcy Lie down too.

Darcy obediently followed her words. Only There was one problem...

– ...... I I didn't ask you to lie down on my bed.

"Isn't It's not like lying in one beds?"

Voice the man rang out very close to Marceau:

–Take a look on the bed, it's so big that we We don't even touch each other. It's my first time I'm doing something like that, so I think I need to watch you to understand it. But if I lie down on the other bed, I won't see you.

Answer sounded theoretically sound, as if he had been prepared.

"Exactly. To give you the opportunity to feel Early hours of the morning, you need to file first example.

But if I say my heart doesn't thrashing with excitement, I'll lie.

All I'm lying in bed with a representative of the opposite sex.

Yet and early in the morning.

... naturally This bed is more like an armchair in movie theater than on the bed.

Right away It's early in the morning, so they get into my head nonsense," Marceau hugged the pillow tightly to erased her thoughts and spoke softly:

–Listen into the music and close your eyes. Dream listening to music and enjoying the silence. Enjoy the silence at this time when No one can disturb you. It's time When you're away from the noise, the girl herself I closed my eyes. "It's a time when You need to say nothing when you're around with someone.

"It's time get away from the stress of human relationships And think about the fact that you are alive. It's time When You Can Help Your Thoughts to become clearer."

–I hope so You'll be able to feel it too.

"To me would like to see Darcy who is soon could have spent his time the same way." Marceau thought.

After before she finished talking, around It was quiet. It was so quiet that you could hear only their breath. That stable sound made Marceau feel comfortable.

She is I felt the inner contradictions.

"I I'm clearly tired of human relationships, But the fact that there's someone next to me comforts me.

Business It's not that I don't like being alone.

But A sudden, piercing loneliness always makes me helpless.

It's possible It's because of talking to myself.

I I feel relief and joy from the realization that there is someone with whom I can breathe in unison and share Memories......

This is a fact that means that one day I'll become above these wounds and I will meet people again."


Darcy who said he didn't like it And then he got up and endured only an hour.

Quickly Rising from his seat, the man headed back to the living room with much more with a more relaxed facial expression.

Marceau who ran after him to see him off, was brought in next to the magic chamber.

"I can Should I ask for a picture?"

Her It was sad that these were the last moments before the man leaves. Marceau wanted to leave a photo that would hold memories.

"It's there was an inevitable relationship but I'm very I am grateful to him.

It's possible We'll never see each other again, but once We got to know each other, can't I just Remember it?

And The camera in my hands fits perfectly to store those memories.

It's cool Let's take a picture." having made up her mind, Marceau approached Darcy and set up the camera:

– Take a photo with me for the last time.

– ... Photographed?

–Celebrate Successful completion of the contract.

–Not I think I was talking about the last meeting Darcy laughed at her words.

«... perhaps Wasn't that clear?

With a detached face, like he's leaving, he's In a short time, he made two magic tool."

Before than to answer, Marceau measured the distance between the hand holding the camera and his Face.

"There will be Is it enough just to stretch out your hand?"

–Faithfully. But now I don't know when I'll see you. First of all, I think, magic There are already enough tools.

After this girl turned the lens on them, setting the task of taking a selfie. To fortunately, Darcy didn't run away.

–So Look here. Darcy!

Click, click.

Darcy He shook his head silently.

–No You can't move!

But This happened after the button was pressed. Laughing, Marceau looked at one of the photo after another:

–Take a look What strange photos we got.

Some For a while she admired the vivid pictures, but I was upset when I saw the result.

And all because of Darcy, who only had Smeared skin. Sighing and disassembling photos, Marceau spoke to the as if to soothe him:

–Darcy This is the last time so let's Let's take a good picture.

Hearing Darcy frowned.

–Why You speak like a person who sees me for the last time? It seems Strange.

–This is the last time," Marceau replied calmly Voice.

Darcy who was slowly aware of her words, Hesitated.

–You see Are you leaving?

Opinion who looked at Marceau with that calm question, has become strange.

Hearing Darcy narrowed his eyes. He doesn't I asked her how she knew that.

Narrower eyes, the man picked up a bag with Magic Stones:

–Looks like This is intentional.

–I quite vigilant.

"On the In fact, it's closer to intuition than mindfulness."

Hearing Marceau's reply, Darcy pursed his lips. Playfulness the one that was in it before is gone.

–In Will you take the right picture this time?

On Marceau Darcy shrugged his shoulders, but He nodded obediently. The weight of the camera in her hand I felt a lot lighter.

–Not move," she said to the His girlfriend.

Hearing Marceau's words, Darcy froze grimly at the Place.

Checking the distance and angle at which it is possible to was to take a picture with a man, Marceau placed the camera on the dresser.

–Come on We take pictures.

Between At the touch of a button and the moment of shooting It took about 5 seconds.

Marceau ran quickly to Darcy's side.

They stood at such a distance from each other a friend, so as not to touch.

In This time, the man stared silently at the camera.

Click, – A magic crystal placed in a shutter camera, disappeared. Soon there was paper, Like a Polaroid camera.

Marceau She took the paper in her hand.

This is There was a photo of both of them They looked ahead awkwardly. Even in the steam room in the picture, Darcy looked lonely.

Crooked and the rebellious look reminded Marceau a teenage boy worried about A turbulent period.

"Never I won't forget." seeing this, Marceau smiled and She nodded in satisfaction.

"At least photo and not too well done as well The expression on my face is awkward, but It turned out quite well. It's hard to talk it's the most, but Marceau is a beauty."

–How? Darcy poked his nose in.

Marceau She shoved the photograph into his hand.

–Your things are here. I hope the memories Everything here will also remain for you good memories.

– ... only Because of this picture? Darcy asked. As if it were absurd. But the photo was still in his hand.

"He's Weak in expressing his true feelings. Awkward would be a much more accurate word.

Well I knew that from the beginning." as Marceau looked at him, Darcy He ran his hand through his hair in confusion.

"Don't I know what he's like in history, but for me Darcy is a good man."

–Wish Good luck to you in the future.

"That's why I hope Darcy who is embarrassed looks away in front of me, can to free himself from what is holding him back.

I I hope he can get out of the the room you're stuck in and meet with other people."

Darcy stared at Marceau, wide open eyes as if I had never heard in my life Nothing of the kind.

–You Will you grant me my last wish? –in There was something strange in his quiet voice, unlike his usual self.

Marceau Nodded.

Man He instantly walked up to her and hugged her.

His a body much larger than Marceau's, resembling Sturdy wood. As soon as Marceau's face buried in Darcy's chest, she was struck by the An unfamiliar smell. From the man's body came the smell of incense.

She is It was the first time it was in the hands of a man. Girl surprised by the strong muscles she could Feel Through a Thin Shirt Darcy.

His The embrace was softer and warmer than She was waiting. In spite of cold hands.

«... This is desire?" with a sense of bewilderment, Marceau suddenly came to my senses.

Trying push Darcy away, she heard him voice:


– ……

–You Do you know that I haven't hugged anyone in a long time?

Fragment A past that the man didn't talk about surfaced. It was Happy and a little sad at the same time.

In In the end, Marceau was unable to push Darcy away and was silent in his arms.

Seeing that a man does something that he usually does didn't, she realized that it was really the last time they see each other.

"I I'm grateful for everything.

Behind Listening to my story in silence, That he didn't listen to the rumors about me.

Only That man is leaving."

Passed a long time since Marceau was Emotional.

"I hope You're not going away." The words stuck in her throat were trying to to break out, even though she knew that can't stop Darcy from leaving.

"But he's just another person I'm I didn't deserve it."

This one The fact was bittersweet.

Not only Darcy pushed everyone away, herself without realizing it, Marceau was doing the same.




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