Slave Husband I Bought (Female Dominant)
Chapter 14 Table of contents

Xu Qi looked at the pot with a slightly grim expression. The water inside had boiled dry, and the ribs showed a hint of charred blackness, while the potatoes were stewed into a mushy mess. Expressionless, she added a bit of water and waited by the stove for a while before scooping out the contents of the pot onto the table.

Not a wealthy household, just a little burnt, still edible.

Immediately afterward, she rinsed the pot with clean water, stir-fried another simple dish, and steamed a bowl of egg custard for Ye Lan.

Once everything was done, she went to find Ye Lan.

“Ah Lan.”

Xu Qi called from outside, her voice gradually approaching Ye Lan’s ears like a beam of light, temporarily dispersing the gloom that had been covering him.

“M-mistress, mistress.”

Ye Lan put down his arms in confusion, raised his head to look at her, his eye sockets reddened, as if he had been crying.

Realizing this, Xu Qi’s heart throbbed slightly with pain.

“What’s wrong? Still thinking about our age difference?”

Xu Qi couldn’t understand what Ye Lan was thinking. It was only a nine-year age gap, why make himself unhappy over it? She didn’t care.

Facing her inquiry, Ye Lan remained silent.

Just now, when his mistress had been away for so long, was she deliberating on how to deal with him? Did she resent him and not want to face him?

Each assumption made Ye Lan feel increasingly uncomfortable, as if a blunt knife was cutting into his heart.

He had been too happy too early, forgetting that their age disparity might not be acceptable according to the prevailing customs of the time.

“What are you thinking? Why does your complexion keep getting worse? Don’t scare me.”

Seeing Ye Lan silent for a long time, with his complexion worsening, Xu Qi couldn’t help but extend her hand to touch his forehead with the back of her hand.

“No fever, so what’s wrong with you? Do you think our age gap is inappropriate?”

Not getting his answer, Xu Qi could only guess silently. Unexpectedly, she hit the nail on the head again.

“Just because of this?”

Xu Qi still found it hard to believe. Age was not an issue in her eyes, but she had forgotten that in this era, where customs were strict, the Xu family placed special emphasis on age.

Unable to look at Xu Qi, Ye Lan nodded gently.

Xu Qi pursed her lips. “I don’t mind your age. If I want you as my husband, it’s because I like you as a person, regardless of your age. Can you understand?”

With a heart full of gratitude, Ye Lan raised his head, his lips trembling. “But, but I haven’t had any female heirs in years!”

He looked really nervous and concerned, afraid that Xu Qi would think he couldn’t produce offspring.

“Female heirs? You mean daughters?”

Having been exposed by his mistress, Ye Lan’s lips turned pale, but his hand moved involuntarily, tightly grabbing hers. “I, I’m capable of having children. It’s just that I hasn’t had any female heirs in years…”

He explained nervously, although he had brought up the issue of childbirth himself, now he feared that Xu Qi would really think he couldn’t bear children.

Feeling his tension, Xu Qi placed her hand on his back gently, patiently asking, “Who said you can’t bear children? Uncle Man? He’s just talking nonsense. Our family doesn’t have any family business to inherit. You don’t have to worry about these things. Even if we don’t have children, I won’t blame you.”


Tears finally overflowed from Ye Lan’s eyes, falling onto Xu Qi’s hand.

Xu Qi held him in her arms, gently patting his back, comforting him.

Feeling a strange sensation in her heart, Xu Qi, despite being much older than him, treated him like a child, soothing him as if she were coaxing a child.

But this feeling wasn’t bad at all. She gently rubbed Ye Lan’s cheek. “Are you still unhappy now?”

She asked very cautiously.

Ye Lan’s heart felt sour. How could any woman tolerate a man’s pettiness? It was usually men who endured it themselves. But his mistress not only indulged his pettiness, but also was willing to coax him, treating him incredibly well.

“I’m not unhappy anymore, mistress, you are so good to me.”

He said sincerely to Xu Qi.

Xu Qi kissed his soft cheek. “You are my husband. Who else should I be good to?”

“Yeah, I’m so fortunate to have met you, mistress.”

Although they had only been together for a little over a day, he already completely trusted his mistress and believed that she was a good person.

“Now, do you want to go out for a meal?”

Xu Qi asked him gently.

Ye Lan grabbed Xu Qi’s arm tightly, nodding gently. “Yes, I’ll serve you, mistress.”

“Here we go again.”

Facing Ye Lan’s bewildered eyes, Xu Qi could only tap his smooth forehead with her finger. “Didn’t I tell you not to worry about so many rules anymore? When we two eat, as long as we enjoy the food, that’s all that matters. Who cares about serving or not serving?”

Ye Lan lowered his head, obediently nodding. “I should serve you, mistress.”

He was older than his mistress, but he had to be a bit obedient in order to be pitied by her.

Not wanting to hear this, Xu Qi also knew that Ye Lan’s habits couldn’t change overnight, so she simply picked him up horizontally, supporting the back of his head with her hand and pressing him into her arms, taking him out to the chair outside.

“Always thinking about unnecessary things. It’s better to eat more and fatten yourself up a bit. If you’re fat, people won’t say you can’t bear children.”

Xu Qi explained in a joking tone, but someone took it seriously. “Is that true?”

He looked at Xu Qi with a curious gaze, making Xu Qi feel a bit embarrassed.

“Of course it’s true. Those who are fat are always better at giving birth than those who are thin, don’t you think so?”

Thin people are prone to having small pelvises and difficulty giving birth, especially in places like this in ancient times.

“Yes, Mistress is right.”

Not knowing what Xu Qi was referring to, Ye Lan felt embarrassed and blushed.

Xu Qi got up and served Ye Lan some rice, not too much, mainly intending for him to eat more vegetables.

“Try it quickly, maybe it’s not very good because it’s a bit burnt.”

Xu Qi picked out the neatly arranged ribs and placed them in Ye Lan’s bowl.

Ye Lan lowered his head and took a small bite, then raised his head with a pleased expression. “Mistress’s cooking is delicious.”

Xu Qi was happy to be praised, but when she tried a piece herself, she didn’t feel as good as Ye Lan said. It was just average, not bad enough to be inedible, but a bit bitter due to being slightly burnt.

The two of them didn’t say much during the meal. Ye Lan only ate a small amount of rice, but he ate very slowly, almost counting each grain of rice as he ate. When he finished eating, Xu Qi had also finished. She then moved the pre-steamed egg custard to Ye Lan.

“Here, have this too to fill you up.”

Ye Lan immediately became anxious again, waving his hand as if to refuse.

Xu Qi naturally couldn’t tolerate any refusal and immediately put on a stern face. “Obey, Ah Lan.”

Ye Lan quieted down and obediently accepted the egg custard, eating it slowly, spoonful by spoonful.

This time he ate more than last time, but he stillcouldn’t finish half a bowl of egg custard.

Xu Qi didn’t mind finishing the leftovers for him before carrying him back to the room.

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