The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero
Chapter 505 Table of contents

In the beginning, Lee Gun had just wanted to hide the truth about his memories for a short while to torment(?) Hugo. He never planned on hiding it for this long.

‘I never expected this!’

Hugo’s house had become Lee Gun’s foster home, and Lee Gun ground his teeth. After destroying his heart in the World of Emptiness, Lee Gun had returned to the earth.

His body had somehow retained his memories, and he had instinctively fallen to Hugo’s house instead of other regions. That was all well and good. However, it was a moot point!

‘Damn it! I have the body of a baby! I can’t even flip myself over!!’

Lee Gun had fallen off the sofa by mistake. His forehead rested against the floor as he struggled.

‘Who cares if I have my memories! My body is like this!’

He needed help, and it didn’t matter from whom.

Lee Gun had recovered his memories by the time Hugo had seen the words written on his palm and realized he was Lee Gun. As soon as Lee Gun had fallen to the earth, his memories, which had been turned into an item, had been activated. The Seal (Summon) function had activated, and the item hidden in Shiva’s storage room had disappeared.

Thanks to the item, Lee Gun had regained his memories. When he saw Hugo and his family, they looked like they didn’t know if they wanted to laugh or cry.

Lee Gun let out a sigh of relief.

‘I’m back.’

He had one resolve. He wanted to come back and break Taeksoo’s back by buying expensive items. He had subjugated the World of Emptiness. He had killed Universe. He had rescued Hailey. And as he had planned, he had regained his memories after returning to the earth!

In the end, he had succeeded! He could rest without worry!

Of course, he did encounter some problems along the way. Some people wanted to take Lee Gun away from Hugo and his family. They claimed that they wouldn’t be able to trust Hugo, who had betrayed humanity.

When Lee Gun heard this, he wanted to beat them all to death, but he held himself back. Thankfully, Kevin and Stevens tactfully backed off. Otherwise, Lee Gun might have destroyed the earth.

‘At the end of the day, I have the body of a baby.’

Lee Gun had thought everything would be solved if he was able to regain his memories. However, it was more inconvenient to be in the body of a child than he had assumed.

A baby’s body couldn’t fight off sleep if he was sleepy. He couldn’t freely turn his head, and he couldn’t walk. To make matters worse, he couldn't even flip his body over. His hand muscles hadn’t developed, so he couldn’t hold items properly!

He tried to speak, but his damn tongue seemed to be paralyzed and he would become tongue-tied! That wasn’t all!


Damn it!

Lee Gun wanted to watch a channel on the TV. It took him an hour to move thirty centimeters, and getting the remote was an epic struggle.

He proceeded to struggle to press the buttons until he finally landed on the channel that he wanted to watch when it happened!

- What the hell? Gun is asleep. Who had the nerve to turn on the TV?

However, that bastard Oh Taeksoo was oblivious. He kept saying a good child should sleep and would turn off the TV!!!

“Ah-ya!!!!!!!!! (You want to die, asshole!)”

To make matters worse, this idiot didn’t give him proper food! At the very least, he should’ve included meat in it! It was always vegetables? Veggggggggggies??

“Byaaaaa!!! Byaa! Byaaaaa?! (Do you want me to beat you up so bad that you can no longer chew meat? Hmmm?!)”

They always ate grilled meat for themselves!

“Byaaaaaaaa!!(I didn’t come back for this!)”

Moreover, the ungrateful bastard dared to bring inferior-quality clothes and formula because he was short on money!

Hugo had also tried to make Lee Gun go multiple times in his diaper before changing it.

“Byaaa Yaaa!!!!!(Damn it! This is child abuse!!!! I’m going to report you!)”

As expected of a baby’s body, Lee Gun ate, slept, and pooped… No, that was what he always used to do too.

Anyway, his thoughts were all grown up, yet his body wouldn’t take any orders from him. It was an inconvenient situation.

For example, he craved alcohol and snacks. But as his body was still undeveloped, he easily got a stomachache from eating such food. This was why he grudgingly ate the baby food and formula.

In the early days, Lee Gun had tried eating in secret at night. He ate whatever he wanted, but it gave him stomach aches the next day.

- Byaa… Byaa…!!

- Gun!! Get the doctor!!!

Damn it! It didn’t hurt this much even when he was beaten up by the monsters!

For some reason, a stomachache as a baby hurt Lee Gun more than when he was beaten up by the monsters as an adult!

Of course, he was used to pain, so he could ignore it. However, his diaper would become filled with what looked like a wet puddle of mud!

It oddly attacked his dignity as a man. This was why he decided to be selective about what he ate. Above all else, Hugo went crazy if he had a stomachache. For the next twelve hours, Hugo would go into overdrive in being a father… To nurse the baby, Hugo would sit near him and talk to him.

This was why Lee Gun decided to go easy on the food since the only topic Hugo talked about was turning Lee Gun into a fanboy for his adoptive father.

Hugo would play an infinite loop of videos that contained only his exploits. He tried to brainwash Lee Gun and try to dupe Lee Gun by saying Gun only trusted Daddy Hugo. Hugo lived off the praise that Lee Gun had sometimes given Hugo in the past.

It was ridiculous… What an asshole.

He shouldn’t have saved Hugo. He should have left Hugo in the World of Emptiness. Hugo was worse than the Zodiac Saints.

Anyway, all kinds of unusual things were happening to him, but these weren’t the true problems. These were minor troubles! The real problem existed elsewhere.

“Dad. I’ll change Uncle’s diaper.”

The number-one dark horse candidate causing his troubles was Yooha!

Lee Gun could have never expected this. When he returned as a baby, his niece and nephew went crazy. While he could ignore Sungjae, Yooha was acting crazy!

She wasn’t trying to change his diaper because she merely wanted to take care of him. That didn’t seem to be her purpose.

Whenever Lee Gun saw Yooha, he had to run away like a madman.

‘Why do her eyes twinkle when she’s changing my diapers? What’s she seeing that makes her eyes twinkle?!’

His saving grace was that she thought he was a normal baby who had lost his memory. If they found out that he had his memories….

Lee Gun was still unable to properly control his body. He felt a chill run up his spine. Yooha was a given. However, Taeksoo’s eyes would flash in delight too.

- Really? Gun has his memories? That means you can change your diaper, right? Gun is an adult, right? We don't have to look after you. You can do it all for yourself, right?

In the worst-case scenario, he would be left to fend for himself as they ignored his dignity as a man.

Lee Gun had decided to give as good as he got. This was why he had destroyed Taeksoo’s home and was having fun breaking Hugo’s spine by draining his resources.

If Lee Gun considered what he had done, he knew how he would be treated. At the same time, he hadn’t gone to meet Hailey for a slightly similar reason.

‘At the very least, I’ll meet her after I potty train myself.’

He had already experienced all kinds of indignities in Hugo’s household, so he was quite serious about this point. That was how it was supposed to be.


Back to the present.

Lee Gun, who had gone to the Leo temple’s holy ground to see Hailey, felt like dying for a variety of reasons. He had planned on taking a peek at Hailey’s face and leaving!


Hailey let out a bright smile as she hugged Lee Gun from behind. It wasn’t just the warm and snug body temperature unique to children. A familiar scent and warmth were being transmitted to his skin.

It had been a very long time since they were able to meet each other and touch each other. Lee Gun was having a hard time schooling his face. However, that wasn’t important right now!



‘Damn it! This is great, but I can’t do this right now, Hailey!’

Lee Gun felt like dying for a different reason; he was receiving a physiological signal. He was already having a hard time controlling this bodily function as a baby! He didn’t want to make an oopsie in front of the person that he wanted to meet the most!

He was supposed to be humanity’s greatest hero! Please cut me some slack!!!

‘Hailey! I’ll be back! This isn’t the time to be…!’

Lee Gun struggled as he tried to escape. However, Hailey seemed to be pleased as she hugged Lee Gun closer to her. She shouldn’t have her memories, yet she looked extremely pleased to see Lee Gun.

Lee Gun also enjoyed seeing her. However, he would enjoy it more if she let him go for one minute!

‘Damn it! What’s going on? Why is Hailey so strong?’

Hailey was a child who had inherited the blood of a god and a monarch. Since she wasn’t human, her body should be different from a human body, yet wasn’t she a bit too strong?

‘I have to use teleport to get out of here for now!’

Since Lee Gun had the body of a baby, there was a limited number of times he could use this ability. Still, he had come here after consuming Universe’s power. Using teleportation wouldn’t be too hard.

However, before Lee Gun could use teleport, Hailey turned Lee Gun toward her and kissed him on his lips.

Lee Gun’s head went blank. For a moment, he had his concentration stolen. Then he almost screamed.

‘That was dangerous!’

He had liked it, but he had almost lost his dignity as a man by a razor-thin margin. He was barely able to hold it back as he avoided immediate danger. However, he was still in a precarious situation.

‘Damn it! I can’t use teleport like this…!’

The damn body of a baby didn’t allow him to focus on two things at once.

Hailey seemed to have read Lee Gun’s expression. She tilted her head in puzzlement, wondering why Lee Gun was making such an expression. Soon, she realized something and quickly laid Lee Gun down.

She took a firm hold of his diaper as if she were saying she would take care of it. She waited for him.

Seeing this, Lee Gun became desperate. He inwardly screamed.

‘No! It’s fine! I’ll come back after taking care of my own business!’

At that moment, a light of salvation appeared in front of a troubled Lee Gun.

[Master! Are you here!]


Mimir had appeared right on time.

Hailey had a firm grip on Lee Gun.

Lee Gun extended his small hands as if he had been saved. “Byaaaaa! Byaa! (Save me! I’m in a hurry!)”

Mimir let out a sigh of relief. He clicked his tongue as he realized what kind of position Lee Gun had found himself in. “Master. This is why I said you should tell those close to you that you still have your memories. You’re being punished for hiding it.”


Lee Gun wanted Mimir to shut up and help him. His gaze had been gentle when he was looking at Hailey, but his eyes soon turned cold.

Mimir was the only one who knew that Lee Gun had his memories.

Mimir had found it out by coincidence, and this was why Mimir was the only one who had been harassed by Lee Gun.

Mimir felt aggrieved, so he wanted to tell Hugo or one of the guardians about Lee Gun’s memories. However, whenever Mimir tried to do so, his young master kept threatening him like a gangster… It was quite the low blow.

Seeing the look in Lee Gun’s eyes, Mimir sighed and tried to take Lee Gun from Hailey. “Let him go for a moment.”

At that moment, a surprised Hailey hugged Lee Gun even more tightly. A scary look entered her eyes as she raised her guard toward Mimir. “Byam. Where are you taking him?”

She had never seen Mimir before, so she mistook him for a kidnapper.

Mimir was briefly taken aback when he felt an immense power from her. “Uh… That’s… Master has urgent business… He has to go take care of it.”

“No. Byam. Won’t let him go to the dangerous place again.”

“He isn’t going to a dangerous place again… It’ll only be for a brief moment.” The surprised Mimir then asked, “Again…? What do you mean by…!”

This should be the first time Hailey was meeting Lee Gun.

In the end, the one who wanted to take Lee Gun away and the one who wanted to keep Lee Gun in place were having a staring match.


At that moment, someone snatched Hailey up from behind. The one to lift her was none other than Shiva.

Shiva’s eyes turned violent when he saw Hailey and Lee Gun stuck close to each other. For some reason, Aslan stood in the doorway, trying to hide that he was convulsing with laughter.

Mimir ignored his old owner. He looked at Aslan as if he had lost his mind and tried to leave with Lee Gun in tow.

“Master. I’ll take care of your diaper in no time… Master?”


Lee Gun had a blissful expression on his face, and he also looked as if the world was ending.

Aslan’s face was full of merriment. He placed a hand over his mouth, pounding his hand against the wall.

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