Slave Husband I Bought (Female Dominant)
Chapter 25 Table of contents

The two of them carried a bag of rice back home, but when they arrived, there was no sign of the husband. Fortunately, there was some movement coming from the neighboring house; otherwise, Xu Qi would have rushed out to find him.

“I, I really should go back.”

“Oh, just stay a bit longer. I know sister Qi can cook for you on regular days, so you don’t need to go back.”


“No, the mistress’s labor is hard, and she needs to rest when she comes back.”


There was a hint of difficulty in Ye Lan’s voice.

Xu Qi felt a wave of comfort, while Xu Zhi felt even more sour.

Is this what it’s like to have a husband care for you? How lucky.

“Oh, sister, I know how hard you work. Just relax here. I haven’t finished embroidering this pattern yet, so you can’t give up halfway.”

Her sister-in-law spoke loudly as usual, and Xu Qi could hear him clearly.

At the same time, she trusted her own husband. How could he possibly leave her, who worked so hard, to be with someone else and continue embroidering?

However, to prevent herself from not hearing Ye Lan clearly, she moved a little closer and listened sneakily, as if she were a little thief if anyone saw her.

She only heard her husband hesitatingly say in a soft voice, “Well, okay, I’ll finish this embroidery before going back.”

Xu Qi: Thunderstruck, can’t believe it’s happening, damn it!

Leaving the corner she used to eavesdrop, Xu Qi returned home angrily, sent Xu Zhi away after mocking her for helping with the chores, and made an appointment with someone to go up the mountain in the afternoon.

The more Xu Qi thought about it, the angrier she became. Her husband had only known the neighbor’s brother-in-law for a short time, yet he was already being lured away by him. Could the mistress be easily abandoned like this?

She was so angry that she made lunch for herself and randomly threw in some pork ribs into the soup pot with nourishing herbs. Ye Lan still hadn’t come out!

Xu Qi packed a small bag and went to find Xu Zhi.

Humph, she wouldn’t wait for that unfaithful man. He said he would come back after finishing the embroidery, but he obviously had no intention of doing so!

Then she would also go out. Who didn’t need a good friend?

Xu Zhi had invited her to go up the mountain to collect things today. She had gone up with her husband once before and found it quite interesting. However, this time, she brought a machete with her. It was too cold in winter, and she didn’t want to go up the mountain, so she might as well cut some firewood for winter.

“You don’t know how unreasonable my father and brother are. They think lying at home is a waste of energy, so they insist on kicking me out to pick wild vegetables, even though I usually work in the fields.”

Listening to Xu Zhi’s endless complaints, Xu Qi finally understood why she had invited her to go up the mountain.

“Then pick some more to take back, so they won’t criticize you.”

Xu Qi didn’t want to interfere too much in other people’s family matters, so she could only say this.

Xu Zhi didn’t expect any biased words from her, she just nodded and went up the mountain with Xu Qi.

There were many plants on the mountain, so they split up as soon as they got there.

Xu Qi went to the withered area, while Xu Zhi went to the lush area. Each of them did their own thing.

When it was almost dark, they came together to gather their harvest.

Xu Qi carried a load of firewood, while Xu Zhi carried a basket of wild vegetables on her back. When they were about to part ways, Xu Zhi wanted to give Xu Qi some wild vegetables to cook, but Xu Qi refused. Why eat vegetables when there was meat?

“Ah, did little Qi go to collect firewood?”

As Xu Qi was returning home, she met Uncle Man, who was washing clothes. Uncle Man looked pleasantly surprised to see Xu Qi.

“You’re finally back. If you hadn’t returned, your husband would have been so worried.”

Xu Qi immediately became tense. “What happened to him?”


“As soon as he got home, he didn’t see you, so he thought you had run away. Thanks to my son-in-law persuading him at your house, otherwise, he would have gone out to look for you. You know, you just left without a word. How could you make him worry like that?”


Xu Qi couldn’t say it was because of his son-in-law, so she quickly thanked Uncle Man and hurried home with a large bundle of firewood on her back.

She kicked open the door and immediately heard some movement inside. After a moment, Ye Lan appeared at the door, not saying a word. Just from his slightly red eyes, Xu Qi knew he had been upset.

After she finished unloading the firewood, she turned around, and Ye Lan had already walked quickly towards her. In the end, he even ran the last few steps and threw himself into her arms.

Xu Qi hugged him tightly.

“Where did the mistress go? This one didn’t see you when he came back.”

His voice was muffled in her clothes, sounding even more distressed.

“I went to cut firewood. Hurry up and get up; I’m dirty.”

Xu Qi pushed Ye Lan away, and Ye Lan hugged her, shaking his head, “Not dirty.”

He refused to let go.

What’s going on? Why is he so clingy as soon as he comes back?

“Oh, it seems like I’m unnecessary now.”

A young man stood there and said.

Xu Qi felt a little embarrassed, so she patted Ye Lan again. This time, he got up, but his face was even redder than hers.

“Brother Xu.”


“Okay, okay, your husband was scared today. Comfort him well, and I won’t disturb you two anymore.”

With that, he left Xu Qi’s home on his own.

Only Xu Qi and Ye Lan were left in the yard.

The unhappiness from noon had disappeared, and now it was all about tenderness.

“How did it become like this?”

Xu Qi touched Ye Lan’s slightly red eyes.

“I didn’t cry.”

Ye Lan turned away, refusing to let Xu Qi see his red eyes.

“I know you didn’t cry.”

Xu Qi found it amusing that he didn’t confess, but she still followed his lead and said, then hugged by Ye Lan again, “Where did the mistress go to cut firewood? Why didn’t you tell me?”

His tone contained some complaints. He had been stopped by the neighbor’s brother-in-law, otherwise, he would have gone to find her long ago.

When Xu Qi heard the reason for him mentioning the firewood, her face turned cold.

With an expressionless face, she replied, “Oh, at that time, you were embroidering patterns with the neighbor’s brother-in-law, so I thought you wouldn’t be coming back today, so I didn’t tell you.”

Her words contained a hint of jealousy.

Ye Lan’s originally fair face became even paler.

“I, I didn’t mean not to come back. I was planning to come back earlier”

Ye Lan said in a panic, his eyes full of self-blame and regret.

Xu Qi couldn’t keep her face cold anymore, but she didn’t want to forgive him so easily. What if he prioritized something else next time and abandoned her? What would she do then?

So Xu Qi’s tone became more accusatory, “I pity your poor health, so I went to the medical hall to get some nourishing herbs for you. Even though I was unhappy, I still made soup for you. And you treated me like this!”

Ye Lan was stunned, his eyes instantly misted with tears. Even though he was almost thirty, he cried as easily as before, without any hesitation.

It couldn’t be denied that he looked good when he cried, but Xu Qi also felt distressed and just wanted to see him cry in bed. The rest of the time, she wanted him to be happy.

“It’s my fault. Please punish me, mistress. I won’t do this again next time. Please punish me.”

Ye Lan said with tear-filled eyes, full of guilt and self-blame towards Xu Qi.

Xu Qi felt heartache, but she absolutely couldn’t let him off so easily. So she thought for a moment.

Finally, she came up with an idea and brightened up. “It’s cold in winter, so I’ll punish you to make me a pair of new shoes!”

Xu Zhi had shoes made by her father and brother, but Xu Qi had never had them. Sometimes she envied them a little.

Ye Lan looked at Xu Qi in a daze for a while before replying, “Yes.”


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