Slave Husband I Bought (Female Dominant)
Chapter 40 Table of contents

What was unexpected was that just after discussing the plague with Xu Zhi, the plague broke out the next day. Several households in the village were infected with the plague, including Xu Zhi’s parents.

At first, Xu Qi was not aware of this, but it was only when Xu Zhi came to her door crying to borrow money that she found out.

Although she had had unpleasant encounters with Xu’s father before, facing such a critical situation, Xu Qi still lent the money, telling Xu Zhi not to worry about repaying it and to focus on taking care of his parents first.

However, once back home, Xu Qi forbade Ye Lan from going out casually anymore.

The plague outside was severe, and it was said to be transmitted from person to person, which was dangerous. Xu Qi didn’t want Ye Lan to be in any danger.

Fortunately, their house was always kept clean, and neither of them contracted the plague.

As a result, the rice grains Xu Qi had saved came in handy. Now, with everyone reluctant to go out, except for those who needed to go out to earn money because they had no family property, Xu Qi’s life was much better than those people’s.

But Xu Zhi’s family became even more desolate.

Both her mother and father were infected with the plague and were isolated in a room where they couldn’t easily be seen. They couldn’t spend much time taking care of them when they went in.

So during this time, Xu Qiu shed more tears than he had in the past few years.

“Zhi’er, what will we do if something really happens to our parents?”

Xu Qiu cried all the time. He was a man, but mentally fragile. Xu Zhi was the only one left to support the family, so she could only comfort him.

“It will be fine. Mother and father will recover, and our family will be fine.”

But how clear was she in her heart? Even those who were given good soup and medicine were dying, so how could these poor villagers recover?

“Even if our parents are not well, we will be fine. You believe in me.” That day, Xu Zhi stood by Xu Qiu’s side, as if suddenly grown up.

This year was undoubtedly the most difficult year for the Xu family. With the plague, drought, and unbearable living conditions, it was also the most difficult year for Xu Zhi’s family. In this year, both their parents passed away, leaving only the two siblings to depend on each other.

But pain always has its time, and the future is worth looking forward to.

“Hey, Xu Zhi, Xu Qiu, you’re here, come and sit.”

According to the village rules, they had to observe a three-month mourning period after their parents passed away. Since both parents passed away together, they observed it for six months. Now that they were finally out of mourning, Xu Qi made some wine for them to dispel the bad luck of the past year.

“This year, I really appreciate your support. From now on, we are good sisters. If you need any help, just let me know!”

Time buries all sorrows. Xu Qi still remembered how sad Xu Zhi was when their parents passed away, but now she seemed to have forgotten and was happy again.

But this was something Xu Qi was happy to see.

Ye Lan walked out of the house with the child. He had worked too hard in the first half of his life, ruining his health, and the child he had was also in poor health, and it was a girl.

Xu Qi was already preparing dowry for her daughter, fearing she wouldn’t be able to find a husband in the future.

When Xu Zhi mentioned this, it reminded Xu Qi of her previous plans.

“You’re here just in time, let’s discuss something.”

She wanted to open a restaurant with Xu Zhi. She would provide the money, and Xu Zhi would provide the manpower. They would split the profits fifty-fifty.

The two women went inside to discuss, leaving the two men who had once been rivals feeling especially awkward outside.

In the end, it was Xu Qiu who spoke first, “Is this your child with Sister Xu Qi? Let me see.”


As soon as Xu Qiu mentioned it, Ye Lan hurriedly handed the child over.

“Wow, this child is so cute. She looks a lot like you and Sister Xu Qi.”

Xu Ling burped in Ye Lan’s arms.

Xu Qiu had now truly let go of his feelings for Xu Qi. The two of them had always been known for their affection in the village, and now that they had a daughter, how could he continue to harbor thoughts of her?

“Really? I also think she looks like the mistress, just as beautiful as her.”



The two of them played with the child outside, while inside Xu Qi and Xu Zhi were discussing the opening of a restaurant.

They both felt that they could start with a small one and then slowly expand. Xu Qi had the intuition of a modern person in the food and beverage industry, while Xu Zhi had the smooth and honest personality of an ancient person, so they complemented each other well.

When they didn’t have enough money, they sold some things to make up for it. Xu Qi sold five or six pigs and some newly raised chickens at a lower price, so they sold quickly.

Soon, the two of them had enough money to open the restaurant.

Xu Zhi’s Story

Xu Zhi was grateful to Xu Qi all her life.

If it weren’t for Xu Qi, she might have been farming in the countryside all her life, never able to afford a house in town or live a good life.

If it weren’t for Xu Qi, her parents’ death might have crushed her directly.

It was all because of Xu Qi that she was able to survive the plague and the drought and now live a good life.

Now, Xu Qi had already gone out to play with Ye Lan elsewhere, leaving only her to run the shop in this small town.

Xu Zhi worked diligently and managed everything in the restaurant well, determined not to disappoint Xu Qi’s trust.

On this day, after checking everything as usual, she was about to go home, but then she remembered there was a man waiting at home, which gave her a headache.

Her brother, Xu Qiu, had seemed to give up on Xu Qi since he let go of her. He kept saying it was impossible for him to find a woman again, but at the same time, he kept urging her to find a husband!

It’s not that she didn’t want to find one, she just hadn’t met the right one yet, right?

She had actively tried to get to know every man around her, but in the end, she came back empty-handed every time.

Was it her fault that she couldn’t find a husband? She was just being responsible to herself and the other party.

Thinking like this, Xu Zhi didn’t go back home but turned around and found some close friends who liked to have fun.

“I heard that some officials’ children are going to be sentenced down here these days. Why don’t we go and have some fun?”

The families who committed serious crimes in Qi Country, their matriarchs would be executed, and the rest of the family would be sold or sent to the army. They were referring to the batch of less important illegitimate children and daughters who were going to be sold.

Xu Zhi wasn’t interested in this, but she didn’t know why she wanted to go and see.

Slave market, she hadn’t been here for a long time.

Last time she came, she even brought about a marriage for Xu Qi. This time, this time was she going to bring about her own?

Xu Zhi suddenly couldn’t speak, swallowing her saliva.

Last time, she brought about Xu Qi’s marriage. This time, was she going to bring about her own?

A group of friends waved their hands in front of Xu Zhi, “What’s wrong?”


“That… those are…”


Xu Zhi pointed to a group of people locked in cages not far away.

“Those, those are the officials’ children who have been sentenced down here. They are said to be auctioned off. The highest bidder gets them. We can only take a look. You never know, there might be a chance.”

Yes, yes, she never knew, there might be a chance!

Among them were some handsome and good-looking men, but Xu Zhi just liked the one trembling in the back.

“Okay, the auction is about to begin!”

The person in charge shouted, and the people outside became excited.

“This one for two taels, this one for four taels, this one for five taels!”

One by one, people were sold, and finally, it was the turn of the one Xu Zhi had her eye on!

This man was undoubtedly handsome, though only delicate, so he had much more competitiveness than the previous few. When Xu Zhi bid three taels of silver, the people around her looked at her as if she were a fool.

Someone opened the cage and dragged the delicate man out.

His body trembled, almost being brought to Xu Zhi.

Xu Zhi hurriedly reached out and caught him, looking at him with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

Zhang Qing didn’t dare to lift his head, so he missed Xu Zhi’s rare tenderness.

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