I Was Rejected by the Main Character in a Romanti…
Chapter 34 Table of contents

“… Why?”

Sylvia muttered to herself as she unknowingly hid her body.

Why? For what reason? These questions were swirling chaotically in Sylvia’s mind.

“Didn’t they say it was just Felix escorting Ashillya? Without any personal feelings, just formality…”

Ashillya had said it was to thank a loyal family. Felix had also calmly accepted that fact. That’s why Sylvia was able to take a step back in that situation.

If those two were truly partners in the “real” sense, she would not have backed down.

…She knows it’s none of her business, but she couldn’t back down this time.

“Because we’re friends.”

Because Felix was her friend.

It made no sense for Ashillya and Felix, who hadn’t known each other for long and didn’t have many connections, to suddenly become involved.

Anyway, no matter what, it wasn’t for Sylvia to interfere. Even if the two really developed a good relationship, it wasn’t something she could say anything about.

Nevertheless, Sylvia couldn’t erase the feeling of her heart sinking heavily.

As if something was stuck in her chest, it felt stuffy.

Is this how it feels to eat food too quickly and get indigestion? Sylvia unknowingly tapped her chest and let out a long breath.

“Why… am I like this…?”

Up until just before, her mood had been soaring.

Talking about Felix with his family was also fun, and when she saw him, she was excited to greet him.

But now, on the contrary, her mood had sunk deeply. As if it couldn’t be worse, with her heart sunken very deeply, Sylvia briefly hung her head before shaking it side to side and moving her steps.

Not to Felix, whom she had originally intended to go to, but to return to Cain.

“Next time, I’ll greet him.”

With that thought dismissing her own mood, Sylvia’s gaze…

Was constantly fixed on Felix and Ashillya.


“… Do I really have to do that?”

“You have to. Aren’t you the protagonist of this banquet?”

“Is it not you?”

At Ashillya’s blunt words, my body trembled as I talked back to her, but the person herself only smiled softly.

“Quite a timid appearance compared to before.”

Realizing what situation Ashillya was referring to by “before,” I smiled helplessly and shook my head.

“Wouldn’t it be easier for me to teach magic, which I have no aptitude in, than to dance with Your Highness amid the nobles…?”

“You’ve already entered with me, so what are you so afraid of?”

“… That’s what I’m saying.”

Grumbling softly at Ashillya’s lack of empathy for my feelings, I put the food into my mouth according to etiquette.

In the meantime, the food was so delicious that my eyes subconsciously sparkled.

It was obvious that the imperial chefs were superior to the academy’s. Still, the taste of the food felt like it was on another level.

“Anyway, no matter how much you dislike it, once you’ve accepted my escort, you can’t escape it.”


Actually, from the moment I received the “escort” proposal, I should have considered the “dance,” but it was my mistake not to think that far.

Even if I threw a tantrum saying I wouldn’t dance, Ashillya was in a position where she had to dance first. In that situation, it wouldn’t look good to the nobles for me, her partner, not to dance with her.

Naturally, I had no right to refuse.

Reminded of that fact again, I silently put the food into my mouth and nodded my head.

It wasn’t something to throw a tantrum about. If I were to blame someone, I should blame myself for not thinking of such a simple thing.

So this wasn’t venting. The food was simply delicious. As I continued eating aggressively while strictly following etiquette, I heard a small laugh from Ashillya beside me.

“Pfft…Are you venting your anger?”

“… That’s not it.”

When I cleared my throat and answered after being hit right on the mark by Ashillya’s words, she smiled playfully, resting her arms on the table and her chin on her hands, looking at me.

Slightly turning my gaze away from her uncomfortably staring eyes, she moved her head to the edge of my vision.

For some reason, Ashillya’s blatant gaze made me unsure what to do.


Meanwhile, at the highest point of the banquet hall.

The Sun of the Empire, who had yielded all the spotlights, was watching Ashillya and Felix.

“… So it’s that child.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Beimos Fell Hamel Urlas, the Sun of the Empire and the current Emperor, looked at Felix, who was talking cheerfully with Ashillya, with indifferent eyes.

“Leonhardt, that child was a really sore thumb.”

At Beimos’s words, the old prime minister who had answered could only tremble slightly.

Ashillya had driven Leonhardt away, but there was no way the Emperor of the Empire wouldn’t know that Felix was behind it.

That didn’t mean he blamed Felix for it. Clearly, Leonhardt had made a mistake after mistake, and even the last chance Beimos gave him, he kicked it away with his own feet.

He even tried to inflict injury on Ashillya.

Even Beimos highly appreciated her proactive attitude and abilities. The Second Prince was cunning but lacked the ability to win people over.

The Third Prince, Leonhardt, was inferior and drowning in self-conceit. In a way, since the death of the First Prince at a young age, Beimos may have been preparing to place Ashillya as the Crown Princess.

That didn’t mean all of her efforts were denied.

Rather, regardless of what he thought, it was entirely her power that she rose to the throne.

“As a father, it pains my heart that my child has become like that, but as an Emperor, it may be fortunate.”

Beimos was not old.

Rather, he was still at a vigorous age. He was healthy enough to lead the Empire for at least twenty more years.

“Apart from that.”

That’s why he still had to think about its future.

“What kind of child is that one?”

At Beimos’s question, the prime minister deeply bowed his head.

“He is the second son of the Earl Astria and was not a boy who showed any particular prominence. He had talent in swordsmanship but lacked effort.”

“… A typical life of a genius.”

“That’s right. Politically, the decision to support Ashillya as the Crown Princess was entirely the decision of Earl Astria, and the second son showed no particular reaction to it.”

“… But.”

Beimos, who interrupted the prime minister’s report midway, shone his blue eyes and stared at Felix.

As if his senses as a swordsman were good, Felix was seen slightly trembling when Beimos’ gaze touched him.

“Why is that child by Ashillya’s side now?”

He didn’t fall from the sky.

Nor did he show any particular prominence since childhood.

Of course, it was true that the Astria family had supported Ashillya from the beginning, but that wasn’t enough of a reason to forcibly bring him as her partner to the banquet.

“While dealing with the Third Prince’s matter, I heard he became closer to Her Highness.”

“I know that much.”

“Her Highness’ ‘knight’ said that perhaps she has taken an ‘interest’ in him.”

“… Interest.”

Beimos muttered quietly, stroking his long white beard, which had now turned almost completely white, the same color as his hair. He slightly tilted his head.

“Has Ashillya ever taken an interest in anyone?”

“… As far as I know, no.”

“Then, is there a reason for her to take an interest in that child?”

“I also think there isn’t.”

“Haha, how interesting.”

Beimos’s small laughter rang out.

Of course, the Magic Tower created a barrier around them, so sound could not leak out.

Inside the magic that completely blocked their appearance and sound, Beimos’s eyes shone again.

“Bring that boy to me. I have something I urgently need to ask him.”

“… I understand.”

“Act without Ashillya knowing. If that child finds out, who knows what kind of fuss she’ll cause.”

Ashillya is the Crown Princess.

At the same time, she is the iron-blooded princess who struggled alone to reach that position.

But in Beimos’s eyes, she was still a young child. The path he had walked was that long and high.

“I will obey your command.”

As the prime minister deeply bowed his head, Beimos silently nodded.

“Felix von Astria…”

Still, Beimos’s gaze, looking at Felix, was shining sharply as if trying to see into him.

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