I Was Rejected by the Main Character in a Romanti…
Chapter 36 Table of contents


For a very brief moment, silence filled through the room once more.

I was rolling my eyes, trying to grasp the intention behind the question, while the Emperor was just leisurely waiting for my answer.

“Answer His Majesty’s question, Felix.”

…What do I need to know to answer?

At the words of the man beside the Emperor, presumably the prime minister, I burst with indignation inside but calmly chose my words.

Since I couldn’t clearly understand his intent in asking such a question, I had to state the facts.

“I believe we are just ordinary senior-junior academy colleagues, Your Majesty.”

“…Ordinary academy senior and junior, you say.”

He repeated my words, mulling them over.

At that moment, realizing it was the wrong answer, I licked my lower lip with my tongue and bowed my head.

…No, how can there be a wrong answer? This is the truth.

However, I couldn’t openly express that complaint.

I could only feel frustrated inside.

“I will ask again.”

What answer should I give?

In fact, could it be that he is misunderstanding? Just based on the fact that Ashillya simply called me her escort, could he be thinking I’m her lover?

I considered that possibility, but the Emperor was no fool. It was unlikely he would think that way based on that alone. The Sun of the Empire wasn’t that shallow.

This meant that there was something else I was unaware of. However, it wasn’t something that could be resolved by racking my brain.

“…Your Majesty, may I speak freely.”

So, at times like this, I also had to confront it head-on.


“I am nothing more than a loyal subject of Her Highness the Crown Princess and Your Majesty the Emperor. With my ignorance, this is the only answer I can give. I humbly ask for your broad understanding.”


At my answer, the Emperor let out a small hum and fell silent.

The prime minister also remained silent, waiting for his response.

In a way, it could be heard as an answer saying I don’t know what you’re talking about, so I quietly waited for that silence.

“You see,”

At the end of the silence, which felt long but wasn’t actually that long, the Emperor spoke again.

“I am simply curious as to how you became Princess Ashillya’s partner.”


“No matter how I look at it, I cannot understand why she was adamant about having you as her partner.”


Hearing his words, I realized the hidden factor.

…No, if Princess Ashillya wants to do it, can’t she just do it? Of course, she would need the Emperor’s permission, but she threw a tantrum because of that?

‘That’ Ashillya?

My mind is in chaos. He still demands an answer, but I couldn’t understand Ashillya’s intentions.

But I couldn’t keep my mouth shut forever, so I slowly opened it.

“I once saved Princess Ashillya from danger. I believe it’s because of that.”

“You’re talking about Leonhardt.”

This matter was also a landmine, but I trusted the Emperor. What Leonhardt did was clearly unforgivable.

I didn’t think he would punish me because of that. However, I couldn’t be 100% certain, so I quietly bowed my head.

“Even so, I still cannot understand it.”


Fortunately, he didn’t seem to intend to use Leonhardt’s matter to find fault with me. But that was all. He still seemed to find it incomprehensible.

“However, it appears you also do not know the reason, so it would be absurd for me to ask more.”


“I am watching you. If you intend to use Ashillya to do something to the Empire…”

Suddenly, I had no choice but to raise my head and look into the Emperor’s eyes because a chilling feeling was rising within me.

As if someone told me to do so, I felt a strange sensation and looked into his clear blue eyes.

In them was indifference.

“I will erase you.”

A faint murderous intent.

Even if the Astria family contributed to making Ashillya the Crown Princess, it was a warning not to aim for more. I slowly bowed my head again and answered.

“I stake the honor of the Astria family. Such a thing will never happen.”

“I believe your words.”

There’s no way that would happen.

I would never have such thoughts.

But the moment I heard his warning, I trembled in fear. It was a warning from the ruler that a mere mortal could not defy.

Even if I had such thoughts, I had no choice but to neatly fold them away.


“…You don’t look very well. Are you alright?”

Fortunately, I returned to my seat on time, and Ashillya, who returned soon after, asked with an awkward smile on my pale face.

Ashillya, who intently looked at my pale face, chuckled and patted my shoulder.

“If you’re that worried, just trust me. Despite my appearance, I received thorough education in the imperial family.”

Thinking I was stiff from nervousness, she gently patted my shoulder, and I had no choice but to nod.

Looking at the Emperor behind Ashillya, I closed my eyes briefly and then opened them again, averting my gaze.

Surely, he will be watching.

Although I had never done anything suspicious, for some reason, the chair I was sitting on felt like a bed of thorns.

“Well, it’s about time.”

At Ashillya’s words, I came to my senses, stood up from my seat, and carefully offered my hand to her.

She naturally took my hand as if it were a matter of course and said playfully.

“No comments on my outfit?”

“…You look beautiful. What outfit would not suit you, Your Highness?”

“For a flattering remark, it’s quite eloquent. I like it.”

Holding her hand, I slowly turned and headed towards the banquet hall.

Even though it was a corridor where people’s eyes wouldn’t reach, I couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching me from the surroundings.

“Your Highness.”


“There’s something I’d like to ask.”

Slowly walking down the corridor with Ashillya, I opened my mouth.

It was clear that the Emperor would have ears here, but I had no choice but to ask. In the first place, wherever you go in the Empire, his eyes and ears would be there.

Perhaps it would be better for the Emperor to hear the answer through Ashillya’s mouth.

“What is it?”

Ashillya tilted her head curiously at my serious attitude and asked back.

I took a deep breath and slowly spoke.

“Why did you choose me as your escort, Your Highness?”

“… Haven’t I already explained that sufficiently?”

Ashillya paused for a moment before answering my question. I gently shook my head and demanded an answer.

“I have a feeling there’s more to it than that, so I’m asking.”


Ashillya fell silent.

I also walked slowly down the corridor without urging her for an answer.

The dance time would only begin once Ashillya, the protagonist of the banquet, entered the hall and took her seat, so there was no need to move hastily.


After a brief silence, Ashillya opened her mouth.

All my attention was focused on her. She seemed to be inwardly choosing her words as she walked with a somewhat enigmatic expression.

“I wonder why?”

It wasn’t a question.

Instinctively sensing that, I kept my mouth shut and walked with Ashillya.

After passing through the long corridor and descending dozens of stairs, we finally reached the entrance of the banquet hall in the distance.

As we approached, I could feel her footsteps gradually slowing down. Ashillya seemed to be pondering alone.

“If Your Highness doesn’t want to say…”


My words, trying to say that you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, were cut off by Ashillya’s voice.

Her red eyes looked at me for a very brief moment. I met them, waiting for her to continue.

“If I…”


“…If I say it’s because I’ve developed an interest in you, would you believe me?”

… There’s no way I can believe that.

Ashillya is someone who doesn’t take an interest in anyone. She never found anything interesting or enjoyable.

However, regardless of what I thought, I had no choice but to believe her words.

Thus, I had no choice but to answer like this.

“Of course.”

“…I see.”

“How could I dare doubt Your Highness’s words?”

When I playfully responded to Ashillya’s words, she burst into laughter and took a step ahead of me.

The reason I had no choice but to believe her was not because of her words,

“Let’s go.”

But because her earlobes were flushed bright red.

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