I Was Rejected by the Main Character in a Romanti…
Chapter 47 Table of contents

“Prince, please do not be so heartbroken.”

“I’m fine. My sister has merely taken the position she deserves.”

The boy smiled brightly at the man’s words and waved his hand. Despite his gentle and kind appearance, the man with a dark heart put on a deliberately sympathetic expression.

The boy’s name was Jeffrey Philippe Hamel Urlas.

He was the Second Prince of the Empire.

With a height slightly shorter than others and a small frame, coupled with a fragile and kind heart, Jeffrey simply smiled brightly without knowing the man’s true intentions.

The man, Viscount Facily, clicked his tongue in pity.

If only this boy had become the Crown Prince, it was clear that the Empire would have been theirs.

Supporting him in front and reaping all the benefits later when he became the Crown Prince and Emperor–even though that scheme had fallen through, the Viscount couldn’t let go of Jeffrey.

It was too late to court Ashillya, known as the Iron-Blooded Princess, and they knew if she became Empress, the Viscount and “they” would never survive.

‘Damn it.’

When the First Prince had died in an accident at a young age, Viscount Facily had shed tears of joy.

He had made plans to drive Ashillya, the First Princess, out of power by painting her as a symbol of misfortune while simultaneously solidifying Jeffrey’s position as the next candidate for Crown Prince.

That plan had been shattered to pieces at Ashillya’s hands.

However, their plan to make Jeffrey the next Emperor was still ongoing. Even if Ashillya had become the Crown Princess, she had not yet become the Empress.

For those who had persecuted, driven out, and tried to push Ashillya into the abyss of despair, it was obvious their necks would be on the line the moment she became Empress.

So they had to grasp at any lifeline.

That didn’t mean they would cling to Leonhardt, the clearly rotten rope.

They simply grasped the easy-to-manipulate rope that was Jeffrey, who had even revealed his ambitions for power at their subtle incitement.

“What are you saying? For the lofty and noble position of Emperor of the Empire, what kind of politics could such a woman do if she sat there?”

Viscount Facily passionately ranted, spitting at Jeffrey’s words.

Of course, her politically outstanding moves and actions were noticeably excellent, but such facts were not important to them.

“Women are meant to do housework at home since ancient times. Politics should naturally be done by men!!”

It was an absurd sophistry.

Historically, a significant proportion of outstanding individuals were women, and it was an illogical argument that did not fit this world with the concepts of “mana” and “aura.”

But as mentioned, the truth was not important to them.


Jeffrey remained silent for a moment without answering Viscount Facily’s words.

Accordingly, the Viscount’s insides began to burn up. The Degrosis family, desperate to make Jeffrey the Emperor, had recently started to waver bit by bit as he remained silent.

In such a situation, if even he lost his will to become Emperor, the Viscount and the others’ chances of survival would completely disappear.

“No matter what, father… I can not go against His Majesty the Emperor’s orders.”

‘…He took the bait!’

Viscount Facily inwardly cheered at Jeffrey’s words.

It wasn’t clearly an outward agreement with his words, but Jeffrey’s statement just now implied he acknowledged the Viscount’s words to some extent.

“What’s important is that Your Highness has not given up yet. Leave the rest to us.”

They had to place Jeffrey on the Emperor’s throne no matter what.

With that thought, Viscount Facily smiled and reassured Jeffrey before hurriedly leaving.

Even if it meant committing treason, as long as they could put Jeffrey on the Emperor’s throne, that was all that mattered. Nothing was more important to them than their lives and wealth.

“I understand. Viscount Facily.”

Jeffrey muttered resolutely at Facily’s departing back, then lowered his head deeply lest anyone see and headed to his room.

Even in the short time heading to his room, he glanced around as if worried someone might have overheard their conversation.

Creak… Click!

Jeffrey hurriedly entered his room, closed the door, and let out a long breath.


As soon as he exhaled, Jeffrey’s soft and gentle blue eyes took on a sharp gleam.

“He’s really such an easy person to manipulate.”*

Chuckling, Jeffrey’s appearance was now 180 degrees different from when he met Viscount Facily earlier.

Shaking his head as he thought of the foolish Viscount Facily, Jeffrey leisurely walked over and lay down on a chair.

“Agreeing with his words and only implying a ‘yes’ to difficult questions, he wants to make me Emperor to survive.”


“Where else would you find someone as easy to manipulate as him?”

Jeffrey poured alcohol into two glasses on the table and continued muttering. Even though no footsteps, voices, or breathing could be heard in Jeffrey’s dark room.

“They would resort to rebellion to make me Emperor if needed. Of course, I’ll pull out beforehand if I judge it will fail.”

Still, no answer came.

“And they cannot freely manipulate the Empire after I become Emperor. After all, they’ll be dancing in the palm of my hand.”

Muttering that, Jeffrey pushed one glass in front of himself and slid the other to the opposite end of the table.


The glass that seemed about to fall off the table was caught by someone’s hand reaching out from the darkness.

The person in the darkness took the glass and naturally downed the alcohol. Jeffrey, who calmly watched, also downed his drink.

Despite it being quite a strong liquor, the two swallowed the alcohol as if it had no effect and looked at each other.

“…I heard the Academy’s informant got caught.”

“That happened today. How did you know already.”

Jeffrey looked at the man’s words with wide eyes. He shrugged, and Jeffrey urged him to answer.

Jeffrey smirked bitterly at that and answered while pouring more alcohol.

“It doesn’t matter. I let her get caught on purpose anyway.”

“Looks like they planted her?”

“Planting her so obviously would get her caught. She probably knew and did it on purpose too.”

Jeffrey downed more alcohol consecutively. Despite drinking the high-proof liquor repeatedly, he showed no signs of intoxication.

“Ashillya will investigate your side.”

“Doesn’t matter. I was already expecting it.”

“If you say so.”

Jeffrey didn’t mind the man’s flippant tone. Honestly, he wasn’t fond of the man, but he was the best person to push Ashillya into the mud.

The man also likely had no intention of sincerely working with Jeffrey. To him, he was probably just a pushover who was convenient to use.

No matter how much Jeffrey laid out all his plans in detail before him and showed how he deceived others.

No, because of that, the man would think Jeffrey was an easy mark to exploit.

“You just need to do as I say.”

“That Felix or whatever guy, right?”


“What’s one guy to me?”

The man also downed his drink and spoke indifferently. Jeffrey frowned at his completely relaxed attitude and warned him.

“Don’t get careless and mess things up.”

“…That guy isn’t someone we need to be that tense about, no?”

“Still, be careful.”


At Jeffrey’s repeated warning, the man roughly put his glass on the table.

The man’s eyes gleamed coldly in the darkness as he stared at Jeffrey.

“If you’re that worried, use someone else then.”

At the chilling warning not to push him further, Jeffrey instead curled his lips.

“Oh? Then you won’t be able to go either.”

The reason the man was in his current position and could head there was all thanks to Jeffrey watching his back.

Unlike him, Jeffrey calmly set down his glass and warned again, his blue eyes shining.

“You and I aren’t in a superior-subordinate relationship. Remember that. I help you because you help me, that’s all.”

“…I know.”

“So, let me make a request.”


“Just take care of that guy properly.”

Jeffrey grinned.

But unlike the other nobles, the man wasn’t fooled by his smile. He simply nodded quietly.

Seeing the man’s mood had gotten quite sour, Jeffrey opened his mouth to appease him.

“In exchange, I’ll take care of ‘that child,’ as you wanted.”

“…You better keep that promise.”

With those words, the man got up from his seat.

Watching the man’s departing back, Jeffrey quietly muttered as he finally saw him open the window and disappear outside the palace.

“To think scum like that is the next Hero.”

The world is truly in its final days.

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