Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 143 Table of contents

Lately, we hadn't been attending the academy. The reason was simple: the aftermath of the incident at the frontline.

Our contributions had been significant enough that the academy suggested we take some time off to recover. Though our bodies had healed, they thought the young ones might still be struggling mentally from the traumatic events.

Given the scale of the incident, which nearly wiped out the frontline heroes, it made sense. The academy had granted us a break, understanding the unique circumstances of our involvement in such a perilous situation.

And so, here I was, adjusting my outfit as I waited for Siwoo on a morning when other students were likely heading to school.

"···Amelia, are you sure this is okay?"

-Of course, it’s fine. How could it not be?

Amelia's confident voice rang in my ears through the phone. She seemed convinced this plan would work, but I had my doubts.

"I’m not sure..."

-What’s not to be sure about?

Can this really help me and Siwoo… with that? Honestly, I was skeptical. Trying to seduce Siwoo seemed unrelated to coming here. When I voiced my doubts, Amelia sighed heavily and scolded me.

-Think about it, Arte. Why did you try to seduce Siwoo?

"Wahhh! Stop!"

-Amelia sighed deeply. Fine. Why did you try to seduce Siwoo in the first place?

"Why do you ask...?"

Because I wanted to act like a couple. I wanted to do things that would make Siwoo happy. Because that's what couples do.

-Exactly. You tried to seduce Siwoo for that reason, right?


-Then this is okay too, right?


-Sure it is. You need to take things step by step.

Amelia’s reasoning was sound. Sure, couples don’t just do that all the time. Today was our first time going out together somewhere alone.

-I mean, you two haven’t even been on a proper date yet, and you're already jumping ahead...

"I’m not jumping ahead!"

-Right, right. Make sure to have dinner at home. A homemade meal has more impact than you think.

"I suppose..."

Amelia’s advice was spot on. A meal made by a loved one sounded incredibly romantic. Maybe it was because I’d never been in a relationship before that I had such fantasies.

But there was one big problem.

"There’s nothing in the fridge..."

-Really? I’ll have Grandpa deliver some groceries then.

"What? Is that okay?"

-It’s not a big deal. A few groceries aren’t expensive for me, you know that, right?


-No problem. Just remember, you promised to make me a dress. Make it pretty.

"Leave it to me."

With the sudden free time, I didn’t have much to do. Ever since I fell into this world, all I had done was stalk Siwoo. Trying to play games felt awkward; I’d get bored quickly. Going out alone wasn’t appealing either.

Sure, spending time with Siwoo was fun, but I always felt like I was imposing on him.

That’s why I took up making clothes as a hobby. Manipulating threads was a perfect fit for me. At first, it felt awkward, but soon I got the hang of it, and Amelia even praised the intricate clothes I could make.

Perhaps because she liked my work, Amelia demanded one of my handmade dresses in exchange for planning today’s schedule. While I was chatting with Amelia, Siwoo arrived much earlier than expected.

"Sorry, am I late?"

"···! No, not at all! I just got here myself!"

That was a lie. I had been so excited about our outing that I had left far too early. We lived in the same house, so he knew it was a lie.

Yet, I still lied, hoping Siwoo wouldn’t feel pressured, putting my selfish desire first. Siwoo, aware of my early departure, smiled awkwardly.

"We could have come together..."

"I don’t want to!"

"Why? It’s better if we arrive together."


I can’t say it. I can’t say I wanted to use that cliché line.

Sorry, am I late? No, it's okay. I just got here.

There’s no way I could say I came early just to use that line. Would Siwoo even understand? Even if he did, he’d probably look at me strangely.

Honestly, it wasn’t as romantic as I imagined. I shouldn’t have come so early. It would have been better to come with Siwoo, chatting naturally on the way.

As I wallowed in slight disappointment, I failed to notice Siwoo’s affectionate gaze.

"Who were you talking to? Dorothy? Amelia?"

"Amelia. Amelia, I’ll talk to you later… Oh?"

I was still talking with her, but the call had ended, leaving only a blank screen. When did she hang up? She was quick.

"Let’s talk about Amelia later. Today’s our first date."

"What’s this? Are you jealous?"

Teasing Siwoo for emphasizing our first date, I tried to hide my embarrassment. But his response was unexpected.



What did I just hear? Jealous? Siwoo? Of Amelia? Why?

"You’re mine. This is our first outing as a couple, so focus on me."


My face turned beet red instantly. What did Siwoo just say? What did I just hear? Happiness, embarrassment, and shock all surged through me.

Siwoo watched my flustered expression and chuckled.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"How can I not be! J-Jealousy... what is that...!"

"Why? You’re pretty jealous yourself. Can’t I be too?"

His voice was a bit higher, a playful smirk on his lips. That’s when I realized.

Siwoo was teasing me.

"Y-You! Don’t joke around!"

"Ouch, that hurts."

"I know it doesn’t!"

I knew it didn’t hurt him, but my face flushed even more as I realized he had tricked me. Where did he learn this?

Desperate to change the topic, I hurriedly suggested, "Ahem...! Let’s go in! We’re wasting time!"

"Why? The aquarium can be enjoyed slowly. The show doesn’t start for a while…"

"···! ···!"

"Alright, alright."

After a small squabble, the morning had passed, and people began to fill the area. Realizing the amused glances from others, I slumped in defeat.

While Siwoo normally behaved, he could be quite mischievous at times. Pouting, I watched as he approached the aquarium entrance and spoke to the staff.

"Two tickets, please."

"Of course."

"Could we get the superhuman discount and the couple’s discount as well?"

"Ah, yes. I’ll apply those."

"···Don’t you need to check anything?"

"You two don’t need verification. It’s obvious you’re a couple."


They had been watching. Of course, considering our commotion, not noticing would be odd. The staff’s remark about us being an obvious couple brought a smile to my face.

"Ahem… Is that so…?"

"Yes. Seems like you haven’t been together long?"

"Yeah, sort of…"

"Don’t tease your girlfriend too much. It’ll be troublesome if she gets mad or upset."

"I’ll keep that in mind."

"Oh, sorry for holding you up. Enjoy your visit."

With a cheerful goodbye, the staff ushered us inside.


"You’re happy even though we haven’t started the tour yet?"

"It’s just… they said we look like a couple…"

A couple, huh?

Hearing that made me so happy. I couldn’t stop smiling as we walked into the aquarium.



"There’s one thing you’re misunderstanding."


What was I misunderstanding? I looked at Siwoo, confused, and he grinned mischievously.

"I never said I was joking."


"So don’t smile so prettily here. I’ll get jealous if others see."


"Focus on me, okay?"

"Wait, what do you mean by…!"

"It’s my first time at an aquarium. I wonder what’s inside. Shall we find out?"


They say in love, the one who falls first loses.

That’s a lie.

Because if that were true, I wouldn’t be blushing this hard.

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