I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 15 Table of contents

I Became the Academy's Pink Airhead - Chapter 15

Alvit and Rota just watched with dumbfounded expressions as Kara ravenously ate the ice cream I had brought.

Munch munch... Thank you, comrades! Munch munch, I was starving since I couldn’t even get a meal ticket due to various issues at school…! Munch munch. Really, fellow school comrades… Munch munch. They just turned me away every time I went to the food stalls! Is this what you call the affection of fellow schoolmates?!”

“Okay, we get it, so just shut up and eat. That looks really vulgar.”

Munch munch, understood!”

“Ah, seriously…”

Rota seemed fed up with Kara’s scattered behavior of talking non-stop even while eating ice cream with both hands, and eventually turned her head away.



But her orange cat ears were still picking up the irritating munching sounds, causing them to keep moving as if shaking off dust.

Alvit spoke in a dispirited voice while watching that scene.

“I thought she was a suspicious person, but she’s just a troublemaker at school… No, since she’s about to be expelled, I guess she is suspicious after all…?”

“It’s fine either way when you look at that appearance―☆”

“At first I thought she was acting, but… she really does look hungry.”

“It’s good I brought ice cream from outside just in case―☆”

Hearing my words, Alvit turned to look at me.

The ice cream I had spilled on my head for the foolish act had been washed off at the faucet, and I had blown away the moisture appropriately with ether manipulation.

Thanks to that, my pink hair was dry and fluffy again.


Alvit’s gaze somehow felt like she was looking at a clumsy young daughter who had successfully washed herself and come out alone. And with a warm smile as if proud, she patted my head and said:

Pat pat

“You did well on your own.”


Well done.

Well done.

A hand going back and forth on top of my head.

‘I may have acted stupidly in front of Alvit… but has that image been established in just a week? It’s my own doing, but… somehow… somehow it’s a bit…’

Can this be called the relationship between a senior and junior with only a 2-year age gap?

A subtle feeling mixed with guilt and ticklishness.

A girl who, if we count my past life age, is barely old enough to be my daughter.

It really was a strange feeling to be genuinely praised and patted for washing myself and coming out alone by her.

Alvit drove the final nail into that subtle feeling while grinning.

“Hehe, I was worried you might be feeling down alone in your room, senior.”


Well done.

Well done.

The hand of a diligent girl with a bob cut that suits her.

As befitting a swordswoman, it was a rough hand with calluses.

The sensation of slender, delicate fingernails.

With each pat, the softness of the white wrist briefly brushing past my ear was incomparably gentle.


The pale, slender arms occasionally visible beyond the long sleeves of her uniform, and the dark eyebrows clearly visible even under her brown bob cut.

Now that I was consciously looking, she really had a neat appearance.

‘I hadn’t noticed because she was always making sad faces or laughing mischievously.’

…What is this?

It’s strange.

It’s strange, but.

Just now, I finally realized that Alvit, who I had only seen as a game character and a junior to protect, and someday the hero who would save this world, actually existed in front of me. And the fact that such a girl was treating me kindly with gentle eyes felt unfamiliar.

The everyday ticklishness I couldn’t feel with my fighting companions like Hilde.

It was an unknown world that existed beyond the rules of the game.

‘Just like the real ‘Hilde’ was there… the real ‘Alvit’ is here.’

Not the junior I was waiting for as Clara.

Not the protagonist I was waiting for as a man.

Just a diligent girl named Alvit.

Somehow, I felt like I was properly facing her for the first time in this moment.

Our meeting wasn’t the first, and the road ahead will be incomparably long, but. Somehow, it felt like I was properly facing the girl ‘Alvit’ for the first time in this moment.


Alvit, who is now so weak that I could beat her with one hand.

Is it because of my resolve to pretend to be weak on the outside while protecting my juniors from behind that I’m not avoiding her touch?

Or is it because of the heart of a girl who had struggled with loneliness for a long time, remaining within the pretty filter?


I couldn’t know because it was all ‘Clara’.

‘Have I really become a fool from acting like one?’


Alvit soon stopped patting and said:

“Senior, have you been out for a walk until now?”

“Eh? Oh! Yes―☆ I came out for sightseeing after washing up briefly in my room☆ I felt bad about dropping the ice cream earlier with a splash☆ so I came to get it again! Yes―☆ That’s a girl’s consideration☆ But when I came back to the dormitory like this…”

“Yes, that person was here.”

We turned our heads again to look at the person who was frantically devouring the ice cream.

Munch munch

A tall female student wearing work clothes smelling of oil over her uniform, befitting a student of <Mimir Technical High School>. She was sitting on the floor, inhaling ice cream without caring about dust or dirt getting on her long navy blue hair.

Munch munch…!”

She was frantically chewing with her mouth like a hamster, as if this was her only chance to eat. That sight of her desperately shoving ice cream into her mouth was somehow pitiful.

‘Looking closely, her uniform is already worn out, and the smell is… quite bad too.’

Kara was giving off the smell of a wet poncho, as if she hadn’t washed for days.

According to Maya, she was being ostracized even among the new students because of her peculiar eccentricities. On top of that, she had drawn the ire of the seniors managing the school facilities, and eventually was driven to living self-sufficiently alone.

‘Just how much trouble did she cause to end up like this in just a week…’

Befitting a major character in the game.

She was tall like a model, and could be called a beautiful girl with cool looks, but…

“Uwaaah―! That was delicious! Comrades! Huahahaha―!!”




Her vulgar and scattered behavior really shattered all impressions.

“In this situation! To share food! That mercy! It’s truly revolutionary! I will gladly! Recognize you as comrades sharing the same ideals! Hahaha!!”




Kara spoke while constantly moving her arms and hands, nodding her head back and forth to emphasize her words.

Her busy gestures and expressions, which couldn’t be known from the voice acting or text in the game, were burdensome beyond imagination.

‘I didn’t know someone could fail to live up to their looks to this extent.’

If she had been born in the modern society of my past life, I thought she might have become an internet broadcaster or comedian who couldn’t live up to their looks.

I spoke to her on behalf of Alvit and Rota, who were maintaining silence, overwhelmed by that momentum.

“So―☆ What was the reason for trying to install a bomb☆ in the guest dormitory~♡ Depending on your answer, a tea party with cute girls might start… or I might become a girl with a strong sense of duty to report☆”

“Oh…! That’s right! I haven’t explained that yet!”


Kara suddenly stood up at those words.

Perhaps because her legs were long, her height increased dramatically compared to when she was sitting.

She was at least a head taller than anyone here.

‘I think she’s taller than my past life… Almost 180cm…? Or even taller?’

‘Clara’s’ height that I had measured when alone was about 160cm, so the difference seemed to be about that much. Especially Rota, who was the shortest among us, had her line of sight below this person’s chest.



Although we were the ones surrounding Kara, we unconsciously became wary due to that height difference.

The person slowly spreading both hands and approaching me. Because of that, I could feel Alvit and Rota gripping the hilts of their sword and wand at their waists, worried that she might do some harm to me.

‘It doesn’t matter since I can sense everything through presence anyway… but thanks.’

Kara came right in front of me with both hands spread and shouted loudly:

“The reason I brought fireworks all the way to this dormitory on the outskirts!! Is to prepare for the final revolution wishing for everyone’s freedom and joy!!”



“Wow―☆ How romantic♡ The disciplinary committee kids would love to hear that―☆”

“Wa-wait a moment―! Let me explain in detail!!”

* * *

Kara, who grew up adopted in a free artisan village.

She had good dexterity from the start and was interested in ether magic engineering, so she entered <Mimir Technical High School>.

But the things she saw here were somehow strange.

The seniors only repeated instructions and orders. The classmates carried out their work without any complaints, as if it was natural. Even the dwarves took the orders given to them for granted.

Everyone doesn’t question their place.

Rather, they take pride in belonging here.

They find more joy in boasting about the group rather than themselves.

There were no students who lazed around under tree shade or complained that the school meals tasted bad.

As if they existed as parts to move a huge machine.

They ‘naturally’ accept the way <Mimir Technical High School> moves as a machine. And at the very top of that machine was a pilot called the student council president.


If the single person leading the huge machine, moves the machine in the wrong direction within everyone’s ‘naturalness’. What on earth would happen?

Kara thought.

That someone not taking this for granted, and just realizing that fact would be a big warning.

“That’s why chaos and revolution are needed!! Those at the very top need to realize that ‘naturalness’ is not ‘natural’, but a ‘promise’ made under ‘everyone’s will’!! For that, I will nitpick and point out anything, be it school meals, classes, or factories!!”




“Just knowing that even one person has complaints about the current system, that abominable ‘naturalness’ will disappear!! All students are equal!! Not living according to someone’s intentions!! Because they have the right to be happy on their own―!!”

Kara’s fanatical shout as if possessed by something.

Rota drooped her cat ears, held her head, and muttered:

“I… kind of understand what she’s saying… but there are a lot of logical leaps… Isn’t this just saying the students at this school have good unity…? No, they’re saying they like it in the first place, right? That’s just being a nuisance to people who are living happily and well…”

Alvit also said with a sour expression:

“I think it’s better than a shabby machine with nothing because it’s poor.”


“Don’t do that, senior.”

While poking Alvit’s cheeks as she looked at me with displeasure, I hid my surprise at hearing Kara’s true feelings that hadn’t come out in the game.

‘It wasn’t just thoughtless revolution talk.’

I thought it was just a gag character, using the characteristics of the industrial city <Mimir Technical High School> as a source of humor. But although there were many logical leaps and distortions, it was a conclusion reached after deep thought and observation in its own way.


In fact, I couldn’t say whether Kara’s thoughts were right or wrong.

‘Coolly speaking, it’s just one of many idealistic theories.’

It’s just an individual belief after all.

She too was just spouting off without considering others’ wills and situations.

But one thing certain in the current situation was: The thoughts Kara had were a perfectly appropriate justification for carrying out Maya’s request to stop the unilateral choice of Student Council President Skadi and the hardliners.


In the game, Kara’s revolution failed and ultimately became the justification for expulsion handed down by the student council president. Nevertheless, she smiled and said she had fulfilled her role.

-My revolution towards <Mimir Technical High School> can be said to have been completed at that moment!!

But somehow that smile felt hollow.

‘Kara is going to be expelled anyway and come to our school, that’s the set course.’



With an unrealistic dream.

But at least at the moment of leaving here.

I hope you can leave with a refreshed smile.

Holding such thoughts in my heart, I said:

“Wow―☆ What a wonderful dream☆ It’s so romantic and fairytale-like… I can’t help but want to cheer you on―☆”



While Alvit and Rota were surprised, I walked towards Kara who had widened her eyes hearing my words.

And taking her hand, I placed an object Maya had passed to me in it.

“You know―☆ While taking a walk, I had a fateful and girlish intuition that went pop! and picked this up, I wonder if you might know what kind of object it is~”


Kara stared intently at the metal key about the size of a palm. And after reading the serial number written on it, she looked at me briefly with unbelieving eyes. Then she said in a trembling voice:

“Th-this is… the key to the warehouse where <Mechanical Engineering Department> was going to present their new technology invention… Where on earth…? It’s a place only 3rd year executives can enter…”

“Wow, lucky―☆ Then shall we use that to really grab everyone’s attention~?”


A nonchalant voice.

But the content was shocking.



Even Alvit and Rota shouted in shock.


I just smiled.

‘Maya, don’t regret entrusting this task to me and Kara. We’ll cause as much trouble as possible from now on.’

Now, let’s begin.

Not an ominous declaration of war, but a true new student welcome event.

It’s time for the festival.

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