I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 17 Table of contents

I Became the Academy's Pink Airhead - Chapter 17

Until the last day when the new student welcome event ended.

There was no sudden narrowing of the disciplinary committee’s investigation net.

The 3rd year students of <Mimir Technical High School> didn’t mention anything about the resolution ceremony, and continued the new student welcome event as scheduled. And the student council of <Mimir Technical High School>, including Student Council President Skadi, remained completely silent.

-How is it! Our airship, which concentrates the technological power of <Mechanical Engineering Department>! This amazing vehicle can even fly carrying ordinary people, breaking through the ether resistance filling the sky!


Ordinary students treated even the commotion on the first night as if it had been one of the scheduled events. This was because there wasn’t much damage compared to the chaos that had occurred.

‘Well, Kara’s summoned robot safely parked the airship as it was. And we only took cheap props that had been gathered for the event.’

Rather, the unexpected change came from the 2nd year students who had been the main force in preparing the event.

-Senior! Let’s hold a different event this time!

-We’ve become friends with students from other schools, let’s invite them to play together too~

-Wh-What…?! Wait a moment! According to the plan…!

-What’s the big deal! It’s a festival where we should have fun―!

As if wanting compensation for their dedication over the past year, numerous 2nd year students began to engage in small deviations while declaring a festival. The new students who had just entered the school were just bewildered and followed the 2nd years, participating in the deviations.

The memory of a ‘special’ moment discovered within ‘naturalness’.

The 2nd year students who held both memories of the past and the memories of that night.

The events they will create from now on may be a little different from the direction <Mimir Technical High School> has taken so far.

An atmosphere slightly different from last year.

We quietly wandered the streets and enjoyed the new student welcome events during the remaining schedule.

While worrying if anyone might recognize us, it was enjoyable to go around seeing various events among the numerous crowds.

Finally this morning.

All events were wrapped up. The numerous outside students who had visited <Mimir Technical High School> were preparing to return to their own schools.

The hallway of the guest dormitory.

The busy footsteps echoing there.

The sound of numerous students packing their luggage.

-Hey, our student in that room… Hey!! You said you’d be back by morning―!

-Ah… Why are you shouting. Right, guys?

-Hehe… What are you saying…

-If you like the neighboring school so much, just go there. We won’t see you off.

-Ooh, traitor~ Transfer~

The numerous students of the academy city who had become close friends beyond the barriers of schools. Their voices were hoarse from the cheers they had shouted over the course of two nights.


I was lying on the bed in the room assigned to the <Central Prism Academy> group, listening to all the sounds echoing through the wide dormitory hallway. And somehow I was immersed in complex emotions.

‘It wouldn’t have been this kind of atmosphere originally.’

The original story.

An event that had degenerated into <Mimir Technical High School>’s resolution ceremony while arguing for withdrawal from the union.

The outside students who sensed that ominous atmosphere were said to have just been terrified.

‘But it changed.’

By our intervention, we managed to postpone the main cause that made <Mimir Technical High School> in the game turn into a miserable state from the beginning of the main story.

It was thanks to the mediation of the <United Student Council>.

‘I wonder how the story changed.’

The <Mimir Technical High School> student council meeting had continued even after the <United Student Council>’s mediator returned on the first night.

Maya, whom I secretly visited at night, said without taking her eyes off the documents, as if annoyed:

-I’ll be busy for a while, so I’ll tell you everything at once, just come to the department head’s office on the last morning, [Spiral].

-Oh my―☆ Maya returning to student council work… Weren’t you a lonely outcast girl?

-The resolution ceremony was overturned too… Now it doesn’t matter whether you opposed past issues or not. I’m used to Skadi’s methods now.

That day, Maya demanded my third visit while issuing an expulsion order, like Zhuge Liang who forced the three-set of regret, exhaustion, and obsession on Liu Bei three times.

So I spent a leisurely second day, and now I was gauging the promised time.

‘I should go soon…’


I glanced at Rota out of the corner of my eye.

She was in the middle of brushing her hair while looking in the mirror. The lavender scent wafted from her orange hair flowing like a waterfall over her small shoulders.



Unlike the poor <Central Prism Academy>, enjoying the comfort of the shower room and toiletries assigned to each room. Her two fluffy cat ears that were emitting fragrance all over the room kept twitching.

“Hmm hmm… Hmm―”

Rota seemed to be in a very good mood. Instead of her usual trademark twin tails, she was braiding her long straight orange hair to the side. She was humming the music that had been playing throughout the festival.

‘Come to think of it, Rota originally came from a rich school.’

I hadn’t been conscious of it because Alvit was the one who usually emphasized cleanliness, but Rota seemed to be the most satisfied person among us coming to the guest dormitory.

‘Alvit said she was going to take one last look around the neighborhood…’

I was about to get up quietly and leave under the pretext of taking a walk.


A giant with navy blue hair barged into the room.

“Hahahahaha!! Comrades!! I’m back―!!”

“…Haah. I told you not to just barge in opening doors without knocking, it’s so vulgar.”

“What manners are there to keep between comrades!”

“What if I had been changing clothes?”

“What’s there to be embarrassed about between women!”

“There should still be a minimum level of consideration.”

I inwardly flinched.

Actually, seeing ‘Clara’s body’ and physical activities had been a daily routine for years, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about. But I didn’t want to apply that familiarity to other kids.

So when Alvit or Rota would undress in front of me without hesitation, I would make all sorts of excuses and quietly leave.

‘Well, they don’t seem to think it’s particularly strange to be sensitive about privacy.’

Not knowing my inner thoughts, my juniors continued their argument.

“Consideration is distance! Aren’t we comrades who completed the revolution last night! Don’t say such hurtful things!”

“This doesn’t seem like something to say proudly with the door open.”

“Comrade Rota! Are you ashamed of the revolution―?!”

“I’m ashamed of you.”

Rota continued to rebuke while elegantly brushing her hair. But such petty nitpicking was of no concern to our revolutionary warrior.

“Hahahahaha, I see. Then it can’t be helped!! Oh right!! I brought documents to show Senior Comrade!!”

Kara closed the door and strode back over to me, handing me a document. That document contained details about a withdrawal application.

“With this, my connection with <Mimir Technical High School> is over. Watching over numerous sparks of revolution, I realized this place no longer needs revolution.”

Kara declared with relief, smiling like a lighthouse.

Withdrawal, not expulsion.

A very small difference, but.

Not being kicked out, but tying things up herself. It means one of the lingering attachments in Kara’s future life has disappeared.

I sincerely blessed that.

“Wow―☆ Then Kara is free now! Truly a wandering girl―☆ Leaving by her own will! It’s so romantic!!”

“Huhu, that’s why. I have something to say to Senior Comrade about that.”

“Hm? What is it? Could it be a girl’s secret―☆”

I actually had an idea what it was about, but I pretended not to know and listened attentively to her story.

Kara scratched her cheek a little shyly and said:

“…I heard <Central Prism Academy> is a small school. Um… I want to share intentions in the same place as you all. If I’m with you who followed along with my forced revolution… I feel like I could achieve even greater intentions.”

“Yes! I’m totally in favor―☆”


“Huhuhu… The permission of the student council president senior comrade is reassuring.”


The sound of a wooden comb falling.

And what I see in my view is: Like a cat in some photo I saw on the internet, Rota’s shocked expression turning around with her mouth wide open.

In front of her, Kara was sincerely delighted at receiving my permission.


“But there’s one thing you’re mistaken about―☆”



I corrected one fact that she had misunderstood.

“I’m not the student council president… The student council president of <Central Prism Academy> is Alvit―☆”


“Eh? Huh? Really?!”

The shocked expressions of the two girls.


And the door opening once again.

“Phew… I’m back… Hm? Kara?”

I knew from her presence, but.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Alvit was puzzled by the two gazes suddenly focused on her.



“Wh-What’s going on? Why are you suddenly staring silently?”

Kara approached Alvit and shouted loudly:

“Student Council President Comrade―! Please allow my admission!!”

“What? Whaaaat―?! Why am I the student council…!”

“No!! Alvit, no!! If such a noisy person enters <Central Prism Academy>, we’ll never have a quiet day!”

“Huh? What? S-Slow down and explain…”

“Student Council President Comrade―! Even if my past actions were disagreeable, please be generous! I have nowhere else to go!!”

“So I’m asking what on earth you’re talking about…!”


“Student Council President Comrade!!”

Kara and Rota surrounding Alvit and clamoring about their own circumstances.

I quietly slipped out through the open door while they were frantically making a fuss.

* * *

Maya’s face had become haggard in just two days.


I spoke while looking back at Maya who was staring blankly at me.

“W-Wow―☆ What an impressive look☆”

“…Well. A lot of things happened.”

Glug glug glug…

Maya seemed to lack even the energy to pour the drink into a flask, and drank the energy drink straight from the bottle on the metal table. A truly pitiful appearance that seemed to embody the concept of ‘exhaustion’.

I became somewhat worried and carefully asked:

“I wonder what on earth happened to make you like this☆”

“Haah… The student council president of the <United Student Council> came in person.”



She had come.

Maya calmly explained in brief what had happened.

Hilde’s sudden visit. The <United Student Council> wanting to prevent war and the proposal they offered.

“…Well, after that commotion passed, it was decided that troops from <Gjallarhorn> and <Aesir Girls’ High School> would be stationed on <Mimir Technical High School>’s grounds under the pretext of monitoring the Eastern Alliance and the slums.”


<Gjallarhorn> and <Aesir Girls’ High School>.

The news of those who were practically Hilde’s direct subordinates being stationed.

It meant <Mimir Technical High School> was essentially being treated as an affiliated district of the <United Student Council>.

I felt sad that <Mimir Technical High School> seemed to have fallen to become a territory of the <United Student Council>.


“…Well. What can we do. Independent war or alliance with the slums was an illusion, and we have to face reality. Skadi seems to have been properly chastened after getting a good scolding from the <United Student Council> executives this time.”

Maya said that and closed her eyes, completely entrusting her body to the chair.

“…That’s how it turned out.”


After being silent for a while, she soon opened one eye and said:

“…Ah. Right. And two wishes. Please make them reasonable ones.”


I handed over two requests I had written down on paper.

After reading them, Maya smiled wryly with her still tired expression.

“…These are cheap for borrowing the power of [Pink Spiral]. Since they’re matters <Facilities Engineering Department> can handle on its own, I’ll send them at an appropriate time.”

“Okay―☆ Then I’ll go since my juniors are waiting☆”


Maya just waved her hand, once again slumping back in her chair.

I left her office, leaving Maya like that.



“Are you happy now?”


What could she mean?

I turned back at that question, but Maya had completely entrusted her body to the chair and closed her eyes.

Somehow I felt like I intuitively understood the meaning of that question. So I said the answer that came to mind.


“…I see.”


“Goodbye. Thanks for your help.”

Wave wave

Maya, tired as always, waved her hand casually to see me off.

I left her office like that.

Now it was time to finish the trip and return home with my juniors.

* * *

The train returning to the <United Student Council>.

It was filled with a chilly silence.

It was natural to be quiet since there were only two people sitting from the start, but.

A silver-haired girl fixing her gaze out the window without moving.

A black-haired girl roughly reading through numerous documents with playful gestures.

The pressure emanating from one of them added weight to that silence.




“Yes~ Boss.”

“Take command of the stationing operation at <Mimir Technical High School> this time.”

“Yes~ Yes~ I understa…”



Brunhilde spoke while still fixing her gaze out the window.

“…Investigate <Central Prism Academy> directly.”

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