I am the young master
Chapter 128 Table of contents
Chapter 128: See you, monkey

(A/N: join the discord, I need more members to satisfy my ego. ^~^

Link: discord.gg/SC9HNKVj5e



——(POV third person)——

Li Huang was still shocked by this and didn't know what to say when Han Junxiong started acting this way.

Han Junxiong seemed to get happier with each passing second. He was franticly looking around the room as he was mumbling something to himself. After a few seconds, he exclaimed as he looked at Li Huang.

"Ah! Did you perhaps have my brother's storage rings?" Han Junxiong asked as he was looking at Li Huang intently.

Hearing this Li Huang came out of his thoughts.

"Yes." Li Huang said as he put a hand in his pocket. He planned to give the rings back from the beginning so it wasn't something that he was against, it was just that he forgot about it when Han Junxiong started to act crazy. The rings were stored in his main storage ring but as no other storage ring should be able to store storage rings, he put a hand in his pocket to give the impression that he had them in his pocket.

"These are all I have found." Li Huang handed the rings to Han Junxiong who took them fast. He dropped the 'patriarch' from his sentences for a simple reason.

'He said we are brothers so at least I can talk a little more casually.' Li Huang thought.

"Great! Thank you!" Han Junxiong said enthusiastically. He started going through the storage rings to find something. Li Huang gave him three rings so he had plenty to go through.

"Not here…" Han Junxiong muttered as he finished going through the first ring.

Li Huang who had no idea what Han Junxiong was looking for, had a small frown on his face as he couldn't understand how Han Junxiong's mind worked. How could he be this relaxed in front of his twin's corpse?

'I mean I did do the same when I killed Jin Fen but he had no relation to me so I couldn't care less about him…' Li Huang thought as Han Junxiong was going through the second storage ring.

"There it is! Junhui you assface! HAHAHA!" Han Junxiong said and laughed as he took out an item from the ring.

Seeing the item that Han Junxiong took out of the storage ring, Li Huang narrowed his eyes and used the [Peeping eye of heaven] to detect the needle that Han Junxiong was so happy to see.

It didn't take long before Li Huang was looking at the item with wide eyes.

Han Junxiong shook his head as he looked at his twin's lifeless body.

"You always knew how to make me want to beat the life out of you…" Han Junxiong said as he snorted. A smile formed on his face soon after.


"Junxiong, just move your ass over here I have no time to waste." Han Junhui said as he looked for his brother.

They were now fighting in the trial and this was a formation that they had to enter with their fellow disciples. This was one of those formations that had a big reward at the end so everyone had to be in their best forms as it would only prove to be a problem if even one of them were to act out of sync.

This was also what Han Junhui was worried about as his brother was acting like the idiot that he was. In the last fight, he was careless, his carelessness could have resulted in his death if the stage and the test were harder.

Although he didn't have any injury after that Han Junhui knew that his twin was hotheaded so he had to straighten him now or he could get himself killed one of these days.

"Junhui, don't shout at me!" Han Junxiong said as he got closer to his brother. He knew what his brother meant by his shout but he was sure that nothing would have happened to him so he didn't really care that he was angry.

"…Or what?" Han Junhui said as he was sure that Han Junxiong was not as strong as him so his words were empty.

"*tch* Or nothing…" Han Junxiong said as he knew that there was no or. He couldn't do anything when Han Junhui was not only stronger but more cunning too.

Han Junhui smiled and nodded as he came closer to his brother, Han Junxiong. Han Junxiong only looked at him with no idea of what his twin had in mind but he didn't have to wait long to know.

Han Junhui punched him in the head the next moment and didn't stop for a few seconds. Other disciples of the sect were used to the dynamic of Han twins so they were not fazed by it.

"I know you are an idiot, but don't bring your idiocy into the teamwork, or else I will kill you myself before the tests can." Han Junhui said as he dusted off his robes.

"You assface! You didn't have to punch me in the face!" Han Junxiong said as he looked at his twin, Han Junhui with resentment.

"Don't worry you can't get any uglier than you already are. Besides, you and I both know who is the assface in the 'Han twins'." Han Junhui said with a smirk as he know how to agitate his brother.

"Just because you are sleeping around doesn't mean they find you attractive!" Han Junxiong shouted as he didn't like how smug his twin was. Even he didn't deny that his brother was a little more good-looking than him but they were identical twins for god's sake!

"HAHAHA." Han Junhui laughed as he heard his brother who was fuming with anger. He then entered the portal to the next test that the old man pointed to.

"I swear I will beat you one day, Junhui!" Han Junxiong said although Han Junhui wasn't here anymore. Although he said that, there was no malice behind his words. He only wanted to wipe that smug look from Han Junhui's face.

Shaking his head, he too went in the portal toward the next test as that old man called it.

"Now you can start but remember that you can only open a door if it is calling to you, otherwise it won't budge." The old man said and faded away.

This stage was the one that they could get some personal reward so everyone was excited about this.

Han Junxiong stood by his brother's side who had his eyes closed and were looking for the rooms that called to him. Han Junxiong elbowed his brother to garner his attention.

"Junhui, how about I choose a door for you and you choose a door for me?" Han Junxiong said as he thought it might be fun to do so as this was something that they would have to leave to fate anyway.

Han Junhui opened his eyes and looked at his twin with a deadpan.

"And why would I do so? Your birth is the unluckiest thing that happened to the world, why would I gamble with my reward like that?" Han Junhui said as he didn't see any point in doing so.

"You do know that we are twins? How can you exist if I didn't?" Han Junxiong said as he rolled his eyes.

Han Junhui nodded sagely and touched his non-existent beard.

"If that is what it takes, I am willing to sacrifice myself for this cause…" He said over-dramatically.

Han Junxiong looked at his brother and they both laughed. After they calmed down, Han Junhui punched his brother and walked toward the doors that called to him.

"Come on little brother, I will let you choose for me this time…" Han Junhui said and walked away. He was the bigger one as he was born 2 minutes earlier.

Han Junxiong was happy that he got what he wanted so he didn't care that Han Junhui reminded him that he is the younger one.

"Alright, I will go inside this one." Han Junhui nodded.

"And I will go inside this one." Han Junxiong said as he was waiting for his brother to enter.

"See you in a while, monkey." Han Junhui said and entered the same door that Li Huang would enter years later.

"Where is Junhui?" Han Junxiong asked with anxiousness evident in his voice.

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