The Author's POV
Chapter 677 Table of contents

In the moment that Kevin's name was announced, I reclined in my chair and remained quiet.

'Looks like you've succeeded.

What was taking place didn't take me by surprise at all. On the contrary, I knew from the very beginning that this particular outcome would occur.

It was because I knew what would happen that I decided to attend this meeting.

To see Kevin get crowned as the alliance leader right before my very eyes and become the most powerful person in the human domain.

The notion of Kevin becoming the most influential person in the human domain was somewhat perplexing, but I also realized that this presented me with a fantastic opportunity.

An opportunity that I couldn't miss.

"I thank those that have voted for me and given me the chance to become the Alliance leader."

Kevin started his speech, and all eyes fell on him.


'It's bright.'

Kevin reflected internally as he spoke into the microphone in front of him.

Because of the bright lights that were pointed in his direction from the far corner of the room, Kevin was unable to clearly see the expressions on the faces of those who were around him.

The only thing he saw was four white balls of light that shone directly at him and were surrounded by darkness. It gave him the impression that he was the only person on stage.

He didn't know exactly how they were reacting to his sudden appearance, but this didn't bother him as long as he continued to speak.

"The outcome of the vote has given me a lot of reason to celebrate. Of course, I won't exactly do that now, but I'll do so later, that's for sure."

Kevin smiled, and the tense auditorium was suddenly filled with a few muffled giggles here and there.

His smile faded not long after, and his expression shifted to a more serious one.

"Because of my previous successes, some of you should be familiar with my name already, and you should also be aware of where I am currently ranked. I am not the strongest person in the room, no, I'm not. I'm far from that."

Kevin lowered his head for a moment, and the place fell silent.

In spite of the bright lights that were obstructing his vision, Kevin could visibly feel all the eyes of the people within the auditorium drawn toward him.

"There are many other heroes that are a lot stronger than me at the moment. One such example is Ocavious Hall, the current Head of the Union, and the strongest person in the human domain. Although I'm not exactly weak, I'm still quite a few levels below people like him. That said, I am of the belief that power shouldn't be the main deciding factor for one to be a leader."

"Although desirable, I do believe that I am the best choice to lead the human domain to safety and prevent it from falling into the hands of the Monolith and the demons."

"What I'm saying now may sound like bullshit, but I don't care. I think it is best if I show you all just what I am capable of rather than just saying what I will do in the upcoming months and years."

When Kevin pressed the table in front of him, an image began to materialize all of a sudden.

"With that, all said and done, I will now get to the main point of this meeting."

The projection showed something that appeared to be a domed structure of unimaginable size, layered with a wide variety of different materials, and labelled with a variety of different descriptors.

"This structure is referred to as the bunker. The sole purpose of this structure is to ensure the safety of citizens in the event of an emergency, such as this one. The underground structure is equipped with the most effective defensive mechanism available."

"The structure will remain impenetrable unless an <SS> ranker arrives, and in the event of an emergency, a lower level within the bunker will contain portals that citizens can use to travel to a safe, yet unknown location."

Kevin raised his hands and pinched the air, which enlarged the image.

The moment he pinched the image, everyone was able to see the massive proportions of the bunker for the first time.

It was enormous, to the point that some people might compare its dimensions to those of a city, with the centre containing shops and even a large garden, as well as all the facilities that one might need to feel like they were at him.

There were many more layers, but because the projection only displayed one side of the structure, people were unable to see precisely what was inside the 'bunker'.

Nonetheless, one could easily tell that it was equipped with a lot of things.

"Each bunker will be able to host one hundred thousand people and will be safely protected by multiple rankers."

"In order for the bunker not to feel like a prison, it is outfitted with high-tech equipment, such as virtual reality and a system that can replicate the sky, to perfectly replicate the conditions of the outside world. In addition, we have made it our mission to make you feel as if nothing has changed and to ensure your happiness during your stay."

The image vanished after Kevin swiped his hand over it. His previously serious face became even more so, and he stared intently at the cameras before him.

He wanted the inauguration to be broadcast everywhere for a specific reason, and that reason was because of what he was about to announce next.

"Now, you all must have some sort of idea for why I'm telling you this, and you're right. It's exactly as you think. We want you all to enter the bunker, and stay there until the war is over. This is to ensure your safety and allow us to concentrate on fighting the approaching forces."

The sound of Kevin's voice became more resonant as his body leaned over the podium.

"This is not a request, but an order. As the new alliance leader, it is within my powers to make sure that all of you are safe, and thus..."

Kevin moved away from the podium, broadsword in hand. With his gaze directed at the cameras in front of him, as well as his eyes sweeping over the figures that were seated in the auditorium, he announced.

His voice loudly resounded across the entire space.

"I hereby order all citizens to evacuate to the bunkers immediately. This is an order, not a request. The alliance will personally find you and drag you to the bunkers if you do not report within the following days."

Kevin's eyes flashed a dangerous gleam as he gazed at the cameras.

"I repeat, this is not a request, but an order."


The meeting was adjourned shortly after Kevin announced his new order requiring those incapable of combat to immediately report to the bunker.

Thankfully, those in attendance already had some idea of what was going to be announced and didn't fall into panic.

The same could not be said for the outside world, which had fallen into a state of chaos.

[The tyranny of the new alliance leader.]

[Who is Kevin Voss?]

[From zero to hero, the story of Kevin Voss, the new alliance leader.]

[Forcing the citizens into a prison while misrepresenting it as a safe haven. The new alliance leader reveals himself to be the next tyrannical ruler.]

I walked out of the auditorium while holding my phone in my hand and checked out all of the articles that were being published about him.

Let's just say that the comments regarding Kevin weren't exactly the nicest.

No, rather, they were butchering him.

Many of the citizens were voicing their outrage at the sudden restriction of their freedom, while others were expressing their dissatisfaction with the new system that had been put in place without their knowledge.

All in all, it was a total mess.

"Ren, where are you going?"

I only stopped looking when I heard Amanda's voice behind me.

Turning around, I thought for a moment, before catching a glimpse of Kevin in the distance and saying, "I'm going to go talk to Kevin for a bit. Wait for me in the car...Oh, and tell Melissa to update me on the situation later."


Amanda didn't say much after that and proceeded to head out of the building.

I didn't waste any time and headed straight toward Kevin, who was presently encircled by a number of reporters.

The fact that he towered over the reporters and required them to balance precariously on the tips of their toes in order to speak with him was quite entertaining.

"What do you have to say about the situation?"

"What do you think about the public outcry over the new decree?"

"Are you a tyrant like the people are saying, you are?"

He was assaulted with questions ranging across a wide variety of topics. Even though the majority of them were extremely impolite and malicious, Kevin managed to keep a friendly smile on his face.

"I have nothing to say for the moment. If you want to get a response from me, please contact my secretary later. I will be taking my leave now."

After that, he managed to force his way out of that, and his figure subsequently vanished into thin air.

I smiled as I caught a glimpse of the psyons floating through the air and stared at the region that contained a slight disturbance.

My vision began to blur, and when I came to, I was standing on what appeared to be the roof of the building.


As soon as I walked onto the roof, I was startled to hear someone throw a bunch of curses, and when I turned around, I saw Kevin holding onto a cigarette in his hand and staring at me with a startled look.

"You scared me!"

He sighed in relief when he saw that it was me.

Shortly after that, he lit up the cigarette with his finger and blew a puff.


"I never knew that you were one to smoke."

"One can always start."

Kevin replied, and I leaned against the edge of the room.


"What do you need from me?"

Kevin asked after taking another puff.

I crossed my hands together and looked at the darkened sky.

"That was pretty tyrannical of you, not going to lie."

"One must do what is necessary. I care little about how others perceive me. In order to win a war, you cannot please everyone."

"I don't disagree with that."

It was as Kevin said. Trying to please everyone in a time of crisis would always lead to catastrophe.

A good leader was one who would take a decision that the vast majority would dislike in order to ensure a better future.

'Too bad those leaders usually only get appreciated once they are no longer with us.'

"...So, why did you come here?"

"Well, I had something that I wanted to ask you, but..."

I caressed the back of my neck and gazed at the moon that stood in the sky.

"...I think I'll ask you another time. I think I'm still not ready to hear the answer."


Kevin threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. He appeared to have an idea of what I wanted to ask based on his expression but remained silent.

"When the time comes, I'll tell you myself."

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