The Author's POV
Chapter 681 Table of contents

Dromeda City was very large and well-protected by nature, being one of the four great cities. There were many platinum ranked guilds among the more than thirty Diamond graded ones that were present in the city.

On the perimeters of the city.

Mo Jinhao stood right in front of the enormous translucent blue dome that covered the entire city.

His hand was already outstretched and touching the barrier, and a tingling sensation lingered in his arm as his hand came into contact with the barrier.

When viewed from the outside, the location that Mo Jinhao was in appeared to be entirely unremarkable, and there was no indication that anything unusual was taking place there.

Mo Jinhao had, in point of fact, disguised himself at the time in order to avoid drawing attention to himself from those who were watching through the cameras.

In addition to this, by utilizing his strength, he was able to completely avoid being detected by the sensors that were located all around the shield.

'This would've been a lot easier had it just been me.'

In addition to Mo Jinhao, there were two other people present. At this moment, he was attempting to assist them in infiltrating the city walls, seeing as how they could not do so on their own.

As a result of him channeling the mana that was contained within his body, the space around him began to undulate very slightly. To the point where the changes could be seen with the naked eye, but not to the point where the sensors could pick them up.

When Mo Jinhao saw this, he let out a sigh of relief and continued to direct his mana toward the part of his arm that was making contact with the barrier.

The barrier started to widen within a matter of seconds, and it wasn't long before a hole that was big enough for three people to fit through appeared.

Mo Jinhao did not squander a single second and immediately dove into the hole, accompanied by the two other people he was with at the time.

They were able to infiltrate the city, and the portal shut down behind them.

'The security is a lot tighter than I had originally anticipated.'

Mo Jinhao thought while beads of cold sweat gathered on his forehead and palms. Within the range of his immediate vision, he could see and sense the presence of over a hundred powerful people who were monitoring the area.

If he weren't one of the most powerful members of humanity, it was likely that he would've been apprehended the moment that he entered the place.

Fortunately, he was strong enough to prevent this.

'The failure of our plans is not surprising. This city is virtually impenetrable unless you are one of the world's top-ranked individuals... I cannot even conceive of the defensive systems' complexity. Given the tight security around the city's outskirts, it is extremely unlikely that even I will be able to enter the main operating area of the defensive system.'

As Mo Jinhao thought about the plan that Malik Alshayatin had explained to him, he began to have second thoughts about it once more.

At this very moment, he was beginning to have doubts about his leader, despite the fact that ever since he had entered the Monolith, he had never once questioned his orders.

Just how was he supposed to destroy the defensive system with just three people?

Despite the fact that it appeared to be impossible, he was left with no other option. After he had successfully infiltrated the location, the one and only thing left for him to do at this point was to carry on with the mission.

It was too late to turn back.

—I've infiltrated the city. I am now making my way toward the defensive system.

Mo Jinhao reported his situation through his voice.

It was, of course, through a text message, and even though there was a barrier there that blocked all signals, he was still able to send the message thanks to the advanced technology that was contained within the Monolith watches.

This technology granted them the ability to communicate with each other regardless of whether or not a dampening system had been set up.

This was primarily the result of the Chrystal that had been incorporated into the watches, as this was what gave them their incredible ability.

Dromeda city was vast, about half the size of Ashton city.

The streets appeared to be deserted, with very few people visible anywhere in the area. This was obviously excluding the heroes and mercenaries who were patrolling the area.

Besides them, there was no one else in the city.

The primary parliamentary building, which was situated in the geographic center of the city, was where the defense system was housed. It was appropriately the most heavily guarded location in the entire city, and the defensive system was located right under the building.

It didn't take long for Mo Jinhao to arrive at the destination.

'This should be the right place.'

Jinhao was able to confirm that he had arrived at the correct location when he came to a stop in the distance and saw a large white dome building that was surrounded by powerful presences.

Taking refuge in one of the nearby buildings, Jinhao took out his watch and contacted Hemlock.

—I've arrived at my destination. How should I proceed now?

[How far are you from the defensive system?]

—About three hundred meters give or take.

[Are the other two people I told you to bring with you there?]


When Jinhao responded, he did so while pausing his gaze momentarily on the two soldiers who were stationed at the opposite end of the room with their backs straight.

[That's good.]

Hemlock replied, clearly satisfied with Mo Jinhao's achievements.

[The remainder of your mission will be less difficult. One of the two soldiers with you currently possesses a device that is capable of destroying the entire building. The strength of the device is comparable to the assault we suffered at the hands of 876 several years ago. If you are able to detonate this device, it will not be difficult to disable the defensive system.]

Hemlock's brows furrowed even more tightly.

—That makes sense, but he must fall within a certain range for it to work. In order for the explosion to impact the defensive system, he must be approximately fifty meters away. At the moment, I can only afford a distance of 300 meters. Any closer than that, and I'll get exposed.

If everything were as simple as Hemlock was making it sound like it was, then Mo Jinhao would have already gone to the parliament and dropped the bomb on them personally.

Unfortunately, things weren't that easy.

Even with his disguise, the moment he stepped foot past the 250-meter mark, someone would immediately be able to tell about his presence and assault him.

If that were to happen that he was as good as dead.

Although he may be strong, he was not strong enough to eliminate over a hundred different <S> rankers and a couple of <SS> rankers at the same time.

He would simply be delusional if he thought that way.

Hemlock messaged him within the next few seconds.

[Don't worry, you don't have to do anything from this point on. Just let one of the two people you brought along with you go. He will naturally know what he has to do. All you have to do at this moment is stay in the same place that you are without moving a single muscle.]

—Is that really all I need to do?

Mo Jinhao was somewhat skeptical of what Hemlock was saying.

Regardless of how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of a way for how someone who was only <B> rank to be able to infiltrate the parliament, but in the end, he could only relent and comply with Hemlock's orders.

"Go, do whatever you're supposed to do."

Strengthening the camouflage on the invidiual's body, Mo Jinhao let him go and he disappeared shortly after that.

Five minutes eventually passed, and he soon received another message.

[I've just received word that the soldier is already in position. Is the other one with you?]


Jinhao replied, sparing a glance toward the other soldier that had remained.

[Very well, then…]

All of a sudden, Mo Jinhao felt an ominous premonition rise from the depths of his body, and just as he turned his head, his eyes shot wide open and his face trembled.

Standing opposite him was the same soldier from before. What was different from before, however, was his head, which had now started to bloat considerably.


Mo Jinhao let out a terrified scream as he frantically channeled all of the mana that was contained within his body.

Time slowed down in his vision, and Mo Jinhao tried to stop the soldier.

Unfortunately, all of this occurred within the span of a couple of seconds, and before Mo Jinhao could even react, the soldier's head exploded into bits, and the building that they were in collapsed while the sound of a massive explosion echoed throughout the city.


The explosion caused the building to collapse, and the city was shaken to its core.

At that very moment, the camouflage that was on Jinhao began to fade, and he became aware of multiple powerful gazes pausing on him.


A low chime echoed on his watch, and Jinhao slowly lowered his head.

[I thank you for your services. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten]

The moment he saw the message, his entire face turned pitch black, and power began to surge throughout his entire body.

The area around him shook, and there was a rustling in the air.

"How dare you!"

Mo Jinhao screamed at the top of his lungs.

It was unfortunate that his actions attracted the attention of all of the powerful figures within the city as flashes appeared in the sky.

It wasn't long before over a hundred different figures appeared in the air above Jinhao.

His presence drew the attention of all of the higher-ranking officials within Dromeda city due to the potency of the aura that encircled his body and radiated outward from it.

By now, Jinhao had already lost all train of thought as rage fuelled every part of his body.

Perhaps, had Jinhao been a normal person, he would have been able to calm himself down. He was, however, not a normal person.

He was someone who had made a deal with a demon, and as a result, the moment he found out that he had been used as a sacrificial pawn, he completely lost it.

"How dare you! How dare you! How dare you!"

As the world around him crumbled, he eventually fixed his attention on a handful of figures floating in the air. He didn't give it a second thought before he raised his hand and started attacking.

"Die! Die! Die!"

"How dare you betray me! You deserve to die! You all deserve to die!"

A huge battle took place shortly after that.

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