The Author's POV
Chapter 116 Table of contents

Staring at the busy streets of Ashton city, outside of Moonlight mercenary group headquarters, two individuals stood on the stairs that led all the way up to the building.

"Thank you for coming"


Puffing a mouthful of smoke, Leopold nonchalantly stared at the people below him. Glancing at Smallsnake from the corner of his eyes, he slowly said

"No problem, I had nothing to do anyways..."


Tossing the cigarette in his mouth to the ground, Leopold stepped on it. Glancing at Smallsnake, he asked

"So what did you call me here for?"

Smiling, Smallsnake took out a contract from a small black briefcase in his hands and handed it to Leopold. Without skipping a beat, he went straight to the point

"I would like to hire you"

Raising his brow, Leopold took the contract from Smallsnake's hands.

"Oh? Hire me?"

Scanning the document in his hands, Leopold's brows couldn't help but jump up and down. Glancing back at Smallsnake, with a hint of doubt, he couldn't help but ask

" this offer real?...100,000U a month, I'm not reading this wrongly right?"

Smiling, Smallsnake nodded his head.

"Our leader has specifically asked for you, and that's the price he is willing to offer for your services"




"Don't ask me, I'm just following orders"

Though he said that, Smallsnake couldn't help but start to understand why Ren wanted to recruit him.

As Smallsnake stood next to Leopold, although at first glance Leopold may come across as a lazy middle-aged man, as he stood next to him, Smallsnake noticed the unwavering determination that decorated his face.

Moreover, the way he carried himself as well as how his deep black eyes added with his dignified aura made it seem like he was in command of everything. This proved to Smallsnake that Leopold was an experienced man. He could tell from first glance that he had been through a lot of setbacks throughout his life.

Even Smallsnake, who had met a lot of people in his past, couldn't help but feel that there was something different about this man. Though his presence wasn't overbearing like some of the people he met, he unknowingly felt respect for the man. Equivalent to that of a soldier to his own general...

'So that's why...'


As a slight smile appeared on Smallsnake's face, snapping him out of his thoughts, Leopold lightly smacked the contract on Smallsnake's chest.

"Sorry but I will have to refuse"


Opening his eyes wide, Smallsnake couldn't help but look at Leopold in confusion.

...According to his estimate, he was currently earning 20,000U per month. His offer of 100,000U a month was five times what he was currently earning. Moreover, from what he read, he wasn't even treated well here. Why would he reject him?

"May I ask why you're rejecting my offer?"

Smiling slightly, glancing at the papers that were now back in Smallsnake's hands, Leopold couldn't help but ask back

"Have you seen the offer?"


"...and you think I would accept it just like that?"


Opening his mouth, a bitter smile appeared on Smallsnake's face. Glancing at Leopold he said

"you think we're a fraudulent group don't you?"

Nodding his head, Leopold rummaged through his pocket and took out another cigarette from his pocket.


-Flick! -Flick!


Lighting up the cigarette, taking a big puff whilst staring in the distance, Leopold exhaled.

" can a [I] rank mercenary group offer me such a high salary out of nowhere? At first, I was indeed tempted, but you see, I'm not looking to quit my job to join another one that has an uncertain future...moreover, your group doesn't even have a mission to their name. I've got a family to feed you see..."


Pausing, taking another puff of the cigarette, Leopold exhaled and stared at the smoke floating in the air

" do you expect me to take this offer seriously?"

Pursing his lips, Smallsnake sighed.

Leopold had a point. He had thought of this point before...but he really couldn't do anything about it. After all, as of right now there were only two people in the group.

Still, Smallsnake wasn't a man to give up. He had already talked with Ren before, and in case the said situation arises, he would offer him one final offer. If he rejected this then it was better to look elsewhere.

"1 million U direct payment now, plus 100,000U per month salary. Everything written under a contract to prove year 2,200,000U"

As Smallsnake proposed this offer, he couldn't help but feel a slight pain in his chest. We were talking about 2,200,000U, not some lump change.

Still, although they offered a lot of money, with what they had made from the Bull's wrath incident, they had somehow managed to make enough money to not bleed over this matter.

...Moreover, Ren told him that money wouldn't be an issue in the future and that this investment was worth the cost. Thus, trusting Ren, Smallsnake decided to go all out.


Dropping the cigarette on the ground, Leopold couldn't help but be stupefied by the offer

'2,200,000 U? That's like nine years of my just one year?'

Caressing his unkempt beard, glancing at Smallsnake, Leopold smiled

"You've got my interest"


Monday, Lock, Class A-25

Sitting in my usual seat, I propped up my chin with my hand. Compared to my usual lazy appearance, today I was particularly excited about the lecture.

...A good show was about to await me.

"Alright, please sit down, class is about to begin"

Walking in the class, holding onto his files with his right hand, Gilbert motioned for everyone in the class to sit down.

Arriving at the podium, placing his stuff down, Gilbert looked at everyone in the classroom. After everyone stopped talking, smiling slightly, Gilbert started speaking.

"In today's lecture we will be speaking about ranks and what they mean."

"...As most of you know, ranks are indexes that we use to measure the average strength of a person. Ranks range from G all the way to SSS, some say that there might even be a rank higher than that, but no one is sure about that as the current strongest humans alive have only reached as far as SS rank..."

As Gilbert spoke, I mostly ignored most of the stuff that he said. I honestly knew most of the stuff already, but that was beside the point as I was currently waiting for something else...and finally, thirty minutes into the lecture, the moment I've been waiting for finally happened.

"Does anyone have any questions with regards to what I just explained?"

Immediatly after Gilbert said that multiple hands shot up in the air. Pointing towards one of the girls sitting on the same side as me, Gilbert said

"You over there, what's your question"

Being picked, sitting up straight, the young girl looked at Gilbert with eyes of pure adoration. Clearing her throat, she said

"Sir, is it possible for an individual to fight against a higher-ranked individual?"

Smiling at the girl's question, Gilbert answered

"Good question, yes it is indeed possible, however, those cases are extremely rare and can only be achieved by those who have pure bloodlines as they are the only people capable of such feats..."

As soon as Gilbert started speaking about bloodlines, the faces of some of the students in the class couldn't help but turn ugly.

Trying my best to hide the smile on my face, I couldn't help shake my head. To think that Gilbert would try to spread his faction's ideologies in the middle of the lecture...

It was technically not allowed, but considering Gilbert's backing, he could do as he pleased. As long as he didn't cross the line, he was allowed to do whatever he wanted.

"...and so, in case you want to defeat a higher-ranked opponent, you must have a superior bloodline that would grant you great talent and skills"

Satisfied with his answer, Gilbert looked at the young lady who had asked the question and said

"Is that enough to answer your que-"

However, pausing mid-sentence and pointing towards a certain individual on the right side of the classroom, Gilbert raised his brow

"Oh? it seems like someone disagrees with my statement"

Being pointed at, Kevin glanced at Gilbert in confusion.


"Yes, you seemed to be dissatisfied with my statement"

Glancing at Gilbert, and noticing the provocative mocking look on his face, Kevin took a deep breath and spoke his mind.

"...Altough difficult, I believe that lower-ranked people can indeed put up a fight against someone whose rank is higher. Moreover, I don't believe bloodline or lineage has anything to do with that as there is no proof to back up such claims"

He was indeed dissatisfied with what Gilbert has said. Altough bloodlines could indeed help create children with higher talent, it meant nothing.

As long as one put in enough work, dedication, and luck, Kevin felt that even people with normal families could beat higher-ranked opponents.

Covering his mouth, Gilbert's body shook. Glancing at Kevin, Gilbert couldn't help but laugh out loud

"hahaha, that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my think that despite you being ranked one in your year you were this ignorant."

Shrugging his shoulders, not minding Gilbert's attitude one bit, Kevin sat back down

"I still stand by my point"

Stopping himself from laughing, as if he had come up with a brilliant idea, mysteriously glancing at Kevin, he asked

"How about this, from what've heard, you're <D-> ranked right?"

Suddenly being asked about his rank, Kevin frowned.

What did that have to do with anything they were talking about?

In the end, noticing Gilbert's mocking look, Kevin nodded his head


Smiling widely, Gilbert took out a small black spherical object from his dimensional space and showed it to everyone.

"Altough I'm currently <B> ranked, this item that I'm currently holding right now is called the 'suppressor'. It is an item that my father specifically gave me and has the special ability to suppress my strength to a rank I want for thirty minutes. Though it won't allow me to jump to higher ranks, it helps me reach lower levels without batting an eye."

Clenching onto the sphere, Gilbert provocatively looked at Kevin

"...How about this, you and I fight, and I'll suppress my strength all the way down to <D-> rank exactly the same as yours. Although I indeed have more experience than you, weren't we just talking about a lower rank beating a higher rank? Since you're so adamant about saying that I'm wrong...prove it to me. Show me that bloodlines don't matter"

As soon as Gilbert finished speaking, a series of gasps immediately erupted in the classroom as numerous gazes concentrated between Gilbert and Kevin.

To think that Gilbert had openly challenged Kevin in the middle of the class. Such a thing caused everyone in the class to be stupefied.

...A professor challenging a student. Such a thing was unheard of before.

Frowning, Kevin seriously looked at Gilbert. After a couple of seconds, nodding his head, he agreed.

"Alright, I hope you won't regret your decision professor..."

Hearing Kevin's agreement, Gilbert laughed loudly, believing that Kevin was merely trying to save face. With a mocking smile on his face, he walked out of the hall as his laughter which was tinged with a hint of amusement and ridicule resounded across the halls of the building.

"Very well, everyone follow me to the training grounds. I really want to see how Kevin will be able to prove me wrong"

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