The Author's POV
Chapter 120 Table of contents

"Hats off to technology"


A couple of hours after I placed my order in [World Market], my package already arrived in front of my dorm room.

I don't know how they managed to send me the package so fast, but who was I to complain.


Ripping the package open, nestled in between a couple of styrofoam beans was a red ginseng root that rhythmically pulsated a red hue.

Taking the ginseng out, I couldn't help but tilt my head in confusion.

" am I supposed to take this? Do I just eat it or do I put it in a medical bath?"

Carefully placing the ginseng on my table, I quickly looked for instructions on what to do with the ginseng.

After all, I wasn't just going to recklessly eat this when I had no idea whether that was the right thing to do.

Opening my tablet, I quickly looked through all of the information regarding the blood ginseng.

" need for a medical bath, and just eating it raw is okay? Moreover I shouldn't steam it as there's a chance it might lose some of its medical properties?"

Reading the instructions on the web, my face couldn't help but twist lightly. Though I had never eaten ginseng before, looking at it on my table, it reminded me of ginger.

...and I hated ginger.

"Ahhh, let's not bitch about this for any longer and just think of it as a small sacrifice for strength"

With the most twisted face I could muster, holding the ginseng by the tip of my fingers, I slowly placed it in my mouth.

Right after placing the ginseng in my mouth, taking my first bite, an earthy and bitter taste invaded the tonsils of my tongue.

" bitter, at least it's not as bad a ginger"

Chewing onto the ginseng, I soon noticed that although it was bitter, if I concentrated hard enough, I could taste a slightly sweet after taste. Though it wasn't very sweet, it was still something.

"Ah...yep, it's starting"

Chewing on the ginseng for a couple of seconds, I soon swallowed it. Thereafter I felt a hot sensation in my stomach area.


Soon after, as if all the pores of my body were stretched to the maximum, I felt the mana in my surroundings gather towards my body at an alarming rate. It soon entered my system and headed towards the energy that came from the ginseng.

The mana from the atmosphere added with the chaotic energy within my body due to the ginseng soon mixed and created a ball of pure energy that coursed through my body.

As if a dam had broken, the energy shot straight into every fiber of my body resulting in my skin turning red.


Steam slowly rose from my body as green veins protruded from my skin as they constantly wiggled around.


Frowning hard, I clenched my teeth and suppressed the pain that was coursing through my body. It felt as though a thousand pins were puncturing my veins. The pain was excruciating.

Like that, for the next fifteen minutes, I endured an almost unbearable amount of pain. it felt as though I was being skinned and burned alive.


Soon after, after fifteen minutes of pure hell, the pain finally died down. Shortly after the pain disappeared, a wave of euphoria washed over my body as I felt my body go through a metamorphosis.

My already toned muscles became firmer. All of my senses enhanced dramatically and the mana capacity in my body increase multiple folds.

If before I could only use the first and second movement of the Keiki style once or twice, now I could use it up to five times without a problem.


Exhaling, turbid air escaped from my mouth.

I was very tempted to test my strength, but I refrained from doing so. Glancing at the corner of my room where a deep gash appeared on the wall, my mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"...Should definitely get that fixed"

Rubbing my nose, I quickly checked my status window. I was curious about something.


Name : Ren Dover

Rank : E -

Strength : E -

Agility : F +

Stamina : E -

Intelligence : E -

Mana capacity : E

Luck : E +

Charm : G +

--> Profession :

[Swordsmanship lvl.2]

The degree of understanding of the sword has evolved to the next level. User will find it easier to understand concepts that were previously harder to understand.

--> Martial Manual :

[★★★★★ Keiki style] - Minor realm of mastery

Sword art created by Grandmaster Toshimoto Keiki. A five-star module that focused primarily on reaching the apex of swordsmanship and speed. Upon mastery, the sword art becomes so fast that before an opponent could even think about their next move, their heads would already be rolling on the ground.

[★★★ Ring of vindication] - Minor realm of mastery

Highly advanced sword art that creates a perfect ring of defense around the user. Upon mastery, the ring can create a three-dimensional sphere that protects the user from all sides. Because of the lack of offensive capabilities, the manual was graded three-stars.

[★★★ Drifting steps]

Movement art that progresses with each step. With every step taken, user speed will increase. Unless user stops, speed will continuously increase until the user either runs out of mana or due to injury.

--> Skills :

[{G} Monarch's indifference]

A skill that enables users to erase all emotions, and act as a supreme monarch that only calculates the best option regardless of circumstance.


"..n-o way"

My charm which refused to budge no matter how much I tried to increase it finally increased from G to G+

Trembling whilst holding my mouth, I couldn't help but choke up. Quickly making my way towards the mirror, I couldn't help but touch my face as I muttered to myself...

"I really look more handsome..."

Everything looked pretty much the same, but somehow, today, I felt incomparably handsome. It looked as though I was shining.

"...Alright, let's get rid of these narcissistic thoughts of mine"

After admiring myself in the mirror for a couple of more minutes, I quickly switched back to my serious self.

I had a more pressing issue at hand.

"Now that I've reached E - rank, chances of something going wrong during the dungeon raid will definitely decrease...but if things went as I planned, nothing serious should happen. After all, I already knew of a way to avoid all dangers inside of the dungeon I was going with Kevin"

Glancing towards my right, my eyesight landed on the right drawer of my desk where a red book quietly rested. Frowning slightly, I couldn't help but think

'Since I'm with Kevin, this should work no?'


Inside of a spacious office room where a large oval table stood in the middle. Fourteen individuals sat around the table as they stared towards one individual at the front of the table.


"I say bullshit!"

Smacking her hand on the large oval table, Donna shouted out loud

"How is a two-week suspension enough to justify what he did to Kevin? Someone that the headmaster has personally chosen to nurture?"

Flinching slightly one of the professors sitting on the table helplessly raised his hands as he looked at Donna

"Donna, the headmaster is not here, and you know...considering Gilbert's background, our hands are tied"

Shaking her head, Donna retorted

"What does that have to do with anything? Although the headmaster isn't here, even Gilbert's father would have to give a face to him...after all the headmaster is another SS ranked hero!"


Shouting out loud, a fierce pressure similar to that of Donna erupted from one of the people at the table.

"Try me!"

Turning her attention towards the person who released the pressure, Donna's sight met with an older woman with grey hair and wrinkles on her face.

"Is that how you speak to your elders Donna?"

Fiercely staring at Donna, in a way that it looked as though she was reproaching a child, the older woman firmly said

"The decision has already been set, stop protesting. Since this is the result of the collective votes of all the people present inside of the room, all you should be doing right now is shut up and endure it."

Clenching her fist, Donna pointed at the older woman as she spat

"Y-ou! We all know that Gilbert is your nephew. You out of all people shouldn't be talking, Chloe!"

Chloe Moretz

Though she wasn't related by blood with Gilbert, having married Gilbert's father's cousin, she was considered to be her aunt. Therefore, using some of her connections, she managed to get people on her side and lighten the punishment that Gilbert was going to face for what he did to Kevin.

Glancing at Donna, a slight smirk appeared on Chloe's face. Crossing her arms, she pointed towards nine other people in the room.

"What does that have to do with anything? Out of the fourteen of us here, excluding me, nine decided for this punishment."

Pausing slightly, and squinting her eyes, Chloe slowly said

"...or are you insinuating that Gilbert is related to all the nine other people that voted?"


Opening her eyes wide, a purple hue erupted from Donna's body as it enveloped the whole room.


Donna was so incensed that no words escaped from her mouth. She knew for a fact that Chloe had bribed those nine individuals present. Using Gilbert's father's name, she either threatened or gave them enough incentives for them to take Gilbert's side.

"Just what I wanted!"


Standing up, matching Donna, a blue hue erupted from Chloe's body as it crashed towards Donna's hue. Thereafter, the whole room shook.


"Please, both of you stop!"

Just as the confrontation between Donna and Chloe was about to reach a boiling point, shouting out loud, a muscular individual with a large beard and long blonde hair stood up as he got in between the two women.

Glancing at Donna, Connor Norvak couldn't help but look at her with pleading eyes

"Donna, please go outside and cool your head. I will try to talk things through with them. I understand where you're coming from, but in the end, the votes are already out, we can't change the rules because you're dissatisfied with the results"

Fuming, Donna glared at Connor for a couple of seconds. Thereafter, seeing that the situation was unfavorable for her, she snorted and turned around

"Hmph, fine!"

Before leaving, hatefully glaring at Chloe, Donna clenched her fist tightly. Soon after, turning around, Donna left the room.

As she left the room she didn't forget to smash the door on the way out as she said

"Prepare yourselves for when the headmaster comes back as I will tell him everything about what happened today..."


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