I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 13 Table of contents

There are those who can’t perform to their full potential when they’re nervous.
Psychologically constrained and unable to remain calm, bizarre mistakes spring from actions that are usually performed with ease.

That’s what just happened to me.

After having a fine conversation via hologram until now, why did I try to use my mouth just now?

Having adapted well to communicating through holograms, why did I try to open my mouth?

If I previously managed to deflect attention and gazes, why did I get so nervous this time?

I don’t know.

It was just a mistake… There’s nothing else I could say.

It was an incredibly foolish mistake.

[My name is Lee Hayul, a special admission student. I’ll work hard to prove my qualifications through my results.]

Thank you.

As I displayed my hologram message, I was met with a round of applause.

The reaction was moderate.
It wasn’t an overwhelming cheer, nor was it the worst-case scenario of a chilling silence.

– Blind, huh? Guess he can move around because of his perception abilities…
– And mute on top of that…
– Sob…

Instead, I was met with peculiar stares. Some looked dumbfounded… others seemed to witness something pitiable. The murmurs were just an added bonus.

If it had been jealousy or envy, I could have easily brushed it off, but I wasn’t sure how to respond to these kinds of emotions. I bowed my head and trudged back to my seat.


“Cough cough… Alright, that’s it for the self-introductions! Since we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other, let’s not do anything that would make us blush. Next will be…”

The atmosphere, which had turned somber, was broken by Professor Liana with a fake cough as she continued her speech. There was a clear intention to shift the topic.

The phrase ‘let’s not do anything that would make us blush’ felt like a stab through the heart. I was already blushing…

First impressions are so critical, and I completely ruined mine.

Imagine how I must appear to them.

Probably like some weirdo who stood on stage to introduce himself and then suddenly choked and wheezed.

They must think I’m someone who can’t even introduce himself properly.

It’s a miserable feeling. I felt contempt for myself and wallowed in self-loathing.

“Hayul, are you really okay…?”

[Yes, I’m fine.]

“You’re not just swallowing it down inside, are you…? You have to tell me if you’re in pain…”

Hong Yeon-hwa, who had dashed over when I started choking, also wore a peculiar expression. Her pale complexion contrasted sharply with her red hair.

The gazes that seemed to view me as an invalid only weighed heavier on me…

There was nothing I could say to dispel the odd misunderstanding that had formed.

My face, burning with embarrassment, I buried it on the desk.

“Hayul, are you in that much pain…?”

No, it’s not like that.


After Professor Liana left, a theory-focused common lecture followed.

The common lectures I attended in the morning were ‘Divine History’ and ‘Basics of Mana Operation.’

Divine History roughly covered the history from 200 years ago, and Basics of Mana Operation taught about the history of mana and fundamental knowledge.

History… Thanks to my knowledge from the original work, there were parts I somewhat knew, but Basics of Mana Operation was difficult.

What I knew was merely about how to develop a character, not how to operate a character’s mana…

Fortunately, the pace started from the very basics, so I could barely keep up.

But the speed of the lecture was incredibly fast. It seemed everyone was just skimming through the content they already knew.

The problem is, I don’t know the ‘content everyone knows.’

In the original work, you could skip through and just note ‘Knowledge +1’ or ‘Today’s lecture is finished’ in a single line, but of course, that’s not how it works in reality.

I lack common sense right now.

There’s a difference in common sense between someone who was born and raised in this world and me, who lived on a Earth without abilities.

To bridge this gap in common sense, I need to attend these theory classes consistently.

I need to attend them for my grades, too.

In the original work, unless there was a significant mishap, you wouldn’t get expelled… but in reality, it’s not known whether the same rules apply, so I have to manage my grades.

There were many confusing parts, so I planned to review them once I returned to the dormitory.

Looking at the time, it was already a little past 1 p.m.

Since the lecture started at 8 a.m., did each lecture take about 2 hours and 30 minutes?

It’s nearly lunchtime. I rummaged through my bag. I’m sure I packed a calorie bar…

“Do you want to have lunch together? I have a lot of recommended places.”


As I rummaged through my bag, the words caught my attention, and I turned my head.

Hong Yeon-hwa, who had already packed her things, was looking my way.

[Aren’t you eating with Baek Ahrin?]

“Baek Ahrin? She’s… we’ll eat together later…”

Even though my eyes were closed, Hong Yeon-hwa turned her head away as if avoiding my gaze and mumbled an excuse.


Because of the curse of sensory seal, I have no sense of taste.

I’ve conducted various experiments.

I can’t feel the taste of sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and so on. I heard that spiciness is not a taste, so I tried it, but I couldn’t feel spiciness either.

The only thing I can somewhat sense is the fizzing sensation of carbonation? Even that felt alien and was uncomfortable to consume.

From the moment it was categorized as ‘curse,’ questioning common sense became futile.

It’s not that my tongue lacks sensation… but I consider ‘taste’ to be entirely sealed off.

As a result, since coming here, I’ve hardly had a proper meal.

The memories of when my taste was intact only soured my mood further.

[I’m fine with anything.]

The mood sucked, but without taste, I’ve become a scavenger that can gulp down just about anything.

I wasn’t particularly picky before, but there were foods I wouldn’t go out of my way to find.

But now, without taste or preference, as long as it satisfies my nutritional needs, I really can eat ‘anything.’

“Th-that so? Anything at aaaaa… Just a moment…?”

Saying that, Hong Yeon-hwa tapped her smartwatch with an expression of mild confusion.

After much deliberation, she cautiously looked my way.

“Do you want some spicy pork?”


* * *

The academic facilities have dining halls that provide meals for the cadets free of charge.

I remember the setting stating that despite not charging money, the quality and variety change daily, making it a favorite spot for many cadets.

However, there are cadets who eat separately for various reasons, so there are different restaurants throughout the campus.

The restaurant we found this time was one of those.

Lunch was settled with Hong Yeon-hwa at a nearby place renowned for its spicy pork.

It was a short ten-minute walk away, no need for a bus.

Hong Yeon-hwa and I each ordered a spicy pork set meal.

Before the menu arrived, Hong Yeon-hwa, sitting across from me, initiated conversation with a somewhat timid demeanor. Despite my thoughts, I couldn’t understand why.

It wasn’t heavy conversations like family matters, but she asked about lighter topics, like what I usually liked, whether I watched certain programs, if I liked fruits, and so on…

I didn’t understand why she was asking, but I responded earnestly, and we managed to pass the time suitably until the food arrived.

Hong Yeon-hwa’s eyes sparkled at the sight of the freshly served spicy pork stir-fry. The soft tofu stew served alongside it shared in the glow.

It was a spicy pork set meal that included both the pork and the stew.

Hong Yeon-hwa swallowed hard and picked up her spoon, and I did the same.

I scooped up a hearty spoonful of the soft tofu stew. The bright red broth, glistening under the light, had an allure that made one salivate just by looking.

I put the spoon in my mouth, and it tasted like warm water.


I hadn’t expected anything else. It was a fact I already knew.

I sighed internally and mechanically worked the spoon. By keeping a decent pace, I managed to match Hong Yeon-hwa’s speed.

Whether it was out of politeness or consideration that I might find it difficult to use utensils, there wasn’t much conversation during the meal.

“How was it?”

[It was delicious.]

After finishing the meal and while Hong Yeon-hwa was sipping water, she asked me a question to which I casually responded.


Hearing my reply, Hong Yeon-hwa took another sip of water, but I could clearly sense her lips twitching through spatial perception.

…I felt guilty as if I had lied unnecessarily. Should I tell her now that I couldn’t taste it? But is it the right timing to bring it up now?

It seemed wrong to keep it hidden… I’ll find the right timing to talk about it later.

I’ll apologize for lying about the taste then.

After the meal, we split up to attend our specialized classes.

Hong Yeon-hwa left to attend an advanced combat class.

And as for me…

▶Professor Liana: Special admission students have 1-on-1 lectures with a special professor during specialized class time! Arrive at the designated location by 2 p.m.! (Today 13:03)

A 1-on-1 lecture.

I had been informed by Professor Liana in the morning, and I also received the materials via message.

This was different from the original work. In the original, I was integrated into the basic class to study with the other cadets, but here I was to receive special 1-on-1 instruction from a professor.

▶Professor Liana: Sorry about this morning (⑅◞‸◟) (Today 13:05)

▶Professor Liana: [Royal Candy Voucher]x10 (Today 13:05)

▶Professor Liana: Use these to buy something delicious (Today 13:06)

▶Me: It was my fault. No need for you to apologize, Professor. (Today 13:51)

▶Professor Liana: Really, really sorry! ?(T-T )ノ (Today 13:53)

I received another apology for the incident this morning.

Professor Liana wasn’t at fault at all, it was just my nervousness that caused the blunder…

I messaged back that there was no need to apologize, but soon enough, a weeping emoticon came back in reply.

I sighed and thought about the special lecture.

‘Is this better?’

I wondered if being taught by one professor might be better than being one among many students.

When I was first taken in as a special admission, I thought there would be no particular benefits, but perhaps this was a benefit in itself.

After all, it was private instruction from a high-caliber professor of The Tower of Growth.

I walked to the appointed location to digest the food and to contemplate.

Most facilities for first-year students are clustered in one area, so it’s not bad to walk if you have the time.

One might imagine that The Tower of Growth is equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

In fact, it’s true. Just looking at the dormitory buildings, almost everything is automated.

The same goes for the training facilities.

Despite being overshadowed by the existence of the Tower, there are devices augmented with technologies like AR, sparring dummies with movements varying by difficulty, gravity chambers with enhanced gravity, and so on.

All these facilities are equipped with technology unseen anywhere on the former Earth.

‘This is the place.’

The location I arrived at on foot was far from the high-tech facilities I imagined.

Tapping the ground with my toes, I felt a rough texture. It was a hard, parched earth floor where it was difficult to find even a single weed.

The place felt more like an old-fashioned sports field than a training ground. In fact, a white line was drawn around a large open space.

Here and there, the rough marks told me the place was used occasionally. My spatial perception made me even more aware of it.

It wasn’t just the ground that was dug up and filled in; I could also read signs of sword slashes drawn in straight lines, areas burned or soaked with water, and spots where the ground was turned over.

It had the feel of an old-fashioned sports field, far removed from cutting-edge technology.

“You’re quite early.”


While I was kneeling and running my hand over one of the straight slashes, a sudden presence behind me and the voice that followed made my hair stand on end.

I gasped in shock and jumped away to create distance. There, just where I had been, stood a woman with her arms crossed, looking at me.

‘What the…’

Just a moment ago, she definitely wasn’t there. Especially since I was using spatial perception to survey my surroundings, I was even more certain.


Whether I was confused or not, the woman uncrossed her arms and stepped forward with a robust stride.

Approaching closer, I could tell she was very tall. Almost 180cm? No, she was even taller than that.

I had to tilt my head back to see her face straight on.

“You noticed my presence before I even spoke, correct?”


It was a subtle difference, but I did catch her presence before she spoke. It was different from the Vice Chancellor’s spatial movement.

With the Vice Chancellor, I had the impression of ‘I’m coming in,’ and then she tapped into my spatial perception before entering.

But with this woman, it was as if she suddenly appeared lying on my bed at home, watching over me.

“Sensing type. It’s been roughly a month since you’ve awakened, and you’ve already caught my presence… Not bad.”

The woman murmured something, seemingly making a judgement on her own, then nodded as her golden hair cascaded down to her shoulders.

“I’m Atra Clyde. I’ll be the professor giving you lessons related to combat specialization.”

[My name is Lee Hayul, a special admission student. I look forward to your guidance.]

This was a character I did not recognize. Seeing that she stopped talking, it seemed she had no intention of revealing her rank.

After writing that, I bowed, but I sensed Atra Clyde’s eyes narrow slightly at the mention of ‘special admission.’

‘Ah, this isn’t good.’

If the professor is not in favor of special admissions, this could be problematic.

“…Let’s clarify something first.”

Wondering what was going on, I looked up to see Professor Atra sighing deeply before speaking.

“I don’t have much of an opinion about special admissions. I won’t blindly deny it, but I won’t positively affirm it either.”

Atra Clyde narrowed her eyes as she gazed down at me.

“The Chancellor chose you, so I’ll proceed for now, but it’s true I harbor doubts since nothing has been proven yet. You understand? Were you a regular cadet, it wouldn’t matter, but since you’re a special admission, there are extraordinary expectations set upon you.”

Atra Clyde’s piercing gaze seemed to penetrate me.

“Everyone, not just me, the public’s gaze is the same, regardless of the circumstances. You are the first and only special admission chosen by the cradle’s owner.”

First and only.

The reason special admissions garnered so much attention.

I was from the 121st intake. That meant there had been a system in place for 121 years but not a single special admission student until now.

“…I’ve talked too much. It’s time to begin training.”

– Thud thud

Professor Atra walked to the edge of the field and pointed to the ground, where a white line was drawn.



I followed the white line with my spatial perception. It was the track surrounding the large field.

[How many laps should I run?]

“As many as I say is enough. Or until you pass out.”

Professor Atra nodded slightly.

“It’s a physical endurance test. Since you’re a special admission, there are no recorded data to go by, so we have to measure like this. Ready─”


Hearing Atra Clyde’s nonchalant command, I mulled over my words and then meekly nodded.

It wasn’t the kind of class I had imagined, but I guessed this was one method of teaching.

With that thought, I kicked off the ground.

And I ran until I was on the verge of passing out.

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