I Became the Academy’s Disabled Student
Chapter 28 Table of contents

Dungeon practice takes place over two days, Monday and Tuesday. More precisely, two days is the limit. It’s not allowed to exceed two days, but if possible, one can quickly complete the dungeon and take a rest.

The group assignment notice went up at 7 A.M. From the moment the announcement was made, the dungeon practice began.

Now it’s time to check the team members, gather together, and head for the dungeon listed in the notice to fulfill the conditions and conclude the practice.

In the original work, if the player was determined to reduce the time, they could clear it by around lunchtime—it was a repeatable event.

– Dding!

Just then, my smartwatch buzzed. It was a notification that I had been invited to a group chat.

▷ ‘Elia Slade’ has invited ‘Lee Hayul,’ ‘Atila Blerro,’ ‘Nam Yeon-jung,’ and ‘Aidan Reynolds.’
▶ Elia Slade: Hello, I’ve created the 11th team chatroom! (Today 7:02)
▶ Elia Slade: Shall we gather nearby and discuss the strategy as a team leader? (Today 7:02)
▶ Atila Blerro: Agreed! I’ll head out now (Today 7:03)
▶ Nam Yeon-jung: Agreed (Today 7:03)

The dungeons assigned for exploration are all located inside the Shio-ram. They are preserved even after exploration and subjugation, and left as they are for future educational purposes.

That’s how vast the Shio-ram is. It’s not only because of the various educational facilities and commercial establishments for the residing personnel but also because the Shio-ram grounds are teeming with managed dungeons.

▶ Me: Agreed (Today 7:04)

After leaving a reply in the chat room, I finished packing. Thankfully, all the gear that Professor Atra had packed fit into my bag, which was enchanted with space expansion magic.

After putting all the books I had been reviewing back in their place and just in case, I double-checked my luggage.

Nothing was left out. Everything was packed. Only then did I leave the library and set off.

* * *

“Over here, Hayul!”

I had arrived at the address posted in the chatroom. It was a cafe of a moderate size where everyone had gathered on the second floor. With the open-type setup without any glass windows, I could easily spot Elia waving her hand.

[I’m sorry, I’m late.]

“No, you’re not late. I just got here too. Oh, and I ordered something for you just now.”

Inside, four people were seated around a round table. I settled into the empty seat next to Elia.

There was Elia offering a bright smile, and there were team members sharing awkward greetings.



Still, by far the most awkward person was definitely him.

Aidan Reynolds… he was also looking over here with great awkwardness. When we bowed our heads to greet each other, it felt stiff like greeting a wooden mannequin.

The female cadet sitting beside him looked at Aidan with what seemed like disdain. She was the same cadet who had whacked Aidan during the last sparring match.

Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be any leftover negative feelings from that sparring match. Had there been unnecessary grudges, it would have worried me, but it seemed my concerns were for naught.

Shortly after, an employee came in and placed drinks and simple snacks on the table. I had orange juice, and the other team members ordered their own fruit juices or coffee.

Once everyone had sipped their drink, Elia tapped the table lightly.

“Shall we start with introductions? I’m Elia Slade, auxiliary major. My unique ability is in the healing category. I look forward to working with you over these two days!”

With Elia opening up, everyone introduced themselves in turn.

“I’m Nam Yeon-jung from the combat major. My unique ability falls under the spear art category. My weapon of choice is also a spear. Please take care of me.”

Nam Yeon-jung, characteristically lean yet sturdy, was discernible as a spear wielder by the spear leaning against the nearby wall, matching his unique ability.

“I’m Atila Blerro, also from the combat major. My unique ability is composite-based… involving shields and physical combat. I’ll do my best.”

Atila, naturally radiating a prickly aura with her sharp feline-like eyes, did not have any equipment visible. She must have kept it in a subspace pocket.

“I’m Aidan Reynolds from the combat major. My unique ability is from the sword art category.”

And then there was Aidan Reynolds, whom I had met before… with an imposing demeanor.

The attention finally shifted to me, the last one remaining. I displayed a pre-written chat message via hologram.

[I’m Lee Hayul. My unique ability is in the detection category. Pleased to meet all of you.]

After the introductions, the conversation swiftly moved to the main topic. Elia, who had created the chatroom, led the discussion.

“It would be easier to start by deciding on a team leader. Does anyone want to take the position?”

Elia asked as she looked around.

Nam Yeon-jung averted his gaze discreetly. It seemed like he wasn’t keen on the role of team leader.

Aidan, who was feeling awkward as he looked toward me, glanced at Atila, who was sipping coffee in the next seat.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you took the role?”


Taken aback as if hearing nonsense, Atila raised an eyebrow sharply. Already having a piercing look, her reaction made her seem even more unapproachable.

Aidan shuddered but kept his composure as he spoke.

“Usually, in small parties, the tank takes on the leader role. Here, you’re the only tank.”

“It is so… but…”

A tank often takes the pillar role in a party, hence, normally the leader of a party that operates in small units is a vanguard, and among them, especially a tank.

After furrowing her brows for a moment, Atila fell into deep thought.

“What’s there to ponder? It’s only for a couple of days at most. This might even end in a day, so why hesitate?”

“Aren’t you trying to push it onto me while being quite mouthy yourself?”


Atila, who was swiftly retorting to Aidan’s occasional interjections, looked exactly like someone accustomed to his behavior; their dynamic spoke of their shared history from the same academy.

“Then I’ll take the role of the team leader for now. I did stuff like this a few times back at the academy, but don’t expect too much.”

With a scratch to her head, Atila glanced towards Elia. Elia just nodded her head in response without taking the lead in the conversation any further.

Probably thinking now that the leader was chosen, the leader should take charge. Realizing this, Atila sighed softly and continued talking.

“Let’s start with planning then.”

What followed was a standard strategy development session. Under Atila’s leadership, we discussed the team’s strength and how and when we would enter and engage the dungeon.

“A detection radius of a hundred meters? Constant activation? Your detection ability?”



“Um… I saw the last sparring, so I have to ask if you’re able to fight?”

[I’m studying combat during major class hours. I’m not skilled yet, but I can participate in a fight if necessary.]


“What’s that staff for?”

[It’s a staff for storing mana. I’ve brought it because I can handle a few lowest-grade spells, although I’m even less skilled at using it than fighting.]


The atmosphere was somewhat peculiar during the process of assessing each member’s strength, but overall, the discussion proceeded in good spirits.

The conclusion was reached quickly.

The schedule was to comfortably use the two days without rushing. While some might push for a faster approach to garner higher evaluations, our team decided to aim for stability.

Atila and Nam Yeon-jung would take the vanguard positions. In the center were me, the detection ability user, and Elia, the healer, while Aidan was in charge of the rear to be prepared for any backline surprises.

“Let’s do one last check to make sure nothing is missed, and then we can directly head out.”

It took a little over an hour. Atila swiftly concluded the meeting and led the team members toward the dungeon.

She had mentioned leading dungeon expeditions several times at the academy, and it certainly seemed like she was experienced.

And so we arrived at the dungeon.

After getting confirmation from the Shio-ram personnel managing the dungeon, we crossed over into the facility.

As I walked with heavy steps, I felt the whirling flow of mana beyond the reach of my Spatial Awareness. That must be the dungeon’s entrance.

– Wooosh…

The moment the flow of mana tried to reach my Spatial Awareness, it conveyed a peculiar tremor. I immediately retracted my Spatial Awareness and grabbed the sleeve of Elia, who was walking beside me.


[I turned off my ability in case the same thing happens again.]

“That time… Ah.”

After letting go of the sleeve, I tapped on my smartwatch. Elia questioned me and then let out a cry of realization.

I wasn’t aware that gates could be dangerous. Now it seemed odd but not particularly threatening. Still, just in case, I withdrew my Spatial Awareness.

If my condition suddenly plummeted like last time, it wouldn’t just be me affected; others nearby would also suffer.

Curiosity would have to wait for another time.

At that moment, someone grabbed my hand sharply. I flinched involuntarily at the unexpected touch.

“Don’t hold the sleeve awkwardly, just stay like this for a moment.”

The one who had grabbed my hand was Elia. She had taken my hand, which was reaching for her sleeve, and now held it firmly.

Before I could be embarrassed by the warmth of her hand, Elia was already leading me into the dungeon holding my hand.

My eyes were closed. Thanks to Mana Affinity, I could sense the position of people and the entrance of the dungeon, but the uneven surface of the floor remained unseen.

If I wasn’t careful, I could stumble, so I did not let go of her hand.

With both my sight and Spatial Awareness blocked, I felt as if I was the only one left in this world.

As I thought about this, I marveled at how I used to get around in the old days.


Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation at the back of my head. It felt like our gazes were locked.

Before I could ponder it deeply, we entered the dungeon. It was like the lurching one feels when plunging into the sea.

* * *

Lee Hayul’s figure plunged into the blue swirl. Like a shadow flickering, his presence abruptly hid away. Even the subtle sensations disappeared.


A dungeon is a space isolated from the outside. Aside from the established entrance, there is no coming and going, and there is little way to confirm what resides within.

Therefore, unless the mana concentration inside obviously skyrockets, it’s difficult to determine if any accidents have occurred.

A sudden shift in mana concentration doesn’t exceed a prelude to collapse, so accidents within are all the more challenging to pinpoint.


What am I even doing here? It’s quite pathetic, truly. A deep sigh escaped me as I reflected on the sudden thought. It’s a sickness in its own right.

As I self-mocked my actions, preparing to turn my head away, a gust of wind struck from behind.

Simultaneously, a gentle voice mingled with the gust reached my ears.

“Um… I might have made a slightly rude assumption. But isn’t it an unavoidable situation? This feels completely like stalking.”

“…If you’re aware it’s rude, the right thing to do would be to refrain.”

The voice was familiar, especially often heard in the African frontlines. Atra narrowed her eyes, straightening her fluttering clothes before turning around.

The wind ceased as the woman who lightly landed, Liana, spoke with a playful smile.

“You seem to have a special affection for the cadets.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“For being nonsense, you even came to check personally. But if you’ve come this far, why not say a word of encouragement before they leave?”

It was a casual remark, but Atra only furrowed her brow even more.

– Take care. And always stay alert.

– Heh. This will be a piece of cake, you know? Don’t underestimate me! I’ll finish quickly and be back for a re-challenge, so wait for me!

It was an unpleasant memory. It was the past she had thought was buried. Atra collected her surging emotions and shook her head.

“Enough of the frivolous talk. I must be going.”

The task was complete. Even now, she regretted the decision to come out and check.

Atra turned without hesitation. With no major lectures for two days, she intended to focus on personal training.

“How about a drink? It’s been a while, and tomorrow I’m free from lectures, too. I found a nice, quiet place with a great atmosphere.”

“Drink alone.”

“Come on, it’s about Lee Hayul. There are things to discuss.”


Atra clicked her tongue and turned away, only to see Liana beaming at her. Her face screamed, ‘You can’t refuse, can you?’

Having insisted on talking over drinks, she must really have such topics to broach. The issue is drinking in the process.

Reluctantly, Atra gave a nod after a moment’s contemplation.

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