Chapter 80 Table of contents

Our Reality

Chapter 80

Aeroplane chess was generally a four-player game. The seven people in the seventh squad was divided into four teams. Li Chun was in a team by himself while Ji Yushi was naturally put together with Song Qinglan.

Once all the conditions were decided, they started the game. Ji Yushi however didn’t win a single one of them.

Fortunately, the game followed the points system used when they were trainees and only the team with the lowest score would be punished.

Li Chun truly deserved the title of a slag man. He thought of a particularly terrible punishment: With your back facing us, use your butt to write the words “I am a pig”.

The first loser Tang Qi wanted flip the table and storm off: “Fuck.”

Tang Le who was in the same team as his older brother also yelled, “Chun’er, just you wait! You will be next!!”

Under everyone else’s roaring laughter, the pair of twins stood up and turned their backs to everyone.

The two big men really couldn’t do something like twisting their ass around in front of everyone.

Zhou Mingxuan clapped his hands, “Raise your shirt and reveal your ass!! Let this lord see if your ass is perky or not!”

Everyone: “HAHAHAHAHA!”

Even Ji Yushi laughed along. He didn’t expect these straight men to be like this. It was very amusing.

The twins stood in a line, pulled up their shirts to reveal their lower bodies and then twisted their butts up, down, left and right to write in the air ‘I am a pig’. Every twist of their waist left the others roaring in laughter.

“Work it more!!”

“The one on the left, your ass is not drawing round enough!”

“It’s the butt of the butts!”

The two cursed loudly as they completed their punishment. Li Chun almost ended up in tears from laughing too hard.

Intelligence and hyperthymesia didn’t work in games like this. Everything was completely random and relied on luck.

Their luck wasn’t too good nor was it too bad. After Duan Wen had to pretend to drink Zhou Mingxuan’s milk, Tang Qi and Tang Le had to blow balloons and pop them using their bodies and Li Chun had to drink water while doing a handstand, it was finally their turn to come last place.

Li Chun’s aeroplanes had already reached the goal. Song Qinglan could only ask, “What’s the punishment this time?”

Despite the fact that he had asked with a smile, Song Qinglan’s deep look along with his usual image that was deeply rooted in their hearts made Li Chun afraid.

“Huh?” Li Chun spoke weakly, “T-then you can just do a hundred push-ups!”

Everyone: “…….”

“Fuck? Chun Chun, are you even human?”

“It’s just a game, it’s not like Cap Song will eat you, you coward!”

“I don’t accept it! Why?! Why do they get special treatment?! Is it because I don’t look as good as Advisor Ji?!”

Everyone cried out in dissatisfaction.

Song Qinglan however had already stood up. He patted his hands and got ready, “A hundred push-ups?”

Ji Yushi also stood up.

Zhou Mingxuan, “Wait a minute!”

Song Qinglan and Ji Yushi paused.

Ji Yushi saw Zhou Mingxuan’s small eyes flash and had a bad feeling. With their level of immaturity…..

Sure enough, Zhou Mingxuan pretentiously proposed, “Push-ups are okay, but it’s an easy feat for Cap Song and it is something Advisor Ji can do too so it would be letting you two off too easily.”

Song Qinglan, “Then?”

“Change it to push-up with weights.” Zhou Mingxuan demanded, “Advisor Ji sits on Cap Song’s back with both feet off the ground and he must stay like that until Cap Song finishes the set.”

Ji Yushi: “……….”

Everyone, “Carry him! Carry him!”

Li Chun cowered, “That….I wasn’t the one who said it, it was Old Zhou!”

Duan Wen elbowed him, “Then do you want to see it?”

Li Chun immediately nodded, “I do!”


Song Qinglan tossed this word of mockery out and then proceeded to remove the communicator on his wrist.

Seeing him get ready, the crowd got even more lively.

Song Qinglan placed his communicator aside and got down.

He was tall, and his build was big. When he did this, all the muscles on his back tightened, looking visibly strong and firm. With his arms supporting him, he looked like a flat iron plate. He raised his chin at Ji Yushi, “Get on.”

Ji Yushi stood beside Song Qinglan. Everyone thought he would definitely not do it.

But contrary to their expectations, as soon as Song Qinglan was done speaking, Ji Yushi looked at the crowd and said, “Actually, I thought you would make me lie under Cap Song.”

Everyone: “???”

Everyone: “Then go and lie down!”

Ji Yushi’s tone was light, “Too late.”

Everyone: “Fuck!”

With Advisor Ji being able to play so well, they felt like they had just missed out on a hundred million bucks!!

While they were regretting their decisions, Ji Yushi had already walked over and sat down on Song Qinglan’s back with his legs crossed.

Ji Yushi had his palms resting on Song Qinglan’s back. Through the thin fabric, Song Qinglan could feel heat from Ji Yushi’s palm.

No one knew that Ji Yushi was actually very nervous.

“Sit tight.”

Song Qinglan said.

All the muscles worked at the same time and were as hard as iron. The body of a mature man moved slowly and steadily, and a standard push-up was completed without even making Ji Yushi lose balance. Amidst the cheers, Song Qinglan had already completed almost thirty of them.

Ji Yushi may appear rather thin, but he was still over sixty kilograms. Unless one trained for a long time, very few could be able to support so much weight while doing push-ups.

Song Qinglan’s movements grew slower and slower. Very soon, sweat dripped from his forehead.

He gritted his teeth and the veins at his temples bulged out. Ji Yushi noticed this change.

“Advisor Ji is feeling distressed!”

“Hahahahaha. Lie on Cap Song instead!”

“Sixty! What a badass!”

Ji Yushi only had his eyes lowered and he didn’t make any movements or say anything. He did his best to try and not make it too difficult for Song Qinglan.

By doing this, it also prevented the others from getting to excited. Ji Yushi had a talent for this.

The more he didn’t speak, the less they could joke around.

A hundred weighted push-ups were finally done.

Ji Yushi got off from Song Qinglan’s back and Song Qinglan collapsed onto the ground. Turning around and catching his breath, he threatened, “Old Zhou, just you wait.”

Song Qinglan was sweating profusely. His sweat glistened like honey under the light. A bottle of water was passed over.

Song Qinglan thought it was the diligently working robotic arm and only realised when he heard the teasing from the others that it was actually from Ji Yushi. He sat up and drank half the bottle in one go before smiling, “Thanks.”

Ji Yushi, “You worked hard.”

Everyone: “Oh!!!”

Ji Yushi turned away: “………”

A group of straight men couldn’t really play that long and there was also no alcohol to drink here.

After having some fun with Song Qinglan and Ji Yushi, everyone was no longer interested in embarrassing the other teammates and most of the subsequent punishments were related to physical strength.

Everyone played for more than two hours before they finally lost interest.

“When we are allowed out, let’s go for a drink.” Li Chun suggested, “Before I left, my friend was preparing to renovate their nightclub. Since a month has passed, it should already be open again.”

“That one again?” Tang Le was beginning to feel tired. He let out a yawn and asked, “Aren’t you afraid of meeting that girl again?”

That girl. He was referring to the girl Li Chun mentioned time and time again because he was not able to get her phone number before they set off.

But in the bubble world, they had already interacted and found that they weren’t suitable for each other. Li Chun quickly denied it, “No, no. We aren’t fated. Let’s go have fun at another place!”

As they discussed where to go, Duan Wen said, “Just choose somewhere normal. Places that are noisy and smoky, do you think Advisor Ji would go?”

Ji Yushi expressed, “I can. You can just call me when the time comes.”

Tang Le: “Really? I was afraid that you would find it very boring.”

Nightclubs were noisy and filled with all sorts of people. Someone as elegant and refined as Ji Yushi didn’t look like someone who would go to nightclubs to party.

Of the people present, only Song Qinglan knew that when they were in the roadside kiosk in PU-31, Ji Yushi had once said that his gaze looked like the gaze from a pervert in a gay bar. They weren’t familiar with each other at the time, so Song Qinglan didn’t take this matter to heart but now he recalled it again.

Song Qinglan looked at Ji Yushi and said to the others, “We can talk about it then. I will decide on the place.”

Everyone, “Cap Song!!!”

Li Chun was so excited, he almost jumped up, “Did I hear wrong?! Cap Song is also going to a nightclub!! You never went no matter how much I asked you before!!”

Tang Le: “Hehehe, I know the reason why!”

Li Chun, “I also know!! Hahahaha!!”

Ji Yushi, “………”

If it continued like this, he should just stop speaking for the rest of his life.

Song Qinglan grabbed the cushion nearby and threw it at them, “Scram! Haven’t you had enough?!”

It was late now, and everyone still had their psychological evaluation tomorrow. The others returned to their rooms in a good mood.

The game scene was a mess. The cleaning robot and robotic arm slowly moved over to clean it up.

Song Qinglan stood up first. He looked at Ji Yushi who was still sitting on the ground, “What are you looking for?”

Ji Yushi didn’t look up, “Dice.”

Song Qinglan asked, “Still want to play?”

The dice Li Chun held was gone. It was unknown if Li Chun had accidentally pocketed it or if it was swept away by the cleaning robot.

Ji Yushi couldn’t see it anywhere, but he didn’t say anything. He just said lightly, “No.”

Song Qinglan stretched his hand out, “Get up.”

Ji Yushi raised his head. Just like what they did before, he very naturally held Song Qinglan’s hand and stood up.

Song Qinglan then let go of him.

The cleaning robot seemed to have not expected Ji Yushi to stand up and just happened to be cleaning the area behind him. At this moment, it gently touched Ji Yushi’s heel.

Ji Yushi subconsciously took a step forward, almost running into Song Qinglan in the process. He was only able to stop with Song Qinglan supporting his shoulders.

With the distance suddenly narrowed and the two standing so close together, the two were left stunned for a while.

Since that conversation, their relationship had reached a stage where it was more than friends and even their teammates had acquiesced that they were a pair. They however were still not official lovers.

As for the twenty-four hours of wait, Ji Yushi still hadn’t given his answer and Song Qinglan was still waiting.

The natural actions between them in the past had now become a little ambiguous in this period of time that felt both extremely long and extremely short.

Secretive, heart racing.

Only they were clear.

Song Qinglan moved aside a little, but he then heard Ji Yushi speak, “Cap Song, I am a man.”

Suddenly mentioning this, Song Qinglan was confused, “Huh?”

He saw Ji Yushi look straight at him and speak calmly word for word, “I am twenty-five years old and physically fit. Although I don’t grow much hair, I would still occasionally grow a stubble. I like guns, fighting, am proficient at Jiu-Jitsu and can climb rock walls barehanded. My body has masculine features and I would similarly have a morning wood reaction in the morning.”

Song Qinglan understood what he meant. He raised his eyebrow slightly, “Are you suddenly doing a self-introduction or are you challenging me?”

Ji Yushi shook his head, “I just wanted to remind you that I am different from what you imagine.”

Song Qinglan asked in return, “How do you know what my imagination is like?”

Ji Yushi didn’t speak.

Song Qinglan’s tone carried some anger, but he also found it a little funny, “Are you thinking that what I said wasn’t direct enough? Or you thought that I haven’t imagined doing anything to you?”

Ji Yushi’s ears were hot, “…..No.”

Song Qinglan said, “If you want to know, I can tell you.”

It could be seen that Ji Yushi had rested well this time.

The shadows under his eyes were mostly gone and the fragile feeling he gave off during the missions had also disappeared without a trace.

Someone who is too smart and has a tendency to silently endure would typically have poor sleep quality. Song Qinglan was originally worried that he would have difficulty falling asleep with all the things he had to consider but he was relieved when he saw this. He felt that he shouldn’t say to much lest it becomes counterproductive.

There were only a few short hours left so he should bear with it. As such, he said to Ji Yushi, “If I was too sudden, then I’m…..really sorry. But you don’t need to think over it too much. Have a good rest tonight and give me your answer tomorrow.”

Ji Yushi: “Okay.”

Song Qinglan said, “Good night.”

Ji Yushi responded, “Good night.”

Before returning to their rooms, Ji Yushi handed over something, “Your communicator.”

Song Qinglan stood in place and placed the communicator back on his wrist.

When they were playing the game just now, he had left it on the ground and had almost forgotten about it. Fortunately, it wasn’t taken away by the cleaning robot.

The screen automatically lit up after sensing his actions and it displayed the time and date.

The time on the communicator was incorrect.

It had been changed to tomorrow morning which was nearly seven hours from now —- It was the twenty-fourth hour since his confession to Ji Yushi.

Song Qinglan’s movements stopped. He suddenly understood something.

Ji Yushi was given a day to think it over.

And that time had been intentionally pushed ahead.


Closing the door, Ji Yushi’s heart was racing.

His private training room was brightly lit and the mirror in the room reflected his current appearance. It was an appearance he had never seen before.

All that had to be said had been said, and all that had to be reminded had been reminded.

Ji Yushi wanted to drink some water to calm himself down but just as he unscrewed the cap, there was a knock on his door.

As soon as Ji Yushi opened the door, Song Qinglan unceremoniously pushed in.

His arrival was fierce. Male hormones as well as a strong oppressiveness emanated from his body as he approached step by step. He confined Ji Yushi between the wall and himself.

Ji Yushi had no way of escaping. Unable to see his expression clearly, he was anxious, “Wha—-”

Song Qinglan had already bowed his head and kissed him.

KK has something to say:

Can I just say how much I loved how time was incorporated in their confession/answer? SO SATISFYING

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