Chapter 88 Table of contents

Our Reality

Chapter 88

Ji Yushi continued, “Didn’t you already have that ‘Han Han’ at the time?”

“Fuck.” Song Qinglan lowly laughed, “This is too high of a hurdle to cross.”

Ji Yushi looked back out the window. As he watched the old buildings pass by, the corners of his lips curved into an obvious arc.

He was joking around.

Song Qinglan tapped the steering wheel with his finger. Thinking about what it would be like if Ji Yushi’s words were true, he asked, “If we really were in the same kindergarten, you must remember me.”

Others may not remember their childhood years, but Ji Yushi would most definitely remember.

“Let me think.” Ji Yushi followed his line of thought and said, “I do remember a fat little boy constantly sticking to another little boy and would cause a fuss if he wasn’t allowed to be with him. He was quite a famous little demon king.”

Song Qinglan: “Then that’s not right.”

Ji Yushi turned around, his eyes bright, “How is it not right?”

“I was pretty fat as a child but at that time I wasn’t bent.” Song Qinglan laughed, “Although I can’t remember ‘Han Han’s’ appearance, I did follow her around all day. If you saw a little fat boy constantly sticking to another little girl back then, that was probably me.”

Ji Yushi didn’t speak.

The window lowered slightly, messing his dark black hair.

I wonder what Ji Yushi looked like as a child?

As soon as Song Qinglan thought this, he covered Ji Yushi’s hand with his and added, “If the little boy was you, I would only play with you all day.”


After more than three hours, the car drove into the area where the skydiving club was located.

It was far from the city and after a few kilometres of forests and farms, the space suddenly opened up. Surrounded by trees was a large green plain where even the ends of it were hard to see. The highway continued straight on. In an instant, all the commotion and noise from the city was gone.

From a distance, Ji Yushi saw a few planes stopped on the tarmac as well as a large glass building on the side. That should be the skydiving club.

They parked the car outside and someone came over as soon as they got out.

The other party was a valiant looking young man. Dressed in tight black clothes, he gave off the same air as Song Qinglan and Zhou Mingxuan.

This should be the comrade-in-arms Song Qinglan mentioned.

“Cap Song!”

“Old Xue.”

As soon as the two met, they stretched out their fists and bumped them before bumping shoulders. It was all done in tacit understanding.

Song Qinglan was also a captain in the army. His many years in the army had allowed him to form deep friendship with his comrade-in-arms.

Song Qinglan introduced, “This is my comrade-in-arms, Xue Zhao, who has now retired. This club is run by him. Old Zhou used to come often.”

Xue Zhao smiled modestly, “It was actually opened together with friends, but you’re welcome to come any time.”

Song Qinglan turned and introduced Ji Yushi to him, “Ji Yushi, my boyfriend.”

Xue Zhao’s smile froze, “Huh?”

Song Qinglan knew he would react like this. He just repeated without a change in his expression, “That’s right, my boyfriend.”

Ji Yushi stretched his hand out first, “Hello.”

Xue Zhao mechanically shook hands with the handsome young man and gave his greetings.

The three entered the building.

Xue Zhao was still a little shocked. He still wasn’t able to recover from the surprise of Cap Song suddenly becoming bent. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen comrades develop good feelings while they were in service, but it hadn’t happened in his team. Song Qinglan had also always maintained a straight man’s attitude towards this the entire time.

There were still some skydiving visitors in the building. It was just in time for the late afternoon session and some of them had already gone through all the formalities and are ready to leave.

“You came at the right time.” Xue Zhao said, “Starting tomorrow, the wind will be too strong, and we will be closed for two days.”

“No need for training?” Ji Yushi asked, “Will there be an instructor?”

“Instructor?” Xue Zhao laughed and looked at Song Qinglan, “Your….”

He really couldn’t say the words ‘your boyfriend’ so he changed his words, “The person next to you is the best instructor! He is someone with a professional certificate.”

Ji Yushi looked over and saw Song Qinglan looking back at him with a hint of a smile in his eyes. It was clear that there was some contentment and pride in there as well.

No wonder he offered to take him skydiving. It just happened to be a certain someone’s strong point.

“We can do it together.” Song Qinglan said, “I’ll take you first and if you are interested, you can try alone later.”

“Okay.” Ji Yushi agreed.

Under Xue Zhao’s guidance, they first did a simple physical examination to confirm that their heart rate and blood pressures were all normal before they were brought over to put on the equipment. Song Qinglan was familiar with it, so he put it on first and then helped strap Ji Yushi in. He even ensured to check it several times.

When it came to things that he wasn’t good at or hadn’t done before, Ji Yushi readily accepted the help of others.

Song Qinglan said to him, “Advisor Ji, you’re so well behaved today.”

Ji Yushi replied frankly, “Because I am also afraid of death.”

Xue Zhao arranged a plane for them.

There were also two other instructors Song Qinglan knew personally leading the other students. The two students were here for a three-day course, and this was already their fourth class. Seeing Song Qinglan on the plane, they wondered why they didn’t meet such a handsome instructor while they were here.

After take-off, Song Qinglan began to tell Ji Yushi the things to look out for, “We will be tied together before we leave the cabin. After jumping off, I will always be behind you. I will let you know before I open the parachute.”

One of the two students asked Ji Yushi, “This is your first time skydiving?”

Ji Yushi nodded, “Yes.”

The student asked, “How high?”

Song Qinglan answered this question for Ji Yushi, “4500.”

The student suggested to Ji Yushi, “For first timers, choose 3000. It’ll be easier.”

Reaching a different height, the two students and their instructors jumped off the plane one after another.

Every time the cabin opened, a flood of wind would pour in. Ji Yushi gradually began to feel a little nervous.

In fact, he was a little afraid of heights.

4000 metres.

Song Qinglan began to tie the two of them together. He hugged him from behind and asked, “Afraid?”

Ji Yushi: “……..”

Song Qinglan, “If you are afraid, you should say it. How can I protect you if you don’t say anything?”

Ji Yushi, “Afraid.”

Song Qinglan chucked and then lowered his head and kissed his cheek with some force, “What are you afraid of? I will never let you die.”

4500 metres.

Song Qinglan helped Ji Yushi put on his goggle.

The cabin door opened. Wind roared in his ears. Song Qinglan was saying something, but Ji Yushi couldn’t hear him at all.

Directly below them were vast plains.

This height was higher than Ji Yushi imagined. Everything on the ground appeared very small, making breathing a little difficult. His palms were covered with cold sweat.

“Three! Two! One!”

At a time like this, the more hesitant one is, the more afraid they become. As soon as Song Qinglan finished the countdown, he jumped out into the air with Ji Yushi!!!

In an instant, he felt his heart lifting, as if it was leaving his chest. He felt a strong feeling of weightlessness.

Strong wind hit all parts of his body and it roared loudly in his ears.

They were free falling at a high speed but everything around him didn’t move as quickly as he had imagined.

In that moment, everything in the horizon seemed to be within reach. The mountains, rivers, plains and forests, a picturesque scene was slowly revealed. It was completely different from what one would see from a plane.

“Opening!” Song Qinglan’s voice sounded closely behind his ears, giving him a sense of security, “Imagine you are a piece of paper floating in the wind!”

Ji Yushi stretched his arms out.

He started to breathe.

He started to welcome the world coming towards him.

There was no point of reference in the sky, making it impossible for Ji Yushi to tell how quickly they were falling.

In fact, they were falling at a speed of 200km/hr. After passing through a layer of almost invisible clouds, he saw two brightly coloured parachutes floating below him. They belonged to the students who had jumped off before him.

Before long, a strong force pulled Ji Yushi up.

At a height of about 1,600 metres above ground, Song Qinglan opened the parachute.

Everything slowed down. The howling wind abruptly stopped.

The world was quiet.

“Look over there.” Song Qinglan said, “Ahead to the left. Raise your head.”

Ji Yushi raised his head.

He had always been looking down so when he raised his head at this moment, he was shocked.

It was currently late afternoon and almost evening. The sky in the distance was dyed orange-red by the setting sun while the sky further out was still blue.

As they drifted down in this magnificent scene, it felt like they had witnessed the earth enveloped in clouds and witnessed natures everyday change from day to night.

This slow fall continued for a long time.

Ji Yushi’s heart was more peaceful than ever.


The moment their feet touched the ground, gravity had returned to normal.

Song Qinglan had perfectly controlled this skydiving experience, allowing Ji Yushi to properly experience what it meant by winning while lying down. He didn’t even have to do anything the entire time.

“Want to try solo?” Song Qinglan checked the communicator on his wrist, “Tomorrow’s wind will be too strong so if you want to give it a try, you can only do it today.”

Ji Yushi, “No need. Just this once is enough.”

Song Qinglan, “Alright.”

For Song Qinglan, the thrill from skydiving wasn’t as good as bungee jumping.

After all, the excitement from skydiving was only strongest when they were free-falling while the latter part was more enjoyable and relaxing. He had brought Ji Yushi along to skydive instead of bungee jumping because he didn’t want to burden Ji Yushi’s memory.

A staff drove over to pick them up.

After taking off the equipment and getting into the car to head back to the building, the setting sun had already reached the horizon.

In the car, the orange light softened Song Qinglan’s features. He asked, “How was it?”

Ji Yushi looked back at him. The light made his eyes look amber, “You’re referring to today’s date?”

Song Qinglan actually wanted to ask him how he felt skydiving, but it was fine if he interpreted his question that way.

He put an arm around Ji Yushi’s shoulder and let Ji Yushi lean against him. He rested his chin against the other’s head.

The light shampoo fragrance coming from Ji Yushi’s hair was quite pleasant. He kissed the top of the other party’s hair, “Yes, what do you think of today’s date?”

Ji Yushi grabbed his fingers, “It was great.”

Song Qinglan spoke with a smile, “Then will you be willing to go on an even better date with me next time?”

Ji Yushi: “I will think about it.”

The two were holding hands when they got out of the car.

Doing something like this at night wasn’t too high-profile, but the people waiting for them at the building were still fed a lot of dog food.

Seeing the familiar faces, Song Qinglan: “…….”

Ji Yushi was also expressionless.

“Cap Song!”

“Advisor Ji!!”

All five people who were supposed to be on vacation in Jiang City were gathered here. Song Qinglan asked, “Are you all little chicks or have you not been weaned? Don’t you know that we need time alone?”

Zhou Mingxuan was next to Xue Zhao. He said with a grin, “We also came here to skydive. We didn’t expect to run into you two here!”

Xue Zhao could only laugh awkwardly.

Even Ji Yushi didn’t believe him.

“I admit my brother and I came here to find Advisor Ji!” Tang Le admitted, “After not seeing him for a few days, I missed him. There are over ten thousand questions I want to ask Advisor Ji!”

“That’s right.” Tang Qi said.

Duan Wen on the other hand said, “I’m different. I came here to find Cap Song. I wanted to see how the historical meeting between Cap Song and the ‘three boyfriends’ went!”

Song Qinglan laughed and gave him a kick, “Scram.”

The two were surrounded by this group of people. Ji Yushi looked directly at Li Chun, “How did you guys know we’re here?”

Li Chun’s scalp went numb. Having been caught so quickly, he could only smile and retreat a little, “Haa, the photo Cap Song sent of your date stimulated me——I mean, it reminded us of how lonely we are. Didn’t we say that we should go to a bar together last time? I was thinking of inviting them over to Ning City to find you but on our way here, Old Zhou said Cap Song brought you here to skydive.”

The case was solved.

This group of light bulbs were all brought over here by themselves.

Song Qinglan could only wave his hand, “Alright, I’ll treat you all tonight at the bar!”


At night, with the teammates joining, the date temporarily changed into a last-minute celebration party.

Xue Zhao gave them a private room in the club, and they didn’t officially leave until the early hours of the next day.

Ji Yushi was drunk. Song Qinglan only realised this when he saw him return to his room, planning to sleep without washing up.

In fact, those who have drunk too much shouldn’t be taking a bath, but in order to prevent Ji Yushi from being uncomfortable, Song Qinglan still undressed him to give him a quick rinse. Ji Yushi didn’t resist the entire time and obediently cooperated.

He was stripped naked.

Song Qinglan couldn’t help but kiss him.

Ji Yushi’s mouth was sweet and very soft, just like how he usually looked.

The bathroom gradually heated up and the ground was wet with water.

Song Qinglan’s body was also wet.

The two wet bodies leaned against each other. Droplets of water hung from Ji Yushi’s eyelashes. He panted gently, letting Song Qinglan kiss him.

He grabbed Song Qinglan’s thick and coarse hair. He couldn’t really control his strength.

The other party didn’t understand, he didn’t understand either.

He only knew that the taste was strange when the other person kissed him again. He didn’t like it very much.

Then they moved to the bed.

While in a half awake/half dreaming state, he rode on top of Song Qinglan, continuing to kiss the other person forcefully. The situation then suddenly reversed, and he found himself pressed down.

He was pressed there. His hand clutched the bedsheet while Song Qinglan clutched his hand.

“It hurts a little.” He complained. The skin being rubbed between his legs was red and sore.

Song Qinglan’s movements stopped.

Through his blurred vision, he saw green veins bulging out from the hand covering the back of his hand. He continued, “But it’s okay.”


Held in the other person’s arms, he fell asleep. Just before he fell asleep, he murmured quietly, “Song Qinglan……”

After staying at the club for a night, the two woke up earlier than everyone else the next morning with the intent to escape while the rest were still asleep.

What a joke. Who would want to spend their vacation with their teammates? What difference would that be from work?

Ji Yushi walked a little slowly. Song Qinglan threw their belongings into the car, “Quick.”

Unexpectedly, Ji Yushi said, “Legs hurt.”

Both couldn’t speak.

Two drunk hot-blooded men in a relationship sleeping in the same room. It wouldn’t sound realistic if someone said that nothing happened.

Ji Yushi didn’t mind these things and even felt that it felt good.

But the skin on his inner thighs had a different opinion.

“Fuck.” Song Qinglan grimaced, “I fucking….”

He had also drank too much last night and didn’t control his strength.

Ji Yushi threw him a bottle of milk, his voice was natural, “It should be fine if we bought some ointment on the way back. Let’s hurry and go.”

Seeing Song Qinglan’s expression, he continued, “What? I’m not a woman so there’s no need to treat me so delicately. Besides, you didn’t do anything to me.”

After that, he passed by Song Qinglan and got into the car first.

Before the door could close, Song Qinglan blocked it, “Ji Yushi, you’re feeling shy.”

Ji Yushi said coldly, “I’m not.”

Song Qinglan, “Then why are your ears red?”

Ji Yushi: “……..”

Alright, he was just embarrassed about the sounds he made last night!!!


Ji Yushi didn’t plan on going home right away because he felt that this group of people may follow them there too. He called Ji Minyue again and asked him to help feed his cats for a few more days and Ji Minyue complained that he was being treated like a slave.

The two went to a city neither of them had been two.

On their fifth day of vacation, Song Qinglan received a call from Chief Wang.

Ji Yushi was scouring the city’s municipal library.

With the reduction in paper books, many books were out of print. Ji Yushi couldn’t borrow these books because he wasn’t from this city so he could only bring out his quantum wave reading speed to read the books here ten lines at a time.

“Xiao Song, how was your vacation?”

Chief Wang was as gentle as ever.

“Not bad.” Song Qinglan said, “Since you’re calling me, is it to inform me that my vacation is over?”

“Although it’s not a formal notice that it’s over but it’ll be soon.” Chief Wang said, “I’m calling you to tell you that the mission rating and reward has been settled. Everyones personal ranks have improved.”

Song Qinglan heard this, but he didn’t express any happiness. He just frowned and had a bad feeling inside.

“But…..” Sure enough, Chief Wang paused, “Ji Yushi’s reward request, it may not be able to proceed for the time being.”

“Why?” Song Qinglan asked.

“He failed his psychological assessment.” Chief Wang’s tone was more serious. She explained, “Together with the mission report, his overall score was too low.”

In the bubble world, Ji Yushi could achieve a perfect score in the psychological assessment by deceiving the experts.

Song Qinglan laughed coldly. This wasn’t directed at Chief Wang but at the ridiculous situation, “Just because he told the truth this time? Do those experts have any brains? Do they want to see the truth or be lied t—-”

“No.” Chief Wang interrupted him, “It wasn’t because of that.”

Song Qinglan, “Then why?”

Chief Wang sighed deeply before finally speaking, “Xiao Song, your mission report said that you met two people in the Rubik’s Cube mission, right? One of them was a middle-aged man with glasses.”

Song Qinglan remembered that person.

He also remembered that the fat middle-aged man called the man with glasses “Old Sheng.”

But what did this have to do with Ji Yushi?

Chief Wang, “That person was the scientist in charge of some of Tianqiong’s research and development projects more than ten years ago, Sheng Yun.”

Song Qinglan, “He’s Sheng Yun?!”

Xie Sian had once mentioned this person. Song Qinglan didn’t expect that he would have the opportunity to see someone like that in person in Rubik’s Cube.

“Yes.” Chief Wang continued, “More than ten years ago, he was found to have committed suicide at home. Unfortunately, his eight-year-old son was the first person to discover him.”

It was like Song Qinglan was struck by lightning. He immediately understood everything. He understood why Xie Sian said that Ji Yushi and Sheng Yun were similar, and he also understood who the child Xie Sian mentioned was.

“Ji Yushi, formerly Sheng Han.” Chief Wang revealed the truth, “The person you met in Rubik’s Cube was his biological father, Sheng Yun.”

Song Qinglan gripped his phone tightly to the point that it was almost about to crack.

Ji Yushi’s appearance and actions from back in Rubik’s Cube played repeatedly in his mind. The superficial calmness as he sat in place holding his game console and the confession that was concealed as a farewell…..

Chief Wang’s next words mechanically reached his ears.

“Through assessment, Ji Yushi lost control of his emotions after encountering Sheng Yun and chose to go directly to the day of the incident. His mental state is extremely unstable. The superiors have postponed the reward for the time being, and he will need to wait until the next assessment.”

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