I Possessed The Immoral Empress
Chapter 51 Table of contents

I Possessed The Immoral Empress - Chapter 51

“Why are you silent? Are you afraid I might have a connection with Duke de Françoise, so you’re being cautious with your words?” 

Of course, Ermedeline knew that it wasn’t the case, but words completely different from her thoughts flowed out of her mouth, where emotions were not in control.

“No, not at all. How could that be?”

“Then why, why keep it a secret? Why?”

Ermedeline rose from her seat and approached Félio with a determined grip on his collar.

“I saw you relax when Duke de Françoise was not sentenced to death at the trial.”


At that moment, it was true.

Not long after arriving here, it was difficult to empathize, and she could only find some comfort in the fact that her own bloodline didn’t die because of her.

But now, bringing up that topic out of the blue?

“No matter how strained your relationship is, Duke de Françoise is still Empress’s father, isn’t he? So, involving Empress in this…”

“That’s right! He’s my father!! Why are you putting the blood that should be on my hands?! Who asked you to?”

In the end, Ermedeline’s voice, filled with intense emotions, grew louder.

No matter how dire the circumstances were, Duke de Françoise was her father and her own burden.

Ermedeline was angry at the fact that Félio, all on his own, shouldered this burden with no one else to share it with, even though it wasn’t an obligation for anyone but him.

“I never asked for this.”

Félio’s head hung low, weakened.

“I just… I just didn’t want to see that tainted blood on the Empress’s hands.”

Ermedeline no longer had the strength to be angry at Félio’s response.

What exactly did he mean by saying that he had buried the tainted blood in her place?

With a feeble gesture, Félio bowed deeply, offering his respects, and left her chamber.

Uncontrollable emotions started to course through Ermedeline’s body.

From her fingertips to her toes, her entire being trembled with anger.

She knew it herself.

In reality, she should have been the one to express her gratitude first to him, for resolving the troublesome matter.

Instead, she found herself unable to offer a word of thanks, venting her anger instead, even though he had saved everyone from a terrible accident.

Ermedeline couldn’t quite comprehend her own emotions of anger, but she couldn’t stop the rage from welling up within her.

That was because this anger wasn’t directed at Félio, but rather at herself, the inept one who had allowed that tainted blood to be on his meticulous, obsessive-compulsive hands.

Félio was content with his actions.

At the moment when Duke de Françoise’s body began to melt away due to his own cursed magic, and even as everyone present gasped in astonishment, Félio could still wear a satisfied expression.

He was a public enemy, a criminal who had dared to target the Empress’s life.

Even if he hadn’t used his own magic to end his life, he was a sinner who would have eventually faced trial and punishment.

Of course, as a lawyer, it would have been better if he could have brought Duke de Françoise to justice in a court of law.

But what if, in the meantime, he once again aimed for Ermedeline’s life?

The thought alone was terrifying.

Therefore, Félio felt no ounce of regret for what he had done.

Already for several minutes, his body had been mercilessly struck by his father, Duke Batistian, and his entire body was covered in bruises, but at least it seemed like the pent-up tension was finally dissipating.

The woman was already drenched in blood.

From head to toe, or even to her very soul, she was a witch among witches, marked with innocent bloodstains as if they were tattoos.

Even if that blood happened to be from her own father, a few more drops wouldn’t make a difference.

Yet, Félio didn’t want to see Ermedeline’s hands stained with blood.

This was a new Ermedeline, completely different from the one he had known. Someone who would willingly give artificial respiration to a possibly disease-stricken baby, forgive the boy who had harmed her, cry together with a woman they met on the road who was in pain—someone he wanted to protect.

“Do you have any intention of seeking revenge? Why! Why do you keep saving that woman?!”

Thud! Thwack!

Félio felt a sharp, excruciating pain as his father’s pointed shoe collided with his ribcage, sending a jolting agony through him.

“You could have handled both of them well this time! Why are you ruining everything?!”

Despite the excruciating pain coursing through his entire body, Félio’s mood remained joyful.

He had eliminated the most potent threat to Ermedeline’s life with his own hands.

As the relentless kicks from Duke Batistian continued to cause bruises and blood to flow across Félio’s body, his face still hidden behind his arms bore a smile filled with elation.


Before his retreat, when Henry received Félio’s report from Count Hallstein, he felt an inexplicable sensation.

The report briefly summarized Duke de Françoise’s actions, with the important information noted to be delivered in person rather than in writing.

Certainly, it was greatly appreciated that the son of Duke Batistian, a member of the Imperial faction, had discreetly acted to prevent a major disaster. Henry instructed his secretary to bestow an appropriate decoration upon Félio for his accomplishments.

With the troublesome Duke de Françoise now deceased, and the secrets that could have threatened his own imperial authority buried with him, there should have been nothing to worry about.

Yet strangely, Henry didn’t feel particularly good about it.

This uneasiness was certainly not what he expected to feel after removing a dangerous adversary without getting blood on his hands.

That look, the one he saw in person at the scene, continued to haunt his mind.

As soon as Duke de Françoise appeared with his terrifying demeanor, Henry naturally turned to look at Ermedeline.

But Ermedeline was looking at Félio.

It was as if she knew that all of this had been Félio’s plan, as she gazed at him first, almost as if acknowledging it.

Why did that image keep coming to mind?

After all, they had only entered into a strategic marriage, and in the end, she was just a target that needed to be eliminated. What difference did it make if someone tried to save her?

Henry tried hard to shake off the nagging conscience, consciously shaking his head.

“I should go see Valliere.”

Finally becoming a marchioness was something to celebrate, but this was just too much.

The bed was covered entirely with rose petals, and Valliere, dressed in seductive lingerie, lay on it, waiting for Henry.

Seeing that sight, Henry involuntarily wrinkled his face.

“What on earth is this?”

To engage in behavior like this on the very first day of becoming a marchioness was something he had never even considered during his time in government. It felt strangely out of place.

“What is it? It’s a joyful day, so I thought I’d prepare some entertainment to match.”

Valliere’s oddly smiling face might look so awkward and amusing that she herself didn’t even realize it.

“Didn’t you keep saying you weren’t feeling well?”

“Yes, that’s right. My body hurt because my heart did. But after receiving the title today, I feel completely better, as if I’ve been cleansed.”

Valliere smiled brightly, thinking of her stepbrother, Bierre, who had returned to the palace after she didn’t even ask for money but brought it and told her to spend it as she pleased.

“Is that so? I’m glad you’re feeling better. But today, I’m not feeling well…”

In truth, Henry hadn’t come to Valliere with these expectations.

Even though his feelings had cooled down, Valliere was still the most precious person in Henry’s world. She was his lover, his friend, and practically his only family. That’s why he couldn’t easily cut ties with her.

Henry wanted to talk about their memories with Valliere, feeling better today and wanting to try and bridge the gap that had been growing between them. He wanted to reminisce about the days they had shared and try to bring back the closeness they once had.

Of course, as lovers who had shared countless intimate moments, he could have easily accommodated her mood. However, Henry somehow felt reluctant even to touch her skin.

As Henry was about to leave Valliere’s bedroom, she rushed out and grabbed hold of his pant leg.

“Are you going to leave me?”


“If you’re going to leave, just go, why did you even grant me the title? Why? Why do you keep giving me hope?!”

In that moment, Valliere realized, with a painful clarity, that she could only remain a protagonist as long as she had Henry’s affection. 

The one and only savior amidst this tiresome situation where everyone else seemed to disdain her. The male lead is destined for a happy ending with the female protagonist. If he turned away from her, she would once again become a supporting character.

Valliere could not, under any circumstances, allow that to happen.

And as Henry looked down at Valliere, who was still holding onto his pant leg while on her knees, he felt a deep unease. Her tear-streaked, pitiful face bore a striking resemblance to the woman he had loved endlessly.

Rejected once again by Henry, Valliere was genuinely overwhelmed with sadness. Tears streamed down her face without the need for any pretense.

Henry couldn’t bring himself to leave Valliere alone like this.

He sat down facing his long-time lover and then raised his hand to wipe away Valliere’s tears.

The warmth of his fingertips against her skin felt familiar, like a touch she had known for years. It was a natural sensation as if he were touching his own flesh, yet this uncanny familiarity still made his heart race.

He surrendered himself to that familiar feeling, allowing it to wash over him.


“Is this true?”

Henry had a headache from early in the morning. His day had been further complicated by the fact that Félio had informed him that Valliere might have stolen the orphanage’s blueprints.

Already feeling uneasy about how he had seemingly let things get out of hand during the orphanage inauguration ceremony yesterday, waking up to this news had left him with a sour feeling.

“Why do you think that’s the case?”

“The person who took the blueprints from the archives was Valli… Marchioness Belian maid.”

“Do you have anyone who can confirm this?”

“Yes, the person who retrieved the documents confirmed it.”

“Then, what about the maid? Did she testify that Valliere ordered her to do this?”


Félio, who had been answering confidently, suddenly hesitated.

“Why? Couldn’t you find the maid?”

“No, we investigated her whereabouts until yesterday, but she’s already gone missing.”

“In that case, couldn’t it be that the maid simply defected to Duke de Françoise?”

“That’s a possibility, I suppose. But Valliere was the one who insisted and planning the opening ceremony of the orphanage…”

Now having to address her as Marchioness Belian, though not used to the title, Félio stuttered as Henry called him out with a heavy tone.



“Aren’t you a lawyer? Are you presuming guilt based on uncertain circumstantial evidence?”

Putting aside his personal feelings for Valliere for now, Henry spoke sternly as a guardian of the law.

Félio quickly recognized his mistake and readily acknowledged his error in judgment.

“I acted rashly. I’ll investigate further and only press charges once we have more evidence,” Félio said before leaving.

After Félio departed, Henry was left deep in thought. He vaguely remembered hearing about a maid disappearing from Valliere’s residence a few weeks ago. Working in the demanding imperial palace, some servants found the work difficult, made mistakes, and fled back to their hometowns out of fear. That’s why, at the time, he had casually instructed Count Hallstein to look into it.

As a prime minister, Hallstein had been present nearby and remembered the incident. He spoke up before Henry could inquire.

“The maid didn’t return to her hometown. After leaving the palace, claiming to have other business, she disappeared without a trace.”

“Her last known location was near the city center close to the palace.”

“If the Duke killed her…”

“It would be difficult to find a body. Isn’t he Duke de Françoise?”

“For now, investigate her last known whereabouts more thoroughly.”

“Yes, understood.”


Henry hesitated to speak further, but Count Hallstein, ever perceptive, anticipated his intent and responded before Henry could finish his sentence.

“I will keep a close watch on Marchioness Belian for the time being.”

Upon hearing the news that Felio was in the palace, Ermedeline summoned him. After a night’s sleep, the intense flood of emotions subsided, and she felt the need to properly thank Felio for his actions.

“Did you summon me?”

“Please, have a seat,” Ermedeline said, exhaling heavily, and gestured for Felio to sit.

“Yesterday, I was so flustered that I didn’t thank Your Grace properly, and the people around me almost got involved, so thank you for stopping that from happening.”

Ermedeline, who had been sitting across from Felio, stood up resolutely and bowed her head.

Felio was taken aback by the sight and immediately followed suit, bowing his head in return.

“No, I was just doing what is natural as a subject of the Empire. Ugh!”

At that moment, Ermedeline stuck his head right in front of Felio’s face, who had been bowing deeply.

This startled Felio, who stumbled backward and sank back into his chair.

“But I do not thank you at all for disposing of the Duke of Francoise without my permission.”


“If I had handled the troublesome matter for you, I would have done so willingly, so there’s no need to exhaust yourself thinking about it,” Ermedeline said, not entirely sure why she was so angry, her voice trailing off as she spoke.

However, when Ermedeline’s voice began to fade as she struggled to explain her feelings, Felio cut in with a firm tone.

“No, Your Majesty. I understand why you were so upset yesterday.”


Ermedeline couldn’t fathom how Felio knew something she herself didn’t understand. She looked at him in surprise, and a faint smile appeared on Felio’s composed face.


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