I Possessed The Immoral Empress
Chapter 54 Table of contents

I Possessed The Immoral Empress - Chapter 54

“An epidemic, once it reaches its peak, always comes to an end one way or another. Your Majesty and the officials are tirelessly working to prevent further infections, so please don’t worry too much. It seems you should focus on preventing the next epidemic from happening.”

Félio misunderstood Ermedeline’s vacant gaze on his cheek as arising from her concern for the people. 

Of course, Ermedeline, as an empress, was concerned for them as human beings, but she felt a pang of guilt for his misunderstanding.

“Y-yes, prevention. What we’re doing is important…”

The word ‘we,’ which blurted out without much thought while they were conversing, had made a deep impression on Félio.

Ermedeline had merely uttered the word as it came to her, but it had deeply embedded itself in Félio’s heart.

‘We. We. She said we.’

Félio pressed harder on his face to prevent a smile from continuously breaking out on his lips.

However, as he tried to contain the smile, this time a chuckle escaped.

“While there is a sewer system, it is too fragile for proper drainage. We are drawing clean water from the source, but the waste doesn’t drain quickly, leading to the accumulation of water and contamination.”

“Then the first thing we should do is drainage construction, right?”

Of course, while modern sewage treatment facilities would be ideal, for now, doing the best within our means is essential.

“Yes. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of artisans with experience in large-scale construction.”

“Ah, thank you.”

Ermedeline took the list of artisans and carefully examined the documents.

‘A drainage construction, that’s quite a significant project… We’ll need various types of artisans.’

Ermedeline was deeply appreciative of Félio’s attention to detail and focused even more on every word written in the documents.

Meanwhile, Félio engrossed in watching Ermedeline occasionally nod her head while mumbling to herself, letting his thoughts wander.

His father, Duke Batistian, now refused to associate with his son. He declared that he’d explore alternative solutions, frustrated by his son’s incompetence.

It seemed that even the option of physically disciplining his son had its limits.

Félio was now in a situation where he had to protect Ermedeline not only from societal responsibilities but also from his own father.

He might have to confront not just the world’s unrelenting hatred but also everyone around him, for loving a woman who had lived a life tainted by sin and wickedness.

However, despite the despair that this situation brought, Félio was simultaneously experiencing a joy that seemed impossible to coexist with.

It was the emotion born out of possessiveness, the belief that only he could stand by her side and protect her.

It didn’t matter if the enemies multiplied, whether they were friends or his own father. He was willing to face the world, so long as he could be the one remaining by her side. The rest could turn out however they pleased.

‘I will definitely protect you.’


Having issued all the necessary instructions, Henry, who had barely defeated the epidemic in the capital, was now faced with its spreading in the provinces.

While he wanted to rush to Valliere and express his anger, he couldn’t help but feel that his hand might rise on its own when he saw her face.

Henry tried to suppress his anger for a while, but it wasn’t easy to calm down.

At the moment, the number of affected individuals was limited, but it was uncertain how many more would be added to that count.

If this could be contained with the current cases, it would be ideal, but Henry, based on his experience, knew that this epidemic was far from being so manageable.

Memories of love kept getting tainted with disappointment and anger. Henry feared that in the end, only hatred would remain.


At Henry’s call, Count Hallstein, who had been waiting outside, entered the office.

“I know it’s early, but would you care for a drink?”

It was the first time that Henry had suggested having a drink during working hours since becoming emperor.

Count Hallstein silently took out a bottle of strong liquor that had been placed on one side of the office.

As Henry poured himself a drink, he unhesitatingly downed it all in one go.

The strong liquor burned down his throat, causing his elegant face to contort into an expression of agony, but the pain in his heart was far worse.

Count Hallstein wanted to speak up and suggest that it was time to send Valliere away to her domain. He wanted to tell Henry that he had done enough, and it was time to let go.

However, Hallstein knew that she had pledged to follow Henry even before he became Emperor. He understood the human side of Henry, which might seem cold on the surface but was far from heartless when it came to his people.

It was his sincerity toward his own people that had led Hallstein to follow him in the first place.

Count Hallstein closed his lips, holding back the words he wanted to say, and refilled Henry’s empty glass.


Valliere was trembling with fear.

Despite spending the night together, she felt that the moments until yesterday, when Henry had disappointed her with his cold attitude, were the closest thing to the happiness she had experienced.

‘Darn it. It happened outside! How on earth did an infection occur just because I took off my mask for half a day?’

Sitting hunched in a corner of the bed, no matter how much she raked her brain, she couldn’t undo what had already happened.

‘Why! Why is this happening to me? That cursed woman became a hero who saved orphans from the Duke’s curse! Why only me!’

‘It was my coronation day! It was supposed to be the day when I shone the brightest! Is briefly showing my face such a terrible mistake? Did I force the people to take their mask off and follow me!’

‘Wasn’t the woman herself the cause of the epidemic in the first place? The epidemic happened because of that witch! Why is this my fault!’

‘This is unfair! Unfair!’

Valliere spent the night trying to come up with excuses to shift all the misfortune that had befallen her onto others, but her bedroom door never opened again.


“Soon, the social season will begin, won’t it?”


Ermedeline, who had been reviewing documents related to the drainage system, raised her head at Rooney’s words.

“In two weeks, the national wedding anniversary celebration will start! I haven’t been in the palace for long, so I’ve never seen it, but they say the spring ball at the palace is supposed to be fantastic.”

“Oh… the national wedding anniversary… ball…”

‘In the original work, it started with the wedding anniversary and marked the beginning of the social season. There were many balls held in the palace during spring. From now on, there will be a lot to focus on…’

“But, anyway, won’t Valliere take care of it all?”

‘She likes to take charge, so she’ll probably handle these annoying tasks.’

With the need to avoid the barbecue incident and the added variable of Ferdant, Ermedeline honestly had no time to spare for something like the social season.

“Usually, it was Lady Valliere… Marchioness Belian who organized it, they say. But this year, the Emperor did ask for the Empress’s opinion during Foundation Day.”

“Well, Valliere’s proposal got approved in the end, right?”

“That was back then. Now, because of the epidemic spreading in the provinces, people welcoming Marchioness Belian must be really jittery. I’ve heard they’re so nervous that every little thing breaks.”

“What? Things are breaking?”

“Yes. The Marchioness has become extremely irritable and breaks anything that she gets her hands on. So, this is a chance for the Empress to plan the wedding anniversary and the ball…”

“No, I won’t.”

While Rooney’s voice was full of excitement, Ermedeline’s was firm, even cold.


“I’m not doing it.”

“Why not?”

“With the epidemic spreading in the provinces, who knows what might happen? Everything should be canceled.”

“Oh, but I really wanted to see that ball…”

Rooney, who had been eagerly imagining the beautiful spring ball, wore a truly disappointed expression. Still, Ermedeline’s opinion remained unchanged.

“If the event is that important, we should at least discuss it with His Majesty.”


With Count Hallstein and other delegates present, Henry seemed genuinely busy. He furrowed his brow as he listened to the reports from the delegates, holding a pen and signing documents.

Words like “border” and “soldiers” could be heard in passing.

“Ah! Empress, have you come?”

Ermedeline, who didn’t want to interrupt him, was pondering how to announce her presence when Henry spotted her at the door and greeted her as if he had been aware of her presence.

“You seem busy, but I’ll visit later.”

“No, please come in. If the Empress has come in person, it must be an important matter.”

For some reason, Henry appeared overly delighted and welcomed Ermedeline warmly.

As Ermedeline entered Henry’s office, the eyes of the delegates who were present immediately focused on her. While most of them maintained polite and diplomatic gazes, it was impossible to discern their true thoughts.

Ermedeline walked over to Henry, feeling incredibly tense.

“The national wedding anniversary is approaching…”

“Ah, that’s right! I completely forgot about it due to my other concerns! Yes, this time, Empress, please take charge! Since it’s an annual event, Count Hallstein can assist…”

“I’ve come to propose the cancellation of the national wedding anniversary celebration.”


Ermedeline delivered her proposal, and a hushed silence filled the room.

Ermedeline’s statement caused a sharp change in the expressions of not only Henry but also the delegates in the room. In particular, Duke Batistian’s gaze was particularly troubled.

“I’m currently overseeing the drainage project. You’re aware of that, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I know. It’s reassuring to see the Empress taking care of the hygiene of the capital’s people. How reassuring it is!”

Henry praised Ermedeline with an exaggerated smile as if he was signaling to the delegates to listen.

“I’m just fulfilling my duties as Empress. However, I’m concerned about the epidemic spreading in the provinces. Foundation Day and the national wedding anniversary are not too far apart this year. What do you think about postponing them for now? Once the drainage project is completed and the epidemic in the capital is fully under control, then we can celebrate grandly.”

Ermedeline humbly expressed her opinion and gazed into Henry’s indifferent face, studying his deep blue eyes. No matter how much she looked, she couldn’t discern what lay within those deep blue pupils.

“This year, I was planning to attend alongside the Empress. Do you truly want to cancel it?”

‘Attend? What do you mean?’

Ermedeline didn’t quite understand, but for now, she decided to act as if she did.

“Yes, please cancel it.”

‘Attend it with another girl next year. Not me.’

“Very well. I understand. We will cancel this year’s national wedding anniversary and the ball, then.”

Henry’s brief response stirred a sense of discomfort on the faces of the delegates, including Count Hallstein.

“But isn’t it a grand event marking the beginning of the social season? At the very least, the evening ball should proceed…”

“Count Hallstein.”

Henry called his confidant Hallstein in a soft tone.

“So, are the commoners supposed to panic about the cancellation of the national wedding anniversary due to the epidemic while the nobility gathers here in the palace for a ball?”

Although everyone had disgruntled expressions, no one dared to answer Henry’s question directly.

“Very well. This year, we’ll proceed with the cancellation. Is that settled, Empress?”

“Yes. Also…”


Henry gave Ermedeline a moment to collect her thoughts as if she had more to say, waiting for her to continue.

“What if the budget intended for the event is used to support temples and doctors in the regions affected by the epidemic?”

Ermedeline’s suggestion seemed to sit well with Henry, who turned to the delegates with a confident expression as if seeking their opinions.

“Such a magnanimous thought befits you, Empress.”

Count Hallstein, who stood beside them, yielded to Henry’s unspoken pressure, reluctantly offering his response. However, he felt the strong urge to wash his mouth right after uttering the word “magnanimous” in relation to the Empress.

Of course, the other delegates’ expressions remained stoic, and a heavy silence filled Henry’s office.

Only Henry wore a cheerful smile, while the rest of the delegates had the grim look of people who had just consumed spoiled food.

Most of the key delegates were nobles loyal to the Emperor’s faction, but those who held a grudge against Ermedeline did not discriminate based on factions. Many of them had experienced personal losses due to the Françoise family’s curse.

The fact that they had tolerated Ermedeline until now was because they believed that Henry would eventually depose her and put her at the stake to settle their grievances.

“Use and discard,” Henry had confidently vowed despite all the opposition from the delegates when he accepted Ermedeline as his Empress.

But these days, Henry’s attitude was unstable, and they couldn’t ignore the discomfort they felt. 

Feeling the uneasiness, the delegate, Duke Batistian, the chief amongst them, opened his mouth with a stern expression.

“Do you trust Her Majesty’s sincerity?”


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