I Obtained a Mythic Item (Novel)
Chapter 9 Table of contents

Episode 8: Guild Dungeon (1)

Ever since the Aesir System was bestowed and the world changed as if it were a game, the level had become a critical number for determining the rank of an awakened individual.

Even among the same rank, a person with a higher level would have more stats and receive better treatment, while raiders with high rank but lower levels would see their salaries decrease.

The story is simple.

Unlike light games, leveling up within the Aesir System is extremely difficult, and as such, academies like the present Milles were established to raise levels efficiently.

It goes without saying, the importance of one’s level at the time of admission needs no further emphasis.

The level not only determines early grades but also facilitates faster growth within the Milles Academy.

It follows the same principle where larger sums of money attract even more.

“Please, come this way.”

Guided by Park Sungjae, Jaehyun’s eyes widened as he entered the Yeonhwa Guild’s interior.

‘As expected of the number one guild in the country. The scale is overwhelming.’

The marble floor, statues resembling heroes, and a massive mana core crossing the center were particularly eye-catching.

In the front, there was a simple security system that allowed entrance upon recognizing ID cards.

Jaehyun, admiring the interior of the guild, was unexpectedly addressed by Park Sungjae.

“We’ve prepared the necessary items for recovery and simple dungeon raiding tools in advance.

For equipment, we’ll lend you extras given to Yeonhwa Guild members, so you can use those for now.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

As Jaehyun offered his thanks, Park Sungjae reached into his pocket as if he had more to give.

Moments later, he took out a stone that emitted a blue light and handed it to Jaehyun.

“You may want to take this with you for safety.”

“This is…?”

“A Warp Stone. If you break it, you will be able to return immediately to the guild entrance. Should any danger arise, use it.”

Park Sungjae’s generous offer made Jaehyun hesitate.

“I appreciate it, but it’s too costly for me to accept so readily…”

In fact, the market price for a Warp Stone is about 20 million won.

It’s a precious item that drops at a low rate even in B-rank or higher dungeons. Even raiders don’t come across such rare items too often.

‘Is this his way of repaying a debt? But…’

Despite wanting to accept the Warp Stone right away, Jaehyun managed to contain himself.

‘I’ll be dealing with them in the future. There’s nothing to gain from showing greed for money.’

Creating an impression easily swayed by money makes it easier for others to treat you lightly.

It was necessary to step back here and take only what was desired.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot accept this.”

At that, Park Sungjae gently smiled and placed the Warp Stone back into Jaehyun’s hands.

“No, please accept it. It’s an apology for the rudeness yesterday.

More importantly… it’s also a token of gratitude for treating our representative. I would really appreciate it if you accepted it.”

“If you insist… thank you.”

Jaehyun could no longer refuse and took the Warp Stone. He had made enough of a show of propriety without leaving a bad impression.

Jaehyun smiled inwardly.

‘This is perfect. I was thinking about getting one with the sponsorship funds.’

Dungeons always harbored the risk of death.

Not to have a minimum survival kit would be akin to suicidal behavior, and Jaehyun had no intention of dying.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Regardless of being a lower-rank dungeon, it’s dangerous to enter alone. Is there a specific reason why you must go by yourself?”

Park Sungjae, with a worried expression, asked. It was a strikingly different mood from yesterday.

Jaehyun brushed it off casually.

“Just looking to level up a bit.”

Upon hearing those words, Park Sungjae’s face slowly turned to one of astonishment.

A mere sixteen-year-old asking to enter a dungeon alone, and for the sake of leveling up, was either a foolish or a bold choice.

And in Park Sungjae’s mind, Jaehyun was certainly the latter.

“Then go ahead. I’ll escort you by car.”

Park Sungjae guided Jaehyun to a lower-rank dungeon approximately 10 km away from the guild building that Yeonhwa owned.

An E-rank dungeon.

It was a place where Jaehyun used to frequently hunt monsters during his martial arts days.

Tsst, tsst…

A faint magical energy flowed out from what appeared to be the dungeon’s blue gate. Jaehyun lightly touched it with his hand to gauge the power.

‘It’s fine. This is definitely an E-rank dungeon.’

Before entering, Park Sungjae reiterated his message.

“If anything happens in the dungeon, please let us know anytime.”

“Alright. I’ll be going now.”

With a brief nod, Jaehyun stepped into the dungeon.

And the next moment.

Jaehyun found himself in an entirely unexpected situation.

―You have entered the dungeon.

―Under the Nornir System, the user will be transported to a specific location.

‘What? What’s going on?’

It was a sensation similar to when he found ‘Odin’s Lost Eye.’

Along with severe dizziness, Jaehyun felt nauseous, as if he was sucked into somewhere, a strange and terrifying sensation.

And eventually, Jaehyun arrived at a particular location.

―The current location is ‘Helheim’s Realm of the Dead’.

* * *


The sound of a page being turned over could be heard. It’s a common occurrence in the private office of Yoo Seongeun, the representative of Yeonhwa Guild.

Yoo Seongeun was in her private office, yawning while dealing with paperwork.

“Yaaawn~ But I wonder if Min Jaehyun will be okay inside the dungeon?”

Yesterday, Min Jaehyun proposed to the Yeonhwa Guild to lease an E-rank lower dungeon.

Initially, there was a plan to refuse on principle. He was a minor and not yet an official member of Yeonhwa Guild.

But at the same time, Yoo Seongeun was curious.

Just what kind of talent did this Min Jaehyun possess?

Regardless of being an E-rank lower dungeon, it was nearly impossible for a raider aspirant to clear it alone.

Even gifted with innate talent, it would still be in its raw form.

Certainly, Jaehyun would have known this as well.

‘Yet, he asked for permission to enter the guild dungeon.’

Yoo Seongeun lightly bit her lip—a habit that showed when something intrigued her.

Perhaps Min Jaehyun knew a way to conquer the dungeon. Hence the secretive request to borrow the dungeon.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

‘I must recruit Min Jaehyun into our guild at all costs.’

With determination in her heart, she casually set aside the document she was flipping through.

At that moment.

Knock, knock.

A knock sounded, and Yoo Seongeun said with a cheerful face:

“Sungjae oppa, right? Come in.”

The door opened, and Park Sungjae appeared.

Yoo Seongeun asked with an elated voice:

“What about the thing I asked for?”

“It’s right here.”

Park Sungjae handed over a file of documents.

“A profile file on Min Jaehyun.”

“Thank you, oppa.”

As Yoo Seongeun took the file, a curious smile spread across her lips.

Yoo Seongeun immediately unfolded the profile file handed to her by Park Sungjae—a standard information file on the awakened Min Jaehyun, including details and peculiarities.

Park Sungjae swallowed hard as he watched Yoo Seongeun’s hands turn the pages.

‘It’s rare for the representative to personally scout a raider candidate. This must mean this kid Min Jaehyun possesses something quite special.’

Promptly after sending off Min Jaehyun the day before, Yoo Seongeun instructed Park Sungjae to investigate. From his basic profile to family relationships, his middle school background, the age of his awakening, and more. Park Sungjae collected all the information that could help in recruiting Jaehyun.

And in the process, he came across two shocking pieces of information.


Yoo Seongeun, intently reading the file, suddenly halted at a particular section. She exclaimed in disbelief.

“What?! He’s from the fighting world? But how then did he use such magic…?”

Park Sungjae added in an even tone.

“I was surprised as well when I saw that section. However, there’s something even more shocking. Please, turn to the back page.”

Yoo Seongeun turned the page with trembling hands and then stopped at another section. Her lips began to quiver.

After a brief silence.

Yoo Seongeun slowly spoke, looking at Park Sungjae.

“…Is this really true?”

“If the machinery isn’t malfunctioning… then yes.”

Yoo Seongeun’s eyes returned to a section of the file.

An unbelievable piece of information was written there.

―Awakened Min Jaehyun [Magic Aptitude: 97%]

***As this is a classified matter, disclosure to external parties is strictly prohibited.***

Moments later.

Yoo Seongeun spoke with a trembling voice.

“Oppa. As soon as he’s out of the dungeon, please contact Min Jaehyun immediately. Let’s meet him, whenever that might be.”

“Why so sudden?”

Upon hearing Park Sungjae’s question, Yoo Seongeun’s lips curved with a meaningful smile.

Like a lion with prey within reach, a face flushed with greed.

“I became curious and want to see for myself. Min Jaehyun. The talent of that child.”

* * *

―Under the Nornir System, the user will be transported to a specific location.

―The current location is ‘Helheim’s Realm of the Dead’.



Similar to the violent dizziness felt after a long use of the warp portal.

An alien magical power surged toward Jaehyun and triggered an intense feeling of nausea.

It was a strange sensation, as if being endlessly swept away in a whirlpool.


Jaehyun barely settled his churning stomach and surveyed the environment.

As the system indicated, this was the Realm of the Dead—surrounded on all sides by corpses in a graveyard.

“Damn it…”

Moments earlier, the Nornir System had taken him to ‘Helheim’.

Helheim, one of the nine worlds of Norse mythology managed by Loki’s daughter, Hel.

Jaehyun wiped the cold sweat with his sleeve, recalling mythology and reality.

‘Dungeons are tailored after seven worlds excluding Midgard and Asgard.’

The world of frost, Niflheim; the realm of fire, Muspelheim; the land of giants, Jotunheim; the world of elves, Alfheim; the abode of the dark elves, Svartalfheim; the realm of the Vanir gods, Vanaheim.

And the last remaining world was precisely Helheim.

‘Surely it was an E-rank dungeon. Why has the system brought me to Helheim?’

Jaehyun wrinkled his face.

Helheim is one of the dungeons most challenging for beginners to conquer.

Facing enemies that resurrect even after death is indescribably terrifying, and without wielding holy power, they are difficult to overcome.

Despite the daunting circumstances, Jaehyun steadied his heart.

‘Actually, it’s better this way. Helheim is perfect for testing out my new power.’

《Sacrifice》, the skill he acquired while treating Yoo Seongeun.

Originally a healing skill, when facing the undead, it transforms into the wide-area attack skill 《Judgement of Light》—a powerful skill.

With 《Judgement of Light》, he could handle weaker undead monsters at least.

What remained was figuring out how to clear this dungeon, and…

‘That overpowering magical power… There’s a boss at the end.’

Figuring out how to kill the boss and escape was now the task at hand.

As Jaehyun was distracted by the boss’s aura.


An arrow fired from somewhere whizzed sharply.

Jaehyun, who noticed it belatedly, twisted his body with the least amount of movement to dodge the arrow.


Only then did enemies come into Jaehyun’s view.

A wraith holding an ominous scythe, skeleton archers holding bows, and draugrs as well.

Jaehyun swallowed hard.

“No choice. Just have to try.”


The monsters lunged simultaneously toward Jaehyun.

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