I Obtained a Mythic Item (Novel)
Chapter 13 Table of contents

Chapter 12: Mana Cube (2)

A space of profound depth, shimmering with a blue light.

The interior of the Mana Cube was akin to a vast ocean.

Jae-hyun’s tension rose momentarily due to the intense concentration of mana waves he was experiencing for the first time, but soon after adjusting, he began to examine his surroundings.

‘It’s like… an ocean made of mana. I can breathe just fine, thankfully. I was worried I might succumb to mana poisoning.’

Mana Poisoning.

It’s a term for an ailment one might contract when exposed to an overwhelming amount of mana for an extended period.

In this world, mana is essentially like oxygen.

It’s vital for casting magic or using skills, but prolonged exposure to dense mana can impair respiratory functions.

Experts commonly refer to the ailment showing such symptoms as ‘Mana Poisoning.’

Typically, mana poisoning induces various pathological signs such as breathing difficulties, vomiting, fever, and it’s notoriously known for eating away a raider’s life gradually.

Hence, Jae-hyun being able to move freely meant he was unaffected by mana poisoning—a truly fortunate matter.

‘But wasting time here won’t do any good. The symptoms may just not have appeared yet.’

It is said that well-trained mages are able to breathe comfortably even in the midst of swirling mana extremes.

However, the current Jae-hyun was nothing short of a rookie as a mage, worlds apart from their superhuman domain.

After making sure his body was properly responsive, Jae-hyun took a light breath.

He felt mana seeping into his lungs, sending tingles throughout his body.

‘The priority is to find a way out. If I remember correctly, there’s only one way to escape the Mana Cube.’

Jae-hyun swam not to sink and continuously scrutinized the surroundings.

In the gloomy abyss, no creatures existed—only the fierce whirlpools expanding in size formed by the rising water vapor.

Swallowing nervously, Jae-hyun shifted his gaze toward the swift currents in front of him.

‘Finding the thickest strand of mana within these whirlpools and diving into it. That’s the objective of the Mana Cube trial.’

Countless currents and rapid whirlpools raged below him.

Among these, there was only one entry point connected to the outside world. And one had to repeat the process multiple times to shatter the Cube and escape.

In other words, the Mana Cube was a test to see how delicately one could sense mana.

‘Focus. It’s about feeling the waves of mana…’

He inhaled shortly.

This time, with more stable breaths, Jae-hyun tilted his body horizontally, cautiously starting to paddle with his arms and legs.

He vividly remembered the sensation of floating while concentrating his senses on his body.

‘Now I have to find a subtle mana stream and enter its fragments…’

As Jae-hyun energetically swung his arms forward, he suddenly exclaimed, “Huh?”

Something incredible caught his eyes in the heart of the swirling enormous sea.

There, he discovered something emitting an alien mana.

“Is that… a crystal?”

Forgetting he was underwater, Jae-hyun mumbled to himself.

Amidst the fierce vortex, he spotted a small crystal, seemingly the essence of this enormous sea, pulsating with overwhelming magic.

* * *

“The president speaks as if Min Jae-hyun is certain to shatter the Cube.”

“Of course.”

At the brisk tone of Yoo Seong-eun, Park Seong-jae nearly burst into laughter.

He hadn’t explained earlier, but the inside of the Mana Cube was quite dangerous—a deep-sea of mana at a level about equivalent to the 15th level of a Mana Room.

Of course, detecting the very minute magic power within it was extremely difficult.

‘Having put such a test on a child who hasn’t even entered high school…’

Park Seong-jae sighed softly without showing it.

While he recognized Min Jae-hyun’s talent, this was strictly a different domain.

He had seen numerous young prodigy raiders who hadn’t reached the age of majority pass through such tests, but those who made it were a very few globally.

Naturally, doubts lingered over whether he could do well.

‘What exactly is she thinking…?’

One thing, amidst his worries, gave Park Seong-jae a glimmer of hope: the actions of Yoo Seong-eun.

Known for her ability to recognize talent, she had drawn many high-ranking raiders to her guild.

A tactician who raised the name 연화 (Yeonhwa), Korea’s number one guild.

Her very actions meant she wouldn’t have set such a difficult trial for the student without good reason.

“How long will it take?”

Yoo Seong-eun’s voice suddenly echoed in the quiet training hall.

Park Seong-jae hesitated, humming hesitantly.

“It’s either one or the other.”

Yoo Seong-eun’s gaze settled on Park Seong-jae. He added calmly.

“He either fails to break the Cube… or he shatters it, setting a new record.”

Park Seong-jae’s expression was serious.

If Yoo Seong-eun truly saw overwhelming talent in him, then at least achieving this would make sense—the contract she offered was unprecedented, even for A-grade raiders.

“I think so too, but somehow…… I don’t think Min Jae-hyun will come crawling out in pain.”

With her tone full of strange conviction, Park Seong-jae felt chills running down his spine at her assertion.

Then, suddenly.

Crack! Craack!

“Seong-jae oppa! Over here…!”

Yoo Seong-eun’s urgent voice pulled Park Seong-jae out of his reverie.

He quickly turned his head toward where Yoo Seong-eun was pointing.

Where the Mana Cube was situated.

Witnessing unprecedented events, Park Seong-jae muttered softly.

“Is… Is the Cube cracking?!”

The two stood flabbergasted, looking at each other.

Park Seong-jae quickly took out his smartphone, checking the current time.

‘It’s been 10 minutes. Just 10 minutes…and the Cube is cracking.’

Park Seong-jae and Yoo Seong-eun swallowed hard and couldn’t take their eyes off the Mana Cube.

They thought almost simultaneously.

‘What exactly is happening inside?’

* * *

Deep within the chilly darkness.

Jae-hyun was examining the crystal he had discovered earlier.

The long, pale-purple crystal lingering with a thick mana residue piqued his intuition that this was the source of the Mana Cube, the foundation of the vast sea’s mana.

“This crystal seems to emanate a stronger magic power than the sea itself.”

Submerged in thought, and having forgotten to even hold his breath, Jae-hyun mused aloud.

“That means, this crystal is what’s maintaining the Mana Cube.”

The purple crystal was likely an artifact used to sustain the magic constructing this vast sea.

In other words, a catalyst for utilizing a ‘field magic.’

And if so.

‘If I destroy it, I can escape. There’s no need to search for the whirls of mana.’

A faint smile appeared on Jae-hyun’s lips.

It was unlikely that Yoo Seong-eun and Park Seong-jae had anticipated this manner of destroying the Mana Cube, but Jae-hyun decided not to care.

Yoo Seong-eun had merely asked him to break the Cube, never specifying the method.

That meant she would likely tolerate a bit of trickery from Jae-hyun’s side.

Bracing himself against the rising dizziness, Jae-hyun grasped the glowing crystal.

―Unauthorized access!


With a gentle force, the crystal shattered, scattering fragments.

―Mana core destruction successful!

Jae-hyun smiled slightly, tuning into the system sound that followed one after another.

It seemed quite a different approach from the official one.

“Well, either way.”

―Mana Cube cleared.

―Passive skill 《Essence of Mana Management》 acquired.

―Transferring to the real world.

* * *


The Mana Cube ceased operating, and the Cube’s blue gate shattered into pieces, signaling Jae-hyun’s success in breaking it.

“My goodness….”

Park Seong-jae looked at the Cube’s fragments in astonishment.

Typically, 7 percent of magic raiders shatter the Mana Cube.

The average time they take is just over three hours.

For B-grade and above, it’s two hours; for A-grade, an hour and a half; and S-grade ranges from one hour to thirty minutes.

But now, Jae-hyun had achieved an unprecedented feat.

The fast record for breaking the Mana Cube was held by America’s Camilla.

She made it into the world records with 36 minutes, an exceptional mage feat.

And Jae-hyun had broken that record.

By more than 26 minutes.

‘No one else would believe this story. A middle school third year shattered the Mana Cube in just 10 minutes? Would anyone believe that?’

But the reality unfolding before his eyes was undeniable.

Park Seong-jae felt a thrilling sensation course through his body.

Then, footsteps approached.

Soon after, Jae-hyun emerged from the device. Park Seong-jae was floored to see him walking out, unaffected by any poisoning.

Rushing to Jae-hyun, he exclaimed.

“Amazing, Min Jae-hyun! It was just 10 minutes. You’ve managed to break the Mana Cube in 10 minutes!”

“Is that so? Did I do well?”

Jae-hyun seemed genuinely confused.

He thought he had found the mana core quite quickly, but 10 minutes was beyond expectation.

Being from the martial world, he didn’t understand the significance of his feat, but judging by their reactions, his performance didn’t seem too shabby.

‘Maybe I was lucky, but what’s good is good, I suppose.’

At that moment.

Yoo Seong-eun approached Jae-hyun and asked.

“Min Jae-hyun, how were you able to escape the Mana Cube so quickly?”

“Oh, that’s… I found this crystal at the edge of the sea and I broke it…”

Jae-hyun trailed off, scratching his head. He was hesitant to admit he employed a shortcut in the Cube, wary that Yoo Seong-eun might be disappointed.

But her response was nothing like what Jae-hyun expected.

“What?! You shattered it? That crystal?”

Yoo Seong-eun muttered in shock.

‘The Mana Cube’s crystal is a vessel that condenses all mana power. Ordinary people can neither find nor break it. If he shattered it…it means Min Jae-hyun’s mana capacity is greater than the entire Cube’s mana.’

She felt a shiver.

Sweating, Yoo Seong-eun eyed Jae-hyun.

A greedy smile then spread across her face.

“Good. Min Jae-hyun. In the name of Guild 연화 and Yoo Seong-eun, I will make you the greatest mage. Are you ready?”

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