Reincarnated as The Villain Dad
Chapter 9 Table of contents

Reincarnated as The Villain Dad - Chapter 9: Let’s summon ten more dogs!

Of course, the black wolf-dogs were suddenly brought out by Qin Yan. It was meant to surprise Lin Chen. Qin Yan, having seen the plot, was well aware of Lin Chen’s keen intuition.

The system explained that this was the protagonist’s essential skill, called “Heavenly Sensation.” It allowed him to predict danger in advance and know good fortune and calamity.

If Qin Yan had taken out the black wolf-dogs ahead of time, he was afraid that Lin Chen would sense the danger beforehand. So Qin Yan had refrained from releasing the black wolf-dogs all along, intending to deal Lin Chen a deadly blow.

However, truth be told, Qin Yan didn’t expect Lin Chen to come knocking on his own. Initially, Qin Yan planned to wait until nighttime and go to the school to find him. Now that Lin Chen came knocking, it was simply fantastic for Qin Yan. After all, his villa estate was located in the undeveloped Qilin Mountain, surrounded by mountains, and no one was around.

Qin Yan could now fully unleash his power to deal with Lin Chen.


On the villa’s second floor, Qin Yan received a prompt from the system and hastily ended the battle. Glancing at Su Xiaorou, her face covered in tears, he gently pinched her tender cheeks with affection.

Hmm, the touch was incredibly smooth and soft. Even though Su Xiaorou kept refusing, Qin Yan managed to force a few billion into her hands.

“Rest well; I need to go out for something,” Qin Yan said as he got dressed and hurriedly left.

He couldn’t fully trust the two dogs to handle the protagonist; he believed he needed at least ten more black wolf-dogs. Yes, Qin Yan planned to summon ten more mutated black wolf-dogs to deal with Lin Chen.

Just now, by taking down Su Xiaorou in a single blow, he achieved an A-level rating from the system, earning him a direct reward of ten black wolf-dogs and plundering one thousand units of luck.

Combined with the two previously rewarded by the system, he now had a total of twelve mutated black wolf-dogs. In this desolate place, wielding twelve black wolf-dogs, Qin Yan was confident he could take down Lin Chen.


On the other side, alarm bells rang in Lin Chen’s mind as he carefully retreated. At this moment, he had an urge to curse.

In his thirty-plus years of life, it was the first time he had encountered such ferocious dogs. But then again, did such fierce black wolf-dogs really exist in the world, fiercer than tigers and lions? Lin Chen looked at the menacing black wolf-dogs and felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.


On the other side, the two black wolf-dogs saw Lin Chen attempting to escape and immediately barked loudly, surrounding him from the front and back. With their gleaming white fangs exposed, they growled menacingly, ready to attack. If Lin Chen made one more move, they would undoubtedly pounce on him without hesitation.

“I can’t wait any longer…”

Lin Chen was well aware that if he continued to drag the situation out, he would only appear more passive.


With lightning speed, he swung his leg, creating a gust of wind as he kicked at the black wolf-dog in front of him.


The black wolf-dog reacted remarkably fast, clamping its jaws around Lin Chen’s kicking leg.


With powerful force, it instantly snapped Lin Chen’s leg bone.


Lin Chen gasped in cold air, his eyes filled with horror at the ferocity of these dogs. He could swear that any one of these two black wolf-dogs could easily kill a lion king.

During his time in the Black Continent, he had killed not only lion kings but also entire lion prides. Yet now, he found himself unable to escape from a dog, his leg bitten off in an instant. It was evident just how terrifying these two black wolf-dogs were.

As the thought flashed through his mind, Lin Chen barely had time to pull his foot back before feeling a chill on his back. Without thinking, he instinctively threw a punch behind him.



The black wolf-dog was sent flying several meters away, the sound of the impact echoing heavily.

“Woof woof woof…”

The black wolf-dog seemed completely unharmed and quickly got up, ready to continue lunging at Lin Chen.

Bang bang bang!

The black wolf-dog’s reaction speed was too fast, and Lin Chen learned his lesson from earlier. He didn’t dare to retaliate actively, only able to counterattack passively and strike back when the opportunity arose.

Narrowly evading dangerous attacks time and again, he then swiftly punched, sending the black wolf-dog flying again. Taking advantage of the opening, Lin Chen aimed a punch at the black wolf-dog that had bitten his leg. The blow landed heavily on its neck, causing the black wolf-dog to release its grip, but it promptly resumed its ferocious assault.

Bang bang bang!

A thrilling battle unfolded on the lawn as one man faced off against two ferocious black wolf-dogs.

“What the hell are these damn dogs!?”

Lin Chen’s mental state was collapsing. Not only did the black wolves have powerful jaws and lightning-fast biting speed, but they were also incredibly resilient. He threw dozens of punches at them, but they seemed completely unaffected. However, if he were bitten just once, it would result in a gory mess. How was he supposed to fight like this?

For a moment, Lin Chen entertained the idea of retreat. If he kept on like this, he might end up as a meal for the wolves.

As he considered this, one of the black wolf-dogs lunged at him, its mouth wide open, sharp fangs exposed. Lin Chen swiftly dodged the lethal throat attack, but his thigh was torn apart by the other black wolf-dog, causing cold sweat to run down his forehead from the excruciating pain.

Sensing the deadly danger, Lin Chen focused his mind, adrenaline surging through his body, filling him with strength.

“The son of the heavens indeed,” Qin Yan muttered as he arrived on the lawn, watching the intense one-man-two-dog battle with a furrowed brow.

The black wolf-dogs’ strength and reaction speed far exceeded Lin Chen’s, and he was no match for them, even in his peak physical condition akin to an early-stage Ming Jin warrior—able to mobilize his entire body’s strength.

He was still far from a true Ming Jin warrior. When he had first encountered a Ming Jin warrior, he was defeated with just a few moves.

However, now, facing two mutated black wolf-dogs, Lin Chen appeared as if he had gained the power of observation haki from the manga. He could predict danger and dodge efficiently, launching effective counterattacks.

Keep in mind that Lin Chen had a broken leg and his other leg was injured. Despite that, he held his own against the black wolf-dogs in a back-and-forth fight, showcasing an incredible spectacle of resilience and adaptability.

But that’s only to be expected, considering Lin Chen was the protagonist. These kinds of characters are usually strong against the strong and weak against the weak.

When the protagonist faces a crisis, that’s when they’re most likely to shine. The closer to life-threatening danger, the greater their potential is unleashed, leading to a desperate comeback.

“Master, Zhao Chengzhi has arrived with his granddaughter, and there are three police cars,” the old butler, Qin Fu, rushed over to report just as Qin Yan was contemplating.

Qin Yan had ordered people to monitor the Qilin Mountain road, and if anyone came, they were to report immediately. The purpose was to prevent any accidents when dealing with Su Xiaorou.

However, he never expected that Su Xiaorou would actually lead Lin Chen here.

“This protagonist is really hard to kill; even in a seemingly hopeless situation, he can still turn things around,”

Qin Yan thought to himself as he immediately released ten black wolf-dogs. He couldn’t believe that Lin Chen would withstand their assault once these ten mutated black wolf-dogs were unleashed.

“Fu Bo, take some people and intercept them. Delay them for as long as possible,” Qin Yan instructed, but he still felt it was too risky, so he promptly asked the old butler to stop the police cars.

“Yes, sir!”

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