From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 83 Table of contents

June raised his eyebrows in surprise while Lin Zhi frowned.

"You mean my part?" he asked in an incredulous tone. It didn't take a genius to see that Lin Zhi didn't want another person to sing his part.

However, Mentor Jihyun remained insistent. "Yes," she said. "I don't have to repeat myself."

She manipulated the music player to start just before the bridge. "June, sing the bridge," she said, her gaze locked onto his.

Although June was still confused, he took a deep breath and began singing the bridge. Although he didn't want to sound too emotional, this song triggered something within him—something he couldn't explain.

"Oh, the regrets that haunt my soul,

The pain of letting you go...

I asked for space, and you truly pushed me away,

I love you, leave, and now I'm alone in the price I pay."

His voice filled the space, carrying the weight of the song's message that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

As he sang the last line, he went back to his usual nonchalant self, causing Mentor Jihyun to let out a giggle.

"I—I don't have anything to say," she said, her eyes sparkling with newfound fondness. Jihyun didn't think it would be possible to like June even more, but it was.

"I think I've found your missing piece," she said, looking at the members. "You guys sounded great," she said. "But it's not anything special. Your singing and dancing lacked depth and emotion during the interim evaluations, but June over here unlocked the song's true essence. I hope you take this time to reflect on your past decisions. Maybe your task delegation wasn't effective after all."

Zeth tilted his head to the side. "What do you suggest we do, Mentor?"

"Switch parts," she said. "June is made for the bridge. Now, I wouldn't be making this decision for you, but talk among yourselves and take it into consideration."

The idea stuck with everyone, yet Lin Zhi wasn't happy about it.

June didn't care about the parts he'll need to sing, but if it was for the best of the team, then he'd unhesitatingly take on the role.

"Well, I'll leave you guys for now," Jihyun said. "I still need to meet with the other teams for their vocal training. See you all during the final evaluation."

"Thank you, mentors," they bowed their heads once more as Jihyun exited the practice room.

After their vocal training, Mentor Hyerin immediately followed. The team still hadn't internalized Mentor Jihyun's suggestions, yet they already had to show their unpolished dance to Hyerin?

Hyerin sat down next to the music player and looked at the trainees one by one. Leo, Yuri, and Jisung looked away from her out of shyness. Zeth and Lin Zhi, on the other hand, ogled her.

At the end of the day, they were still boys, and Hyerin was freaking pretty.

Hyerin felt satisfied when she saw their reactions. She was used to these kinds of reactions from trainees.

Hyerin only joined 'Rising Stars' during the second, all-male season, and her ego had exponentially grown ever since.

Being adored by multiple male trainees boosted her self-esteem, and even now, she couldn't help but smile to herself as the good-looking boys looked at her with amazement.

But not all the boys.

Hyerin's smile fell when she saw June playing with his hands, not even bothering to look at her.

She raised one of her eyebrows in surprise. Does he not find her beautiful at all?

Hyerin cleared her throat, successfully getting June's attention. Hyerin smiled at him—a smile that she was sure would make him melt. However, like a block of frozen metal, he remained unfazed.

She internally scoffed and decided to let it go...for now.

"I'm assuming you still haven't revised your choreography?" she asked, tapping her feet on the floor.

"Yes, Mentor," Leo responded. "We just finished our vocal training."

"I'm aware," she said, checking her nails. "Show me what you have prepared since yesterday, then."

Team Aces went to their respective positions while Hyerin played the music.

They did as they practiced a while ago, and still, the problems the mentors pointed out were evident.

"Hmm," Hyerin hummed, stroking her chin. "There's no doubt that all of you are capable dancers now. I'm even surprised to see June catching up. You're almost at par with Lin Zhi now."

"However, there are definitely a lot of elements going on. You're trying to show off your skills in the worst way possible. Who choreographed this?" she asked.

Jisung, Zeth, and Leo raised their hands.

"All three of you?" she asked. "I'm surprised. You're all really good dancers, but the dance is...underwhelming? And repetitive, in a sense. Work together more, and try to simplify the moves and evoke the emotion rather than focusing on the skill."

The team nodded.

"And one more thing," she added. "The arrangement—do something about it. I know you only have three days left, but you're all talented. I believe in you, guys," she said, smiling at them widely.

"Now, I'll leave your team to talk. I'm sure you have a lot going on in your minds."

Mentor Hyerin left the room, and the team members were finally alone.

Zeth sighed and sat on the floor, leaning against the mirror. "We need to talk," he said.

Fortunately, the team seemed to be amicable to his commands as they silently sat down without any complaints.

"Let's start with what Mentor Jihyun told us," he started. "What are your opinions on it?"

"I can't become the sub-vocalist 2," Lin Zhi quickly said. "June's current part only has four solo lines. At least with the sub-vocalist 1 part, I can have the pre-chorus, bridge, and last lines to myself."

Jisung cleared his throat. "But when June sang your part, it sounded really good. Not only that, but I actually felt goosebumps when he sang. I believe he's the only one who can evoke the right emotions of the song."

Jisung pitifully looked at the brother he idolized. 'Is he singing from experience? Did he actually have a failed relationship?'

"I agree," Leo said. "I forgot how the song should truly sound after hearing it so much, but hearing June's version a while ago made me feel emotional again."

"Switch parts," Yuri said. "June's voice blends better than mine, and the sub-vocalist 1 has the most harmony parts out of all."

Lin Zhi chuckled in disbelief. "So, you're all ganging up on me right now?"

June sighed. "My current parts do not require any harmonizing," June said. "That means you actually have more lines where you sing by yourself. I have two lines in both the second verse and the chorus. The mid-high note before the bridge is also under sub-vocalist 2. I believe it'll suit your husky voice more since the emotions are at their peak during that time."

As June spoke, Lin Zhi's face started brightening up.

June internally scoffed. This kid is still the same.

He's so easily swayed with praises. His ego is probably the biggest thing he has on his body.

"Fine," Lin Zhi grumbled, trying to sound unhappy. However, the small smirk on his face betrayed him.

"Alright," Zeth clapped. "It's settled then. The two of you will be switching parts."

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