From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 103 Table of contents

"That's a shit name," Akira retorted. "What the fuck is a FlufferNutter? And did you just say that June will bust a nut?"

"I kinda want to see that," Jangmoon said.

"Ay-yo?" Jisung exclaimed.

"Shut up," C-Jay said. "It's not like you can come up with a better name. You like it, right, June?"

"No," June deadpanned.

"I thought so," C-Jay smiled. "So, let's get down to business. How are we going to do this?"

As Jisung, C-Jay, Jangmoon, and Akira gathered around June, the convenience store suddenly became a hub of absurd suggestions.

C-Jay waved his arms dramatically, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I say we challenge them to a dance-off! Show them we can't be bullied on the dance floor!"

Jangmoon raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Dance-off? Are we in a cheesy '80s movie?"

Jangmoon leaned in, his voice conspiratorial. "What if we hire a team of trained pigeons to fly in formation spelling 'June is innocent'?"

Akira couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of the idea. "Yeah, because nothing says 'innocence' like pigeons with banners."

Jisung, always the emotional optimist, clapped his hands together. "I've got it! We'll write a heartfelt ballad about the injustice of the situation and perform it on Navel Live!"

Akira tilted his head, a bemused smile on his lips. "You want us to become singing activists now?"

"You guys are hopeless," June said, massaging his nose bridge.

Akira chuckled, patting June's back. "I think the best thing we can do is find more information about what really happened. Are you sure you don't remember what happened?"

"I blurred it out," June said, not giving anything away. "It must have been a traumatizing time."

It seemed like they were convinced since they stopped asking more questions.

"Alright," C-Jay said. "Then, do you know anyone from back then that could help you remember the past?"

"No," June bluntly said. "I don't have anything right now."

A collective sigh was heard in the store, and C-Jay slumped on the counter.

"Then, I also don't know how to start," he said. He saw a glimpse of the sparkling green bottle and quickly grabbed it. "Why don't we drink it out?"

"I'm down," Jangmoon said. "But is there a different brand of soju around here? The actress on this bottle just turns out to be a part of our enemy. Well, she used to be a part of them...but her blood is still running with their genes!"

June frowned, grabbing the bottle from C-Jay's hand. It was none other than Hana, the woman he met two times already.

"Hana?" June asked. "She's an actress?"

The four of them looked at June like he had grown three heads.

"No, the circus clown," Akira chuckled. "Yes, the actress! How could you know her name but not her profession?"

June shrugged. "I don't know. I thought she was just a soju model since she strolls around here from time to time."

Again, he didn't gain a response from the group of guys.

"What?" June asked.

"It's official," Jangmoon chuckled in disbelief. "You've lost it, brother. Hana Lim is an A-list celebrity. Why would she be lingering in a place like this?"

"It's true," June said. "She even came around this morning and talked to me."

They all huddled over in laughter, tears streaming down their faces.

"Alright. Don't get too ahead of yourself now, big brother," Jangmoon said, slapping his knees. "We know that you're handsome, but someone like Hana Lim wouldn't even look our way."

June tiredly sighed. "Fine. Believe what you want to believe. But why did C-Jay say that Hana has the enemy's blood?"

"You're clueless," C-Jay said. "And you want us to believe that you've actually met her?"

"Just tell me."

"Before Hana Lim became an actress, she trained as an idol... in Phoenix."


After a long day of work, Hana finally plopped down on her soft couch in her luxurious apartment. Hana was wearing worn-out shorts, a freebie oversized shirt, and thick reading glasses. Her underwear was worn-out too.

Argue all you want, but new underwear sucks ass.

A smile grew on her face as her mind lingered on the encounter at the convenience store.

The young man, who looked cute and rebellious at the same time, continued to treat her with a nonchalant attitude. It was refreshing to meet someone who didn't recognize her as the famous actress she was.

Hana didn't know why she felt so drawn to the worker, whose name she didn't even know. However, before she even knew it, she found herself going back to the convenience store from time to time, hoping to meet him once again. Aside from that, the convenience store sold goods for a much lower price than the supermarket.

Then, her mind strayed to the person from her past — the one she was reminded of when she spoke to the convenience store guy for the first time — the person who brought profound sadness whenever she thought about him.

It was strange. The two of them were so different. But Hana could sense the genuineness in their attitudes.

She tried to shake off those thoughts since she hadn't seen him in a long time. Today was supposed to be her escape from the relentless world of fame and unending work.

She was currently filming a period drama, and it had been the most exhausting filming process she had ever done.

This week was a rare chance for her to relax and do what she wanted before she got enslaved by the demanding filming schedule, so she wanted to make the most of it.

While popping greasy chips in her mouth, she turned on the TV and scrolled through countless channels. However, much to her disappointment, nothing seemed to be appealing to watch.

A cake bake-off, but with kids.

A modeling competition, but with kids.

A zombie simulation movie...starred by kids.

Hana sighed in frustration since all of them somehow involved kids.

Sighing, Hana picked up the remote and began scrolling through the channels she usually didn't watch; she hesitated when she reached a channel that typically featured idol-related shows — Azure.

Since leaving Phoenix and retiring from being an idol trainee herself, she had purposely distanced herself from anything resembling her former life.

However, curiosity got the best of her, and she settled on the channel.

'Rising Stars' were written on the corner. Hana was familiar with the show. Of course, she was. She'll have to be living under a rock for her not to recognize the famous show.

She also knew that it was currently airing, but she stayed away from the show because she was aware of the enjoinment of the two Phoenix trainees — Alex and Hyunwoo.

Hana scowled as she remembered those two. Even their names left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Her mood dampened even more when Alex was shown on screen, seemingly choosing a song for this particular mission.

Hana clicked his tongue and was about to turn off the TV when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar-looking person.

She stopped in her tracks and squinted her eyes, hoping the camera would focus on that person again.

Then, it happened.

Illuminated on her very HD television was June with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Choi Joon-ho?"

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