From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 122 Table of contents

Holy shit.

Things were actually going pretty well for once.

This was the very first time June's team wasn't scolded during the interim evaluations. The look on the mentors' faces reflected that they liked the performance as well.

"Even though the performance still feels incomplete, I feel like you guys are very cohesive as a team," Gun continued. "Zeth and Casper definitely stood out during their raps and center parts, so I would look into that. Make sure they don't overshine the others."

Gun then cleared his throat before glancing at June. "June too," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

Jihyun smirked and nudged his shoulder. "Make it louder, Gun. The others can't hear you."

Gun pursed his lips and brought the mic to his lips. "June stood out too. The other vocalists should keep up."

With that, he passed the mic to Minho, who had an amused smile on his face.

June, too, had a small smirk on his face. This was also the first time Gun gave him a genuine compliment…aside from the shit incident.

Hyerin took the mic from Minho and smiled at all the members. "For me, this was a really good performance. Considering the fact that you've only prepared for a day, I must say that you're heading in the right direction. Just make sure to incorporate the concept into a storyline of some sort. And I think it's best if you think about how to put more individuality into your performance."

"Will do, Mentor," Lin Zhi said, a wide smile on his lips.

"If there's one thing I will point out, the stage just feels a bit expected," Hyerin said. "Of course, it is expected that you guys do well since all of you are very talented trainees. However, if you don't do anything particularly grand, some fans might find it ordinary."

The team members listened to her advice intently.

"And one more thing," she added. "Xin's dancing needs more improvement. He sometimes lags behind during the fast movements. It isn't overly noticeable, but it's one thing you can focus on."

"Yes, Mentor," Xin responded, bowing his head. "We will practice more."

"Well, I think that's it," Jihyun said. "They said all that they could say. Ah, right. I want to say one thing before the next team comes."

She turned to June and gave him a thumbs up. "You've improved immensely since the start of the show. Keep it up, June."

Jihyun was hoping that her comment would bring a smile to his face. However, he merely bowed his head in gratitude.

"Thank you, Mentor."

Jihyun's lips twisted into a pout. "Alright, let's have the next team."

The other teams performed what they had prepared so far, and undoubtedly, Team Risers did the best out of all of them. The others weren't as nearly prepared as they were, and it seemed like the winner had already been decided.

The team who performed the worst was definitely 'Tie Me Up.' The additional responsibility of making some of the rap verses placed a huge burden on the members, and even their highest-ranked member, Sehun, who's currently in 25th place, struggled to keep their performance afloat.

'Brown Sugar Milktea' and 'Break My Heart,' which were performed by Akira's and Jisung's teams, respectively, came in at a close second when it came to positive comments.

However, it wasn't even close.

'Skateboard Ride' left the best impression on the judges and the trainees.


In the towering glass expanse of Phoenix Entertainment building, where dreams were both nurtured and shattered, Alex and Hyunwoo trailed behind their CEO, Kim Young Do, like penitents seeking mercy.

"Sir Kim, please, you have to understand," Alex implored. "This scandal was blown out of proportion. We didn't mean for it to come to this – we were just caught in a bad situation."

Hyunwoo's gaze was equally desperate as he added, "That Choi Joon-ho only wanted to ruin our careers. Maybe you can sweep this under the rug and keep us in Rising Stars? Protect us by saying we aren't the ones in the photo or something."

Young Do sighed heavily, his footsteps coming to a halt as he turned to face the duo. "Alex, Hyunwoo," he began. "You both were given opportunities many would envy. We saw potential in you, and we invested time, resources, and effort to mold you into stars."

He paused for a second and looked into their pleading eyes.

"But this scandal – it's not just a minor hiccup. It's tarnished your reputation and the company's image. We can't simply overlook it."

"In Phoenix, we believe in second chances," Young Do continued, sounding as professional as ever. "But this was your last chance. Our decision will affect not only your careers but the reputation of this company as well. Besides, haven't we paid for your bail? Just think of it as separation pay from the company," he chuckled, preparing to walk away.

Frustration and desperation had reached a boiling point for Alex and Hyunwoo. As the CEO's stern words echoed in the corridor, Alex couldn't bear it any longer. He dropped to his knees, his voice trembling with emotion.

"CEO Kim, please, give us another chance," he begged, his hands gripping at the hem of his suit. "We'll do anything to make things right again. Please, we're begging you. Rising Stars was also our last chance. "

Kim Young Do regarded him with a cool detachment. He looked down at Alex and smirked.

"Young man, you must understand that Phoenix Entertainment cannot afford to have anyone tarnish its name. Our pure reputation is everything."

Hyunwoo's frustration finally snapped, so he stepped forward. "Pure reputation, my ass. And what about the crimes hidden among these walls? The company is far from perfect, CEO Kim. You can't just pretend like everything is pristine."

Kin Young Do's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Oh? You think you can expose the secrets of Phoenix Entertainment, do you? Go ahead, Hyunwoo. Tell the world about your accusations. But who will believe druggies like you?"

Alex and Hyunwoo were stunned. The CEO, who had believed them over Choi Joon-ho in the past, now looked at them like they were merely gum on the bottom of his shoe.

So, this was the reality of life?

As Young Do turned to walk away, the security guards moved in to restrain Alex and Hyunwoo and throw them out of the building.

Alex's and Hyunwoo's pride had been trampled all over, and this time, they had enough.

As they gazed at the building that once honed them, the familiar poster of Rising Stars made its way to their view.

That pink fucking mask sent an indescribable anger to their core.

And then, with a tone that dripped with venom, Hyunwoo's voice cut through the air like a blade.

"It's Choi Joon-ho's fault...and he must pay."

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