From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 126 Table of contents

In the studio center of the Azure building…

Gasps and screams filled the air as panic spread through the contestants and crew members.

The attack was so sudden, so unexpected, that it was as if the world had frozen in that moment.

The knife in Hyunwoo's hand gleamed malevolently, and June's instincts kicked in, his survival mode taking over.

The others screamed and scattered, their cries echoing like a church choir performance. Some even scrambled to get away, fearing for their lives. But amidst the chaos, June's focus remained unbroken. He saw Hyunwoo's eyes, wild and unsteady, the desperation within them like a storm waiting to break loose. June's breath caught, and a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins.

'This bastard still hasn't given up, huh?'

Hyunwoo moved carelessly, only being driven by his hate, so for June, his movements were predictable. He had dealt with scoundrels that had looser screws than Hyunwoo.

As if time had resumed its normal pace, June's movements were fluid and deliberate. He backed away from Hyunwoo with caution, his eyes locked onto the knife. Hyunwoo's grip on the knife tightened, his knuckles turning white as his chest heaved with erratic breaths.

"You'll pay for this!" he screamed, now moving more dangerously than before.

'Shit,' June whispered in his mind. And at that moment, he looked around to see if anybody was there to help. However, the production crew only cowered in fear—with the cameramen backing away and leaving their expensive cameras locked in on the scene.

At this point, the live stream was still ongoing, and the viewers wondered if this was some kind of skit prepared by the Rising Stars' production crew.

- Eyy, this is a really good skit.

- I can't believe they're going as far as this. I applaud the Rising Stars team for always making the show entertaining.

- Damn, this is a good action show. June's got some moves.

However, one of the cameramen bumped into the camera as they ran, making it zero in on Hyunwoo's face. And just like that…the audience thought this must not be a joke after all.

- Is that Hyunwoo?

- Holy Moly! Is this real? Like, it's not a prank, after all?

- I think it's serious, guys…

- WTF? They're still airing this?!

Yena and Yejin sought shelter to the side. Yena contacted the control team to take it down, but at that point, they all had ran away when they saw the reckless man.

"Shit," Yena cursed. "I'll have to go to the control room and turn it off myself."

"I already contacted the guards. They're coming," Yejin said, glancing at the door and hoping they'd come sooner.

Nana and Hyerin huddled over, temporarily forgetting their beef and seeking comfort in each other.

"We have to do something!" Akira screamed, and that's when the other trainees started moving. However, they quickly halted when they saw the scene before them.

June was evading Hyunwoo's attacks with ease!

Hyunwoo took a step forward, his intentions clear as he pointed the sharp knife near June's abdomen. But June was ready. With every ounce of resolve he could muster, he zeroed in on Hyunwoo, his mind clear and his strength increased.

The others watched in breathless anticipation, unable to tear their eyes away from the scene playing out before them. June's voice, a whisper amidst the chaos, cut through the air like a knife of its own. "Put the knife down, Hyunwoo."

The studio seemed to hold its breath as June's words echoed, the outcome uncertain. Time seemed to stretch as June's focus intensified.

June thought he could convince Hyunwoo to calm down, especially since he was getting too tired.

He really needed to exercise this body more! Choi Joon-ho lacks so much stamina!

However, as expected, loose screws will eventually loosen even more…and in Hyunwoo's case, he had nothing to lose.

So, Hyunwoo once again lunged forward, the glint of the knife in his hand aimed straight at June's heart.

June's instincts took over. He sidestepped with the grace of a dancer, his body moving fluidly to the side, evading the blade with a hair's breadth to spare.

Holy shit. That was close!

Hyunwoo stumbled forward, his movements off-balance from the failed attack. Frustration twisted his features, his eyes wild with rage and desperation. He spun around, his breathing heavy and uneven, as he turned his attention back to June, who now stood several feet away, his heart pounded harder in his chest.

June glanced around and saw that the security guards were already rushing to the stage.

Leading them was the bucktooth guard that June was able to trick when he snuck out that one night.

He let out a sigh. June's definitely not expecting much from these people.

So, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

He saw an opening, a moment of vulnerability in Hyunwoo's stance, and he seized it. In one swift movement, he closed the distance between them, his fingers wrapping around Hyunwoo's wrist in a vice-like grip. A swift twist and a deft maneuver later, the knife clattered to the ground, leaving the audience in awe.

- Was he a ninja in his past life or something? Where did that come from?

- He looks skinny as hell, but he's actually strong?

- Am I the only one wondering why this hasn't been turned off yet?

- Shut up past commenter! Enjoy the free action movie.

- June, please! Stay safe. Where are the fucking guards?

Everybody seemed to sigh in relief as Hyunwoo was finally restrained. The guards, too, had reached the stage, out of breath from running through the building's hallways.

June relaxed his hold on Hyunwoo, finally taking a deep breath.

However, just as everybody thought it was over…someone sprinted forth from the shadows.

June turned around. "Alex?"

And in a swift, heart-stopping motion, he plunged a blade into June's chest.

- What the fuck just happened?

- Was he just stabbed?

- Shit. Blood splattered everywhere. Did everyone see that?

- Fuck, is he going to die?

And just like that, the screen turned black with a notice saying—" Technical difficulties. Livestream has ended."

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