From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 142 Table of contents

June was a bit weirded out.

But in the end, his desperation shone through.

Without hesitation, he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing the body underneath.

He instantly felt the cool air from the air-conditioning, causing him to shiver.

June really hated feeling cold, so it annoyed him to the max.

Choi Pablo, on the other hand, froze as June stood half-naked in front of him.

"Omo," Pablo exclaimed as he clapped his hands.

June rubbed his hand along his arms, hoping to give him warmth. The skin turned red from the vigorous rubbing, causing Pablo's eyes to brighten in delight.


June's skin was milky-white, almost glistening under the light.

And Choi Pablo loves the color white.

June's milky-white skin stretched like a blank page, awaiting stories to be inked upon it. Along the graceful curve of his shoulder blade and down his chest, scars danced like enigmatic verses, each one whispering secrets known only to him.

His muscles, though not chiseled like sculptures of marble, possessed a subtle poetry of their own. They were defined, yet gentle, as if nature had taken a brush dipped in watercolors to trace the contours of his form. This body, like a sonnet, spoke of a life lived with grace, where imperfections became verses, and softness became a ballad of its own.

"Perfect!" Choi Pablo exclaimed. "Your body is perfect," he continued.

June's eyebrows furrowed as Pablo circled around him like a hungry predator.

"It's exactly what I'm looking for. These muscles," he said, poking June's bicep, causing him to flinch.

"These are the kind of muscles you get from the hardships of life—not from the luxury of the gym."

"And even though your body screams your hardships, it hasn't lost its pure form!" Pablo exclaimed. "I've been looking for a body like this ever since I became a photographer."

"So, you'll take my pictures?" June asked.

"Yes, yes! With a couple of half-naked photos here and there."

June smirked and shook his head before putting his shirt back on, causing Pablo to exclaim in disappointment.

From the look in Choi Pablo's eyes, June could tell that he'd do just about anything for him at this point.

"No can do, Mr. Photographer," June said. "You're going to take my headshots today."

A sad look passed by Pablo's eyes. Then, he pounced on June and wrapped himself around him like a sloth.

June clicked his tongue. "Get off. We need to make this fast."

"But can't you stay here longer so we can take pictures of your body?" he asked.

June shook his head. It was only a couple of moments ago when Pablo wanted June to leave; now, he was the desperate one between the two.

"As I told you, I have something to do today."

"Then, in the future?" Pablo asked with wide eyes. "I need you as my subject, please. It's only then that I could become satisfied with my career."

"Take my headshots," June firmly said, causing Pablo to sigh and let go of him.

"Fine," Pablo said. "But you need to change out of those atrocious clothes. Go to the dressing room and put on the first outfit on the rack. Then, come back here so we can take your photos."

June quickly followed his instructions. As expected, the clothes inside were all white. June grabbed the first one and put it on. It was a simple white tank top, but it was a little bit too low. If June leaned over, then his nipples were definitely going to be shown.

With that, he grabbed a white long-sleeve polo from the rack and put it over his body.

After he was satisfied with the outfit, he went out of the dressing room and found Choi Pablo already taking practice shots.

At this point, Choi Pablo was the desperate one.

"You wore a topper?" he asked in a disappointed tone.

June clicked his tongue. "Let's get this done and over with."

June sat on the stool that Pablo had prepared and gazed into his camera.

Choi Pablo took June's pictures, but he was starting to notice a trend in all of the photos he took. He sighed and looked at June.

"You don't know how to pose for pictures, don't you?"

"I've never done it before," June said. "Don't I just have to stare at the camera?"

Pablo clicked his tongue. "You need to do more than that. Headshots capture a variety of emotions, ranging from happy, sad, to neutral. We need those kinds of expressions. Why don't we start with a smile?"

That was the problem.

June had an awkward smile.

He quirked his lips into what seemed like a smile, but it only came out as a grimace.

Choi Pablo chuckled loudly. "Oh, god. You're cuter than I had anticipated. I should have taken your pictures sooner. However, this smile wouldn't do...just smile genuinely."

"I don't know how to," June said.

Pablo sighed. "Then, think about something you really like, something that makes you happy."

Something that makes June happy?

Mei Ling, of course.

But then, it'd be kind of word to smile so meaningfully for your sister. Besides, as much as Mei Ling made June happy, thinking about her now just makes him...sad.

So, he searched his mind for something that truly made him happy.

When was the last time he genuinely smiled?

Then, a red, squishy thing began to ease into his mind.

A BenBen gummy?

With that thought, a small smile began to appear on his face.

Choi Pablo watched the scene before him in amazement.

So cute! June looked like an innocent child when he smiled!

Pablo quickly captured the scene, causing June to snap out of his thoughts.

"Good," Pablo exclaimed. "That was good. I can make something out of that photo."

June nodded, relieved that he didn't have to force himself to smile anymore.

"Let's go with a different emotion now. Make a fierce face," Pablo instructed. "Think of someone you really hate."

Now, that command was easier for June.

There were a lot of people he hated—Alex, Hyunwoo, Lin Zhi, Bo Wen.

But if we're talking about a profound hatred...then it could only be one person.

His boss.

As his thoughts were consumed by his boss—that faceless bastard, he looked deep into the camera.

Choi Pablo was stunned for a moment.

This expression...he had never seen it before.

In the depths of his gaze, a tempest brewed, and an abyss of emotions unfurled.

Choi Pablo, captivated by the raw intensity radiating from this man's eyes, stood in awe. He had witnessed countless faces in his career, but this was an emotion he had never seen before—a sea of emotions swirled within those eyes. It was not just anger; it was a manifestation of a deep-rooted, long-buried grudge.

With trembling hands and an artist's heart aflame, Pablo seized the moment. The click of the shutter, like the brushstroke of a master painter, captured the masterpiece—etched in anger, painted in pain, and sculpted by the soul's deepest recesses. In that fleeting instant, they immortalized an emotion that transcended the ordinary, creating a photograph that would forever whisper the secrets of the man's haunted gaze.

"Mi perfecto," Pablo whispered.

[Congratulations! You have completed the Consolidation Mission: Get a headshot! Have your photos be taken by Choi Pablo.]

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