From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 156 Table of contents

What was June doing so high up in the air?

He doesn't really know.

All he knows is that they won.

They fucking won!

As he continued to get tossed into the air like a baby who was left all alone with his dad on the weekend, he scanned the studio until his eyes landed on Lin Zhi.

Although he tried his hardest not to show it, there was a slight annoyance in Lin Zhi's face. It was obvious. Even when they were together in the gang, Lin Zhi could hide his emotions very well except for one—anger.

As their eyes met, a small smirk etched onto June's face—only enough for Lin Zhi to wonder whether June knew what he was internally thinking. However, before Lin Zhi could read into it, June evaded his gaze and forced his teammates to bring him down.

"They actually won."

"I can't believe Zeth lost this one."

"No matter how hard I think about it, I can only see this as being rigged."

"You're speaking out of your ass. I voted for June even though my favorite trainee is Akira."

Jia, Bora, and Mimi all screamed in glee after the announcement of the winner. For Jia, this seemed like the best thing that ever happened on the show.

After countless trials—June getting stabbed, his face being revealed without his consent, and all others that Jia didn't even know of, seeing him win felt like a satisfying ending to a movie.

Sun-Y pursed his lips as he watched their team rejoice in the victory. It was unbelievable. How could a bunch of nobodies win against a team of powerhouses?

In the rap industry, Sun-Y had never won against those powerful figures.

He couldn't beat them, couldn't join them, and couldn't even imitate them.

So, in the end, he decided to go against them instead. Dissing those powerful figures and creating controversies became his personality, and it was the only way that brought him recognition from the public.

That's why he hates how these idiots have won.

Because then, that would mean that it's actually possible for someone to rise through popularity with mere hard work.

What a joke.

Sun-Y stood up from his seat even before the production crew gave him a cue.

"Whatever," he muttered. "At least I fulfilled my job."

With that, he started walking out of the studio while bringing out his phone from his pocket. Sun-Y settled on a hidden corner and pressed on the contact name—" Laohu."

Sun Y: You'll still wire me the money, right?

Laohu: Only half of the money will be sent. My prospect didn't win.

Sun-Y cursed under his breath as he saw the bank notification and the amount of money he had received.

"Fuck that kid."


The fans were now being escorted out of the studio, and the trainees started getting changed and going back to their respective dorms.

Team Aglet remained backstage, still not believing what had just happened.

Jakob sniffed as he looked at his teammates. "I've only been filled with doubt ever since I came to the show, and although I tried hard to push through, I can't deny that I haven't been feeling happy lately. However, being in this team and even winning made me realize why I'm still chasing this dream."

"You couldn't have worded it better," Sehun said. "I've tried to put on a smile for you, guys. But most of them weren't genuine. They were just forced. But tonight, my smile is real. It feels good winning like this."

"My cheeks are honestly hurting," C-Jay said, massaging his plump cheeks.

"I've been smiling since earlier, too," Haesoo said. "But it's strange," he suddenly said, turning to June. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile, bro."

June raised his eyebrows after he heard his name. Honestly, he hasn't been listening to their conversation.

Why? Because he wanted to sleep right then and there.

"What did ya say?" June asked, his thuggish accent coming back amidst his sleepiness.

"Smile," Sehun said. "It's okay to smile when you're happy, you know?"

June shrugged. "I am happy, but I don't need to smile."

"I think you're right, Haesoo," C-Jay said. "Aside from that one time when he was given a free box of BenBen gummies, I don't think I've ever seen June smile. It's more like a smolder? Or a smirk?"

"A smolder?" June asked. "What the hell is that?"

"You know," C-Jay said. "The thing you do when you think of a new idea or eat something delicious."

"I don't smolder or whatever that is," June defended.

"Whatever you say," C-Jay said. "Let's talk more about our victory. I still can't get over it. Did you see those fuckers' faces? Those who kicked me out of my team and those who kicked you guys out, too! I bet they're regretting it now. They didn't even stand a chance. And a team with powerhouse members? That's us! Numbers are only—"

Sehun roughly nudged C-Jay's side, causing him to splutter. "What the hell? Let me finish my rant."

Sehun awkwardly smiled and pointed to June's back. C-Jay's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly zipped his lips. "Uh, I'm actually pretty tired. I think I should go now."

The other members also chuckled nervously when they saw the two tall figures behind June, quickly following C-Jay.

Sehun patted June's back with a smile. "I'll go now, too, June."

"Wait—" June called out, but they were already running away. He considered just walking away, too, but Zeth suddenly held onto his shoulder.

June let out a frustrated sigh before facing the two rappers behind him.

Jaeyong and Zeth—looking like guilty puppies, stared at him with wide eyes.

"What do you want?" June asked.

Zeth scratched the back of his head. "Congratulations," he said. "You guys did a really good job."

June raised his eyebrows in surprise. He was honestly expecting Zeth to be quite upset about not winning the mission, but he actually looked pretty calm?

"Thanks," June muttered. "Is that all? Then, I'm gonna go."

"Wait," Jaeyong said, looking even guiltier. "We just wanted to apologize too."

June crossed his arms in front of his chest. "For what?"

"Uhh, for kicking you out of the team," Zeth said. "We were in a bind back then, and we had to choose someone to eliminate. You weren't there, so we thought it'd be the most rational decision."

June sighed. "Look, I understand why you did it. You had no choice or whatever. But would it have hurt to tell me about it beforehand? I was a part of the team, too, you know?"

Jaeyong sighed and cast his eyes to the ground. "We know. We're sorry. We didn't think it through."

"Whatever," June said. "It's all in the past now."

"So, does that mean you forgive us?" Jaeyong asked.

"I didn't say anything about that," June smirked, walking closer to them.

"But I'm not angry anymore," he said, glancing at the hidden figure behind the large equipment.

Lin Zhi's not so slick, hmm?

"Because we won," June continued, deliberately making his voice louder. "And that high note just now? I didn't lip-sync it."

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