From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 168 Table of contents

"This is so cool," Sehun whispered by June's side.

Currently, they were at an eccentric-looking building in Seoul, specifically in the recording studio of Lower Music, the label of the renowned rapper/producer duo GROOVYTUNES.

"Have you tried recording in a booth before?" Jakob asked.

"Of course," the other members answered. "We're all trainees, so we definitely had some experience recording in a professional studio."

"I don't," June said. "So, how do these things work?"

"Didn't you record songs during your time as a Phoenix Trainee?" C-Jay asked.

"Uh, no?" June said.

"Well, that sucks. I guess our poor company's still better than Phoenix," C-Jay said. "Well, there really isn't something special about it. You just try to get it over and done with in one take."

Just then, their conversation was halted when GROOVYTUNES came into the room.

According to June's research, the duo was composed of Kevin and Lil Naughty. The guys looked at them with starstruck eyes as they entered. They couldn't believe they were going to record with the renowned duo!

Kevin, the shorter guy, immediately bowed when he saw the guys. Lil Naughty, on the other hand, observed them one by one until his eyes landed on June. His slanted eyes locked with June's, and at that moment, June thought Lil Naughty had something bad to say about him.

However, he was surprised when the rapper suddenly shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you. Kevin and I enjoyed the verses you've written," he said.

June raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Uh, it's my pleasure to work with you," he politely said. "The entire team worked hard to bring your song justice."

"Of course," Kevin exclaimed. "And we're thankful that you guys were the ones who got to perform our song."

"Well, let's not delay this any further. Why don't we start with the first verse," Lil Naughty suggested. "Sehun, was it?"

"Yes, sir," Sehun nervously said.

"Don't be so nervous," Kevin chuckled. "You can just perform like how you did during the performance."

Sehun nodded and entered the booth, putting on headphones while listening to the producers' instructions.

June couldn't help but look at the scene before him in amazement. The recording studio—it was his dream to enter one when he was a child.

A rush of memories flooded his mind, and he couldn't help but reminisce about his past self. He thought about the person he used to be before his life took a sharp turn into the unforgiving world of crime.

Even before he became entangled in the world of gangs and illegal dealings, June had always carried a different passion within him. He had always dreamed of being on a stage, under bright lights, singing his heart out for the world to hear. Music had been his sanctuary.

June could still remember the countless nights he had spent in the shabby orphanage, playing their out-of-tune piano while singing in the silent night. During that time, he was convinced that his talent would pave the way to a better life.

But life had other plans for him. The world had shown him its cold, unforgiving face, where only the privileged could afford to chase their dreams. Money and connections seemed to be the prerequisites for success, and June had none of those.

As June stared at the recording studio, an unexplainable emotion welled up inside him. It was as if a long-forgotten part of his soul had been awakened by the mere sight of the place where his dreams used to live.

Before he could fully internalize this surge of emotion, Kevin spoke.

"June, we're ready for you!" he exclaimed.

June snapped out of his thoughts and entered the booth without giving it a second thought.

He saw the encouraging looks on his teammates' faces, so he pushed aside the weight of his past and focused on the microphone in front of him.

"You ready?" Lil Naughty asked.

"Yeah," June said.

"What do you want to start with? The rap part or the last chorus?" he asked.

"Umm, can I start with the last chorus?" June asked, wanting to sing first before rapping.

"Sure, that'll do. Let me play just right after the bridge, then enter during the last chorus, got it?"

"Got it," June said.

As the music played in the background, June continued to look around the booth. The recording equipment, the soundproof walls, and the rows of instruments looked like relics from a distant dream. June took a deep breath, letting himself be transported to the body of the young boy who had once enjoyed singing with a bright dream.

He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the microphone against his lips. Then, without hesitation, he began to sing.

His voice, smooth and full of emotion, filled the studio.

"What the hell?" Lil Naughty whispered to Kevin. "I thought this kid was a rapper?"

Kevin nodded, still amazed. "He's a damn good singer, too."

Lil Naughty shook his head in disbelief as he watched the young man sing effortlessly. "Do you think we can recruit him in the company?"

As the final note hung in the air, June opened his eyes. "Was that good?"

What met him was amazed stares and silence. C-Jay put out a thumbs up. "You did great," he mouthed.

The others snapped out of their dazes and started cheering, too. However, with the soundproof walls, they looked a little bit crazy.

June shook his head and chuckled, a big smile on his face, instantly brightening up the studio.

Then, at that moment, Jakob's eyes widened in surprise.

"He smiled. He actually smiled!" he screamed, causing the others to become shocked too.

Kevin and Lil Naughty continued looking at June. "And he's handsome, too. Damn, we just lost a big star to Azure."


Tap. Tap. Tap.

The soft hum of the computer and the tapping of the keyboard were the only sounds that filled the air, piercing through eerie silence. Hoon, hunched over his desk, glanced at the calendar on his screen. It was Sunday, 11 PM, and he had been stuck in his computer chair since Friday, the airing of the seventh episode of Rising Stars.

Stubble clung to his pale, scraggly face, giving him the appearance of a madman. His eyes, bloodshot and sunken, showed the torment he had endured. The stench of the room, a mixture of cold sweat and unwashed despair, made his eyes water, but he didn't care. The world outside had ceased to exist for him.

With trembling hands, he muttered a mantra of desperation, "It's over, it's over." His fingers hovered over the "send" button like a condemned man awaiting the executioner's blade. He had gathered a compilation of damning evidence—all pointing to June having powerful sponsors in the industry.

And then, he clicked "send."

*Bannchu has seen your message*

A maniacal laughter escaped his cracked lips, echoing through the desolate room. It was the laugh of a monster who had found his prey, ready to exact his vengeance.

"It's over for you, Choi Joon-ho."

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