From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 171 Table of contents


"No," Choi Pablo repeated with resolution. "I haven't talked with those people for years."

"You're lying," June said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Your mother still contacts you from time to time," he said, remembering how 'Choi Birth-Giver' called Pablo the first time they met. "The fact that you still have her contact number saved instead of blocked already speaks a lot."

Choi Pablo sighed. "Fine. You got me there. My mom still contacts me sometimes. But that doesn't mean we have a good relationship."

"Let me guess," June smirked, already reading into the situation. "They want you to pursue this business world shit, but you want to pursue a career in photography, huh?"

Pablo froze, so June knew he was right on the dot.

"And this corruption issue is probably something you already knew, hence your social media detox," he continued, looking into the photographer's eyes.

Choi Pablo gulped and looked away from June's eyes. It felt as if his entire life was being read right in front of him.

"It's not that simple," he said.

Indeed, it was really that simple.

June hit it right on the nail.

"Whatever you say," June said. "I don't really care what's happening in your family, but since I'm stuck between all of this, I would appreciate it if you stepped out and clarified everything."

"I told you—I don't want to associate myself with my parents anymore," Pablo said. "I've worked so hard without getting their help, and I want the world to know that I didn't get to where I am right now just because of them."

"You're in a different field," June sighed. "Plenty of popular artists will come to your aid—I'm sure of that. I, on the other hand, am a part of Rising Stars, the show that your parents allegedly had a hand in rigging last year."

"Right," Pablo muttered under his breath. "Did you know? Entertainment companies are actually really rich. They can pay up to a million dollars just to ensure a spot in the debut team."

"You're getting off-topic here," June deadpanned.

Pablo sighed before turning back to June, looking more serious than ever.

"I consider you as my new muse," Pablo said. "But there's also a limit to what I can do for my muse. I can't help you on this one."

June pursed his lips in frustration. He was certain that convincing Choi Pablo would be much easier than this, but seeing the resolution on his face made him think otherwise.

"You don't want anything from me?"

"No," Pablo said without any hesitation.

"I'm afraid nothing can change my mind."


June sighed in frustration as he sat in front of their apartment complex, kicking a tiny, innocent pebble beneath his feet.

He visited Navel as he arrived, and the situation was much worse than he anticipated.

The reactions of the public might even be worse than the bullying accusation. Alex and Hyunwoo didn't have any proof back then, but with the solid proof that BannChu had laid out, a lot of people are convinced that June got his rank merely because of his connection with the Chois.

Time was also ticking.

Tomorrow was the day of the filming of the elimination episode (courtesy of the stabbing accident that happened a week ago), and June wondered if the production crew would take this rumor lightly.

As he continued thinking about his next course of action, Minjun suddenly showed up from school.

June looked at the little kid from afar, wearing his yellow backpack with a multi-colored cap over his head. June softly smiled. It was at moments like this that he was reminded that Minjun was still a little kid, and behind his amazing writing skills and snarky personality, he could actually look a bit cute.

"Yo loser," Minjun called out, causing June's smile to drop.

He was cute when he didn't speak.

"What are you doing sitting there like a loser?" Minjun asked, sitting next to him.

"Now, you're sitting next to that said loser."

Minjun rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he scoffed. "I just didn't want you to look as pathetic as you already are. Did you know? I even overheard my teachers talking about you during recess."

"What did they say?" June said.

"They fully believe that you're the son of the Chois. They say that a face like yours could only belong to a young master."

June shook his head and chuckled in amusement. "Well, I guess I'll take that reason."

Minjun clicked his tongue. "Still," he continued. "They think you don't deserve your rank—something about only using your connections to make your way to the top. It was honestly frustrating. How could everyone just believe everything they see on the internet?"

"That's how the world came to be, little kid," June said. "People just want to believe what they want to believe."

Minjun sighed. "Tell me about. So, what do you want to do now?"

June shrugged nonchalantly. "I already talked with Choi Pablo. I might be able to convince him until the airing of the elimination episode."

"But isn't the elimination episode going to be filmed tomorrow?" Minjun said. "Don't you think you'd drop in ranks because of this?"

June sighed. "I've already expected it," he said. "Right now, I just need to prove that I'm not affiliated with the Chois in any way."

"You know there's one certain way on how you can do that," Minjun retorted.

June stayed silent.

"Tell them that your parents are dead," Minjun said. "It's the easiest way out. Just try and gain their sympathy."

June sighed and remained silent, feeling conflicted.

He knew that was the easiest way out. June still didn't know the real identity of his parents, as there was no sign of Choi Joon-ho's past life in his phone and in his belongings. But again, gaining sympathy was definitely the easiest way out.

Before he could respond, Minjun continued talking.

"I don't care if you don't have any parents," Minjun said. "I honestly didn't even bat an eyelash when you revealed that you were an orphan."

June listened intently.

"It must have been very hard for you," Minjun softly said. "My parents got a divorce when I was really young, so I don't even remember a time when they got along. People told me I was lucky since my parents had a peaceful separation—but is any separation peaceful after all? Sure, it must have been peaceful for them, but it wasn't for me," he admitted.

"I didn't cry when they separated. I didn't even act like I was sad, but deep inside my heart, all I wanted was a complete family. Was that too much to ask for?" the little kid continued to rant.

"Why do other kids have both of their parents when they got awards, but I only got my Grandma? But then again, I'm thankful that I still have my Grandma," he smiled. "She's the one I love the most, and I'm thankful that she came to each of my awards—even when they were just small."

Then, Minjun glanced at June before showing a sad smile.

June felt a tug at his heartstrings. That was the very first time that Minjun had looked at him like that.

"That's why I admire you a lot, big bro," he said. "You didn't have anyone beside you. You didn't have someone like Grandma, but you still made it this far. So, I just want to say that I'm proud of you."

"People will hate on you no matter what. You've got rich parents? You're a nepo baby. You came from a middle-income family? You're just ordinary. You're an orphan? You're pitiful. So, just fuck it all and gain pity from the public. Who the hell cares?"

June covered Minjun's mouth. "Grandma will murder me if he hears you say that."

Minjun glared at June, but he just found it endearing.

"You actually care about me, don't you?" June teased.

Minjun's face became red as he aggressively shook his head. "Of course not," he scoffed. "I just wanted you to snap out of your stupid thoughts."

"Thanks, little kid," June ruffled his hair. "You eased my mind a little bit."

"So, what now?" Minjun asked. "Do you want me to counter that BannChu guy and make an article about the truth?"

"No," June said, making Minjun sigh in frustration.

"Why not? Just let me help you out."

"That'd be too easy," June smirked, his mind racing with thoughts on how to do this the right way...the satisfying way.

Now that he didn't mind actually being pitied, there was one certain thought in his mind—

Let's have fun with this.

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