From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 193 Table of contents

June rubbed his sore cheeks as he sat on the small couch. Not even an hour had passed since they had arrived, yet they were already ambushed by a bunch of old ladies.

It seemed like June's fame knew no bounds and had reached even the most rural parts of Gangwon Province.

"Sorry about that," the old lady named Bok-soon said as she offered the two boys some homemade sweet tea. "The ladies are just excited to see you come back. We all watch Rising Stars in my house on Fridays, and we are huge fans. We were sad when you were being accused of being the Chois' son when you're not. I'm really glad you came back."

"It's alright," June said despite his sore cheeks. "Thank you for supporting me on the show."

"We're all hoping for your debut! Although we don't really know how to give you any stars," she admitted.

June softly chuckled. "Again, it's alright. Just having you watch me is already enough."

"So, why'd you come here?" Bok-soon asked. "It's been a while since we've last seen you. I think it's already been two or three years?" she recalled. "There was even a time you came here was with a young man and woman. The woman became famous now, I believe. What was her name again? Hani? Hanbeom?"

"Hana," June said. "Hana Lim?"

"Ah, yes, her! The last time you came here with them, she laughed and took photos of your childhood pictures."

Minjun's eyes widened with the mention of June's childhood pictures. "Can I see them too?" he excitedly asked.

Bok-soon sadly smiled. "Unfortunately, they have been lost in the fire," she said. "I'm sorry, June. We couldn't protect your parents' sanctuary. We don't know what happened, but some time last year, the house was burned down to flames—taking away your family's precious memories."

June nodded in understanding. "There wasn't anything you could do," June said. "But can I ask where my parents are buried right now?"

Bok-soon chuckled. "Has it been that long that you already forgot?"

"I guess so," June softly said.

"They're by the oak tree near your old house," Bok-soon said. "Do you want me to accompany you there?"

June shook his head as he stood up. "It's alright. I'll visit them for a bit."

"Let me come with you," Minjun said, his mouth filled with snacks that Bok-soon had prepared.

"I'll be waiting," the old lady smiled. As the two of them made their way outside her house, she let out a sad smile.

"Did he come back for Parents' Day?" she asked herself.

Minjun and June walked back to the empty lot, and only then did June see the oak tree perched just behind the field of lavender.

"Can you wait here for a minute, kid?" June asked.

Minjun saw the sincerity in June's eyes and nodded. "I'll play with the pretty flowers."

"You do that," June said. Then he started walking to the oak tree, where he saw two white crosses made from wood anchored on the soil.

He sighed and picked a lavender stem before looking down at the writing on the cross.

Choi Dae-hyeon and Choi Chin-mae.

A devoted father. A loving mother.

June felt a wave of sadness hit him. He didn't know these people, nor can he recall any memories with them. But standing there, with the body of Choi Joon-ho, made him feel like they were connected in a way.

"Umm, hello," he warily said, sitting down on the small patch of grass.

"Your son visited, I guess?" June chuckled, observing the flower in his hand. "But you guys must know that I'm not really your son, huh?"

"Your son's in a better place now…I hope," he continued. "I've come to take care of his body and his dream."

"Have you met?" June then asked, the sound of the breeze making his heart even sadder.

"You must have met, hmm? I hope all of you are in a better place now. Your son has been giving me a hard time ever since I came here. He left so many questions unanswered. Please slap the back of his head for me."

June chuckled at his ridiculousness. "But in all seriousness, I feel like your son has been lonely ever since you passed. He must be happy now. I hope he's happy now," he sighed. "He gets to spend this Parents' Day with his parents."

"At least one of us is able to celebrate it," he whispered.

"Umm, if you have time, please do visit my mom and dad, too. You can tell them that Mei Ling is doing well. I'm doing well, too, I guess. It's been tough sometimes, but it's not too bad. At least, my heart does a little jump of joy whenever I perform on stage. That's a good sign, right?"

He smiled and traced some shapes on the soil. "Your son has seriously been rubbing on me. I didn't feel this way back then."

"Well, I better go now," June said, finally standing up. "Happy Parents' Day."

With that, he placed the single stem of lavender between the two crosses. He stared at it for a while, feeling a sense of relief. It's as if Choi Joon-ho's parents were thanking him for continuing their son's dream…and it sent a weird feeling in June's stomach.

"Are you done?" Minjun asked, making June snap out of his thoughts.

"Yeah," June said, clearing his throat. "Let's go back."

Minjun smiled, a meaningful look in his eyes. June suspiciously narrowed his eyes at him.

"What?" the little kid innocently asked.

"It looks like you did something."

"What did I do? I just played with the pretty flowers!" Minjun exclaimed with wide eyes.

"I know that look," June said. "You better not have done anything."

"I haven't!" Minjun said. "Let's just go back."

The two of them made their way back to Bok-soon's house.

"Oh, you're back?" Bok-soon asked. "Did you see your parents?"

"Hmm," June hummed. Then, he suddenly saw something in the corner of her living room.

"Do you mind if I use that?" June asked, pointing to the large instrument.

"The piano? Sure! Have you learned how to play it?" she asked.

June nodded, feeling like the off-white keys were calling his name.

"Go ahead," Bok-soon said. "I'll just give some of our neighbors these rice cakes I've made."

"Thank you," June said, sitting on the worn-out leather chair. He ran his hands through the keys, smiling when he felt the familiar cold ivory tiles. It had been a while since he played the piano.

"Hey, kid," he said, calling Minjun over. "Can you film me playing a song?"

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