After the Succubus Became a Fake Young Master Tha…
Chapter 5 Table of contents

Chapter 5

Chi Jing opened the comments.

Marketing accounts usually don’t directly insult; they tend to state facts with suggestive language to guide the comments section’s emotions.

So, the comments section was much more aggressive than the original post by the marketing account.

 “I actually found him handsome today? Yuck.”

 “Seriously, with all that heavy beauty filter, how can you find him attractive? Three layers of filters and night effects make even his own mother unable to recognize him.”

Sorry, no beauty filter; he’s naturally good-looking.

Succubi aren’t ugly!

“Wen Yubai is so pitiful. This fake young master is shameless, how can he market himself like this?”

 “Probably jealous of Wen Yubai’s status in the entertainment industry, trying to enter the industry to compete for resources.”

Not really, blame Wen Yubai’s father. Originally, the protagonist had his own job, but his dad ruined it.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have entered the entertainment industry.

 “Wasn’t there a classmate who exposed that he stole things in elementary school?”

 “As expected, not being biological shows in his genes.”

“Wen Yubai’s biological parents are quite good-looking. His dad, though almost fifty, is still handsome for a middle-aged man, and his mom is beautiful. Plus, they’re a loving couple. I’m so envious. If only I had such a family. Chi Jing stole 22 years of Wen Yubai’s life and didn’t learn well. Does he think someone will support him forever?”

Seeing this, Chi Jing thought of that middle-aged couple’s “brilliant” life and smiled.

He wasn’t the type to suffer losses. Since he took over this body, he would definitely avenge the original owner.

“Someone like Chi Jing should go to jail! What about the internet celebrities who filmed him? Why haven’t they deleted the video yet? Still giving him free publicity?”

“There’s already someone explaining in the video comments, but deleting it would be better.”

“Can we stop giving him attention? Every time I see this matter, I feel sorry for our little Bai. After so much suffering, he finally returned to his original family. Don’t let Chi Jing’s name stain him anymore.”

“Didn’t he almost push Wen Yubai down the stairs? Isn’t that attempted murder? Can he be jailed for that?”

“I think it counts.”

Due to previously trending for a week, this time’s trend didn’t spark widespread discussion.

The comments were repetitive, so he scrolled a few more pages.

He read the comments indifferently, then found them boring and casually picked up the little black cat that had jumped to the bed, tossing his phone aside.

Immediately captivated by the kitten, he ignored the trending topic issue.

Since he was a replacement, he didn’t have much preparation time. The new episode of the travel show was soon to be recorded.

On the morning of the recording day, Mu Jingshan drove over to pick up the cats.

When entering, the program’s recording staff accompanied him.

Chi Jing, yawning and packing, saw them enter and casually said, “Make yourselves at home.”

Seeing the mess he had made, Mu Jingshan hurried to help.

“I checked. You need to bring a few jackets. I also brought some disposable items. Take those with you.”

Chi Jing, not having slept well, weakly responded, “Okay.”

The program sent two staff members, one carrying the camera and the other handling sound and interviews.

With so many people in the 30-square-meter apartment, it felt crowded.

Chi Jing tossed all his found clothes into the suitcase while Mu Jingshan reminded him to bring skincare and makeup products.

Chi Jing: “None.”

Mu Jingshan paused, confused.

“None of what?”

“Those things you mentioned.”

The original owner didn’t use any of those, and there was nothing but basic toiletries in the bathroom.

He had never considered this issue. Skincare and maintenance are fundamental for artists.

Mu Jingshan quickly picked up his phone, “I’ll buy them for you.”

“No need,” Chi Jing zipped up his suitcase.

One packed suitcase was already enough trouble; he didn’t want to carry any more skincare or makeup items.

Mu Jingshan, disregarding the camera, tried to persuade him.

“You need them for on-camera appearances.”

“No need.”

Chi Jing insisted.

Mu Jingshan wanted to argue but seeing Chi Jing’s flawless, high-definition camera-ready skin and exquisite features, he was momentarily speechless.

Fine, he’d buy them after this recording.

He relented.

Chi Jing finished packing his only suitcase, found a cat carrier, and placed the three cats inside, handing it to him.

“I’ve bought cat food. It will be delivered to your place tonight.”

“Okay,” Mu Jingshan didn’t mind.

He always followed through on his promises, so he had prepared everything the cats needed.

After sending him off, Chi Jing turned to the recording staff.

“Let’s go.”

The two staff members, one male and one female, handled the camera and audio. The female staff member set up his mic and noticed he only had one suitcase.

“Is that all you’re bringing?”

“Is there anything else I should bring?” He asked.

He was genuinely asking the staff member.

For a newbie succubus in this world, he had no idea what to pack for a trip.

This stumped the staff member.

She recalled his packing, realizing he had packed the essentials despite being rough.

Compared to other stars with three suitcases, his single suitcase was indeed minimal.

“Seems like there’s nothing else…”

The only missing items might be skincare and makeup products.

But he had already said he didn’t need them. His voice wasn’t low, clearly recorded by the camera even without the mic.

He nodded, “Let’s go then.”

With just one suitcase, he didn’t need help and effortlessly carried it to the car.

The car was provided by the show’s sponsor.

He sat in the car, put on an eye mask, and intended to catch up on sleep.

But before he could lie down, the interview staff eagerly started a conversation.

“Do you know the program announced on Weibo last night that you joined the show?”

He knew because Mu Jingshan had asked him to create a big Weibo account to repost it.

It took him a while to figure it out.

The staff member asked, “There have been some disputes in the comments about you and Mr. Wen Yubai. What do you think?”

Chi Jing: “With my eyes.”

Staff member: “?”

Chi Jing: “Can’t look with my mouth, can I?”

The staff member stifled a laugh, “Indeed, you have to look with your eyes. We want to know your opinion.”

“Just some boring discussions,” he said, suddenly looking at the camera.

“Regarding the online rumors that I almost pushed Mr. Wen Yubai down the stairs, I feel the need to clarify.”

“Wen Yubai has clarified in interviews that we were just greeting each other on the stairs. Who started the rumor about pushing him?”

He knew who first mentioned it.

It was his good foster mother, Wen Yubai’s biological mother, Wen Zhentian’s good wife.

She had cried pitifully in front of interviewers to smear him and openly discard him while generating traffic for Wen Yubai, who was participating in a talent show at the time.

A brilliant move, but he was no longer the old Chi Jing.

After saying this, he put his eye mask back on and began to rest.

The staff member blinked, forgetting about the interview for a moment.

She was an industry worker and had heard many rumors about Chi Jing and Wen Yubai.

But after the morning’s recording, she started doubting the online accusations.

He seemed completely different from the person described online as having terrible character.

Seeing him about to sleep again, the staff member bit the bullet and asked the prepared questions.

“After the last recording, He Xi’er and Zhou Bowen both left the show.”

“So, apart from you, there’s another new guest.”

She looked at him, hoping he’d take the bait.

Interrupted once again, Chi Jing sighed inwardly.

This was work, he reminded himself.

After calming down, he removed his eye mask, ruffled his hair, and picked up the topic.

“Another guest? About my age?”

“You’re the youngest of all the guests this time,” the staff member calculated.

“He’s three years older than you. Can you guess who?”

This was tough.

He thought. It wasn’t about giving face to the show; he genuinely didn’t know many stars in the entertainment industry.

He didn’t know, but he could act.

He looked curious, “Who is it?”

The staff member revealed a name.

“Jiang Yucheng.”


He didn’t know him.

He feigned surprise and pulled out his phone to check Baidu.

Searching for Jiang Yucheng.

He was genuinely surprised.

Seeing his photos on Baidu, he blinked.

Quite good-looking.

Perfectly fitting a succubus’s aesthetic.

He liked this person!!!

At this moment, immersed in Jiang Yucheng’s face, he didn’t realize his actions of searching Jiang Yucheng were observed by the staff and cameraman.

Also captured by the camera.

The staff member, surprised to see him search for Jiang Yucheng, widened her eyes.

She hadn’t expected a young person not to know him.

He was reading Jiang Yucheng’s Baidu entry.

Jiang Yucheng, male, 26 years old.

The youngest triple award-winning actor in the entertainment industry, shareholder of Jishang Entertainment.

Owned the most expensive villa and numerous luxury cars in Haishi before debuting, background unknown.

Exaggerated claims, but he skimmed through.

His gaze finally rested on the photos.

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