I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 7 Table of contents

Growth (2)

 The daily life of six-year-old Joo Seoyeon is busy.


She wakes up in the morning, does her morning exercises, and heads off to kindergarten. Spending hours with children who are mentally far younger than her can be exhausting.


And after kindergarten, she goes straight to the filming set.


“Cut, cut, cut! Wow, I’ve heard about you, but Seoyeon, you’re truly amazing.”

“No, it’s all thanks to everyone’s help.”


At Director Kim’s praise, Seoyeon politely bowed. The set filled with smiles at her humility.


“How is she so different from my kid? Not all six-year-olds are the same, apparently.”

“She’s really mature for her age. You must be proud, Seoyeon’s mom.”


Every passing staff member seemed to express their envy to Sua. Seoyeon’s performance in this commercial was just as impressive as her soy milk ad.


‘My Seoyeon might really be a genius.’


She had been an easy child to raise since she was born, rarely crying and always managing on her own. Sua’s motherhood had been surprisingly easy.


Nodding, Sua noticed the actress working with Seoyeon and greeted her with a respectful bow. The actress, Kim Miyeon, had over twenty years of acting experience.


“Oh, Actress Kim Miyeon, thank you for helping Seoyeon so much.”

“It’s nothing. Seoyeon’s acting is so good that she made my job easy.”


Watching Seoyeon give a deep bow, Kim Miyeon spoke.




“There’s a bit of an odd feeling.”


Miyeon looked at Seoyeon. People said it was method acting, but it felt different.


‘Isn’t it actually the opposite?’


To her, Seoyeon’s acting seemed like she was skillfully expressing learned emotions.


Miyeon was an experienced actress. She had worked with big names known for method acting and knew the struggles they faced.


‘I might be too sensitive. She’s still a child. It’s impossible for her to learn and act out emotions like this.’


It’s not something that can be done in a year or two. It takes decades, making acting a part of daily life.


Seoyeon was only six. Even if she had started acting the moment she was born, it would still be impossible.


But still, there’s always a chance.


“Mrs. Ju.”


“Seoyeon seems strong, but children like her often have hidden vulnerabilities.”


Miyeon saw Sua as a young mother. Over forty, Miyeon was more experienced as a parent.


“What you see isn’t always everything.”


Sua slowly nodded at Miyeon’s advice.


‘Seoyeon’s weak spots?’


Did she have any? Though she doubted, she took the advice seriously.


‘Come to think of it, actors need regular stress management.’


Indeed, as Miyeon suggested, it might be good to get Seoyeon checked regularly.




‘Today’s shoot was fulfilling.’


Seoyeon nodded to herself. She was saving money and getting good acting practice.


Being recognized by people occasionally was now a bit fun.


‘I get why people do this.’


The real-time feedback from viewers during virtual streaming would be even more thrilling.


“You’re working harder than your dad.”


Seeing Seoyeon come home, Joo Youngbin remarked. Somehow, she was getting home later than he was from work.


“Did Mom tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“That you got a drama offer.”


A drama?


For a moment, Seoyeon thought she had misheard.


“A drama? Me?”

“Apparently, it was recommended by Director Cho.”


Hearing this, Seoyeon finally understood the situation.


‘Director Jo Bangwoo must have used his influence.’


Cho Min-tae’s father, Director Jo Bangwoo, was a notable figure in Korean cinema. 


He had many successful films, and people often said he never failed, though he never directed a ten-million-ticket movie.


‘For the next seven years, that is.’


After that, Jo Bangwoo would direct five movies in four years, all of which would fail disastrously.


Especially his last film, which led to his financial ruin, resulting in his tragic end at home.


‘Right now, he’s at his peak influence.’


Getting an audition for a child actor who mainly did commercials was possible because of his connections.


“Did you hear what drama it is?”

“I heard it’s a historical drama for KMB.”


“A historical drama for KMB?”


“Yes. Do you know anything about it?”


Seoyeon quickly shook her head. Pretending to know too much would be suspicious.


‘If there’s a historical drama audition for KMB around this time...’


She had a strong guess.


‘The Sun Hidden by the Moon.’


A fantasy historical drama with peak viewership of over 40%. It swept the awards that year.


‘And they want me?’


There are limits to nepotism.


A KMB drama audition would attract all the top child actors from academies and big entertainment agencies.


A child actor with only two low-budget commercials wouldn’t even stand a chance.


“Well, don’t get your hopes too high. You might just get a minor role.”



That would be a relief. Just appearing as an extra in a major historical drama would be beneficial.


But Seoyeon knew the truth.


They wouldn’t hold auditions for extras.


‘Director Cho must be referring to the audition for...’


Princess Yeowol, the lead role in The Sun Hidden by the Moon.




“Hey, what are you thinking about?”


Looking up, Seoyeon saw Lee Jiyeon glaring at her. Since the kindergarten entrance ceremony, Jiyeon had been following her around like a shadow.


“Unlike you, I have a lot to think about.”

“We’re the same age, are you stupid?”


Seoyeon clicked her tongue. Jiyeon was smart and sharp, much more so than other kids their age.


‘Is this how others see me?’


Jiyeon was a bother, though she was cute in some ways. She was clingy and hard to shake off.


Once she fixated on something, she wouldn’t let go. That soy milk commercial seemed to have made her latch onto Seoyeon even more.


“Here, open this.”


Jiyeon handed her two glass bottles of orange juice. She must have tried and failed to open them herself.


“Why two?”

“One’s for you, obviously. Can’t you see?”


Despite being annoying, Jiyeon had her cute moments. Bringing orange juice when Seoyeon was thirsty was considerate.




With a pop, the bottle opened easily. Jiyeon’s eyes widened.


“How are you so strong? Even the teacher couldn’t open it.”



She must have asked the teacher for help first. Usually, kids ask friends first, right?


‘Am I strong?’


Thinking back, she realized her strength might be unusual. She hadn’t noticed anything she couldn’t do with her current body compared to her previous life.


Except for things limited by her small size and short limbs.


‘Why am I so strong?’


A six-year-old with the same strength as her previous adult self? Would she grow up to be a super soldier?


And sometimes her eyes turned red. It was eerie.


“Just don’t hit me, okay?”

“Why would I hit you?”


Jiyeon didn’t answer. Maybe she thought Seoyeon might hit her in a fit of anger.


Fights among kids do happen easily.


“Do you know?”


After finishing her orange juice, Jiyeon spoke.


“Know what?”

“There’s an audition at KMB. I can’t go, but the older kids from my agency are going.”


Older kids?


‘Are they also auditioning for the male lead?’


Unexpected information.




“Are you going?”


For a moment, Seoyeon hesitated. Should she tell the truth or lie?


“I’m going.”


But she didn’t want to lie. If she somehow got the role, it would be a disaster.


She knew she had no chance. The other child actors were incredibly talented.


“Hmph, okay?”


Surprisingly, Jiyeon reacted calmly.


“That’s it?”

“What else? I can’t go anyway.”


Jiyeon glared at Seoyeon.


“Just wait. I’ll be in those auditions soon. I only missed this one because of the older kids.”


She was determined and confident. In her previous life, what happened to her?


‘After the soy milk commercial, she didn’t do much, right?’


But now, Jiyeon had already done another commercial. She was an intriguing kid.


“I’ll be the lead in a drama someday.”



Seoyeon responded and couldn’t help but smile. A rare occurrence for her.

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