I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 10 Table of contents

Starring Competence (1)



Looking back, it wasn't a particularly remarkable scene.


The princess, Yeonhwa, merely turned her body slowly at the boy's call. But that simple action alone conveyed so much.




The phrase naturally came to the mind of producer Ha Tae-oh. Acting wasn't just about reciting lines.


It encompassed all acts of expressing emotion, from facial expressions and eye movements to body gestures. All of these elements combined to create the art of acting.


"You called for me."


Yeonhwa hadn't even begun her main lines yet. However, the presence of the princess, who had turned her body slowly, made everyone hold their breath.


Leaving the palace and heading to a far-off place, many had portrayed Princess Yeonhwa's sorrow. Jo Seo-hee had succeeded in bringing tears to her eyes, expressing this sorrow.


But the Yeonhwa before them now did not cry.


Sorrow was there, yes.


But there was also something more: anger. The red eyes of the princess seemed to darken further. An anger that could not be buried under sorrow alone. Anger at fleeing alone due to a rebellion, anger at the instigators of it all.


This anger was deeply conveyed.


Facing this head-on, the young Yoon Seo-il was at a loss for words. His mind went blank. He needed to speak his lines, which he had memorized. Yet, the words just lingered in his mind.


"Why are you silent?"


Typically, this would have been the end of it. But the princess, looking at the silent boy, opened her mouth again.


"Or do you mean to say that someone like me is not even worth speaking to?"


This was more like a venting of frustration. The princess, who had swallowed her sorrow alone, was venting her anger on the boy who had called her.




At that sharp voice, young Yoon Seo-il hiccupped. If one looked closely, they could see tears welling up in his eyes. It truly felt like a prince was standing before him.


Speaking out now felt like committing a grave sin.


"Cut! Cut! That’s enough. The performance is sufficient!"


At the call of Tae-soom Dal's director, Gong Jeong-tae, the tense atmosphere vanished like a lie. The princess Yeonhwa standing before them was replaced by Seo-yeon, who blinked innocently.


Yet no one dared to laugh at Seo-yeon like before.


'Weren't they calling her a nepotism kid?'


Was this what a nepotism kid looks like? She seemed more like a paratrooper.


The child actors eyeing the role of Princess Yeonhwa wore expressions of helplessness. They couldn't imagine another child pulling off such a performance, except maybe Jo Seo-hee.


'This is ridiculous.'


Among the shocked onlookers, the most taken aback was Jo Seo-hee herself, who had been confidently smiling.


'They said she only did commercials.'


Was this the skill of someone who had only done commercials? As bitter as it was, Jo Seo-hee couldn't deny that Seo-yeon's interpretation was one she hadn't even considered.


'No, this is wrong. The script clearly describes the princess crying in sorrow.'


The script called for the princess to shed tears and be comforted by Yoon Seo-il. But Seo-yeon's performance conveyed more chill than sorrow. Therefore, it was an incorrect performance.


Jo Seo-hee desperately wanted to believe that.


"I heard child actors these days are scary good."


"That recommendation seems well-deserved."


"The emotional delivery is incredibly strong. Better than most seasoned actors."


Ha Tae-oh glanced at Cho Min-taek, who had come to the set. The CF director, also the son of Cho Bang-woo.


'Is he lucky, or does he just have a good eye?'


The evaluators silently reviewed Seo-yeon's performance in their minds.


'She was definitely looking at the sunset at first.'


'She couldn't open her eyes properly because she was looking directly at the sun.'


'Then she turned around at Yoon Seo-il's call...'


Of course, the sun was still high in the sky. It wasn't even close to sunset.


But Seo-yeon's performance made it seem as if the sunset was right in front of them, with the moon standing with its back to the light.


"But that line wasn't in the script."


"It was an ad-lib. Very natural, though."


"The emotional delivery differed from what the script asked for. What did you think, Director Gong?"


Gong Jeong-tae's opinion was crucial, as he was the one directing the drama and guiding the performances.


"The acting was excellent... but frankly, a picky director wouldn't like it. Her performance was too subjective."


"True. This is the first time I've seen a child actor do this. Usually, they just follow instructions."


"Yes, indeed. They should."


Interpreting a script in their own way and performing it was something experienced actors usually did. Yet Seo-yeon had done it naturally at such a young age. Was this talent?


"Wait a minute. Could she have followed the original novel?"


Someone brought up the original story.


"Original novel?"


"Come to think of it, [The Sun Hidden by the Moon] is based on a novel."


"In the original, the princess does lash out at Yoon Seo-il, driven by self-pity and anger."


But the drama's script had emphasized a more static and composed character to highlight Yoon Seo-il in this scene.


"If she followed the original, then it wasn't necessarily a wrong interpretation."




Regardless, it was undeniably a good performance. The natural ad-lib and deep emotional portrayal were impressive.


The problem was, it differed from what the script had requested.


"Comparing it to Jo Seo-hee's..."


Everyone called Jo Seo-hee the Princess of Daily Dramas.


A nickname celebrating her talent, destined to become a great actress.


"In terms of acting alone, it's hard to compare."


"Emotional delivery was much stronger. Jo Seo-hee was also excellent, perhaps even better in some aspects."


Jo Seo-hee was the model student, scoring perfect marks.


But Seo-yeon was like a wild horse. Her performance included her own interpretations and natural ad-libs. This could turn into a mess if her partner couldn't match her energy.


Just like how her partner couldn't utter a word earlier.


'Yoon Seo-il's role is easier...'


'Who would've thought the obstacle would be the role of Princess Yeonhwa.'


After some deliberation, the evaluators exchanged glances.


"Let's see the remaining performances before making a decision."


"Yes, no need to rush."


They decided to continue the auditions. The final casting would be decided later. But they all knew who would play Princess Yeonhwa.




'Did I overdo it?'


Seo-yeon couldn't forget the chilly response she received after her performance. Thinking back, she felt a shiver run down her spine.


Had she created a cringeworthy scene to be remembered as a dark past?


If there had been a blanket nearby, she would have kicked it.




As she was leaving the audition hall, Cho Min-taek spoke up.


"I was really impressed with your performance today."




"Honestly, I was worried since it was your first drama. But it seems you're a natural. I genuinely felt like I was seeing Princess Yeonhwa in front of me."


Was this just flattery? His expression seemed sincere.


'Thank goodness.'


She was worried that she might have created an embarrassing memory, but it seemed her performance had been well received.


As Seo-yeon sighed in relief, her mother gripped her hand tightly.


"I was so surprised, too. You know how much I watch historical dramas, right? Compared to the child actors there, your performance was amazing. No, it was even better."




"Absolutely! Our daughter is a genius!"


Sua, perhaps not wanting to speak out in the audition hall, now hugged her daughter tightly.




As Seo-yeon struggled in the embrace, Cho Min-taek calmly continued.


"If I ever get the chance to direct a drama or movie, I'd love for you to play the lead role, Seo-yeon."




"Of course. But by then, you'll probably be such a big star that I won't even be able to approach you."


He laughed softly as he said this.


"No, if I get the chance, I'll definitely do it."


"Really? No backing out later, okay?"


"Of course not. It's a promise."


She raised her fist and extended her thumb, sealing the promise playfully.


"Sometimes, Seo-yeon, you really seem like a boy. Your actions are so bold."




The comment made her flinch. Of course, she seemed like a boy. She was one in her past life. Her behavior had changed, but her mind hadn't.




To Min-taek, this was just a playful promise, but Seo-yeon took it seriously.


'His first project will be The Thief.'


It was an action-packed film, promoted as a thrilling ride by a genius director. If she could land a lead role, she'd be grateful.


Many actors rose to fame through that film.


It was the movie that catapulted Kim Jeong-ha, who was already on a high, to the top.


'But I also need to become a VTuber.'


Boasting about being in a blockbuster movie wouldn't fit her online persona. Claiming to be an extra wouldn't be satisfying, and being the lead would be too revealing.


Avoiding red pills was crucial for a VTuber.


'Well, we'll see.'


She would deal with it when the time came. For now, she was pleased with her performance. It was her own interpretation, unlike in the commercials.


Becoming another person, like a VTuber.


'I hope


 I get the role.'


Although she knew it was unlikely.


Jo Seo-hee's performance was stunning.


Seoyeon had taken a gamble, feeling overwhelmed by Seo-hee's acting.


Sticking to the script wouldn't have won against Seo-hee, so she had taken a risk.


Whether the judges liked it or not was another matter.




A week later, the results of the Taesoomdal auditions were announced.


Through a public making-of video.


  1. Ad-lib acting, also known as improvisation, is a technique used in acting where actors create dialogue or actions on the spot, without prior planning or scripting. ↩
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