I Want to Be a VTuber
Chapter 13 Table of contents

Chapter 13


“Seoyeon, don’t be too nervous. You know that, right? The other actors will help you a lot, so make sure to thank them, okay?”




The first day of filming for [The Sun Hidden by the Moon] had arrived. Despite the hype generated by the making film, time had passed quickly, as if it had all been a dream.


After about a month, there were still people who greeted her, but the number of people asking her questions had significantly decreased.


And today, Seoyeon was on her way to the set for the actual filming. Naturally, she was traveling in her mother Sua’s car.


“Seoyeon, we should find an agency for you, right?”


Sua cautiously brought up the topic while checking her beautifully dressed daughter’s face. Most mothers and child actors would be eager to join an agency. But Seoyeon was different.


[ Please consider joining our GH Entertainment. We will do our utmost to ensure Seoyeon becomes an outstanding actress. Please get in touch. ]


[ Hello, Seoyeon’s mother. We’re from Biendelro, the agency representing actor Kim Myung-chul. As a specialized management company for actors, we excel in nurturing talent. A talented young actress like Seoyeon should start in a good environment… ]


Sua had already received a stack of business cards. Among them were several well-known management companies and agencies. Given Seoyeon’s young age and vast potential as an actor, model, or even an idol, she was receiving numerous love calls.




Sua hesitated. Joining an agency would mean there was no turning back.


‘We’ve come quite far already, though.’


For now, Sua was still Seoyeon’s primary guardian. But if she joined an agency, she would get a manager and start various schedules, including acting lessons.


Especially since Seoyeon had recently become a hot topic, she might soon be prepared for various auditions and variety shows.


“We’ll think about the agency later.”


Seoyeon said this as she slowly opened the car door. They had arrived at the filming location.


‘Joining a company already feels too soon.’


Her past life’s memories of working in a company resurfaced. Joining a company at six years old? Even if she found acting appealing, it felt premature.


Seoyeon needed time to mentally prepare herself. Truly.




As soon as Seoyeon got out of the car at the filming location, she heard the sound of a camera clicking. Turning her head, she saw someone she assumed was a reporter pointing a camera at her.


“Seoyeon, is it true that you got into this audition through Director Park Sun-woong’s recommendation? Why do you think you were chosen over Jo Seo-hee, who is recognized as a talented child actor?”


Seoyeon instinctively took a step back in response to the reporter’s rapid-fire questions. Both she and Sua were momentarily at a loss on how to react. They hadn’t expected a reporter at the set, nor such provocative questions.


“Hey, who are you? Why are you causing trouble on set?!”


Someone shouted as they ran over to them. The reporter, startled, quickly disappeared.


“Geez, what era do they think this is? Just let me catch that guy.”


The man, out of breath from running, was Heo Jeong-su, the camera director for [The Sun Hidden by the Moon.] After looking around to make sure the reporter was gone, he gestured for Seoyeon and Sua to follow him into the set.


Sua asked in a small voice, “Is it okay for me to come in too?”


“Of course. Seoyeon doesn’t even have an agency yet.”


Without an agency or a manager, Sua had to play a supporting role. She was effectively acting as Seoyeon’s manager.


“Reporters don’t usually come to filming sets, so I let my guard down. If I knew his name, I’d make sure he never gets an interview again.”


He clicked his tongue, glancing at Seoyeon.


‘This kid’s got a good head on her shoulders.’


Despite what had just happened, she stood her ground, which was admirable.


‘I hope she keeps this up during filming.’


During the audition, Jeong-su had given his vote to Seoyeon. It was clear Jo Seo-hee was technically more polished.


But Seoyeon had a way of conveying emotions and a surprising physicality for her short acting experience.


‘She’s perfect for Princess Yeon-hwa.’


Jeong-su thought Seoyeon’s ability to convey emotions would be more important for the character than technical precision. Especially considering a scene in the third episode.


However, not everyone on set felt the same way, and Jeong-su worried some might show favoritism.


“Don’t get discouraged if anyone says anything during filming. Just focus on doing your best.”


Jeong-su’s encouragement, though well-meaning, only added to Seoyeon’s pressure.


‘I must be really unpopular.’


If she were just a six-year-old girl, she might have taken it in stride. But with her past life’s memories, she could sense the overall atmosphere.


Actors would naturally favor Jo Seo-hee, the promising, traditional talent. To them, she was just a parachute hire who’d unexpectedly landed the role.


It wasn’t surprising if some held a grudge against her.


“Director Gong! Seoyeon is here!”


As they entered the set, all eyes turned to Seoyeon. Director Gong gave a light nod of acknowledgment. Some staff members reassured her not to be too nervous and greeted her briefly.


‘So that’s her.’


‘The child actor who was a hot topic during the auditions.’


Various emotions flitted across their faces. Curiosity, complex thoughts about the rapidly famous child. These emotions were directed at Seoyeon. Fortunately, there was no outright hostility.


That alone was a relief for Seoyeon.


“Seoyeon, I’ll be watching from the back. Do your best, okay?”


“Yes, Mom.”


First, she needed to change clothes and get her makeup done. As she followed the staff’s instructions, Seoyeon thought about the upcoming shoot.


‘Luckily, Director Gong likes to film in sequence.’


Seoyeon had done her homework on the director. On a set, the director is the king.


And every director has a different style. Some shoot crucial scenes first, others shoot everything at one location. Rarely do they shoot in the order of the script.


Director Gong preferred filming in the order of the script. Though it seemed there were few scene divisions.


‘Well, Princess Yeon-hwa is only expected to appear until the third episode.’


Even this wasn’t certain. If her performance was unstable or problematic, her screen time could be cut.


In her past life, Jo Seo-hee had appeared in only two episodes of [The Sun Hidden by the Moon.] It was a major blow for the so-called daily drama princess.


‘First, let’s say hello.’


What’s the first thing you do on set? Greet everyone.


After preparing for the shoot, Seoyeon went around the set to greet everyone.


‘She should be here today.’


Customarily, one should greet the most senior actor first. Seoyeon headed straight to the actor with the longest career on set today.


Grand Dowager Queen Eun-hye, played by Eun-sun Jeong.


“Hello, I’m Joo Seoyeon!”


With her hands on her belly, she bowed deeply. Most people responded warmly to such a respectful greeting.


“...Nice to meet you.”


But Eun-sun’s response was odd. She seemed slightly displeased.


“Your audition was impressive. Great performance.”


“Ah, thank you! I appreciate the compliment.”




Eun-sun’s eyes scanned Seoyeon up and down. Her expression was hard to read.


Maybe it was because she was an actress.


“...No, I’ll confirm it during the performance.”


She turned away from Seoyeon. Other actors noticed and started watching Eun-sun’s reactions closely.


They seemed to be taking cues from their senior.


‘Is this dangerous?’


Considering the scene they were about to shoot, Eun-sun’s reaction wasn’t a good sign. If a co-star disliked her...


It could make things very difficult.




“Alright, I trust everyone has thoroughly reviewed the script. Today, we’ll be shooting scenes 1 and 2.”


Director Gong clapped his hands, giving a brief rundown to the actors.


In historical dramas, many extras are usually involved, especially in scenes set in the palace, requiring numerous attendants and background actors.


“We’ll start with scene two. Once preparations are done, we’ll begin immediately.”


Actors hurriedly moved to their positions. It made sense to start with the simpler second scene, involving only two actors.


‘Will it be okay?’


‘Ms. Jeong doesn’t seem pleased…’


‘She really favored Jo Seo-hee.’


Supporting actors glanced at Eun-sun, feeling pity for Seoyeon. Getting on the wrong side of a senior actor could make an actor’s life hard.


This was true even for child actors.


“If you’re ready, let’s roll.”


At the director’s signal, the cameras focused on Seoyeon and Eun-sun.


The setting was the Grand Dowager Queen’s quarters. Princess Yeon-hwa, who had sneaked out of the palace, was caught and scolded.


Seoyeon closed her eyes, recalling Yeon-hwa’s character.


‘Princess Yeon-hwa often sneaked out of the palace to mingle with commoners.’


Her meetings with Yun Seoil happened because of this. A straightforward personality.


Her bright character remained unchanged until the end of episode three.


“Alright then... action!”


Director Gong’s shout marked the start. Eun-sun spoke first.


In the serene quarters of the Grand Dowager Queen, her eyes slowly turned to Yeon-hwa.


A simple gaze. But her upright posture and sharp eyes showed her feelings clearly.


「I hear you’ve gone out of the palace again.」


Her voice carried a hint of anger. Despite the simple lines, the weight of a veteran actress’s experience was palpable.


It felt like the real Grand Dowager Queen was there.


「This is the fifth time. As a princess, you should uphold dignity, conduct, and responsibility! Are these things so easily discarded for the joy of wandering outside?」


Not all actors dive deep into their emotions during every performance. Mistakes happen, and laughter can break the mood.


But Eun-sun was different. She was a master of method acting, fully immersed in her character. She never missed a line, her pronunciation was perfect, and her emotions were clear.


For ordinary actors, standing before her felt overwhelming.


‘This is tough.’


Director Gong frowned, watching. As expected, Eun-sun wasn’t giving Seoyeon any leeway.


She was giving her all from the start.


‘That’s how it should be…’


To get the best scenes, actors needed to give their all.


But this was Seoyeon’s first drama shoot. Especially since she excelled in emotional acting like Eun-sun.


Naturally, the pressure on her was immense. Everyone watched, wondering how Seoyeon would perform.


Would she be able to act properly? Could she even remember her lines?


First-timers with Eun-sun often forgot their lines under her intense presence.


「I simply wanted to observe the lives of the common people up close.」


But their worries were unfounded. Princess Yeon-hwa’s innocent words flowed smoothly from Seoyeon’s lips. Her eyes showed clear fear.


But it was fear directed at the Grand Dowager Queen, not the actress Eun-sun. 


「I understand your concern, Grand Dowager Queen. But I am your grandchild, a member of the royal family and a princess. A fine princess must see the world beyond these narrow palace walls.」


It was the spirited, somewhat cheeky portrayal of the eight-year-old Princess Yeon-hwa, fitting for the character. There was no sign of intimidation in her performance, even in front of Eun-sun.


Seoyeon’s performance was as if she were affirming her right to the role.


‘She didn’t miss a single line.’


Not only was her performance remarkable, but her lines were flawless. Dialogue was a challenge for child actors, especially in historical dramas with complex language.


But Seoyeon delivered her lines without a single mistake, her pronunciation clear.


By the time the first scene ended, everyone was impressed.




The staff silently applauded. Other actors were visibly impressed.


‘Even Ms. Jeong should acknowledge this…’


No matter how much Eun-sun favored Jo Seo-hee, she couldn’t deny Seoyeon’s talent. Or so they thought.




But to their surprise, Eun-sun’s expression was one of slight dissatisfaction as she looked at Seoyeon. Was she unhappy with the performance? No, that couldn’t be. Seoyeon’s performance was stellar.


She might have found the lack of grand gestures unsatisfactory, but even then, Seoyeon had outperformed Jo Seo-hee.


“Seoyeon, right?”


After a brief pause, Eun-sun spoke.


“There’s no emotion in your acting.”


Her unexpected words sent a chill through the set.


“You’re not acting with genuine feelings.” 

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