From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 200 Table of contents

The battlefield stretched out before them, a vast expanse of blood-soaked soil and billowing smog. Five knights, each a paragon of their respective factions, rode forth to meet their destiny. Heaven and hell themselves seemed to hold their breath as they prepared for the battle of a lifetime.

The knights, resplendent in their gleaming silver armor, soared through the winds to meet their mighty rivals. The princesses clung to their backs, each with different colored gems perched on their crowns.

A thunderous roar came from their lips as their hunking figures collided with each other, none wanting to lose in the battle of strength. The clash of bodies and their heavy footsteps filled the air as the five knights and princesses fought valiantly against their enemies' forces.

Dodging and weaving, they displayed their unique strengths in combat.

And beside them were noble gentlemen screaming for their bets.

"June, you're so pretty!" Akira screamed before laughing alongside his teammates.

The other knights and princesses also burst into laughter after Akira made his comment.

Pretty? Not cute?

What a joke.

June shook his head and ignored their laughter, focusing on his objective.

"Casper," he patted the trainee's back. "Let's target C-Jay and Jisung."

"Got it," Casper said. "But don't you want to remove your beanie so the crown has more grip?"

"Don't speak. Just do it," June urged, holding onto his crown while Casper raced toward Jisung.

Jisung and C-Jay had their backs turned, busy fighting with Zeth and Jaxon. June took that as an opportunity to attack behind their backs and capture the crown from Jisung's head.

The whistle blew, and Mimi's voice was heard in the field. "C-Jay and Jisung, out!"

Their teammates all exclaimed in disappointment while June's team rejoiced. June smirked to himself as he threw the crown to the side, facing yet another opponent. With four teams left,

Zeth faced Lin Zhi. Casper and June, on the other hand, faced Sehun and Leo.

"Bring it on," Leo smirked, coaxing June to take his crown.

June silently scoffed as he looked into Leo's confident eyes. This body must have lost its strength, but his speed and instincts were still impeccable.

Sehun and Leo didn't know what hit them. For a second, they stood before the pair. However, the next second, Leo's crown was already off his head.

Leo's eyes widened in shock. "What the heck? How did that happen?"

June smirked as he twirled the crown in his finger before tossing it to the side.

"Sehun and Leo, out!"

"Lin Zhi and Steel, out!"

With only two teams left, the tension only seemed to increase.

"Zeth and Casper are, indeed, true rivals. How can they be the top 2 even during events like this?"

"Who are you guys rooting for?"

"Jaxon and Zeth seem stronger."

"No," Akira shook his head as he gazed at June, who looked more determined than ever.

His competitive side was finally showing through.

June didn't like playing games, but when he did…he could be very competitive.

"The real star of the game is June," he said, pointing toward his way. The others turned their gazes to June, and he was truly on fire. They had never seen June so determined before!

It actually took a princess game for him to finally show his competitive side.

The two pairs circled each other, their eyes locked in an unrelenting gaze. It seemed like sparks flew between their gazes, and the ground beneath them trembled with every attempted attack.

For a time, the two teams appeared evenly matched. June's swift strikes danced around Jaxon's heavy swings, and Zeth withstood Casper's strong pushes. The onlookers watched in breathless anticipation as the two battled with an intensity like titans trying to eat people.

But then, as the dust settled and the sun rose even higher, the tide of the battle began to turn. June, with his fluid and precise movements, found an opening in Jaxon's defenses. With a lightning-fast strike, he sent Jaxon's crown flying through the air.

The crown seemed to fly in slow motion, with each trainee following its trajectory. Then, it fell to the ground, along with the sound of the whistle.

"The game has ended. Congratulations to Casper and June! Your team has officially won 10 points."


However, the rest of the games weren't an easy feat.

The production team was determined to squeeze the trainees' energy to their very core with the games they had prepared.

For starters, the second game was 'Tug of War.'

Just a classic, fun game of 'Tug of War.'

Wrong! They had to drench their hands in oil before the competition, leading to a slippery mess. In the end, Zeth's team won first place, while June's merely landed third place.

The third game, however, was to June's advantage. It was a baton racing game, but they had to wear scuba flippers while running. Again, it was a ridiculous game, but June's team managed to win in the end.

His teammates cheered as June dashed through the last lap.

"Damn, he's on fire," Jangmoon said. "He's so fucking fast."

"Were you a cheetah in your past life?" Jangmoon joked while June tried to catch his breath.

June then focused his gaze on the field, his eyes narrowing when he saw Zeth getting closer to the finish line.

"Zeth's team comes second!" Kiera announced.

The other teams quickly followed, but they already didn't have the chance of winning the prizes and the privilege to choose the genres of their song.

As June watched Zeth's team rejoice, he heaved a sigh.

"It's a tie," he muttered, tallying the points they acquired in his mind. Indeed, the two of them acquired 26 points each.

"Oh my," Mimi exclaimed as she looked at the current results. "It seems like we have a tie!"

The production crew, of course, was prepared for any kind of circumstances. They handed Kiera a cue card, and the beautiful idol quickly announced it to the trainees.

"Since we only have room for one winner, we have decided to conduct a tie-breaker!"'

Jangmoon and Daeho groaned in annoyance.

"Ugh," Jangmoon complained. "I'm hungry…and tired! Why couldn't we have just won?"

Ren, on the other hand, just sighed heavily. He had been quiet for most of the time they had played, but he still did participate in the games.

"And since we've established your speed, strength, and strategy, let us now test your aim! The tie-breaker game will involve...darts! Pick a trainee from your team, and the one closest to the bullseye wins the Field Day!" Mimi excitedly announced.

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