I Became the Academy’s Pink Airhead
Chapter 39 Table of contents

After completing the final discharge procedures, we exited the temporary hospital and walked down the street.

'It’s incredibly busy… so much construction going on.'

The path to the airship dock where Eir was waiting was bustling with activity. The northern slum streets of <Scarlet Academy> were abuzz with students and construction projects.

Thud, thud, thud

The uneven plank buildings of the slum, which protruded like a giant's jagged teeth, were being demolished. In their place, new, clean-looking structures were rapidly being erected, like fresh teeth growing in straight rows.

‘It seems <Mimir Industrial High School> has decided to offer their support after all…’

Tall female students were carrying huge construction materials and equipment with ease throughout the streets. Alongside them, large dwarf construction workers were swiftly progressing with the building.

Amid the newly completed impressive buildings, external merchants were flocking in. Under the protection of <Gjallarhorn>, numerous students from external schools had also come to assist with construction and development.

I marveled at the vibrant streets of <Scarlet Academy>, teeming with energetic students.

"While I was asleep… so many buildings have been erected―♪ And this is technically a slum, but there are so many regular students around―☆ It’s almost like a festival!"

Albit, who had been effectively fulfilling her role as student council president during my sleep, casually responded to my remark. She had made numerous friends among the students of <Scarlet Academy> during that time.

"According to Eir-senpai… this incident has significantly lessened the unconditional hostility towards the central areas within <Scarlet Academy>. Thanks to that, <Gjallarhorn>'s activities have been tacitly acknowledged in the north, attracting many students from other schools. Honestly, most <Scarlet Academy> students just needed an excuse to let loose…"

Kara added with a wry smile.

"If they’re going to let loose, it’s better to target a common enemy like <Ratatosk> rather than opposing students from the same academy city. It’s not a bad change."

"The <United Student Council> is also keen to maintain this atmosphere, welcoming the fact that the central-seeking radicals have calmed down."

"This atmosphere is only possible because it’s under the guise of <Central Prism Academy>'s support during this crisis… If we miss this moment, the opportunity for further interaction with <Scarlet Academy> might not come again."

"Eir-senpai also doesn’t seem to view this atmosphere negatively… She even mentioned she has something to verify in the central region someday."

Kara nodded in agreement.

<Scarlet Academy>, <Mimir Industrial High School>, <United Student Council>

These three factions, which would have ended in simple contractual or hostile relationships under normal circumstances, surprisingly found a chance to unite through the series of incidents caused by <Ratatosk>.

‘Moreover, <Mimir Industrial High School> had been preparing to draw in <Scarlet Academy> to counter the Eastern Alliance…’

The interesting conversation seemed to draw in Rota, who had been walking at a distance, covering her cat ears with both hands.

"Given the location in the north, they need a potential ally like <Scarlet Academy> to back them against the Eastern Alliance."

"The northern <Scarlet Academy> is strategically positioned to strike at the back of <Public Bana Boarding School>."

"The kidnapping incidents and the chaos in the northeast could also be redirected to the northern redevelopment."

After a while, Albit, who had been exchanging words with her peers, turned to me with an apologetic expression.

"Well… Clara-senpai, you probably expected this much, right? I’ve been talking too much."

"Indeed, our senpai is no mere ordinary person."

"…Except for the weird hand movements on my ears."

Albit looked at me with a sheepish grin. Her eyes held boundless faith and respect, as if she trusted that I had seen through all of this. Even Rota and Kara seemed to harbor similar feelings.


I was curious about the source of this belief.

How much had my honor points risen from a single fight? It was reminiscent of Liu Bei’s posthumous reverence for Zhuge Liang by his son Liu Shan.

I feared the tremendous rise in my favorability.

‘Now, even if I act like Clara, they might just pamper and spoil me… How high has my honor gone up? They weren’t characters who simply respected someone strong…’

But responding to expectations was a senior’s duty. I met their gaze and gently smiled, befitting a frail beauty (1☆ free distribution skin).

"…Huhu☆ Albit, you seem to have worked hard as the student council president." "Not nearly as much as you, senpai." "No―☆ I’m proud of you♪ To think you can already support everyone so reliably―☆" "I wanted to become someone who could protect everyone." "That’s the most special resolve of all♪"

I approached Albit and patted her head.

Good job. Good job. You did well, my dear.

Her short brown hair slipped gently through my bandaged fingers. Her hair, always kept clean and neat, even during her exhausting days, felt smooth. I was proud of my junior who had taken on responsibility as the student council president.

Though our paths to awakening differed, I admired Albit, who had awakened to her responsibilities as the student council president.

‘Yes, you can’t abandon the role of <Central Prism Academy> student council president. Keep working hard.’

Albit smiled with a sense of accomplishment as I praised her. It was a look of genuine respect for a senior, unimaginable before.

"Hehe… Thank you." "Yes~☆ Albit, you’ve worked so hard~ You did well, you did well―☆" "Because of you, senpai… I could stay strong…"

Albit’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at my hand.

The crimson bruises and scars were covered with bandages wrapped up to my elbows. The faint scent of antiseptic and the rough texture of the bandages created a stark contrast. The skin visible between the bandages was ghostly pale.

Kara and Rota also gazed at my bandaged hand with similar expressions.

"Senpai…" "Senpai…"

‘Ah… they’re upset about the injuries. It’ll heal soon anyway.’

I continued to stroke Albit’s hair, organizing my thoughts.


Honestly, the intricate power dynamics of the academy city were hard to grasp at the moment. Even viewing it from Clara’s perspective, there was a disconnect from the original knowledge I had as a player.

‘<Scarlet Academy> was a powerful faction that properly emerged in the later stages of the story, and Eir was a key character holding important secrets about the World Tree.’

When the [Priest of Corruption] targeted <Scarlet Academy> and Eir precisely, I felt a sinking feeling.

‘…That’s why I fought so desperately.’

In the later stages of the story, the closed community of the northern <Scarlet Academy> continued their battles. Seeing them open their doors to the outside world and embrace the current openness felt strange.

Even <Ratatosk> deviating a million light-years from the original flow… In my current state, apart from combat and my relationships with some third-years, I wasn’t very useful.

‘I need to train again to match my new weapon proficiency… Plus, I need to regain my ether recovery buffs, which means stirring up the beastmen’s territory…’

There was a lot to do. Nevertheless. If events similar to the original storyline occurred, I had to respond.

Unlike Urd, who irresponsibly said, ‘I don’t know, I don’t know―☆’, I had to gather detailed information back at <Central Prism Academy>.

And. And…


Also… I had a feeling there was something else I had to do.

Hah… What was it…

Trying to cover everything with a grand view, like Zhuge Liang’s level of state power, sometimes left me with moments where I almost remembered something.

Even managing a school of just four students had so much to handle, how did Zhuge Liang manage Shu?

‘That’s why he died early from overwork.’

Anyway… Ah, my thoughts wandered again.

‘I feel like there was something else I needed to do soon.’

As I continued to stroke Albit’s hair, I tried to recall.

Brush, brush…

Albit looked at me cautiously and spoke.

"…Senpai?" "Are you in pain? Should I support you? Those… ears…! Not today, but you can touch them again tomorrow!" "She just wants skinship, doesn’t she…?" "No, she doesn’t――!!! What are you saying――!!!"


Rota hissed at Kara, who didn’t care and spoke to me.

"Tell me if you’re not feeling well. I’ll carry you. I’m confident in my strength, though not as much as [Pink Spiral]…" "Uh… that’s not it…☆"

My juniors, concerned, approached as I suddenly stopped and repeated the same action. They cautiously held my bandaged hands and supported me.

‘I can stand on my own… Ah… I remember.’

Maya. <Mimir Industrial High School>. And the ether conduction ore I left with her.

‘Oh right, I asked Maya to make weapons for them to use until they could handle legendary ones.’

I clapped my hands and exclaimed.

"I remember―☆" "Yes?" "Yeah?" "What do you mean?" "It’s a secret―☆" "…" "…" "…"

My juniors fell silent at my whimsical Clara behavior, then burst into laughter.

"Well, this side of senpai is better." "Just don’t get hurt~ senpai!!" "I never thought I’d miss this behavior."

Kara and Albit held my arms and supported me on either side. Rota, behind, pushed my back with her small hands.

‘Why are they so devoted…?’

Feeling a bit embarrassed by this position, I tried a feeble protest.

"Hey―☆ I can walk on my own♪" "Yes, yes." "Just keep walking like this."

Ignoring me, Albit and Kara continued to support me.

Rota, still pushing my back with her small hands, spoke.

"Repeat after me, senpai! Hoist, hoist. Walk, go Clara~" "…Hoist☆ Hoist, hoist♪ Walk, go Clara―♡" "Rota, what are you doing?" "My sister did this when I was sick." "Oh."

Kara almost made an awkward comment but quickly covered her mouth. Albit chuckled quietly, watching the scene.

So, the four of us walked together through the bustling streets to the dock.

It looked like a widened helipad from my previous life, with a familiar airship waiting, making engine sounds as it stood ready.

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